Which sentence uses humor in the excerpt in “interview with president Lincoln”


Answer 1


You hain't gut a orfiss I'd take under no circumstances

The humor above is used to mention that Mr. Lincoln, made lot of mistakes.

Happy learning!


Related Questions

12. When you write a historical essay, which step should complete first?
Determine which point of view you will use in your essay.
Read other historical essays, to use as guides for structure.
Select the organizational pattern most appropriate for the draft.
Gather factual details from primary and/or secondary sources.







Gather factual details from primary and/or secondary sources.



Read this passage from chapter 5 of The Prince.

But when cities or countries are accustomed to live under a prince, and his family is exterminated, they, being on the one hand accustomed to obey and on the other hand not having the old prince, cannot agree in making one from amongst themselves, and they do not know how to govern themselves. For this reason they are very slow to take up arms, and a prince can gain them to himself and secure them much more easily. But in republics there is more vitality, greater hatred, and more desire for vengeance, which will never permit them to allow the memory of their former liberty to rest; so that the safest way is to destroy them or to reside there.

How does Machiavelli work to achieve his primary purpose to convince readers that a prince must ruin a conquered republic or live there? Select two options.

A. He lists the types of territories a prince might conquer.

B. He describes the role of a ruling family in a principality.

C. He explains the roots of rebellion in conquered republics.

D. He identifies the characteristics of government in a republic.

E. He contrasts the characteristics of principalities and republics.



C and D is the answer OK

hope it is helpful



[tex] \huge\fbox\pink{A}\fbox\blue{n}\fbox\purple{s}\fbox\green{w}\fbox\red{e}\fbox\orange{r}[/tex]

My craziest experience in a shopping mall when I was about five 7 years old and my mom took me to mall. First my mom told me to stay in that little play house area and she went for shopping. And I did. After a while I started to get bored and went out of the area i remembered that i went into a toy store. Over there a guy asked me did you have your mommy and i just stood there and walked in and started throwing toys on to the ground and he came and said, "Go get your mom and then come here." So i went out of the store and tried to find my way back all the way to the play area but i couldn't. Eventually I did and my mom wasn't there and i started to cry and then these people came and asked me are you lost and i said yes. And they asked me for my mother's name. They said her name twice and after five minutes she came. I never got lost again.




My craziest experience at a shopping mall. Hmmm… well I have been to the mall a lot. The only times I can remember thanking God that we were going to leave soon was when each of my parents were embarrassing me. Not my sister, me. Nobody can understand my choice of style. I’m an out there kind of person, so having clothing that shares that personality, kind of works for me. Anyways, the first story was when my fashion style was starting out, and it was when my sister was really into Hot Topic and I had never went there before. The first time I went into the store, I think my mom almost died. She definitely didn’t like metal chains, black clothes, and all that. At that time, never did I. We were both judgemental about it, but now we’re fine with it. My dad still needs a little more work, but he’ll get there, maybe.

My craziest experience at a shopping mall. Hmmm… well I have been to the mall a lot. The only times I can remember thanking God that we were going to leave soon was when each of my parents were embarrassing me. Not my sister, me. Nobody can understand my choice of style. I’m an out there kind of person, so having clothing that shares that personality, kind of works for me. Anyways, the first story was when my fashion style was starting out, and it was when my sister was really into Hot Topic and I had never went there before. The first time I went into the store, I think my mom almost died. She definitely didn’t like metal chains, black clothes, and all that. At that time, never did I. We were both judgemental about it, but now we’re fine with it. My dad still needs a little more work, but he’ll get there, maybe.The other story is about when my parents were trying to deal with both of us. I have my favorite stores, Emily has her’s. However, Emily has changed over the last two years in favorite stores. The smelly stores like Hollister and Aero, are no longer a demand to visit anymore. We were in Jounrey’s and my mom and sister were looking at shoes. I was at the front of the store, it’s a shoe store, it will only depress me if I spend too much time in there. When I was in there, looking around, I found the Converse and my dad starts talking to the guy who worked there about how these were the shoes of the 80s and all that. It was so embarrassing! It was really awkward, and luckily enough I wasn’t the only one who thought that either. Thank god.

In this excerpt from Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, it is the ___ that helps us to identify the theme of friendship and loyalty





Twain's The adventure of Huckleberry Finn is the excerpt which is about loyalty and friendship between two persons. The subject of the excerpt helps the readers to identify the theme. The subject helps audience to understand the theme of friendship and loyalty.

Which term refers to sentence structure?






Syntax is the grammatical structure of words.

Have a nice day.

Help me please someone !!!!?


These questions are super easy you just have to look back at the passage and read it slow

Write an application to the Principal of your school, asking for three days leave as you are going to visit your grandparents who are out of the state and not feeling well.​




the principle sir date..

schools name......

subject.asking for three days leave

respected class teacher..

today i couldn't attend the class cause i m going to visit my grandparents who are out of the state and not feeling well.so i m writing this letter asking for three days leave.i promise i will complete all the assainment in time...

your obietent stutent


Which claim do both passages support?



ur answer would be Economic demand for sugar was the most important factor in ending servitude and serfdom worldwide.


You are a character from 'An inspector calls' and are convincing the police that you got nothing to do with Eva's death. (IT NEEDS TO BE A SPEECH ABOUT 2 PAGES AND PREFERABLE, THE CHARACTER TO BE GERALD)



Select the correct text in the passage.

In the following fable by Aesop, which sentence shows that the Country Mouse is generous?

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

Now you must know that a Town Mouse once upon a time went on a visit to his cousin in the country. He was rough and ready, this cousin, but he loved his town friend and made him heartily welcome. Beans and bacon, cheese and bread, were all he had to offer, but he offered them freely. The Town Mouse rather turned up his long nose at this country fare, and said: "I cannot understand, Cousin, how you can put up with such poor food as this, but of course you cannot expect anything better in the country; come you with me and I will show you how to live. When you have been in town a week you will wonder how you could ever have stood a country life." No sooner said than done: the two mice set off for the town and arrived at the Town Mouse's residence late at night. "You will want some refreshment after our long journey," said the polite Town Mouse, and took his friend into the grand dining-room. There they found the remains of a fine feast, and soon the two mice were eating up jellies and cakes and all that was nice. Suddenly they heard growling and barking. "What is that?" said the Country Mouse. "It is only the dogs of the house," answered the other. "Only!" said the Country Mouse. "I do not like that music at my dinner." Just at that moment the door flew open, in came two huge mastiffs, and the two mice had to scamper down and run off. "Good-bye, Cousin," said the Country Mouse, "What! going so soon?" said the other. "Yes," he replied; "Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear."


would you rather get the girl of your dream or guy or would you want 100 million$



I would rather have 100 million dollars.


Getting my dream crush would be cool but what if they cheat and all.

Plus, with the 100 million, you could try to buy them if they are golddiggers lol.


I prefer to get $100,000,000

Guided Practice

Type your answer and then click or tap Done.

Identify the capitalization error in the sentence. Type the word with the correct capitalization in the box below.

many of the old ways had been handed down from mother to daughter, father to son.
Fill in the blank text field 1



Many of the old ways had been handed down from mother to daughter, father to son.


Many of the old way had been handed down from mother to daughter, father to son.

What traits have people used to unfairly judge your character? Check any that apply.

where I live
where I shop
what I wear
the color or style of m
y hair
the technology I own
the technology I do not own



they unfairly judge us in these all options. so, we have to be successful in life and show them our hardwork.

I hope this will help you


all of them are correct, there is no wrong answer


right on edge 23'

Pegasus, the Winged Horse 1. Who does Eurynome tell Bellerophon his true father is? ​



His true father is Poseidon.

Read the passage from "The Lady, or the Tiger."
In the context of the allegory, what does the king's
behavior most likely represent?
O the abuse of power
In the very olden time there lived a semi-barbaric king,
whose ideas, though somewhat polished and sharpened
by the progressiveness of distant Latin neighbors, were
still large, florid, and untrammeled, as became the half of
him which was barbaric. He was a man of exuberant
fancy, and, withal, of an authority so irresistible that, at
his will, he turned his varied fancies into facts.
O the power of great ideas
O the consequence of choice
O the uncertainty of love


the abuse of power is the answer :) hope this helped


abuse of power


edge 2021

Read the following sentence from “The Gift if the Magi” by O. Henry. What is the meaning of the word sterling?

Many a happy hour she had spent planning for something nice for him. Something fine and rare and sterling—something just a little bit near to being worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim.

of great value
of poor quality



Sterling means of great value.


First of all, it seems that answer choice A, C, and D are similar, leaving B the outlier. If you picked A, C and D would be viable answers as well. The same thing applies if you picked C or D.

Another way you could have figured this out is with the context in the sentence. She wanted to give Jim something fine and rare, which are synonyms for of great value.

write a letter to your friend telling him three ways ​



Dear friend  oshin  ,

I hope you are well by the grace of the Almighty. I am well too. Please convey my regards to your parents. It’s been long since I received your last letter. So I have thought of writing this letter.

I am writing this letter to share with you how I spend my daily life. My daily lifestyle is very simple. But it is balanced, in my view. I get up very early in the morning and sip some tea. Then I go out for morning walk. After returning, I go out for tuition in Maths. When I get home, I sit down for some studies until 8:30 am. Then I take bath and go for school. After the school is over, I take lunch and go out for playing. At about 6 pm I sit for studying and continue till 9 pm. Then I watch TV and have meal. After that I study a little more and go to bed. This is my daily life. I hope you shall share yours too.



How does Higgins respond when Liza tries to stand up to him?
He bullies her.
He sulks.
He is proud of her.
He withdraws his offer.



He withdraws his answer.


She stood up to him so he revoked his offer and had her taken away.

The wicked woman will forget the children soon. Chane to passive voice



The children will be forgotten by the wicked woman soon


the children will be forgotten by the wicked woman soon  

write a letter of invitation to your neighbouring school inviting her to your society week​



In order to: (neighbor school here)

Sub: A letter of invitation to your school's pupils to participate

(Enter the title of the event here)

Dear Sir/Madam


Our heritage serves as a link to the past, and as such, it is our primary responsibility to educate the next generation about the rich and significant legacy that must be preserved. In keeping with the year's subject of heritage, the school intends to organize 'The annual Social Event' on (date) on the school grounds. The festival seeks to inspire young learners to 'Explore, Learn, Protect, and Respect' our country's unique culture and heritage.

With pleasure, I offer an invitation to your kids to participate in the next event. The event's information has been included.

We appreciate your cooperation thus far and look forward to your active involvement in the event.



Change words to your personality


Which one is the answer thank you





A hyperbole is and exaggerated statement. A hyperbole isn't meant to be taken literally.

"I am freezing to death", just means I am very cold. Not like they are literally freezing to death.


I am freezing to death is a Hyperbole! :D


A hyperbole is when something is exaggerated, the person isn't ACTUALLY freezing to death! They are just saying they are very cold!


How much time do you spend .....TV every day ?
A watch
B to watch
C watching
D in watching



C. watching


How much time do you spend watching TV everyday?

The answer is
C. Watching

How does Shakespeare use the motif of the morning?



How does Shakespeare use the motif of morning? to show the certainty of fate. to demonstrate growth and maturity. to highlight the beauty of life

Look at this excerpt from a manual for SunFun Inc. Why does the manual include a sublist under the first step? to highlight that most shoppers do not have a specific plan to show that employees should help set up dressing rooms to highlight that each shopper is looking for a specific item to show that employees have different options in responding



To highlight that most shoppers do not have a specific plan.


Have a good day :)

A town is considering adding bike lanes to the main street. Sort the reasons by whether they support or oppose adding bike lanes.


Answer: Supporting bike lanes

• encourage healthy lifestyle

• lead to cleaner air

• increase biking safety

Oppose bike lanes

• decrease public parking

• raise taxes

• make roads more narrow


Your question isn't complete. The reasons for supporting bike lanes include:

• encourage healthy lifestyle

• lead to cleaner air

• increase biking safety

The reasons for opposing bike lanes include:

• decrease public parking

• raise taxes

• make roads more narrow

Writers who are careful about the words they choose often write more effective essays than those who are not.

Is this true or false?





Because if u are careful about the words u choose, u know how to write the essay effectively

Select the best answer to describe this group of words.
Stop talking so loudly.
1.) fragment with no predicate
2.) simple sentence with an understood subject
3.) fragment with no subject
4.) compound sentence with an understood subject



3. Fragment with no subject




presantation about dairy of the wimpy


Answer: talk about them eating the cheese on the floor at school that has been there for ever.



Reread the excerpt below, taken from the transcript of the news story “Rider-Sharing: Byrd Flies Too Close to the Sun.”

The picture [of Byrd] measuring at least 30 square inches should be set in a gold frame and placed on a marble podium at a height of no less than 3 feet. Twenty doves in five brass cages should adorn the centerpiece, which should be loaded with long-stem roses that have been spray-painted gold,” the rider details. It then went on to demand the specific floor placement of “a minimum of twelve organic vanilla-scented candles.

Which change to this passage would MOST make it seem like a parody?changing

a. “30 square inches” to “100 square inches”
b. changing “marble podium” to “chocolate fountain”
c. changing “spray-painted gold” to “dipped in melted gold”
d. changing “doves” to “fairies”



according to me option d fits better.

you can go ahead.


changing doves to fairies


I got it right on my quiz

Select the correct answer.
In this line from Walt Whitman's poem "Song of Myself," what is the meaning of the word steeps?

Of the moon that descends the steeps of the soughing twilight,




Surroundings" is the one word that is the meaning of the word steeps. The correct answer is Surroundings.

The corrects answer is C

Why is the following sentence a compound-complex sentence?

I can't believe that the school year is almost over, and I have so much to get finished, but I know that everything always gets done.

1.)It has at least two independent clauses.
2.)It has one independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses.
3.)It is not compound-complex.
4.)It has at least one subject and one predicate.
5.)It has two or more independent clauses and one or more subordinate clauses.



the answer is number 5

5) it has two or more...

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