Which two details from the passage should be included in a summary? The Butterfield stage route through the Guadalupes was abandoned in less than a year for a more favorable course along a string of army forts to the south. The first permanent ranch house was constructed in 1876 by the Rader brothers. To protect their investments, the stage line and settlers in the area demanded protection from the military. Agave roasting pits and other remains of the Mescalero campsites are common in the mountains. By the late 1800s, nearly all of the surviving Mescalero Apaches in the United States were living on reservations.


Answer 1


sentence 2, and 4


Related Questions

write a letter to your assembly member asking him to help the maintenance of your school structure



Britfull College,

Post Office Box 34,


21st August 2020.

The assembly member,

Britland Community,

Post Office Box 34,

Dear Sir,


Education is the key to success.A good environment is seliant in influencing studies at school.Every school needs a welcoming environment with suitable maintenance.

But unfortunately my school is one without good maintenance.

I am writing to ask for your help sir.

........ ..


With the above points raised and reasons given ,I hope you would put efforts into helping me.

Yours faithfully,

Destiny Samson.

How many words in the passage from the U.S. constitution would be changed to lowercase if written in English commonly used today ?


The number of words in the passage from the U.S. constitution that would be changed to lowercase if written in English commonly used today is:


What are uppercase letters?

Uppercase letters refer to the capital form of letters. In the excerpt from the U.S constitution which was written in old English, we can see that many verbs were capitalized.

This is not the same way that we write in modern English. Only the important nouns in a text should be capitalized for emphasis. In the excerpt below, the unnecessary words that were capitalized are in bold forms. They are 8 in total.

They include: Produce, Duties, Imposts, State, Imports, Exports, Use, and Treasury. Modern English requires these words to be in small letters because they are not core nouns.

Complete question/excerpt:

The excerpt from the US Constitution: The net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States...

Learn more about old and modern English here:



I'm thinking of going to the Extra Book Fair this Saturday. I heard that you have already
been there. Could you please tell me about some of the things I could do there or how
I can get there? I know nothing about this fair.​


You can borrow and buy books there not sure if you can sell books

Which of the following uses hyphens correctly?
O A. The movie was a re-made back in the 1980's.
B. We went to watch the actor's re-creation of the Civil War.
OC. The next project for the house is to re-do the kitchen.
OD. The queen was dressed in a re-gal purple gown.





wish i could help

Literary works Communication Composition Literature Forensics



literary work is: Composition




Just took the test and got this one correct.

Give the correct tense of form of the verbs in the bracket
a. They (1 pull) down the house opposite the college. Thais why we (2. use) the back
entrance at present.
b. I (3. sleep) at my grandmother's house this week because I (4. have) my house painted.
c. Her ex-husband never (5. help) her with anything. He (6. constantly, read) newspaper or
(7. watch) TV.
d. Careful! You (8. break) something with that ball. Go outside.
e. I (9. think)about buying him a tie because he (10. like) to dress formally.
f. I am sure you (11. pass) the driving test. Don't worry.
9. I (12. not pay)attention while I (13. write)the letter, so I made several mistakes.
h. He (14. fight)some of his classmates. He is now black and blue.
i. Although it (15. snow)heavily, she went out to buy some food for her puppy because he (16. eat) up the last packet the day before.
J. I (17. see)Judy for more than five years and during that time I have (18. see)many changes in her personality.
k. John: Wow, it's freezing out there.
Jane: I (19. make)some coffee to warm US up. You (20. want)a piece of pie as well?









6.constantly read






12.didn't pay









Read the Greek myth "Midas" retold by Thomas Bulfinch and answer the question. [1] Bacchus, on a certain occasion, found his old schoolmaster and foster-father, Silenus, missing. The old man had been drinking, and in that state wandered away, and was found by some peasants, who carried him to their king, Midas. Midas recognized him, and treated him hospitably, entertaining him for ten days and nights with an unceasing round of jollity. [2] On the eleventh day he brought Silenus back, and restored him in safety to his pupil. Whereupon Bacchus offered Midas his choice of a reward, whatever he might wish. He asked that whatever he might touch should be changed into gold. Bacchus consented, though sorry that he had not made a better choice. [3] Midas went his way, rejoicing in his new-acquired power, which he hastened to put to the test. He could scarce believe his eyes when he found a twig of an oak, which he plucked from the branch, become gold in his hand. He took up a stone; it changed to gold. He touched a sod; it did the same. He took up an apple from the tree; you would have thought he had robbed the garden of the Hesperides. His joy knew no bounds, and as soon as he got home, he ordered the servants to set a splendid repast on the table. Then he found to his dismay that whether he touched bread, it hardened in his hand; or put a morsel to his lip, it defied his teeth. He took a glass of wine, but it flowed down his throat like melted gold. [4] In consternation at the unprecedented affliction, he strove to divest himself of his power; he hated the gift he had lately coveted. But all in vain; starvation seemed to await him. He raised his arms, all shining with gold, in prayer to Bacchus, begging to be delivered from his glittering destruction. Bacchus, merciful deity, heard and consented. "Go," said he, "to River Pactolus, trace its fountain-head, there plunge yourself and body in, and wash away your fault and its punishment." He did so, and scarce had he touched the waters before the gold-creating power passed into them, and the river sands became changed into gold, as they remain to this day. Select two key details that could be included in a summary of the myth. Bacchus granted Midas's wish to have the golden touch. Bacchus sometimes found his teacher Silenus missing. Midas entertained Silenus in his kingdom for ten days. Midas received a wish for returning Silenus to Bacchus. Silenus was found by peasants and carried to Midas.



"Midas received a wish for returning Silenus to Bacchus."

"Bacchus granted Midas's wish to have the golden touch."


Claim: Students should be required to wear school
Which statement is an example of a reasonable counterclaim to this claim?
A. Bullying is a big problem in most public high schools today.
B. School uniforms are expensive and unaffordable for many
C. The use of smartphones should also be banned in public high
D. Students who wear uniforms to school are almost never late to





I do believe the answer you are looking for is that uniforms are to expensive for some students. it is a counter claim to school uniforms. it gives a logical reason.

hope this helps.

The counterclaim can be School uniform are costly and exorbitant for some understudies. Hence, choice (B) is precise.

What is the significance of school uniform?

School uniform assumes a key part in advancing pride, fearlessness, and a sensation of having a place inside the understudy body. These variables add to understudies' prosperity, eliminating the extra tensions of choosing what to wear and added pressure of living up to the assumptions of their companions.

Wearing the right school uniform shows understudies discipline and helps in decreasing non-appearance. Understudies don't have to focus on their appearance, however the attention is on learning and acceptable conduct. They are not decided by what they wear yet by how they act, and this learning is taken forward when they grow up.

Learn more about school uniform, from:



most important incident sing to the dawn



Answer is


My most important incident was when I learned to draw.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Read the excerpt from The Dark Game: True Spy Stories from Invisible Ink to CIA Moles. One week later, news of the Zimmermann telegram was splashed across the front page of American newspapers. On April 6, 1917, the Congress of the United States declared war on Germany and its allies. If the underlined word were replaced with the word "typed,” the tone of the excerpt would be more judgmental. more optimistic. less intellectual. less dramatic.


This question is incomplete because there is no an underlined word; here is the passage with the underlined word

One week later, news of the Zimmermann telegram was splashed across the front page of American newspapers. On April 6, 1917, the Congress of the United States declared war on Germany and its allies.

Underlined word: Splashed

The correct answer is D. Less dramatic


In the original text, the use of the word "splash" to refer to the action of publishing an important event in the newspaper, creates a highly emotional and dramatic tone (attitude of the writer) because the word splash suggests the news are highly important or will have a great effect. On the other hand, if the word is replaced by the word "typed", which is neutral and does not have an emotional charge, the tone or general attitude will be less dramatic and more neutral as this word shows the news were published but does not suggest the impact of these.


Less dramatic


Try solving it , the question is below



1. miracles

2. calm  

3. docile

4. depicted  

5. riding

6. apparent

7. fought

8. threatened

9. border  

10. presence


Read the following passage:
Returning from Vietnam, we were given a parade. Crowds
of screaming people waving signs - not just on one road,
one day. No, they were everywhere. Every day. On the
streets, on the television, on the radio. A hot, angry tangle
of shaking fists and ugly words that threatened us like a
monster with a hundred heads. Our country had chewed us
up and spit us out, and now we were being treated as if it.
were our fault.
Which sentence best uses figurative language to match the paragraph's tone?
A. We had come home to a feeding frenzy and were being treated as
B. I felt unappreciated and condemned for actions I had thought
were heroic.
C. I hadn't expected to find myself in a rags-to-riches situation such
as this.
D. Our feet were frozen in place as the street itself strained to hold us


Answer:D as the other people were threatening them

We had come home to a feeding frenzy and were being treated as bait. The correct option is D.

What is figurative language?

Figurative language refers to the use of words or expressions that go beyond their literal or dictionary meanings to convey a specific image, feeling, or idea.

It employs literary devices such as metaphors, similes, personification, hyperbole, and symbolism, among others.

The sentence that best matches the tone of the paragraph is: "a hot, angry tangle of shaking fists and ugly words that threatened us like a monster with a hundred heads."

We had returned home to a feeding frenzy and were being used as bait. The figurative language of a monster with a hundred heads is used in this sentence to convey the overwhelming and menacing nature of the crowds protesting against returning veterans.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding figurative language, visit:



When Jim goes on his shore adventure in chapter thirteen he is separated from Dr. Livesey. As a result chapters 16-18 are told from Dr. Livesey's point of view to fill the reader in on what happened while Jim was gone. However when Jim goes on his sea adventure, he is separated from Dr. Livesey from chapters 22-33, and we don't know what exactly happens to Dr. Livesey during these chapters. Write at least a five paragraph narrative from Dr. Livesey's point of view that shows what he was doing during these chapters. Make sure you include all the events that Dr. Livesey does throughout these chapters.



he probable hides were jim cant see him and hi is writing the chapters based on what jim is doing on his adventure


What is the suffix of impatiently?


Answer:Pent-up, antsy, restless, short-tempered, constantly checking the time — all of these are qualities of an impatient person. Patient comes from the Latin word patientem, meaning "to endure," but add the prefix im- and you get impatient — the inability to endure delays, mix-ups, people walking slowly, red lights. . .thank you....hope it helped

PLEASE HELPP! 30 POINTS What point of view is used in “Was It a Dream?” How would a different point of view change your understanding of the character? In one to two paragraphs, explain your answer.



The point of veiw in "Was it a Dream?"  is in first person, the main character acts as the narrator, giving the whole thing in direct speech.The story begins with him saying " I loved her madly". If it was in a different point of veiw you would know what is going on all around you not just with one person. You would know someone elses point of veiw on how things happened. You would possibly figure out more information on whats going on.

The understanding would change if there was a different point of veiw by not knowing what the main character now is thinking. We wouldn't even know what is going on with our main character now. We would possibly have more questions on what is going on?


Write a poem about the changes in your life. ( Just write it with either real or fake changes in YOUR life. Im new to this school so they wont know its not about me.)


a not real just ficitional weird poem:

I used to live a happy life,

I had everything,

and didnt need anything,

I did things in perfection

And got alot of affection,

But I was a fool,

Things started to become dull,

I wasted my fortune,

Which caused an unfortune,

Now i regret

write a letter toyour friend in another school telling him or her about three changes that have occurred in your school which is bringing effective teaching and learning​



. It is clear that children may arrive at school ready to learn in a number of different ways. One way is to have high levels of language, emergent literacy, and world knowledge acquired at home or in preschool. Equally important, though, is readiness in the emotional, social, and motivational realms: the ability to adapt to the new constraints of the classroom, the social skills that are needed to participate effectively in classroom discourse, and the self-esteem and sense of agency required to work hard and learn intentionally. School learning is a social as well as a cognitive process, one influenced by the relationships between student and teacher and among students. Furthermore, what children learn at school is not exclusively academic content; schools are designed to make children productive citizens who are respectful of the diversity of their society. While there has been a great deal of research on the social and motivational determinants of school success for mainstream children, attention to these matters with regard to language-minority children has focused more on issues of mismatch between the social rules these children bring from home and those that obtain in the classroom. In this chapter, we identify some of the salient themes in research on social factors as related to academic achievement for language-minority children.


The correct answer is


Dear Sam,

How are you? Hope you are good. How is your school? Do you know something? Our school has brought in effective teaching and learning by

1) They have now introduced books with CDs to understand the lessons more.

2) They have improved the quality of the books by increasing the informational things written in them.

3) Our schools have now got advanced teacher robots too.

How do you thing about all of this? Please sent me a letter as soon as possible.

Your friend,


Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Write a poem about what self care means to you.



speak kind to your inner self,

Don't take your demons' view

You are you, and no one else

Will lead the life you do.

Kill your inner Critic

And silence all his chatter

l'm worth it & l matter



Why didn’t the teacher punish the speaker and his friend Niks? PASSIVE VOICE



Why was the speaker and his friend Niks punished by the Teacher?


On our way home, we _____________ a couple of nights in Yosemite National Park.

Group of answer choices






Answer: The correct grammatical choice is spent.

Hope this helps!


Spent is the answer.


Good luck. : )

which characteristics make this uniquely a poem



cant see the poem


Which is written correctly in the conditional mood?
Go searching for the next right turn on the map please.
If she had been honest, she would make everyone aware of her mistakes.
If you wanted to leave earlier, you should be telling me earlier.
If I finish my homework, then I can go skateboarding.


the answer is “if i finish my homework, then i can go skateboarding”


I think the answer is “if i finish my homework, then i can go skateboarding”

I may be wrong though!

Hope this helps!

What is The developed theme in the mysteries of udolpho





The Mysteries of Udolpho as written by Ann Radcliffe is a novel that has its settings in 1584, somewhere in France and northern Italy and it narrates the situation a young French maiden Emily St Aubert found herself in after her father's demise.

The developed theme is that of Family as she is kept captive in a castle by Signor Montoni who married her aunt Madame Cheron. She faces further family conflict from her aunt Cheron who refuses her from marrying the man she wants.

How do visual aids most effectively support a speaker's point in a speech?
O A. By providing information that the speaker doesn't give
O B. By showing evidence that represents what the speaker is talking
C. By citing the source of the speaker's information
O D. By allowing the audience to ask questions



B. By showing evidence that represents what the speaker is talking



Yes, visual aids provide information that the speaker doesn't give. It proves that what the speaker is saying is correct. Visual aids improve the quality and understanding of a particular story.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

There will always be someone waiting round the corner to over power and defeat us if we are weak” Explain the above statement with reference to the poem “Wind”. How does the wind make fun of the weak?


This question is incomplete, here´s the complete question.  

There will always be someone waiting round the corner to over power and defeat us if we are weak” Explain the above statement with reference to the poem “Wind”, by SUBRAMANIA BHARATI. How does the wind make fun of the weak?


The idea that the wind makes fun of the weak appears in the poem through the description of the wind´s destruction capacity.


That destructive energy is a symbol of the difficulties people go through in life, a destruction that can have weak people breaking down, while stronger people can overcome the situation and become stronger. The wind, which is everywhere, resembles the possibility of someone defeating us if we are weak.

The barking of the neighbor’s dog _________ my ability to concentrate. The barking of the neighbor’s dog has a curious _________on my ability to concentrate
. A) affects
B) effects, affects
C) affects, effects
D) effects



the answer should just be affect.

Explanation: Affect is usually a verb, and it means to impact or change.

which is happening in the sentences. Hope this helps! Brainliest please.




What feelings and emotions are expressed in the descriptions of Equiano's village? In your opinion, what can readers learn from reading these excerpts of the memoir? Use details from the excerpts to support your answer.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The feelings and emotions that are expressed in the descriptions of Equiano’s village are of nostalgia for his birthplace.

In my opinion, what readers can learn from reading these excerpts of the memoir is the fond memories Equiano had for his village, his people, traditions, culture, and customs.

He describes the landmark. A place full of vegetation, where people grew fruits and vegetables. He refers to the clothes the people used. Nothing fancy. Those were simple and comfortable clothes. He remembers that his people traded different artifacts with white people. He mentions some traditions such as marriage and the way the elders punished people who committed any crime.

You can read more about Olaudah Equiano in his autobiography and refers to his life as a slave.

Answer: In his memoir, Equiano describes his village with a feeling of admiration for the people and the sense of community.

The whole neighbourhood afford their unanimous assistance in building them and in return receive, and expect no other recompense than a feast.

Every one contributes something to the common stock; and as we are unacquainted with idleness, we have no beggars. The benefits of such a mode of living are obvious.

By reading these excerpts from Equiano’s memoir, readers can see the culture and sense of community from which he was taken. They may gain a better understanding of Equiano’s childhood experiences prior to him becoming an enslaved person.

which word means most nearly the same as advance A motion B Action C program D Gain



In my opinion, the answer should be D.Gain


Gain means to advance & improve....

Gain & advance are both synonyms. So.....

The best choice would be D.Gain

Therefore, the answer is D.

I hope this helps!

(Also hope that I am correct)


Choose the correct type of work based on the formatting of the title. There is only one correct option. _Where’s My Meatloaf? And Other Stories_. Choose 1 answer: (A: novel B: short story C: collection of short stories



Collection of short stories.

The name explains it really well.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!



collection of short stories


i got it right so thats how i now :)

I am a fruit. If you change my first letter to a “d”, I’m a window covering. If you take away my first two letters, I am an animal. If you take away my first and my last letters, I am a form of music. What am I?


Grape is the fruit.

A grape is the answer to this puzzle and is also a fruit.

What is a puzzle?

In this, the study has shown that the difference will be based on the data or the puzzle that is given There will be changes with respect to the problem-solving as well as the memory test person.

This will help in case there is a chance of memory loss for a person, as well as the way cognitive thinking will help the person keep a sharp mind.

Grape will be my fruit.

If you change my first letter to a “d” then the word that will be formed will be Drape. This is a part of the window covering.

If there will be the removal of the first two words, then the word formed will be ape. This is an animal.

First, two letters if removed then the word will be rap. This is a form of music.

Learn more about puzzle, here:



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