Which structure would you not find in a prokaryotic cell?


Answer 1


you won't find the nucleus in prokaryotic cells

Answer 2

Answer: Membrane-bound organelles


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A tall plant has been found, but its zygosity is unknown. Tall is dominant over short height. The following can be done to determine its zygosity: _________.
a. Let it self fertilize then analyze the progeny
b. Cross to a true breeding short plant
c. Cross to a heterozygous tall plant
d. Cross to a true breeding tall plant



b. Cross to a true breeding short plant


Prelab Information
Purpose Explore the molecular process of building proteins from the information carried by RNA
using a laboratory procedure.
Time Approximately 45 minutes
Question How are proteins built using the information provided by a molecule of RNA?
Prediction RNA determines the sequence of amino acids in proteins and polypeptides by a two-step process: transcription of DNA produces mRNA in the nucleus, then translation
of the mRNA to tRNA takes place at the ribosome in the cytoplasm.


Answer and Explanation:

Proteins are built using information from RNA, because proteins are made up of amino acids that are arranged in a specific sequence for each protein. This amino acid sequence is determined by RNA, which forms groups of three consecutive nucleotides, which will signal the position that each amino acid must assume to form a protein.

In summary, we can state that the DNA starts the transcription process to create the mRNA, which will have the nucleotides transported by the tRNA from the nucleus to the cell's ribosome, so that there, the nucleotides are organized in a specific sequence, forming amino acids, which will constitute the protein.

All amswers are correct on

Below are several good possible questions. Which one most closely resembles your question?

litterally choose any they all right

2Which term describes the two groups of plants that do not need water to reproduce?
A. spermatophytes
B. cotyledons
C. embryophytes
D. Paleozoic plants






ason Kimble's study of the Archaea in Snowy River in Fort Stanton Cave showed that Archaea play an important role in __________.





Archaea play an important role in ecosystems with organisms that derive or produce energy from oxidation of methane. Many of Archaea are bacteria which are often a major source of methane in such environments and they can play a role as primary producers. Archaea is important for scientists because it has unique ecological roles and can also generate energy differently i.e. responsible for producing biological methane which no eukaryotes or bacteria can do that.

You have a microorganism you know is both fastidious and which normally lives in human lungs. Which medium might this organism have the highest probability of growing on and why



It is likely that this microorganism grows in enriched culture media.


As shown in the question above, the microorganism that lives in the lungs is extremely demanding. This means that this microorganism is very difficult to be cultivated in a culture medium, as it requires specific nutrients and in specific amounts to be able to develop. These microorganisms are called fastidious microorganisms and need an enriched culture medium to develop.

Enriched culture media are those that have a high range of nutrients in their composition. These culture media are highly nutritious and for this reason, they are the ideal environment for demanding microorganisms, as it can efficiently meet the needs of this organism.

The diagram below depicts the Linnaean classification system and a
cladogram. How do the two methods of classification compare?

A. Extinct organisms have a place in the Linnaean system, but not in
a cladogram
B. The Linnaean system attempts to show how organisms ans
related, but a cladogram does not.
C. The Linnaean system establishes a scientific naming system, but
a cladogram does not
D. The Linnaean system presents the probable order of evolution of a
set of organisms, but a cladogram does not



C. The Linnaean system establishes a scientific naming system, but  a cladogram does not.


The main difference between Linnaean classification system and a  cladogram is that the Linnaean system establishes a scientific naming system, but  a cladogram does not. Cladogram refers to a branching diagram which shows the cladistic relationship between different species while on the other hand, the Linnaean system of classification consists of taxa that is range from the kingdom to the species.

hi,I was feeling so bored so I give this question What is climate change and what r the causes of climate change?​



Climate change is the global phenomenon of climate transformation characterized by the changes in the usual climate of the planet (regarding temperature, precipitation, and wind) that are especially caused by human activities

Humans are increasingly influencing the climate and the earth's temperature by burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestock. This adds enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to those naturally occurring in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming. Humanity’s increased use of fossil fuels – such as coal, oil and gas to generate electricity, run cars and other forms of transport, and power manufacturing and industry

Deforestation – because living trees absorb and store carbon dioxide

Increasingly intensive agriculture – which emits greenhouse gases like methane and nitrous oxide

When flies having a gray body and normal wings were crossed with flies having a black body and vestigial wings, the F2 generation showed a phenotypic ratio of 3:1, and not 9:3:3:1.



This proves Gregor Medel's hypothesis.


When Gregor Mendel crossed two pure-breed flowers, he noticed that the offspring in the F1 generation exhibited all dominant traits. However, when he crossed the offspring in the F1 generation, he noticed that the recessive trait reappeared in a 3:1 ratio (one reccesive). This is because for each trait, one allele from each parent is passed on. Also, the alleles are passed independently of one another, meaning that one allele passed for one trait won't affect the chance of another.

The orbit radius of Uranus is 19.22 AU. What is this distance in kilometers? ( one au is about 150 million kilometers.)






Endocrine system secretes hormones that
regulate the activity of reproductive system, this
is an example for: -
A. Organ systems

B. Tissue

C. Integration of organ

D. Cell organization



The answer for this will be C an integration of organ systems this is because the endocrine system also works with the nervous system and immune system etc

Câu 4: Nghiên cứu về lạm phát nằm trong đối tượng của…
a. kinh tế học vi mô.
b. kinh tế học vĩ mô.
c. kinh tế học thực chứng.
d. kinh tế học chuẩn tắc.




B. Kinh tế học vĩ mô

Organisms are either eukaryotes or prokaryotes. Prokaryotes are further classified into the domains Archaea or Bacteria, while all eukaryotes are in the domain Eukarya.

a. True
b. False



This is true


Chromosomal sex refers to the physical expression of male or female anatomical structures based on the presence or absence of specific hormones that are secreted after the seventh week of prenatal development.

Question 11 options:



I think its true


The chromosomal sex of the embryo is established at fertilization. However, 6 weeks elapse in humans before the first signs of sex differentiation are noticed. Sex differentiation involves a series of events whereby the sexually indifferent gonads and genitalia progressively acquire male or female characteristics.

Which of the following lists correctly presents levels of organization from most complex to simplest?
O biosphere, community, organism, organ system
O cell, organelle, atom, molecule
O macromolecule, population, community, ecosystem



O macromolecule, population, community, ecosystem


Macromolecules are very large molecules composed of atoms, such as complex carbohydrates, fats and proteins (for example, fats are macromolecules mainly composed of C, H, and O atoms). Macromolecules in turn associate to form cellular structures (eg. organelles, cytoskeleton, etc), which subsequently combine to form cells. Individuals are made up of one or more cells (i.e., unicellular and multicellular organisms, respectively). In the next level, populations are groups of individuals of the same species that live within a given area; whereas communities are groups of populations that live in a given area and interact with one another. Finally, an ecosystem can be defined as a group of populations (i.e., a community) and the abiotic factors (i.e., nonliving parts) of their environment that support them (e.g., water, light, radiation, temperature, etc).

The correct option is  macromolecule, population, community, ecosystem

The following information should be considered:

Macromolecules are very large molecules that comprise of atoms like complex carbohydrates, fats and proteins.Macromolecules form cellular structures that subsequently combine to form cells. In the next level, populations are groups of individuals of the same species that live within a given area; whereas communities are groups of populations that live in a given area and interact with one another.Finally, an ecosystem can be defined as a group of populations (i.e., a community) and the abiotic factors (i.e., nonliving parts) of their environment that support them (e.g., water, light)

Learn more: brainly.com/question/17429689

state economic importance of anaerobic respiration in plants​



Anaerobic respiration is economically significant since many of our meals are generated by anaerobic bacteria. To ensure its survival, the yeast must convert to anaerobic respiration. Carbon dioxide and ethanol are generated. Bread may also be made with yeast.


Tell me how bacteria make their energy and other chemical products.



Bacteria can obtain energy and nutrients by performing photosynthesis, decomposing dead organisms and wastes, or breaking down chemical compounds. Bacteria can obtain energy and nutrients by establishing close relationships with other organisms, including mutualistic and parasitic relationships.


I hope it helps! Please mark my answer as bräinliest! Thank You!

What is a controlled variable?


Answer:  A controlled variable or constant variable is a variable that does not change during an experiment.


A controlled variable or constant variable is one which the researcher holds constant (controls) during an experiment. It is also known as a constant variable or simply as a control.The control variable is not part of an experiment itself it is neither the independent nor dependent variable but it is important because it can have an effect on the results gotten.

example of a controlled variable is temperature.

1. The structure that's not a component of wall of sponges is





The structure that is not a component of wall of sponges is Chitin. Their body comprise of calcareous or siliceous spicules or protein spongin fibres. Choanocytes are the distinctive cells located in the interior body walls of sponges. Sponges are similar to other animals in many characteristics such as they are multicellular, heterotrophic, lack cell walls and produce sperm cells in order to produce offspring sexually and also different from animals due to lack of tissues and organs.

please hellllllllllllp?!
please ​


Answer: I think it's true

I need to know which ones to check off


The instructions don’t really count toward your grade, if you really wish to learn from then you should just try your best and take notes on what you beed to know. If you’re just using Brainly to get past the class just guess on the instructions as they do not effect your grade very much at all if at all.

The image shows a typical practice carried out by members of a society.
Which type of society does the image most likely represent?
A. Pastoral
B. Agrarian
C. Postindustrial
D. Hunter-gatherer


I think b not to sure

Agrarian type of society does the image most likely represent. So, the correct option is B.

What is Society?

A group of people who live in one place and share customs, cultures, organizations, and interests is referred to as a society. The diversity of people from different religions, castes, genders, and ethnic groups has several effects on this civilization.

Agricultural activities generally include everything that has a close connection to farming and makes use of land for farming and crop production. This activity, which uses a variety of contemporary techniques, has a close relationship with all human agricultural operations and is in charge of the massive crop output.

The image below depicts the task of planting paddy, which is typically done by a young child. Thus, the image most likely depicts an agrarian community.

Thus, C is the best choice.

Learn more about Agrarian, here:



What is pasteurization? what is the advantage of this technique?




Pasteurization is the process by which food products (such as juice and dairy products) are mildly heated to kill off harmful bacteria, salmonella, and other disease-causing pathogens. These products are thus made safe for consumption. ... Pasteurization has revolutionized food safety within the dairy industry.

Describe the unknown in terms of what you are able to determine from the tests. Is it primary, secondary, or tertiary



This question in incomplete, therefore it will be trickier to answer.


If you provide the options with this question, I can give it a shot in trying to work it out.

Based on the Punnett square above, what are the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of the offspring? A red plant and a pink plant. Red plant genotype: Pink plant genotype: Phenotypic ratio: Red = Pink = White = Genotypic ratio: RR = Rr = rr =





The ratio of two sides of a parallelogram is 2 : 5.Perimeter of parallelogram = 70 cm


To find:


Sides of parallelogram?




☯ Let two adjacent sides of parallelogram be 2x and 5x.


Refrence of image is shown in diagram:


[tex]\setlength{\unitlength}{1 cm}\begin{picture}(0,0)\thicklines\qbezier(1,1)(1,1)(6,1)\put(0.4,0.5){\bf D}\qbezier(1,1)(1,1)(1.6,4)\put(6.2,0.5){\bf C}\qbezier(1.6,4)(1.6,4)(6.6,4)\put(1,4){\bf A}\qbezier(6,1)(6,1)(6.6,4)\put(6.9,3.8){\bf B}\put(0.7,2.5){\sf 2x}\put(3,0.5){\sf 5x}\end{picture}[/tex]


[tex]\underline{\bigstar\:\boldsymbol{According\:to\:the\:question\::}}\\ \\[/tex]

Perimeter of parallelogram = 70 cm


[tex]\dag\;{\underline{\frak{We\;know\;that,}}}\\ \\[/tex]

[tex]\star\:{\boxed{\sf{\purple{Perimeter_{\;(parallelogram)} = 2 \times (sum\:of\: adjacent\:sides)}}}}\\ \\[/tex]

[tex]:\implies\sf 2 \times (2x + 5x) = 70\\ \\[/tex]

[tex]:\implies\sf 2 \times 7x = 70\\ \\[/tex]

[tex]:\implies\sf 14x = 70\\ \\[/tex]

[tex]:\implies\sf x = \cancel{ \dfrac{70}{14}}\\ \\[/tex]

[tex]:\implies{\boxed{\sf{\pink{x = 5}}}}\;\bigstar\\ \\[/tex]



2x = 2 × 5 = 10 cm.

5x = 5 × 5 = 25 cm.


[tex]\therefore[/tex] Hence, Adjacent sides of parallelogram are 10 cm and 25 cm.

A microbiologist is conducting a research project on chemolithoautotrophs. This means that the investigator is examining certain aspects of a bacterium that is a purple nonsulfur bacteria which depends on light. uses light as its energy source and carbon for organic compounds. can oxidize inorganic molecules such as ammonia and sulfur for energy. can use the energy from sunlight to build organic molecules from carbon dioxide. obtains carbon from organic molecules.



uses light as its energy source and carbon for organic compounds.


The purple non-sulfur bacteria which depends on light produces organic food  just like plants through the process of photosynthesis. The purple non-sulfur bacteria uses carbondioxide and water with sunlight produces oxygen and glucose which is an organic compound. So that's why purple non-sulfur bacteria is also known as phototrophic means organism that produces their own food through photosynthesis.

Table sugar is an example of which molecule





It is a disaccharide, a molecule composed of two monosaccharides: glucose and fructose. Sucrose is produced naturally in plants, from which table sugar is refined. It has the molecular formula C12H22011.


table sugar is example of glucose. It has the molecular formula C12H22O11.

Every day we make choices that can potentially affect our environment. For example, we may toss a plastic drink bottle into the nearby trash because it’s more convenient than walking all the way to the recycling bin. Think about three choices you made this week that could have affected the environment. Did your choices have a positive or a negative effect on the environment? Explain your reasoning.


First, I chose to put a Chipotle container into the trash, instead of the recycling. This wasn’t the best decision, because it could have gone to the recycling and helped others.

Secondly, my family owns a compost bin and compost machine that helps compost vegetable waste, fruit scraps, coffee grounds, and other compostable items. Choosing to do this helps the environment in many ways.

Thirdly, I picked up many aluminum cans on the side of the road to crush and collect. After several months of collecting them in a container, my family and I bring them to a place that recycles and reuses metals and aluminum.

The three choices that could have affected the environment are as follows:

Utilization of plastic to make it easy for carrying objects.Plants trees in order to build a green environment. Overdependency on vehicles rather bicycles and pedestrians.

What is Environment?

The environment may be defined as anything which is present in the surroundings of living organisms. This environment basically has two types of factors biotic and abiotic factors.

In the above three choices, building a green environment has a positive effect on the environment. It may also affect living organisms positively. While the rest of the two may stimulate a negative impact on the environment by increasing the levels of carbon dioxide by liberating emission and non-biodegradable plastics.

Therefore, the three choices that could have affected the environment are well mentioned above.

To learn more about Environment, refer to the link:



Darwin presented a hypothesis about how evolution takes place. Now this hypothesis has become a theory. What caused the idea to become a theory? A. Darwin shared his ideas with others, and many scientists have performed experiments that support this idea. B. Darwin is well respected, and scientists honor his work by referring to his idea as a theory. C. Darwin performed an experiment that supported his hypothesis. D. Darwin convinced everyone around him that it was a good idea.​



C. Darwin performed an experiment that supported his hypothesis.


Darwin believed that his experiment, which was comparing the finch's beaks from Galapagos Archipelago, in which there was variation between the size and shape of beaks, as the basis in which he believed evolution was correct. However, variation does not mean evolution, and evolution, in which it calls for a chain of events to create beneficial traits successively, is nigh impossible to occur in the real world. Again, that is not to say that there is no such thing as variation, in which there is, in which people or animal groups adapt to their natural habitat. However, to state that adaptation is proof that a species becomes another is to go out on a limb, and current failures of "new species" (in that it originates from today's day and age, rather then discovered) to emerge is proof of such.

Which phase of the cell cycle is the least common process of mitosis and what could be the reason?



In anaphase, the shortest stage of mitosis, the sister chromatids break apart, and the chromosomes begin moving to opposite ends of the cell. By the end of anaphase, the 2 halves of the cell have an equivalent collection of chromosomes. In telophase, 2 daughter nuclei form. The nuclear envelope beings to reappear.

which photo synthetic process can occur at night?
A.the reaction at photosystem 1
B.the formation of NADH
C.the calvin cycle
D.the reaction at photosystem 2


Its most likely D because it’s more reasonable
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