Which structures are found only in plant cells, not in animal cells?
- [ ] A and B
- [ ] B and C
- [ ] C and D
- [ ] D and A

Which Structures Are Found Only In Plant Cells, Not In Animal Cells? - [ ] A And B - [ ] B And C - [


Answer 1


answer is b and c


they have different cells, and chloroplast is only in plant cell

Related Questions

Plants go through the process of transpiration in order to help the plant ________. (these are the choices) move water down the plant release sugar release carbon dioxide maintain homeostasis



to get rid of excess moisture OR to move water down.

kindly, give the choices/options correctly.

Maintain homeostasis

One DNA molecule wound around molecules of protein makes up a(n).
A. tetrad
B. allele
O C. chromosome
O D. gamete

Pls help



C. chromosome


In the nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure.

Climate zones result in specific vegetation types developing in a region. Which
climatic region is hot and wet all year round, resulting in tropical rainforest Vegetation?​


Tropical wet and dry climate is typically observed within the tropics. The tropics are two lines of latitude at 23.5° north and 23.5° south of the Equator. Land within this area obtains direct sunlight throughout most of the year.

Which list of elements is placed in order from most reactive to least reactive?
A. F, O, N, Ne
B. N, O, Ne, F
C. Ne, F, ON
D. N, Ne, O, F


A is the answer

The two reactive elements that you should remember are Flourine (F) and Francium (Fr), and only F is first for one answer.

Fatty acids are a component of what type of macromolecule?





read textbook

Fatty acids are a component of lipids macromolecules.

Fatty acids and lipids

Fatty acids are a component of lipids. Lipids are a diverse group of macromolecules that include fats, oils, phospholipids, and sterols. Fatty acids are the building blocks of lipids.

They are long hydrocarbon chains with a carboxyl group at one end. Fatty acids can be saturated (no double bonds) or unsaturated (one or more double bonds).

When combined with glycerol, fatty acids form triglycerides, the most common type of lipid used for energy storage in organisms.

More on fatty acids can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/31752492


Which of the following best describes daily temperatures in deserts?a. hot during the day and cold at night b. hot during the day and warm at night cool during the day and very cold at night d. they depend upon the type of desert and its location Please select the best answer from the choices provided


a would be the best answer out of these choices because it’s closest to hot during the day and cool at night
A. Hot during the day and cool at night

Can someone help me with this for a brainly?


Reproduction is the second ability.

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Cell Processes and Transport: Mastery Test
Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Sodium and potassium lons are essential for muscle contractions of the heart. The ions are transported using a pump, which obtains
energy by the breaking of
. This action requires the expense of energy. So, sodium and potassium ions are transported using





Sodium and potassium ions are essential for muscle contractions of the heart, and the ions are transported using a pump, which obtains energy from the breaking of ATP molecules, this action requires the expenditure of energy, so sodium and potassium ions are transported using active transport.

What is muscle contraction?

Sodium and potassium ions play a crucial role in muscle contractions, including those of the heart, and to maintain the appropriate concentration of these ions inside and outside the cell, the body uses a protein pump called the sodium-potassium pump, which is an active pump. It requires energy to move substances across cell membranes; the pump uses the energy released by the breakdown of ATP molecules to change its shape, transport the sodium and potassium ions across the membrane, and regulate the muscle contraction.

Hence, the ions are transported using a pump, which obtains energy from the breaking of ATP molecules, this action requires the expenditure of energy, so sodium and potassium ions are transported using active transport.

Learn more about the muscle contraction here.



question is incomplete, complete question is below

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

Sodium and potassium ions are essential for muscle contractions of the heart. The ions are transported using a pump, which obtains energy by the breaking of ----. This action requires the expense of energy. So, sodium and potassium ions are transported using---


active transport.

ou have isolated a previously unstudied protein, identified its complete structure in detail, and determined that it catalyzes the breakdown of a large substrate. You notice it has two binding sites. One of these is large, apparently the bonding site for the large substrate; the other is small, possibly a binding site for a regulatory molecule. What do these findings tell you about the mechanism of this protein



These findings tell us that possibly this protein has an enzymatic function, that is, it is an enzyme.

Its function can be catalytic as well as analytical.

The substrate binding site should be the largest, while the other regulatory site is the smallest.


This happens since hormones regulate their enzymatic activity through inhibitory sites.

They have another smaller binding site, where when an inhibitory molecule binds, it deforms the morphology of the protein causing it to no longer bind to its substrate at the binding site, therefore they inhibit the chemical reaction that is happening within the enzyme. both catalytic and analytical.

What is the RNA sequence that corresponds to this DNA sequence? ACC GCG





The phenotype frequency in a populatin changews after each generation which would most likely be cause this


The answer is: Competition between organisms.

Describe & explain why the effect of temperature as a
limiting factor for photosynthesis is different to the
effects of Co2 and light intensity.​



Although  the  light  dependent  reactions  of photosynthesis     are    not     affected     by changes in temperature, the light independent   reactions  of   photosynthesis are dependent  on  temperature.  They  are reactions  catalysed  by  enzymes.  As  the enzymes approach their optimum temperatures  the  overall  rate  increases.  It approximately   doubles   for   every   10°C increase    in    temperature.    Above    the optimum  temperature  the  rate  begins  to decrease, as enzymes are denatured, until it stops.


At  low  light  intensities,  as  light  intensity increases,the  rate of  the  light-dependent reaction,and   therefore   photosynthesis generally, increases proportionately (straight    line    relationship).    The    more photons  of  light  that  fall  on  a  leaf,  the greater     the     number     of     chlorophyll molecules  that  are  ionised  and  the  more ATP   and   NADPH   are   generated.   Lightdependent  reactions  use  light  energy  and so    are    not    affected    by    changes    in temperature.As light intensity is increased further, however, the rate of photosynthesis is eventually  limited by some other factor. So the rate plateaus. At very high light intensity, chlorophyll may be damaged and the rate drops steeply (not shown in the graph).Chlorophyll ais used in both photosystems. The wavelength of light is also important. PSI absorbs energy  most  efficiently  at  700  nm  and  PSII  at  680  nm.  Light  with  a  higher  proportion  of  energy concentrated in these wavelengths will produce a higher rate of photosynthesis.An    increase    in    the    carbon    dioxide concentrationincreases  the  rate  at  which carbon  is  incorporated  into  carbohydrate in  the  light-independent  reaction,  and  so the    rate    of    photosynthesis    generally increases until limited by another factor.As    it    is    normally    present    in    the atmosphere  at  very  low  concentrations (about  0.04%),  increasing  carbon  dioxide concentration  causes  a  rapid  rise  in  the rate  of  photosynthesis,  which  eventually plateaus   when   the   maximum   rate   of fixation is reached.

What kind of symmetry does the human body plan show? Explain what this means.


The last type of symmetry is the bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry is when the body plan can be divided along a plane that splits the animal's body into right and left sides that are mirror images of each other. Let's look at this type of symmetry a little more.

I need to know what which weathering it is



the answer is D


Rocks break down into smaller pieces through weathering. Rocks and sediment grinding against each other wear away surfaces. This type of weathering is called abrasion, and it happens as wind and water rush over rocks. The rocks become smoother as rough and jagged edges break off.

Which of the following scientists DID NOT disprove spontaneous generation? *


Hooke didnt disprove spontaneous generations!

After examining the fossil record, scientists have determined that scorpions today are much smaller than their extinct ancestors. For example, Jaekelopterus rhenaniae, a giant scoprtion species that lived 255 million to 460 million years ago was 2.5 meters long. Which of the following conclusions is supported by this information?
A. scorpions living today have increased their numbers since they first appeared
B. scorpions in the fossil record are smaller than their descendants are
C. scorpions have changed as a result of natural selection
D. scorpions do not appear in their original state in the fossil record


Answer: C. scorpions have changed as a result of natural selection


The text tells us that scorpions today are now smaller than they were in the past. This means that the scorpions have changed since then i.e. they have evolved.

The primary reason for evolution is natural selection which refers to a situation whereby only the organisms that are better adapted in their species survive.

The conclusion that can be drawn from this research therefore is that we have smaller scorpions today because they stood a better chance of survival than the larger ones and so survived whilst the larger ones died out.

The volume of air in the lungs is controlled by the​


The diaphragm,

During inhalation, the diaphragm is contracted which increases the volume of the lung cavity. During exhalation, the diaphragm is relaxed which decreases the volume of the lung cavity

1. Unit of hereditary information
2. Trait that will appear on the offspring, represented by
capital letter
3. Trait that will not appear on the offspring, represented by
small letter
4. An Austrian monk who discovered that traits can be passed
from parents to offspring.
5. Genetic makeup of an individual.
6. Physical trait or observable trait of an individual,
7. Genotype composed of similar alleles. Ex. RR-round
8. Different forms or pairs of genes.
9. Genotype composed of dominant and recessive alleles. Ex
10. It occurs when both alleles are present in an organism.
Ex. BB (black chicken) x WW (white chicken) = BW = black
and white chicken,

Nonsense report, pls pa answer brainliest ko po agad



1. Gene

2. Dominant Allele

3. Recessive allele

4. Gregor Mendel

5. Genotype

6. Phenotype

7. Search up net, it won't let me upload the anwer

8. Diploid

9. Heterozygous

10. -


Pls vote  as brainliest

Which conclusion is best supported by his observations?



The answer would be d finch 4 is adapted to eat small insects that live in tiny holes.


Living organisms are made up of energy and matter.


True every living thing needs energy
Yes I am going back home to go get back home

Fertilizer grade is the relative _________ in a bag of fertilizer.








NPK fertilizer are added in the soil to fulfill the need of ________​



............. the need of _Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium_


Each of these fundamental nutrients plays a key role in plant nutrition. ... It's also needed to help plants grow and develop normally. Phosphorus in commercial fertilizers comes from phosphate rock.

¿Como se llaman las celulas segun el organo en el que estan?



es tejido ... 2 ... es la ... opción correcta ...

Un grupo de células que tienen un origen común, una estructura similar y que realizan una función definida se denomina tejido. ... Por ejemplo, grupos de células óseas forman tejidos óseos y las células musculares forman tejido muscular. espero que te ayude

El efisema pulmonar,provocado princioalmente por el consumo de cigarro, es una lesion que genera destruccion de los alveolos y, por lo tanto, zonas en las que no se produce el intercambio de gases ¿que consecuencias puede tener esta lesion en el organismo?



El enfisema pulmonar disminuye la cantidad de tejido pulmonar, disminuyendo de este modo la cantidad de oxígeno que llega a la sangre (hipoxemia). El enfisema está asociado a diferentes trastornos incluyendo infecciones respiratorias recurrentes, pérdida de peso, debilidad muscular e hinchazón de los miembros inferiores.


El enfisema pulmonar es una enfermedad causada por la destrucción de los alvéolos pulmonares la cual está asociada a un aumento en la dificultad para respirar. Las principales causas de esta enfermedad son la exposición continua al humo del cigarrillo y otras sustancias nocivas para la salud, como así también a contaminantes presentes en la atmósfera. El enfisema pulmonar va progresivamente destruyendo las paredes alveolares pulmonares y los vasos sanguíneos que las recorren, disminuyendo así la elasticidad pulmonar, aumentando la proporción de aire que recorre los pulmones y de este modo también aumentando la distensibilidad pulmonar. Esta enfermedad disminuye la capacidad de oxigenar la sangre, generando una sensación constante de falta de aire (disnea) y cuadros progresivamente más severos de hipoxemia. Cuando el enfisema pulmonar se encuentra en grado avanzado, la única opción viable es el reemplazo del órgano dañado mediante un trasplante pulmonar. El enfisema puede estar asociado a infecciones respiratorias recurrentes (resfriados, gripe), pérdida de peso, debilidad muscular e hinchazón de los miembros inferiores (tobillos, pies y piernas).


Which of the following terms means "manmade"?
is anthropogenic





this is the answer hope it helps you

Four differences between the aorta and vena cava ?



Aorta and vena cava are two main types of blood vessels attached to the heart. The main difference between aorta and vena cava is that aorta carries oxygenated blood whereas vena cava carries deoxygenated blood. Aorta is the main artery that leaves the heart through the left ventricle. It supplies oxygenated blood throughout the body. Two types of venae cavae supply blood to the right atrium of the heart. They are superior vena cava and inferior vena cava. Superior vena cava drains deoxygenated blood from the head, arms, and other upper parts of the body while inferior vena cava drains that from the lower parts of the body.

1. Aorta carries oxygenated blood while vena cava carries oxygenated blood.
2. Blood in the aorta moves at a higher pressure than that in the vena cava.
3. Aorta takes blood away from the heart while vena cava brings blood to the heart.
4. Vena cava have valves while aorta doesn’t.

help pls *serious ppl only*



6 for white parents, and 6 for black parents.

I just need number one I need to fill in the blanks


Is there a word bank we can use

When a cell is deprived of oxygen, its lysosomes tend to burst and release their contents into the cell. As a result of this, that cell will Group of answer choices undergo cell division. recycle damaged organelles. produce replacement lysosomes. undergo self-digestion and die.



The correct answer is - undergo self-digestion and die.


Lysosomes are cell organelle that is membrane-bound and has digestive enzymes in them. These cell organelle help in digesting cells that are worn out, ruptured cells deprived of oxygen by bursting themselves.

Its bursting nature also helps in digesting and killing antigens and microbes. It is a very essential cell organelle that helps in digesting and killing damage cell parts or cells.

When a cell is deprived of oxygen, its lysosomes tend to burst and release their contents into the cell, the cell will undergo self-digestion and die.


Lysosomes are cell organelles that are membrane-bound and contains digestive enzymes. These cell organelle help in breaking down cellular waste.  When the cell is deprived of oxygen they burst themselves and release their content. It is a very essential cell organelle that helps in digesting and killing damaged cell parts, microbes, antigens, or cells.

So, from this we can conclude that when a cell is deprived of oxygen, its lysosomes tend to burst and release their contents into the cell, the cell will undergo self-digestion and die.

learn more about lysosomes here:



what is substances in scientific methods​



A chemical substance is a form of matter having constant chemical composition and characteristic properties. Some references add that chemical substance cannot be separated into its constituent elements by physical separation methods, i.e., without breaking chemical bonds.

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