Which statement is not a good tip for note-taking while reading?
O A. Highlight key words, definitions, people, and places.
B. Focus on the author's main points.
O C. Write notes or questions on the edge of the page.
D. Underline the entire reading as you go along.


Answer 1


D.Under line the entire reading as you go along

Answer 2


in my opinion it could be D.

Related Questions

2.4. State which conditional is used in each of the following sentences. a) Lea will go to NUST next year, if she meets the requirements first Com b) If you freeze water, it becomes solid. Zero conditionals c) If I get $1 million in my life, I will marry the most beautiful woman in the univers d) Had I studied this course ten years ago, I would have become a lecturer. The e) If I hadn't withdrawn from the gang, I would also be in prison now. mike condition als​



a) Lea will go to NUST next year if she meets the requirements. First conditional.

b) If you freeze water, it becomes solid. Zero conditional.

c) If I get $1 million in my life, I will marry the most beautiful woman in the universe. First conditional.

d) Had I studied this course ten years ago, I would have become a lecturer. Third conditional.

e) If I hadn't withdrawn from the gang, I would also be in prison now. Second Conditional


There are four types of conditionals, each of them expresses different situations.

Zero conditional: we use it to talk about things that are always true. like sentence B, "If you freeze water, it becomes solid." To use the zero conditional, we use the If + clause in present simple,+ clause in present simple.First conditional: we use it to talk about things that may happen in the future or hypothetical situations. Sentence A, "Lea will go to NUST next year if she meets the requirements." uses the first conditional to talk about an event that is likely to happen in the future. Sentence c, "If I get $1 million in my life, I will marry the most beautiful woman in the universe." use this conditional to talk about a hypothetical situation. To write a sentence, we first use the If + clause in the present simple,+ will + clause with the verb in the infinitive. Also, we can write the if + clause at the end. In this case, we do not add a comma after the will + infinitive.Second conditional: we use this conditional to talk about an imaginary or hypothetical situation in the present or future. It is present in sentence E "If I hadn't withdrawn from the gang, I would also be in prison now.". To use it, we have to write the if + clause in past simple, + would + clause in the infinitive.Third conditional: we use this conditional to talk about something that we wish we had done in the past and its hypothetical outcome. It is present in sentence D "Had I studied this course ten years ago, I would have become a lecturer." We can see that the person is expressing a hypothetical situation in the past and how things would be. To use the third conditional, we write the if + clause in the past perfect, + would have + clause in the infinitive. In sentence D, instead of using if, there is an inversion of the auxiliary and the subject.

"Mom took the cookies out of the oven and placed them on the counter to cool." Based on the context of this

sentence, what does "cool" mean?

A. An adjective meaning slightly cold

An adjective meaning interesting or exciting

A verb meaning to become less hot

An adjective meaning relaxed



A verb meaning to become less hot!


True or False? The narrator of the story is the one who kills the old man?





To rid him of the "Evil eye"




I am pretty sure it is B.  

Please mark brainliest if correct.

In the sentence A modifier is placed correctly.

Does the government get its power from people, or do people get their power from the government


That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

somebody........ my keys


I think ( has stolen)

somebody has stolen my keys

What were the 7 commandment in animal farm?



"Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.

Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.

No animal shall wear clothes.

No animal shall sleep in a bed.

No animal shall drink alcohol.

No animal shall kill any other animal.

All animals are equal."

Credits to bookrags

I ____ a car next year.
A. buy B. am buying C. going to buy D. bought


b. am buying

because the statement says “i ____ a car next year. so the answer is “i am”

Negotiations _________ the artist and the overseas producer broke off over the issue of the penalties levied for copyright infringement.

Select one:
A. between
B. from
C. among
D. in



Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.
it’s either A or C . but i think it’s A

What is a summary?

(They want me to add 20 letters too ask my question)



hey i think its answer would be last option .

hello all frnds


I think a retailling of the most important events in a text selection.


A summary is a brief statement or restatement of main points, especially as a conclusion to a work: a summary of a chapter. A brief is a detailed outline, by heads and subheads, of a discourse (usually legal) to be completed: a brief for an argument.

complete the gaps using either the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in the bracket.? 1, we___(just, read) the book. New we can watch the film. 2, she___(buy) her car when she was working in business company. 3,None of my family members___(ever, visit) another country befor. 4,I first__(meet) my best firend three year ago.​



1, we__read_(just, read) the book. New we can watch the film.

2, she_bought__(buy) her car when she was working in a business company.

3, None of my family members_visited__(ever, visit) another country before.

4, I first_met_(meet) my best friend three years ago.​

Hope this helps

Can someone help me please



18. G

19. D

20. G


what did nehruji send indira priyafarshini for her birthdaywhat did Nehru ji send Indira Priyadarshini for her birthday ​



What did Nehruji send Indira Priyafarshini for her birthday?

what is jin wangs external conflict in American Born Chinese



Jin Wang’s internal conflict is derived from his inability to accept his identity as an Asian American in a majority white society. He wants to be accepted by his white peers, but at the same time, his desire for friends doesn’t include the other Asian students at his school. While the other Asian student Wei Chen wants to be friends with Jin, Jin doesn’t want to be associated with other Asians, as if separating himself from them would make his ethnicity less obvious.


Read this sentence from Abraham Lincoln's letter to a citizen of Kentucky:

...yet often a limb must be amputated to save a life, but a life is never wisely given to save a limb

Which of the following best describes the effect of this metaphor? (4 points)

It suggests a difficult decision with a painful outcome.

It suggests a life-saving treatment that comes too late.

It suggests a loss of functioning parts of a whole.

It suggests a process of curing that ultimately fails.




Based on the given sentence from

Abraham Lincoln's letter to a citizen of

Kentucky, the one that best describes

the effect of this metaphor is that,

it suggests a difficult decision with a

painful outcome. The answer for this

would be the first option.

It suggests a difficult decision with a painful outcome.

Explanation: He was letting the citizen of kentucky know that making some decisions can be very hard cause so much pain.

What is the authors purpose


Answer B is what I would choose!

PLZ HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!Which of the following sentences is written in active voice?
A. The virus was removed.
B. The buffalo was attacked by lions.
C. Larry saw a fox in our backyard.
D. The car was crushed by a falling tree.



Larry saw a fox in our backyard


C.. Larry saw a fox in our backyard.

Question 1. _______ raiding for camels was a significant part of Bedouin life has been documented in Wilfed Thesiger’s Arabian Sands.



The raiding for camels was a significant part of Bedouin life has been documented in wilfed3 thesiger's Arabian sands.

I. - Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in
a. We will pass (pass) the examination if we study hard.
b. If you______________________ (go) to see this film, you will
have a good time.
c. If he _______________________ (play) sport, he will live longer.
d. She _______________________ (not be) an architect if she
doesn’t go to university.
e. They ________________________ (ring) us if we give them our phone number.
f. If we ________________________ (not solve) the problem, we won’t get the prize.



a. pass

b. go

c. plays

d. will not be

e. will ring

f. do not solve


writing diary about my first flight​



I was 7 years old, it was Saturday night and I could not sleep because next day it was my first travel in Airplane. We were travelling to Montenegro for vacations. I was imagining how my journey will be and night passed keeping me awake and i just slept for an hour or two. I wake up in the morning at 7.00 a.m and was really excited. I rushed to the breakfast table to quickly have my breakfast and then went in my room to check my luggage and ensure nothing important has left.


It was time to leave for the airport and there was drizzling while way to airport. When we checked in and boarded for the flight we sat in the waiting room and had some snacks. I was watching planes landing and taking off from the runway from the window. We kept waiting but soon came to know that the plane in which we had to travel did not arrived on time due to bad weather and flight is a bit delayed. I was nervous and excited both at the same time. One of our uncle did phone call to my dad saying we should cancel our plan since it is very bad weather conditions and flight may get problematic. I was afraid of travelling as I had fear of a plane crash and suddenly there was an announcement, passengers travelling to Montenegro, please proceed to gate 11. We went to the gate as instructed and then I saw cabin crew welcoming me to the aircraft.

I was really nervous but the air hostess calmed me saying you will love the experience and will overcome all your fear if u get in. I trusted her and went to me seat. Soon the plane was about to takeoff and air crew help me with the seat belt. The plane take off from runway and we were in the air, loosing connection with the ground. We were served juices and snacks during the flight and we landed safely to destination. My fear of travelling was gone and now i prefer travelling every year for vacation to discover world.

he was sitting - his sister



huh sussy baka, seriously explain your question


Obama hamburger

What the …………………………………

In which situation is it NOT appropriate to use a colon?
A. To join two independent clauses into one longer sentence
B. Before a list
C. Before an example
D. Before an explanation



Most likely this Answer will be A.

Which sentence has titles that are formatted and punctuated correctly?

Select one:

O a. My favorite chapter in the book "Alice in Wonderland" is called A Mad Tea Party.
O b. My favorite chapter in the book Alice in Wonderland is called "A Mad Tea Party."
O c. My favorite chapter in the book Alice in Wonderland is called "A Mad Tea Party."
O d. My favorite chapter in the book "Alice in Wonderland" is called "A Mad Tea Party."



I think it is. D. My favorite chapter in the book "Alice in Wonderland" is called "A Mad Tea Party."


The correctly formatted sentence is "My favorite chapter in the book "Alice in Wonderland" is called "A Mad Tea Party." The correct option is d.

What is punctuation?

Punctuation adds silent intonation to our work. Using a comma, a period, an exclamation point, or a question mark, we can pause, stop, stress, or ask a question.

Writing is more precise and clear when punctuation is used correctly because it enables the writer to pause, stop, or emphasise specific sentences or clauses.

In many writing systems, quote marks are punctuation symbols that are used in pairs to demarcate direct speech, a quotation, or a phrase. An opening and a closing quote mark, which may or may not be the same character, make up the pair.

My favourite chapter in the book "Alice in Wonderland" is named "A Mad Tea Party," and that is how the phrase should be constructed.

Thus, the correct option is d.

For more details regarding punctuation, visit:



Words in a sentence or passage that help you understand a word you don't know are called



Context clues

"smart as a whip" is an example of what type of figurative language?​


Simile because it uses like or as

what is a common family dynamic in your country?


➙Family dynamics refers to how individuals within a family interact with each other.

This interaction, depending on its functionality (healthy or not) influences the entire structure and relationships between members.


I hope you understood!✏


[tex]\huge\rm{Hope \: this \: helps}[/tex]

the family member you like most


my cousin kristen she’s been my idol since a young age

choose the correct answer

1. a) William is a factory's worker
b) William is a factory worker

2.a) I enjoy visiting my friend home.
b) I'm driving looking my friends home
c) I enjoy visiting friends' home​



I think the correct answer are 1) b 2) c

for 1. it is b
for 2. it is c

Which details directly characterize Dr. Lanyon? Check all that apply. “The solemn butler knew and welcomed him . . .” “. . . he was subjected to no stage of delay, but ushered direct from the door to the dining-room . . .” “This was a hearty, healthy, dapper, red-faced gentleman . . .” “. . . he sprang up from his chair and welcomed him with both hands.” “The geniality, as was the way of the man, was somewhat theatrical to the eye . . .”



C, E


edge 2021


edge22 c and e


[tex]\sf[/tex]x + a = 10 . Find the vale of x if a = 10.​



x = 0


a = 10

x + a = 10

Substituting a = 10 in equation,

=> x + 10 = 10

=> x = 10 - 10

=> x = 0

X + a = 10
X + 10 = 10
X = 10 -10
X = 0
Therefore X is 0
Can’t I get brainliest
Other Questions
A line passes through the point (12,-4) and is perpendicular to the line with the equation y=6x +3 42 deliveries in 3 hours = deliveries per hour Asking yourself whether your mind is currently occupied by things that can take your concentration off the road is something you should do ______. Is 6272 a perfect square? If not find the smallest number by which it must be divided so that the product becomes a perfect square. What is the correct clases for this drugs Promethazineheelp me please What were key characteristics of Athenian democracy?Choose all answers that are correct. Though all citizens were equal, only the wealthy and well-born were likely to serve as jurors or council members.Paid juries of citizens heard legal cases and made decisions.Power was in the hands of the people and all citizens were equal before the law.Ten elected generals were responsible for carrying on the work of the Assembly and Council. Samuel takes 5 hours to make a table and a chair. He takes 9 hours to make 3 chairsand a table. How much time does he take to make a table? how would an anti-federalist most likely have responded to Hamilton's assertion solve: x^2-x-12x+5 0 vt cht tn ti khch quan hay ch quan? v sao? help me please urgent need In "The Yellow Wallpaper," Charlotte Perkins Gilman's choice of narrator and storystructure creates mystery in the story. Explain how the narrator and structure resultin mystery and eventually surprise in the text. Be sure to provide an introductionparagraph that lays out your argument, body paragraphs that develop your thesis,and a conclusion paragraph that wraps up your argument. (30 points) Traffic jams- people late for work and consequently they feel stressed Select one: O a causes O b. cause O c. make d. makes Why were iron tools more difficult to obtain than copper ones?O A. Iron requires a lot of sea salt.B. Iron requires ore, which is rare in Africa.C. Iron requires copper for smelting.D. Iron requires more advanced technology. Why were European traders from centuries ago attracted to India? find LCM of 60,40 and 90 Please Help Polygons Based on your understanding of the women's suffrage movement in the United States, why do you think it took so long to grant women suffrage? 49x=degreesPLEAIEJEHEHEHDJDJDJDI Which capacity makes living beings to adjust in hard environment