Which statements about Islam are accurate?

Choose all answers that are correct.

Muslims fast for one month each year at Ramadan.

Muslims are not required to share their wealth with those less fortunate.

Muslims should try to make a pilgrimage to Mecca in their lifetime.

Muslims are expected to pray five times a week.


Answer 1

Answer: I believe these are the correct answers.

A. Muslims fast for one month each year at Ramadan.

C. Muslims should try to make a pilgrimage to Mecca in their lifetime.

Answer 2
Answer would be A and C

Related Questions

Which statements about trade in the Ghana Empire are true?

Choose all correct answers.

Salt was so valuable in Ghana that it was worth its weight in gold.

Ghanaian blacksmiths produced high-quality trade goods from iron.

Copper and fine linen were the two main items traded in Ghana.

Ghanaian traders were known for their loud, boisterous bartering techniques.


Answer:nose ingles

Explanation:si lo desis en español por hay lo se:)

si sabes como poner en español me desis

one & three are your correct answers

What is the major product of Brazil?




Coffee…… drugs………………

_____________ is the exchange of raw materials, manufactured products, and slaves among Europe, Africa, and America.

1, market economy
2, mercantilism
3, supply/demand
4, triangle trade



4. triangular trade



Triangle trade; the geographical location of Europe, Africa, and Asia all form a triangle in which all three countries trade and export slaves

Which nation gained economic power as a result of new trade routes and banking practices? *



The Netherlands

I hope i’m not too late and this helps you :)
I think it’s the Netherlands but that may be wrong

What does the song Rock Around the Clock talk about?




Based on a best-selling novel, "Blackboard Jungle" is the story of juvenile delinquents in an urban high school. "Rock Around the Clock" was heard under the film's opening credits. Director Richard Brooks chose the song because he felt it captured the wild, loud energy of young people.

Match each item to the time it best represents.

1. humans began using stone tools
Industrial Revolution
2. birth rates declined, and the average life expectancy increased
3. the world population totaled six billion people
Paleolithic Era
4. the annual population growth rate reached its peak
late 1960s



I think the answer is either 4 or 2, I'll tell you my confirmed answer in explanation


4. In 1968 was when the population growth rate met it's peak

Birth rates declined the world pop annual pop rate

Read the passage from a 1950 speech by Senator Margaret Chase Smith.

I think that it is high time that we remembered that the Constitution . . . speaks not only of the freedom of speech but also of trial by jury instead of trial by accusation. Whether it be a criminal prosecution in court or a character prosecution in the Senate, there is little practical distinction when the life of a person has been ruined.

Based on this excerpt, what can you tell about Smith’s opinion of Senator Joseph McCarthy and his actions?

She did not support McCarthy’s actions and thought they were against the Constitution.
She supported McCarthy’s actions and thought they were appropriate during the Red Scare.
She supported McCarthy’s actions but thought the courts should rule on whether they were constitutional.
She did not support McCarthy’s actions overall but thought some were needed to protect the American people.


Answer: די אַקשאַנז זענען געווען זייער סיפישדי אַקשאַנז זענען געווען זייער

Explanation: האָבן צו ווייַל פון אַלע די זאכן וואָס איר האָבן צו טאָן מיט וואָס


A) She did not support McCarthy’s actions and thought they were against the Constitution.


Just got it right on Edge, also so so so sorry I'm so late I hope this helps though

What is the official language of most North Africa countries?



Arabic is the official language of most North African countries

Write an obituary for Hannibal, explaining why the Carthaginian leader was such an important, and feared enemy of the Romans.


Hannibal lived during a time of incredible pressure in the western Mediterranean Bowl, set off by the rise of the Roman Republic as an extraordinary force after it had set up its incomparability over Italy. In spite of the fact that Rome had won the Main Punic Conflict, revanchism won in Carthage, represented by the supposed vow that Hannibal made to his dad never to be a companion of Rome.

Mark me Brainlest please

Determine the correct formatting choice for each blank.

The best type of font to use for a research paper is
; however, for an on-screen presentation, a
font is more easily read.
fonts look more like handwriting than print and are useful for short amounts of text in specialty areas such as formal invitations.



Fonts that are easy to read.


I do not know sorry loool

Which statements about trade in the Ghana Empire are true?

Choose all correct answers.

Salt was so valuable in Ghana that it was worth its weight in gold.

Ghanaian blacksmiths produced high-quality trade goods from iron.

Copper and fine linen were the two main items traded in Ghana.

Ghanaian traders were known for their loud, boisterous bartering techniques.



The statements that true is C. Salt was so valuable in Ghana that it was Worth  in Gold.

Many said that the Ghana empire was rich by handling the trade of Salt and Gold. There are no record about option A and option B.

And Option D. is definitely wrong because the Ghana Empire use Silent Trading, the trading occurred without the traders seeing each other face


(06.02) Eric plotted the graph below to show the relationship between the temperature of his city and the number of cups of lemonade he sold daily: A scatter plot is shown with the title Lemonade Sales. The x-axis is labeled High Temperature, and the y-axis is labeled Cups of Lemonade Sold. Data points are located at 30 and 4, 40 and 6, 40 and 8, 50 and 2, 55 and 10, 65 and 14, 70 and 16, 75 and 14, 85 and 19, 90 and 20. Part A: Describe the relationship between the temperature of the city and the number of cups of lemonade sold. (2 points) Part B: Describe how you can make the line of best fit. Write the approximate slope and y-intercept of the line of best fit. Show your work, including the points that you use to calculate the slope and y-intercept. (3 points)



Part B


The answer for part A: If the city is hotter in temperature more people will want the cold refreshing lemonade.

Part B: The line of best fit is a line that will have the same amount of point on each side so you should draw a straight line and then make sure it has the same amount of point on each side. To calculate the slope use Y2-Y1/X2-X1, Y-intercept is the point that intercepts the Y-intercept.

Step-by-step explanation:

Part A: Because if it is hot outside you will sweat more being less hydrated which is why more people would want a drink especially lemonade.

Imagine that you are the young Roman general Scipio Aemilianus who destroyed Carthage in the Third Punic War. Write a letter back to the Roman Senate declaring a victory, and explaining what you have to the city and its inhabitants. Explain that Rome will now be forever safe of its greatest enemy.



sir we were abls to dispose of the eney giving totatle victory to us there were

50 of our men killed, thought of this is worth it the enimy has riches beond belife,sir we will leave camp at your word


We were able to defeat the eney, resulting in a total triumph for us.

The idea of losing 50 of our guys is worth it. Sir, we shall leave camp at your word since the enemy possesses wealth beyond life.


Why is Pliny the Younger’s account of what happened at Pompeii important for historians of ancient Rome?



His account and specifics, aloing with his qualifications of a successful lawyer and politions making him a reliable soucre makes his account the most important. No other account of pompeii comes close to his, and they also do not have his qualifications and achievements to make their account legitimate. Furthermore, his carrear proves this isn't some roman tale, rather a real event that occured.

Both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty contributed many innovations which changed the course of history before collapsing. Which do you think had more of an influence on the world today?

Explain your answer using two relevant examples (2 points each)
Be sure to give at least one reason why the other empire was not as influential (2 points)



Both the Han and the Romans had the same kind of government, but what kind of government did they have? They both had a centralized, bureaucratic government.



I think that the Roman Empire and Han dynasty both contributed many innovations which changed the course of history before collapsing but I think that the Han dynasty contributed more. For one thing they made paper. And we all use paper. Without paper what would we print anything on. Another reason why the Han dynasty was better was because they the hot air balloon. The hot air balloon, we use now days and they are a nice way to travel/get around. A reason why the roman empire was less influential was because of their cruel punishments such as perfecting crucifixion and persecuting many Christians. All in all, Both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty contributed many innovations which changed the course of history before collapsing, but I think that the Han dynasty was more of an influence.

Why is competition among businesses important in a capitalist economic system? *

Competition ensures that all products will be good.
Competition affects how much products cost.
Competition determine who makes the goods.
Competition keeps the prices of goods the same.


Answer: Second Option: Competition affects how much products cost.

Explanation: The principle of competition forces businesses to maximize efficiency and offer their products at the lowest prices the market will bear, lest they get put out of business by more efficient and better-priced competitors.

Hope This Helps. Keep the peace and live long. Namaste. ✌️

The answer would be B

When the Ottoman Empire conquered the city of Constantinople, they changed the city's name to _____________.

● Alexandria
● Mohenjo Daro
● Istanbul
● Benin




Istanbul was wehat it was renamed to afte rthe conquering

Give brainliest pls

The answer to your question is c

In this unit, you focused on different types of conflicts and read informational texts. You learned about two conflicts during World War II: Pearl Harbor and the internment of Japanese Americans.
Think of a major conflict that is happening in the world today. Describe the conflict in your discussion. What are the main causes of the conflict? Why is the conflict such a big issue? Can you think of any possible solutions for this conflict?



There is a conflict between India Pakistan and china over Kahmir

India is backed by various western countries

Pakistan is backed by turkey and china

Russia is friend of china and India both so its neutral

USA hates communism so it supports India

Cause of conflict is - kashmir territory

The conflict is big due to geopolitics

solution of conflict is to make a new borderline between these countries or sign a peace treaty


There is a conflict between India Pakistan and China over Kashmir

about a Messiah who would remove the Romans and restore the kingdom of David.



human - he will have a human birth and human parents. a perfect teacher of God's law. a great political leader - inspirational and a good judge. able to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.The Messiah would be a leader who would guide them into battle against foreign forces occupying Palestine. The Zealots looked forward to a Messiah whom God would send to expel the Romans from Palestine and restore the Kingdom of God to the chosen people. The Essenes also looked forward to the coming of Messiah.The land of Palestine was ruled by the Romans, and many Jews expected the Messiah to be a military figure who would fight the Romans and drive them out. Other Jews were expecting a prophet like Moses. The Jewish people wanted to return to the glory days under their greatest ruler, King David.



Fh fh fish dad you slay healer unifique judicial

1. How far did the empire of Carthage extend?
2. Whose route was longer, Hannibals or Scipios?



The history of the ancient city is usually divided into five periods: Ancient Carthage (Punic Republic) – c. 814-146 BCE. Roman Carthage – 146 BCE - 439 CE.



Answer: Ancient Carthage (Punic Republic) – c. 814-146 BCE. Roman Carthage – 146 BCE - 439 CE.



What country was the leading developer of advancement in sailing. *


this is also for my history test


I looked it up and that’s what I got sorry if your wrong but I tried

A few questions on Africa
Please Help!!! Due in 5 minutes!!!!




10. How were they different? Ghana and Mali were similar in that each kingdom was located in West Africa, and their power depended on control of the gold-salt trade routes stretching east to the Sahara Desert. They were different in that Ghana was an older polity, having collapsed before Mali would rise to power.

11.  The four geographical regions are the Sahara, Sahel, Rain forest, and Savannah of Africa .

12. Why did Axum become a prosperous trading center? It benefited from its location on the Red Sea and became an important stop on the trade rout linking Africa, Mediterranean and India. It exported ivory, incense, and enslaved people and imported cloth, metal goods, and olive oil.

13. In the economic life of East Africa, the cities of Mogadishu and Mombasa played the roles of key trading points that extended down the East African coast.

14. What products did West Africans trade? West Africans traded spices, leathers, ivory, ostrich feathers, salt, and gold.

15. Unique factors that allowed East African trading kingdoms to expand their trade were climate

Unique factors help South Africa

Study the graph showing GDP in the US.

A line graph titled G D P Growth in the U S. The x-axis is labeled Year from 2004 to 2014. The y-axis is labeled Percent Growth from negative 4 to 6. 2004 is at 4 percent. 2006 is around 3 percent. 2007 is at 2 percent. 2009 is under negative 2 percent. 2010 is at 2 percent. 2012 is at 2 percent. 2014 is over 2 percent.

What conclusion can be drawn about the US economy as a whole between 2006 and 2009?

It remained level.
It declined steadily.
It wavered in growth.
It rose from a downturn.


it declined steadily (give brainliest pls)
it declined steadily!

Compare and contrast Mason's idea of a "constitutional council" with the modern Cabinet.



? is there a link with the book/page we need to read to help?

Is there something I can read?

A truth the author expresses about life as he sees it, which may influence the reader's ideas, is the _____.

turning point
personal incidents


The answer will be setting because the reader will have a different mindset when they see the setting of the story
This is the turning point where the author is seeing things that are influencing their thoughts and actions.

Why did Pliny the Younger feel that fear was stronger than hope?


Bc they had no faith

Why were Paul’s teachings about resurrection so appealing to Christians?



And in affirming that the faithful will be “raised” (15:42–44, 52), Paul affirmed that our present perishable bodies will be endowed, through the power of Jesus's resurrection, with imperishable life.''The fundamental doctrinal tenets of Christianity, namely that Christ is God "born in the flesh", that his sacrificial death atones for the sins of humankind, and that his resurrection from the dead guarantees eternal life to all who believe, can be traced back to Paul—not to Jesus.



he had to belive in his faith and if he didn’t he would become god

Statewide, enterprise profits, taxes, leases, and natural resources support more than two-thirds of tribal government budgets. Though this statewide average masks some of the remaining economic dependence on the most remote reservations, the overall picture displays welcome and overdue self-sufficiency.

–“The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Indian Tribes in Washington,” 2012

What is the main idea of this passage?

Washington tribes are a long way from being self-sufficient.
Washington tribes receive half of all funding from outside sources.
Washington tribes mostly support themselves.
Washington tribes are entirely self-sufficient.



The economies of Washington's Indian reservations have grown over the last half​-decade, and despite some Little more than a third of Indians ... profits, taxes, leases, and natural resources support more than this statewide average masks some of the remaining.


The main idea of this passage is: Washington tribes mostly support themselves. Therefore, the correct option is D.

The passage states that more than two-thirds of tribal government budgets in Washington are supported by statewide enterprise profits, taxes, leases, and natural resources. It also mentions that although this average may not fully reflect the economic dependence of the most remote reservations, the overall picture shows a welcome and overdue self-sufficiency. Therefore, the passage emphasizes that Washington tribes are mostly supporting themselves economically.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about Washington tribes here:



The complete question might be:

Statewide, enterprise profits, taxes, leases, and natural resources support more than two-thirds of tribal government budgets. Though this statewide average masks some of the remaining economic dependence on the most remote reservations, the overall picture displays welcome and overdue self-sufficiency.

–“The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Indian Tribes in Washington,” 2012

What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Washington tribes are a long way from being self-sufficient.

B. Washington tribes receive half of all funding from outside sources.

C. Washington tribes mostly support themselves.

D. Washington tribes are entirely self-sufficient.

During the war the first organized ____ and ____ corps was established for wartime


Which war and I can answer?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ what he said

What was the importance of Europeans introducing sheep and sugarcane to the people of the Americas? *

These introductions created new industries in the Americas.
These introduces altered eating habits in the Americas.
These introductions ended slavery in the Americas .
These introduces caused new illnesses caused new illnesses in the Americas.



These introduces altered eating habits in the Americas.


But don't count on my answer im not to sure

The first one ~these introductions created new industries in the americas.~
Other Questions
Find all angles, 0 En trminos de energa, a qu se debe que sea ms difcil detener un camin en comparacin a una bicicleta? what is the answer help What is the author of the "Equal Pay Bill" letter trying to persuade hisaudience to think? Demonstrate 528 divide by 4 using 10 blocks and the scaffolding method Simplify the radical completely. Should citizens trust our government to protect our civil liberties? Why or Why Not?Do you think the United States has succeeded in adequately preserving citizens' rights and freedoms or have we failed? Explain your answer.Are the current rights comprehensive enough or should we consider revision or development of a new set of Amendments/civil rights? (If so, name two new Amendments or rights you would like to see added)?What are your thoughts on fake news in politics? Should there be additional regulations for the media? HELP PLS I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST it is often said the media can make or break a person,especially,sports personalities. Explain how that happen The following information pertains to Crane Video Company.1.Cash balance per bank, July 31, $7,863.2.July bank service charge not recorded by the depositor $34.3.Cash balance per books, July 31, $7,884.4.Deposits in transit, July 31, $1,800.5.Bank collected $1,200 note for Crane in July, plus interest $42, less fee $26. The collection has not been recorded by Crane, and no interest has been accrued.6.Outstanding checks, July 31, $597.The following information pertains to Crane VideoThe following information pertains to Crane VideoPrepare a bank reconciliation at July 31. (List items that increase cash balance first.)CRANE VIDEO COMPANYBank ReconciliationJuly 31 Bank service chargeOutstanding checksCollection of note receivableDeposits in transitAdjusted cash balance per bankCash balance per bank statement$ LessAdd: Cash balance per bank statementAdjusted cash balance per bankOutstanding checksCollection of note receivableBank service chargeDeposits in transit LessAdd: Adjusted cash balance per bankCollection of note receivableCash balance per bank statementBank service chargeDeposits in transitOutstanding checks Collection of note receivableBank service chargeAdjusted cash balance per bankDeposits in transitOutstanding checksCash balance per bank statement$ Bank service chargeCash balance per booksOutstanding checksAdjusted cash balance per booksDeposits in transitCollection of note receivable$ LessAdd: Bank service chargeCash balance per booksCollection of note receivableAdjusted cash balance per booksDeposits in transitOutstanding checks AddLess: Bank service chargeCash balance per booksOutstanding checksAdjusted cash balance per booksCollection of note receivableDeposits in transit Bank service chargeDeposits in transitCash balance per booksAdjusted cash balance per booksOutstanding checksCollection of note receivable$SHOW LIST OF ACCOUNTSThe following information pertains to Crane VideoThe following information pertains to Crane VideoJournalize the adjusting entries at July 31 on the books of Crane Video Company. (Credit account titles are automatically indented when amount is entered. Do not indent manually.)No.Account Titles and ExplanationDebitCreditJuly 31(To record the collection of the note)July 31(To record the bank service charge)SHOW LIST OF ACCOUNTSThe following information pertains to Crane VideoThe following information pertains to Crane VideoQuestion Attempts: 0 of 2 usedSAVE FOR LATERSUBMIT ANSWERThe following information pertains to Crane Video A brand of uncooked spaghetti comes in a box that is a rectangular prism with a length of 9 inches, a width of 3 inches, and a height of 3 1/2 inches. What is the surface area? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!???? what is the length of side x in the above right triangle 8. Which observation would be the best evidence to use to argue that there is an evolutionary relationship between two species? They occupy the same niche. They have similar fur color. They have similar DNA base sequences. They inhabit the same geographic regions. En que orden se deben escribir las funciones, para aplicar la integral definida cuando se desea calcular el rea? What is the area of the polygon enter your answer in the box43.5 units245.5 units256.5 units249.5 units2 1 2 3 58:01 For which type of programs would a government most likely use a cost-benefit analysis? Select three options. changing a school lunch program building a small or large courthouse hiring new police officers and firefighters planning when to repave a road hiring new teachers for a school Kingdoms are a more specific (less broad) category in the taxonomic hierarchy.A. TrueB. False True or False? The blue radius is perpendicular to the green cord. Chinese stirred and mixed the clay with water until it was the right consistency to use. The clay was shaped on a ________________