Which verb correctly completes this sentence? La actriz ______________ los diálogos para la obra de teatro. A. baila B. actúa C. memoriza D. canta


Answer 1
The correct answer is C
Answer 2
D. Canta because it completes the sentence

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Madison and the other framers realized that the role of the new Constitution was to define what is meant by "citizen" and "rights " strictly limit the power of government . spell out the natural rights of citizens . none of the above


The correct answer is "strictly limit the power of government."

Madison and the other framers realized that the role of the new Constitution was strictly limit the power of government.

During the Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia Pennsylvania during the summer of 1787, Federalists, led by prominent Americans such as Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, supported the idea of a strong central government for the United States. On the other hand, Antifederalists such as Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams did not support that way of thinking. They believed in a simpler form of government in which the citizens had natural rights.

The United States founding fathers had many differences during the Constitutional Convention but they were humble and smart enough to debate, listen to each other's arguments, and negotiate to allow the best interests of the country.

When trying to ratify the Constitution by the states, James Madison drafted the Bill of Rights, which is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.

True or False: President Johnson was impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act, which he viewed as unconstitutional.


Answer: True


President Johnson had repeatedly clashed with Congress on the way forward with regards to the treatment of the newly freed African Americans and one such result was the passage of the Tenure of Office Act.

Under this Act, the President could not terminate the employment of a cabinet member unless approved by Congress. Johnson had been clashing with his Secretary of War,  Edwin M. Stanton, who was liked by the Republicans who controlled Congress.

When the Johnson suspended Stanton without telling Congress they had him impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act.

how would you characterize the Carter administration's foreign policy? Was it effective?



He negotiated the Torrijos–Carter Treaties, which provided for the return of the Panama Canal to Panama in 1999. In an effort to end the Arab–Israeli conflict, he helped arrange the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt. Carter clearly defined the foundation of his foreign policy: “Our policy is based on an historical vision of America's role. Our policy is derived from a larger view of global change. Our policy is rooted in our moral values, which never change. Our policy is reinforced by our material wealth and by our military power.


The greatest foreign policy success of the Carter presidency involved the Middle East. After the Yom Kippur War of 1973 between Israel and its Arab enemies, Egypt and Syria, the Israelis had gradually disengaged their forces and moved a distance back in the Sinai Peninsula.                                                                              .                                               HOPE IT WAS HELPFUL TO YOU

how did the united states demonstrate its isolationism policy before world war 2?



by avoiding alliances and other international relationships by encouraging alliances and international relationships by avoiding friendships with other foreign countries by encouraging independence among states in the US


haircuts are an example of inelastic supplu true or false


Answer: False


The elasticity of Supply refers to how each supplier can respond to a change in price by changing how much he produces. If a business can´t change its output level quickly, the supply is inelastic.

A company that provides haircuts is an example of a highly elastic supply because haircut suppliers can easily expand or reduce production.

An increase in the price of haircuts can lead to an increase in the quantity supplied, even in the short term. If the price of haircuts rises, hair salons can quickly hire new personnel or extend the working hours, and new salons could open.

And, in the case of a drop in the price of haircuts, they can reduce the working hours, and some will leave the market for a job somewhere else, so the supply can also fall quickly.

Which of the following resulted from the relationship between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV of Germany?



Pope Gregory VII was given the power to raise armies and collect taxes. It banned the practice of lay investiture. Henry IV claimed supremacy over secular rulers, and the Church was now able to grant land to vassals



Why did the Phoenicians developed an alphabet? To preserve their history None of the above are true To communicate with conquered people For business and trading



to keep track of their trade

For business and trading

Question 3 of 15
Match the term in column 1 to the definition in column 2.
An attempt to eliminate an
ethnic group


A system of legalized
unequal rights


The same throughout a


Owned by citizens





based on events in South Africa

Which two items explain why the Articles of Confederation were considered weak? It did not permit Congress to conduct foreign affairs. It gave too much power to the states. It provided for a very strong federal government. It did not allow Congress to issue currency. Reset Next​



It gave too much power to the states. It did not allow Congress to issue currency.


When the framers of the Articles of Confederation designed it, they did not want a Federal government that would be too powerful. They therefore gave Congress reduced powers that would keep it subservient to states.

The states therefore had too much power. They could negotiate trade deals with each other and decided the amount of taxes they would give the Federal government. They could also issue their own currency which meant that this was another power that Congress did not have.

Which action is an example of public policy?
A. Organizing a church fund-raiser
• B. Volunteering in a soup kitchen
C. Giving a speech to local students encouraging them to stay in
D. Determining the required width for a sidewalk


C giving a speech to local students encouraging them to stay in school is the most logical one when it comes to to a public policy


D. Determining the required width for a sidewalk.


Just took the test

All the events listed above are associated with which period in U.S. History?
World War II

The Great Depression

The Cold War

The Progressive Era



The Cold War


The Cold War was over Communism and the fear of it spreading to the US. McCarthyism was part if the reason why that fear spread.

2. Civil rights are enforceable rights or privileges guaranteed by the US Constitution or other laws or statues.


Answer: TRUE


Yes they are guaranteed by the United States Constitution and further guaranteed by the civil rights laws are passed in the 1950s and 60s as well as the civil rights act that was passed in the 1960s

(Civil rights act of 1964)

What is trench warfare, and why was so much of World War I dominated by this method of fighting?



please mark as brainliest answer as it will also give you 3 pts


trench warfare, warfare in which opposing armed forces attack, counterattack, and defend from relatively permanent systems of trenches dug into the ground. The opposing systems of trenches are usually close to one another. Trench warfare is resorted to when the superior firepower of the defense compels the opposing forces to “dig in” so extensively as to sacrifice their mobility in order to gain protection

A trench system may begin simply as a collection of foxholes hastily dug by troops using their entrenching tools. These holes may subsequently be deepened so that a soldier can safely stand up in one of them, and the individual foxholes may be connected by shallow crawl trenches. From this beginning a system of more permanent field fortifications may be constructed. In making a trench, soil from the excavation is used to create raised parapets running both in front of and behind the trench. Within the trench are firing positions along a raised forward step called a fire step, and duckboards are placed on the often muddy bottom of the trench to provide secure footing.

Trench warfare reached its highest development on the Western Front during World War I (1914–18), when armies of millions of men faced each other in a line of trenches extending from the Belgian coast through northeastern France to Switzerland. These trenches arose within the first few months of the war’s outbreak, after the great offensives launched by Germany and France had shattered against the deadly, withering fire of the machine gun and the rapid-firing artillery piece. The sheer quantity of bullets and shells flying through the air in the battle conditions of that war compelled soldiers to burrow into the soil to obtain shelter and survive

i dont remember the rest


Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me, baby
God, I wish that I could do that
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night
Cryin' on the floor of my bathroom
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it
But I guess good for you






The development of sustainable agriculture is what led ulana to leave hunting and gathering and start farming.

all the other answers were not mentioned in the text and the first answer is debunked last paragraph when ogg went cold tired and hungry from the variability of hunting/

what do you need help with ?

Mention at least two amendments and explain how they can be interpreted to be applicable to the case Roe v. Wade



I don't understand your question




ukyhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuufffffffffffffffffffffyyyyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

How did migrant labour system affect the family lives in the community? ​



The system of migrant work resulted in the fatherlessness of fathers who worked in low pay jobs in the city and are returned to their homes only once a year.


Apartheid architects made taverns easy for migrant workers to access. This resulted in those men spending all their money on the taverns as a way of discouraging them from sending money home due to the frustrating, terrible conditions under which they worked.

Economic climate requires both men and women to work to supplement revenue, with a large number of black women leaving their homes to find a better future in the city.

These young women raise their children alone in towns, contrary to the African saying: a village needs to raise children.

The system of migrant work resulted in the fatherlessness of fathers who worked in low pay jobs in the city and are returned to their homes only once a year.

what best reflects the views of the Republican Party in the late eighteen hundreds​


ôi đã được hỏi trong các ý kiến \u200b\u200bmột câu hỏi rất thú vị về việc đảng Cộng hòa khác với đảng Dân chủ như thế nào. Đương nhiên, các nhà bình luận ngay lập tức được tìm thấy, người tuyên bố rằng tất cả là một và giống nhau, trong khi những người khác mâu thuẫn với họ. Thực tế là cả hai đều đúng, bởi vì nếu bạn nhìn vào Đảng Dân chủ và Cộng hòa theo quan điểm của một người nước ngoài, nếu bạn sống ở một quốc gia khác, không phải ở Hoa Kỳ, thì, đối với bạn, họ không khác, bởi vì bên ngoài họ có chính sách gần như giống nhau.

Những gì chúng ta đã thấy dưới thời Clinton, Bush, những gì chúng ta thấy dưới thời Obama - về nguyên tắc, chính sách đối ngoại cũng tương tự. Nhưng chính sách đối nội rất khác nhau, vì vậy đối với người Mỹ, có một sự khác biệt lớn giữa Đảng Cộng hòa và Dân chủ. Và hôm nay tôi sẽ nói về sự khác biệt này.

Tôi sẽ bắt đầu với những thứ hời hợt. Như nhiều người có thể biết, đảng Dân chủ tự do hơn, còn đảng Cộng hòa thì bảo thủ hơn. Nó được thể hiện như thế nào: Đảng Dân chủ tin rằng thời gian đang chuyển động, và đất nước, chính trị, con người nên phát triển, vì vậy Đảng Dân chủ ủng hộ nhiều điều mà đảng Cộng hòa không ủng hộ. Ví dụ như phá thai, hôn nhân đồng giới, quy định về vũ khí. Đổi lại, lý tưởng của những người Cộng hòa là nước Mỹ của những người sáng lập. Như đã được họ để lại, đất nước nên được phát triển. Do đó, đảng Cộng hòa ủng hộ nhiều hơn các giá trị lịch sử, bảo thủ hơn; hầu hết trong số họ chống phá thai, hôn nhân đồng giới; chống lại quy định của vũ khí. Đây là một cái nhìn hời hợt về Đảng Dân chủ và Cộng hòa và chính trị trong nước của họ.

Đảng Dân chủ dựa vào chính phủ và nói rằng nên chăm sóc người dân. Do đó, họ chỉ trích đảng Dân chủ và Obama vì đã phát triển chủ nghĩa xã hội và bình đẳng ở Hoa Kỳ. Và đảng Cộng hòa dựa vào mọi người và tin rằng mỗi người nên tự chăm sóc bản thân mình, rằng nhà nước nên cho phép mỗi người độc lập đạt được những gì mình muốn. Nếu bạn có sự kiên trì, thông minh, kỹ năng, thì bạn sẽ đạt được điều gì đó, nhưng nếu bạn không có nó, thì bạn sẽ sống kém. Đó là sự khác biệt lớn giữa hai lực lượng này.

Do đó, quan điểm về thuế: Đảng Dân chủ cho rằng cần phải tăng thuế cho người giàu và giảm cho người nghèo, nghĩa là cho người nghèo sống nhờ người giàu. Đảng Cộng hòa nói rằng thuế nên giống nhau cho tất cả mọi người, bởi vì tất cả mọi người đều bình đẳng; người giàu đã tự mình đạt được điều gì đó, người nghèo không đạt được điều gì vì bản thân mình.

Đảng Dân chủ cũng tin rằng nhà nước nên tăng mức lương tối thiểu, và đảng Cộng hòa chống lại điều đó, vì họ nói rằng điều đó sẽ can thiệp vào các doanh nghiệp nhỏ. Nếu nhà tuyển dụng không trả tiền cho nhân viên, thì điều này sẽ gây hại cho chính doanh nghiệp, nền kinh tế và đất nước trong dài hạn.

Tiếp tục chủ đề xã hội chủ nghĩa, tôi sẽ nói rằng đảng Dân chủ tin rằng cần phải tăng chi tiêu cho tất cả các loại chương trình xã hội, như tem thực phẩm, nhà ở ngân sách, v.v. Ngược lại, đảng Cộng hòa nói rằng tất cả những điều này phải được giảm bớt, bởi vì có rất nhiều gian lận trong khu vực này Nhiều người làm việc "một cách thường xuyên" và nhận được phiếu giảm giá dưới vỏ bọc của người nghèo; Nhiều người không tìm kiếm việc làm, nhận thất nghiệp (trợ cấp thất nghiệp) và sống bằng chi phí của người nộp thuế, v.v. Và đảng Cộng hòa ủng hộ thực tế là nếu bạn đã cắt giảm chi tiêu cho các chương trình xã hội khác nhau, bạn cần đưa ra một số quy tắc, luật lệ sẽ quy định việc nhận trợ cấp xã hội của mọi người để có thể kiểm tra những người đó sử dụng ma túy và những người này thực sự đang tìm việc.

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