Which two sentences in this excerpt from Sir Walter Scott's /vanhoe indicate that the novel is a work of historical fiction?
"Thy life, minion?" answered the sibyl; what would taking thy life pleasure them?- Trust me, thy life is iNno peril. Such usage shalt thou have as was once thought good
enough for a noble Saxon maiden. And shall Jewess, like thee, repine because she hath no better? My father and his seven sons defended their inheritance from story to
story, from chamber to chamber-There was not a room, not a step of the stair, that was not slippery with their blood. They died-they died every man; and ere their bodies
were cold, and ere their blood was dried, I had become the prey and the scorn of the conqueror!",
As another instance of these bitter fruits of conquest, and perhaps the strongest that can be quoted, we may mention, that the Princess Matilda, though a daughter of the
King of Scotland, and afterwards both Queen of England, niece to Edgar Atheling, and mother to the Empress of Germany, the daughter, the wife, and the mother of
monarchs, was obliged, during her early residence for education in England, to assume the veil of a nun, as the only means of escaping the licentious pursuit of the Norman
nobles. This excuse she stated before a great council of the ciergy of England, as the sole reason for her having taken the religious habit. The assembled clergy admitted
the validity of the plea, and the notoriety of the circumstances upon which it was founded; giving thus an indubitable and most remarkable testimony to the existence of that
disgraceful license by which that age was stained. It was a matter of public knowledge, they said, that after the conquest of King William, his Norman followers, elated by so
great a victory, acknowledged no law but their own wicked pleasure, and not only despoited the conquered Saxons of their lands and their goods, but invaded the honour of
their wives and of their daughters with the most unbridied license; and hence it was then common for matrons and maidens of noble families to assume the veil, and take
shelter in convents, not as called thither by the vocation of God, but solely to preserve their honour from the unbridled wickedness of man
"Thy language," answered Rowena, "hath in its indifferent bluntness something which cannot be reconciled with the horrors it seems to express. believe not that thy purposes, so wicked thy power so great… At one end of this ghastly apartment was a large fire great over the top of which were stretch some transverse iron half devoured with rest.


Answer 1


1. "Such usage shalt thou have as was once thought good enough for a noble Saxon maiden."

2. "It was a matter of public knowledge, they said, that after the conquest of King William, his Norman followers, elated by so great a victory, acknowledged no law but their own wicked pleasure."

Answer 2
I do not understand this question

Related Questions

what do the written essay, critical incidents, adjective rating scales, and bars evaluation methods have in common?


It's a feature of the written essay, critical occurrences, visual rating scales, and BARS grading systems to compare people to benchmarks.

An essay's body, which includes your in-depth analysis and supporting arguments, introduction, which introduces your topic and thesis statement, and conclusion, which summarizes your main points.The critical event methodology is a collection of steps used to gather firsthand accounts of human behavior that are of crucial importance and satisfy carefully laid out requirements.The Adjective Rating Scale is a universally accepted method of evaluation in which the subject is contrasted with a predetermined norm. A BARS, which is often rated on a five-, seven-, or nine-point scale, is a technique for assessing employees in a predetermined set of performance dimensions by contrasting their actions with certain behavior examples that anchor each performance level.

Thus this is what all the above have in common.

Refer here to learn more about BARS evaluation methods:  https://brainly.com/question/18597072


Requirements: 150 words. must include: Age of Exploration and The Columbian Exchange

1.) What were some of the motivations for Europeans to explore far off areas in the new world

2.) How did Europe benefit from discovering these new areas

3.) What effect did exploration have on the places the Europeans explored



The Age of Exploration was a period of time in history when European explorers set out to explore the world and establish colonies in the Americas. The Columbian Exchange was a period of intense global exchange of food, plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World (Europe and Africa) and the New World (the Americas).


1. The Age of Exploration was a period of European exploration and colonization of the New World from the 15th to the 18th centuries. Europeans were motivated to explore far off areas in the new world for a variety of reasons, including a quest for wealth and glory, and a desire to spread their religion. The wealth that could be gained from the discovery of new lands was immense, and so was the glory that could come from claiming new lands for their respective countries. Also, European countries sought to spread their religious beliefs, particularly Catholicism.

2. Europe benefited from its exploration of the New World in numerous ways. Colonies were created in the new lands, allowing them to gain access to new resources, such as crops, minerals, and other materials. They also gained access to new markets, allowing them to sell their goods to the native peoples, who were willing to pay high prices for European goods. Additionally, the Europeans were able to expand their empires, allowing them to gain more power and influence in the world.

3. The effect that exploration had on the places that the Europeans explored was significant. The Columbian Exchange, which is the exchange of goods and ideas between the New World and Europe, had a huge impact on both sides.

To learn more about age of exploration refer to:



Part b Which phrase form the paragraph best supports the answer to part a David and Goliath


Part A: The meaning of the word "clan" as used in the story - David and Goliath is: "a group of close-knit interrelated families" (Option C)

Part B: The phrase from the paragraph above that best supports the meaning of the word "clan" is: "Who belonged to the Ephrath" (Option B)

What is a phrase?

A phrase is a collection of words that expresses a certain concept or notion but lacks a subject and a verb. Phrases are frequently used to provide more detail or description to a statement.

Noun phrases, verb phrases, adjective phrases, and adverb phrases are only a few examples of phrases. Noun phrases are made up of a noun and any modifier words, such as adjectives or determiners. A verb phrase is made up of a verb and any modifier words, such as adverbs or auxiliary verbs.

Adverb phrases are made up of an adverb and any words that modify it, whereas adjective phrases are made up of an adjective and any words that modify it.

It appears the question was missing some details. The above response is based on the question below which matches the details provided.

Learn more about Phrase:

Full Question:

Part A: What is the meaning of the word "clan" as used in the following sentence from the story? "David's father Jesse was an old man, who belonged to the Ephrath clan and lived in Bethlehem in Judah."

answer choices

(n.) a tribe of native Americans

(n.) a loud resonant metallic sound or series of sounds

(n.) a group of close-knit interrelated families

(v.) common interest

Part B:
Which phrase from the following paragraph best supports the meaning of clan? "David's father Jesse was an old man, who belonged to the Ephraph clan and lived in Bethlehem in Judah. Jesse had eight sons: the oldest was Eliab, the next was Abinadab, and Shammah was the third. The three of them had gone off to fight in Saul's army."

answer choices

"David's father Jesse was an old man"

"who belonged to the Ephrath"

"Jesse had eight sons"

"Three of them had gone off"

what is a song with character? can u give me a song


A song with character is seen as A song that characterizes a person is known as a character song. An example of it is: Stairway to Heaven

What is the story behind Stairway to Heaven?

Robert Plant wrote the lyrics to "Stairway to Heaven," which begin with a critique of an excessively materialistic culture, implying that spending your entire life accumulating worldly goods is a futile undertaking since you won't get to heaven and you won't be able to utilize any of them once you do.

A musical theme may give the audience the impression that they are in the distant past or the distant future.

Therefore, song that characterizes a person is known as a character song. It "provides a clear sense of what the character is feeling... [or] the character's background to the audience" (Leech). The I am song, I desire song, reprises, and emotional climax songs are among the components that make up character songs.

Learn more about character from



in “the pickwickians disport themselves on ice” what is one major effect of the use of an omniscient narrator 


An omniscient narrator is a voice that tells a story from outside the action and has complete knowledge of all the characters and events.

What does an omniscient narrator mean?This is a typical example of third-person narration in which the storyteller assumes an omniscient viewpoint on the story being told and frequently appears to talk with the author's voice: taking a deep breath and describing private or hidden thoughts or occurrences.There are a number of reasons why a storyteller would decide to use an omniscient narrator. As opposed to more constrained views like first person and third person limited, this kind of narration style enables the writer to communicate full information with the reader. Additionally, it provides the reader with an objective point of view as opposed to a single narrative perspective's or a narrator's sometimes unreliable subjective viewpoint.

To learn more about third-person narration refer :



Description should give the reader the sense that the writer __________.

is showing rather than telling

is both showing and telling

is telling rather than showing

neither showing nor telling but rather existing


I believe the answer is telling rather than showing.

Please mark brainliest I need two more!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE HELP: The sentence below is a mixed construction. Choose the version of the sentence that corrects the error.

For many professors teaching at a university feel the pressure to "publish or perish."

a) Many professors teaching at a university feel the pressure to "publish or perish.”

b) Concerning many professors teaching at a university feel the pressure to "publish or

c) Since many professors teaching at a university feel the pressure to "publish or perish."

d) With many professors teaching at a university feel the pressure to "publish or perish."


The correct answer is Option a. Based on Redundancy in grammar, Many professors teaching at a university feel the pressure to "publish or perish” is the correct option.

What is Redundancy in language?

Redundancy in grammar generally refers to any aspect of a language that is not required to distinguish a linguistic unit. Features are deemed to be distinctive if they are not redundant.

Redundant language is a language that uses redundant, pointless, contradictory, or meaningless phrases. Most frequently, it takes the form of a tautology: statements that use different words to reiterate the same idea.

Repetition stretches your work and bores your audience. People are likely to quit reading altogether if the sentences are too long.

Redundancy is frequently exemplified by

Instead of, I believe that you must use 'I'.

In place of, Additional to that, you can use 'in addition'.

To learn more about Redundancy in language



What rhetorical strategy is used in this example from "how far i'll go" in disney's moana? "every turn i take / every trail i track / every path i make / every road leads back"



Repetition, specifically "anaphora"


Every is repeated not only in every line, but at the beginning of every line, so the writer is using the rhetorical strategy of anaphora.

Here is where we come to the Navy and after all, we have a
Navy. Some people seem to forget that we have a Navy. We must
remind them. For the last thirty years I have been concerned in
discussions about the possibilities of oversea invasion, and I
took the responsibility on behalf of the Admiralty, at the
beginning of the last war, of allowing all regular troops to be sent
out of the country. That was a very serious step to take,
our Territorials had only just been called up and were quite
untrained. Therefore, this Island was for several months
particularly denuded of fighting troops. The Admiralty had
confidence at that time in their ability to prevent a mass invasion
even though at that time the Germans had a magnificent battle
fleet in the proportion of 10 to 16, even though they were capable
of fighting a general engagement every day and any day, whereas
now they have only a couple of heavy ships worth speaking of -
the Scharnhorst and the Gneisenau. We are also told that the
Italian Navy is to come out and gain sea superiority in these
waters. If they seriously intend it, I shall only say that we shall be
delighted to offer Signor Mussolini a free and safeguarded
passage through the Strait of Gibraltar in order that he may play
the part to which he aspires. There is a general curiosity in the
British Fleet to find out whether the Italians are up to the level
they were at in the last war or whether they have fallen off at all.
Analyze the effectiveness of this excerpt. How does it function within the speech as
a whole? How does the structure of the excerpt help to convey the speech's purpose
and arguments? Support your argument with evidence from the speech. (10 points)



This excerpt is effective in communicating the purpose and arguments of the speech as a whole. The speaker is addressing the issue of invasion and the importance of the Navy in defending against it, so the structure of this excerpt focuses on the Navy and the other countries' navies. The speaker begins by acknowledging the importance of the Navy, then goes on to explain their role in the previous war by sending regular troops away and relying on the Territorials. This establishes the context for the rest of the excerpt, where the speaker discusses the capabilities of the German and Italian navies. By providing this context, the speaker drives home the importance of the Navy in defending the island against invasion.

The speaker then goes on to list the capabilities of the German and Italian navies, noting the superiority of the former and the potential threat posed by the latter. This serves to further highlight the importance of the Navy by emphasizing the need to be prepared for any attack. The speaker ends with a bold offer to Mussolini, suggesting that the British will provide him with a free and secure passage through the Strait of Gibraltar. This serves to emphasize the confidence of the speaker in the Navy's ability to defend against invasion. In sum, the structure of this excerpt provides evidence of the necessity of the Navy and the speaker's confidence in their ability to protect the island.


if a man with blood type a and a woman with blood type b produce an offspring, what might be the offspring’s blood type?


If a man with blood type A and a wo-man with blood type B pro-duce an offspring, the off-spring’s blood type could be A, B, AB or O.

What do you mean by blood type?

A blood type ( also kno-wn as a blood gro-up ) is a classification of blood, based on the prese-nce and absence of anti-bodies and inherited antigenic sub-stances on the surface of red blo-od cells ( RBCs ).

These anti-gens may be proteins, carbo-hydrates, glyco-proteins, or glycolipids, depend-ing on the blood group system. Blood types are inherit-ed and represent contributions from both parents of an indivi-dual.

To know more about blood type click below:



how does the author use the incident of the french girl comforting him to advance the plot of the story in night?


The event shows how everyone is constantly at risk from violence. The story demonstrates that while some people are motivated to be cruelly by their horrible situations, others take significant risks in order to be nice.

Eliezer is viciously beaten by Idek, the Kapo, in this section of the novel for no apparent reason since Idek is prone to craziness, and Eliezer merely got in the way. Eliezer is seriously injured, and the French girl, with whom he had never spoken before, tends to his wounds and comforts him.Idek and Franek, along with the other Polish captives, are sent to another camp shortly after this incident. Eliezer, however, unintentionally catches Idek having sex in the barracks before this occurs. Idek openly beats Eliezer till he passes out as punishment.

This is how the author use the incident of the French girl comforting him to advance the plot of the story in night.

Refer here to learn more about French girl: https://brainly.com/question/11751226


Read the excerpt from "on liberty and slavery." oh, liberty! thou golden prize, so often sought by blood— we crave thy sacred sun to rise, the gift of nature’s god! bid slavery hide her haggard face, and barbarism fly: i scorn to see the sad disgrace in which enslaved i lie. dear liberty! upon thy breast, i languish to respire; and like the swan upon her nest, i’d to thy smiles retire. oh, blest asylum—heavenly balm! unto thy boughs i flee— and in thy shades the storm shall calm, with songs of liberty! what does this excerpt express about the experience of freedom? freedom is a human right every person deserves. freedom can only be achieved in certain locations. people can lose hope when they have no freedom. the meaning of freedom differs among people.


The poem shifts from a discussion of the immediate state of slavery to an address to liberty, which emphasizes the narrator's desire to be free.

What is the poetry about slavery and freedom trying to say?The 1820s saw the creation of the poem "On Liberty and Slavery" by slave George Horton. The poem shifts from a discussion of the immediate state of slavery to an address to liberty, which emphasizes the narrator's desire to be free.The 1820s saw the creation of the poem "On Liberty and Slavery" by slave George Horton. The poem shifts from a discussion of the immediate state of slavery to an address to liberty, which emphasizes the narrator's desire to be free.      

To learn more about "On Liberty and Slavery" refer to:



Fortunately, there are ways that Chinwe can reduce her taxes while carefully planning how to pay what she owes over time. As a business owner, Chinwe can deduct expenses that are related to her dog walking needs and reduce what she owes in taxes. N What items could Chinwe possibly deduct as a business expense? Select all that apply. Gas mileage Leashes and waste bags Clothing Doggie treats and toys Advertisements Coffee machine​


Chinwe possibly deduct as a business expense are;

Leashes and waste bags.treats and toys.Coffee machine​.

What is business?

The term “business” refers to earning a profit. The business is taking the risk and earning the profit. The business is mainly focused on the activities of the creation, distribution, and selling of concepts.

According to the Chinwe possibly deduct as a business expense are to those items are not the necessary of this time. Those expenses such as treats and toys, Coffee machine, Leashes and waste bags.

As a result, the significance of the business are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on business, here:



Answer:Gas mileage

Leashes and waste bags

Doggie treats and toys


Explanation:This is for everfi

What impact does Iris's attitude have on the play?



It sounds nice but I have to read the book first

You’re trying to sell a Tesla to a middle aged man.

Use Ethos (at least 1 time)

Use Pathos (use at least 1 time)

Use Logos (use at least 1 time


I am a Tesla salesman, thus I have a wealth of expertise about and experience with the Tesla product, making me a reliable source of information.

While driving the Tesla around town, you'll feel proud of yourself and its cutting-edge technology and stylish style. The Tesla is a practical and eco-friendly option for your daily transportation needs because it can travel more than 300 miles on a single charge.

I have considerable knowledge of and experience working with the Tesla brand as a representative, making me a reliable source of information.Pathos
As you cruise around town in the Tesla, you'll feel proud of yourself and your accomplishments thanks to its svelte form and cutting-edge technology.Logos
The Tesla is a cost-efficient and ecologically responsible option for your daily transportation needs with a range of more than 300 miles on a single charge.

What are ethos, pathos, and logos?

Logos is the rational side of the listener.

By appealing to the speaker's status or authority, ethos increases the likelihood that the audience will believe them.

Pathos plays on the audience's feelings by attempting to elicit anger or sympathy.

To find similar questions, use the given link:



IRONY/IMAGERY: "Miss Adela Strangeworth came daintily along Main street on her
way to the grocery. The sun was shining, the air was fresh and clear after the night's
heavy rain, and everything in Miss Strangeworth's town looked washed and bright...
here was nothing in the world like a fragrant summer day"
how does the author use irony and imagery here? Explain.


The irony here is that the speaker described the town as washed and still said that it was bright. Then she also described the air as fresh and clear but at the end she said that the place was nothing in the world like a fragrant summer day.

What is an irony?

An ironic phrase implies one thing while really saying another. For instance, you may exclaim, "What a wonderful day!" if it were a chilly, wet, dreary day. Alternatively, you may reply, "Wow, I feel fantastic today," if you were experiencing a severe case of food sickness.

It is the use of language to convey meaning other from, or even the opposite of, that which is intended literally.

Read more on irony here:https://brainly.com/question/26138104


Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games, often writes choppy sentences or phrases using a first-person narrator. What is the MOST likely reason for using this technique?​



To enhance the impact and intensity of the story and make it more engaging for the reader.


The most likely reason for Suzanne Collins using choppy sentences or phrases when writing from a first-person perspective in The Hunger Games is to create a sense of immediacy and intensity in the narrative. By using shorter sentences and phrases, Collins is able to convey a sense of urgency and excitement, drawing the reader into the story and making them feel as if they are experiencing the events along with the narrator. This technique also helps to create a more intimate and personal connection between the reader and the narrator, as it allows the reader to see the world through the narrator's eyes and understand their thoughts and emotions more directly. Overall, using choppy sentences and phrases can help to enhance the impact and intensity of the story and make it more engaging for the reader.


would be c or she wants to create a sense of urgency according to info above



how does the reader's knnowledge of the evebts in peragraphs 22-30 reveal the banker and the lawyer's different points of view and develop suspense?


Unlike the lawyer Anton Chekhov, the banker made no effort during a fifteen-year period to improve his mind.

How does the reader's comprehension of the events in paragraphs 22–30 expose the opposing viewpoints of the banker and the lawyer and create suspense?

He just considers how to make money. His mania for money has a very bad effect on the character. He appears to be physically and morally weaker than he was fifteen years ago, when he was confident. He is terrified of having the same chance of being an outcast that Lawyer Voluntarily accept. Forcing his prisoner to pay a disproportionate amount than he is legally obligated to, the banker is considering murdering him. The Banker has no qualms about making one of the home workers the wrong person to accuse of the crime and find them guilty.

To know more about banker, checkout this link:



Please help asap
From Mother to Son by Langston Hughes
Thinking about the other texts we've read in this unit, which character would agree with the mother that life has been hard, but you have to keep going? Explain why or how?


In the Poem "Mother to Son" by Langston Huges, the character that depicts the fact that life is difficult but regardless one must persevere is the mother.

The other character that would agree with the mother is the son. This is because the poem is a message from a mother to her son who understands literarily and metaphorically why the stair is a symbol of life and how hard it can be, and is thus able to understand the allusion.

What is the theme of the poem "Mother to Son"?

"Mother to Son" is a theatrical monologue on enduring racism in America. Through a long metaphor about climbing a flight of steps, the speaker advises her son on how to improve his lot in a racist society.

"Mother to Son" has several major themes. The poem's key themes are adversity, optimism, and courage. The poem examines a person's dignity and determination in the face of adversity. The speaker compares her life to a shabby stairway and suggests that one should not give up.

Learn more about Langston Huges:

Quotes should take up no more than ___ percent of your paper.
OA. 80
OB. 25
O C. 10
O D. 50


Quotes should take up no more than 10% percent of your paper.

So our correct part is C) 10

¡Hope this helped!

explain the role that gravity plays hydroelectric dam's ability to produce electricity.


The penstock inside the dam is breached by gravity. A turbine propeller, which is rotated by the flowing water, is located at the end of the penstock. The turbine's shaft ascends into the generator, which generates the energy. 

What do you mean by Gravity?

The force that pulls items toward the center of a planet or other entity is called gravity. All of the planets are kept in orbit around the sun by gravity.

Water is discharged from the dam when extra energy is required. Once the water is discharged, gravity takes control and the water runs through a turbine in a downward direction. A generator is powered by the turbine's spinning blades.

An unstable gravity condition, or the variations of the gravity, is referred to as electricity. The "positive charge" is a pressure under the stable pressure of gravity, and the "negative charge" is a pressure over gravity.

Therefore, Gravity causes the penstock inside the dam to break. At the tip of the penstock is a turbine propeller that rotates with the water flow. The generator, which produces the energy, is reached via the shaft of the turbine.

Learn more about Gravity, here;



True or False: Pedro and Dr. Brown argue over Tita at the dinner.


Pedro and Dr. Brown argue over Tita at the dinner. The given statement is true.

What is the helplessness of Tita in the story?

The story is focused on the life of Tita De la Garza is the De La Garza family's youngest child. She has been restricted  from getting married because, in the accordance with family custom, she must care for her mother until she passes away.

At the early age of 16, Tita falls in love with Pedro, who is her next-door neighbor, but the Mama Elena prohibits it when he asks for her hand in a marriage, as he claiming that Tita must follow the family custom of the youngest daughter which is staying at home and taking care of her ill mother.

Therefore, Pedro and Dr. Brown argue over Tita at the dinner. The given statement is true.

Learn more about Tita on:



Mary has four daughters, and each of her daughters has a brother—how many children does Mary have?




five children


the daughters are from the same mother so they have the same brother


5 children


I think that mary have 5 children.

She has four daughters and each daughter has a brother. Mary is the mom and has four daughters and she has a son. The four daughters are siblings with one another and they have the same mother so then they would have one brother because they share a brother

(Not sure if this makes sense tried to explain a bit but it was a bit hard to explain..if wrong I'm sorry)

the sweating system, tiny children make
artificial flowers and neckwear for us to buy.
They carry bundles of garments from the
factories to the tenements, little beasts of
burden, robbed of school life that they may
work for us.
We do not wish this. We prefer to have our
work done by men and women. But we are
almost powerless. Not wholly powerless,
however, are citizens who enjoy the right of
petition. For myself, I shall use this power in
every possible way until the right to the ballot
is granted, and then I shall continue to use
What can we do to free our consciences?
There is one line of action by which we can do
1 2 3 4
How does the metaphor "beasts of burden on
page 5 contribute to the theme of Kelley's
It supports the argument that children are being
It suggests that using child labor is already against
the law.
It puts forth the idea that working animals are not
treated humanely.
It illustrates the weakness of young children when
compared to working animals.


Based on the given narration: "the sweating system, tiny children make artificial flowers and neckwear for us to buy. They carry bundles of garments from the factories to the tenements, little beasts of burden, robbed of school life that they may work for us.", the metaphor "beasts of burden on page 5 contribute to the theme of Kelley's speech that A. It supports the argument that children are being mistreated.

What is a Metaphor?

This refers to the term that is used in order to show the figurative expression that makes a direct comparison between two or more dissimilar items.

Hence, it can be seen that there is the use of metaphor in order to show that the children are being mistreated

Read more about metaphors here:



Select the correct answer.
Which statement is the best evaluation of the argument Henry is making in paragraph 5?
OA. Henry successfully makes the point that they can't wait for the colonists to be ready for battle as the
British are already here
OB. Henry fails to make a strong case for going to war because he offers no proof that the British will
attack the colonies.
OC. Henry makes a strong case for the colonists remaining vigilant against the British, and he hopes the
war starts soon.
O D. Henry fails to be convincing in his fallacious argument that the British will take over the entire country.


Henry tries to persuade the assembly that he feels like a slave under British authority, and he wants to urge them to rebel. So, Henry speaks his thoughts in an effort to persuade the assembly to do just that.

What is Henry's opening paragraph trying to accomplish?Support your assertions with evidence. Henry tries to persuade the assembly that he feels like a slave under British authority, and he wants to urge them to rebel. So, Henry speaks his thoughts in an effort to persuade the assembly to do just that.He effectively stirs up emotion with his use of language. Henry was able to make his remarks more compelling and capture the attention of the audience by using rhetorical questions. This had an impact on the listeners' emotions.Henry tries to persuade the assembly that he feels like a slave under British authority, and he wants to urge them to rebel. So, Henry speaks his thoughts in an effort to persuade the assembly to do just that.                

To learn more about Slave refer to:



10. Read the story summary below, and think about author's purpose.
Read Me
What is MOST LIKELY the author's purpose for writing this story?
to state the opinion that flea markets are good places to bond with your grandchildren
to express the idea that solutions to problems may come from a unexpected places
to explain that grandparents can help their grandchildren manage their spending
to show how the point of view of a flea market vendor differs from that of a customer


The author's purpose for writing this story to express the idea that solutions to problems may come from a unexpected places. The correct option is B.

What is summary?

A summary is basically a concise, fully written account of the major ideas presented in an article or other source.

If a reader hasn't read the text or attended the presentation, a summary should explain what the text is about.

It outlines the major topic or objective of the essay and highlights the arguments that support it. This will allow readers to decide whether they will find it valuable and wish to read it.

The author wanted to convey the idea that issues sometimes have unexpected solutions by creating this narrative.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding summary, visit:




Identify weather the sentence is ambiguous, remote, or broad reference then rewrite the sentence to eliminate them.

1. Joe always knew it was time to feed his fish when he started blowing bubbles.
2. Over the summer Frank learned a lot about installing and repairing computers. In fact, it changed his career path.
3. We drove to the doctor's office only to find out that they were closed for the day.
4. After I read Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, he became my favorite author.
5. We decided to enjoy a walk to the park after eating supper. This became a regular habit.
6. We need new tires. I'm sure this makes it unsafe to drive on the freeway.
7. Jason received a National Geographic subscription for Christmas, which is his favorite magazine.
8. Since the car drips oil on the driveway, put a piece of cardboard under it.
9. When Jill picked up Nancy on the way to the game, she said she had forgotten the tickets.
10. If a person has income tax questions, the IRS can help you with it.
11. If a car accident happens and you leave the scene before the police arrive, it is a crime.


Answer: "When Joe tried to blow bubbles, it was time to feed his fish." The sentence was the rewrite to eliminate ambiguous, remote, or broad reference.

What is sentence?

The term sentence is to define the proper meaning of, to clarify. The sentence is the completeness of to clarify the proper meaning. The grammatical arranged to the represent are the writing style. The language was to convey to the thoughts, ideas, and the share the preferences.

According to the sentence was the given are in the rewrite the sentence was to creation the new in the formation of the sentence. There was the sentence are the correct was present because the sentence formation was the change not to the change the meaning.

As a result, the "When Joe tried to blow bubbles, it was time to feed his fish."

15.7) Order the following steps you should take when drawing a conclusion, with 1 being the first step and 6, the last.
Draw a conclusion.
Identify the clues.
Identify the facts.
Study the facts while performing critical thinking.
Study the clues while performing critical thinking.
All chan
Make an inference.


While drawing the conclusion several steps shall be taken such as Identify the clues, Identify the facts, study the clues while performing critical thinking then study the facts while performing critical thinking, all chained and finally make an inference.

What is critical thinking?

Analyzing the information at hand—facts, evidence, observations, and arguments—in order to make a decision is known as critical thinking. The definitions of the term vary, but they typically encompass the objective, skeptic, and reasonable investigation or evaluation of factual evidence.

Further an intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceiving, applying, assessing, reconstructing, and/or evaluating data gleaned from, or generated by, inference, knowledge, perception, rationale, or information exchange, as a guide to belief and action, is known as critical thinking.

Therefore the major steps to draw conclusion includes study the clues and facts while performing critical thinking and before making any inference out of it.

Learn more about critical thinking:



If Ghandi _____ alive today, what would he think about the state of the world?

a) was
b) were



If Ghandi were alive today, what would he think about the state of the world?

Its B, it sounds better and it includes better grammar.

Hence, the answer is "B"

I hope this helps <3

Which statement best describes why Lady Macbeth’s use of an emotional appeal is appropriate in this situation?

It enables her to prove that Macbeth is more courageous than she is.
It enables her to convince Macbeth that he does not deserve the crown.
It enables her to manipulate Macbeth into carrying out the murder.
It enables her to demonstrate that she lacks compassion.


The statement that describes the effect of the emotional appeal is "It enables her to manipulate Macbeth into carrying out the murder," option C.

What is an emotional appeal?

Emotional appeal or pathos happens when we use someone's emotions to persuade them of something. In the tragedy "Macbeth," Lady Macbeth is constantly manipulating her husband. At a certain point, she uses an emotional appeal.

Lady Macbeth was supposed to commit murder but she says the man resembled her father, which is why she cannot do it. By saying so, she appeals to her husband's emotions, thus manipulating him into committing the murder.

Therefore, option C is the best answer choice for this question. It correctly states that Lady Macbeth uses an emotion appeal to have her husband take her place in the crime.

Learn more about emotional appeal here:



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