Which was an argument for japanese imperial expansion? responses
a. the need to open new markets
b. the benefits of isolation
c. the need to maintain japan’s feudal system
d. problems with european-style education


Answer 1

Answer: A


Japan wanted to compete with European powers like Britain and France. They even had a Sphere of Influence in China after the Opium War. As you can see they wanted new markets.

Related Questions

which statement best completes the diagram on the process for amending the U.S. constitution


The statement that best completes the diagram on the process for amending the U.S. constitution is the amendment is sent to the states for ratification.

What is U.S. Constitution?

The United States' Constitution is the country's supreme legal document. In 1789, it replaced the Articles of Confederation, which served as the country's original constitution. It defines the framework of national government and originally had seven articles.

The federal government is divided into three branches according to the doctrine of the separation of powers, which is embodied in the constitution's first three articles. The legislative branch is represented by the bicameral Congress (Article I); the executive branch is made up of the president and other top officials (Article II); and the judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court and other federal courts (Article III).

To learn more on U.S. Constitution from the link:



How does Cranach use composition- the arrangement of elements in the picture- to convey “the true church” and “the false church”?


Cranach uses composition—the arrangement of components in a picture—to represent "the real church" and "the false church" through portraits of two Reformation leaders.

What is a church?

The Christian Church is what many Christian denominations perceive of as being the real body of Christians, or the original organization created by Jesus.

They tended to recall that the two men presenting bread and wine are representations of two Reformation figures. Cranach utilizes constituents, organization of elements in a photograph to symbolize "the genuine church" and "the false church" through portraiture of two Reformation leaders.

Learn more about church here:



Which of the following is NOT one of the goals of the Enlightenment?


The factor that was NOT one of the goals of the Enlightenment Thinkers is: "ensuring that kings maintained power throughout Europe" (Option C)

What were the Enlightenment's goals?

The application and celebration of reason, the power by which people understand the cosmos and improve their own position, were central to Enlightenment ideology. Knowledge, freedom, and happiness were thought to be the ideals of rational mankind.

The Enlightenment, sometimes known as the 'Age of Enlightenment,' was an intellectual movement in the late 17th and early 18th centuries that emphasized reason, individuality, and skepticism.

The Enlightenment did not end with Romanticism, with its ideals of rationality and cosmopolitanism withering in the face of luxuriant emotionalism, evangelical Protestantism, and increasing nationalism.

Learn more about the Enlightenment:

Full Question:

Which of the following was NOT a goal of Enlightenment thinkers?

A) applying reason and the scientific method to laws that shape society

B) pursuing happiness and liberty for a greater number of people, including women

C) ensuring that kings maintained power throughout Europe

D) accentuating the impact of the individual

What is Thomas Paine trying to convince the colonists to do in this excerpt from his Common
Sense pamphlet?
Is the power who is jealous of our prosperity, a proper power to govern us? Whoever says No
to this question, is an INDEPENDENT, for independency means no more, than, whether we
shall make our own laws, or whether the king, the greatest enemy this continent hath, or can
have, shall tell us "THERE SHALL BE NO LAWS BUT SUCH AS I LIKE."
Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776
Source: Public Domain/Project Gutenberg
A. veto the Stamp Act
declare independence
sign the King's petition
reinstate the Intolerable Acts
Page 5 of 15


He contended for two central matters: ( 1) the establishment of a democratic republic and independence from England. Paine avoided using florid language. He wrote in the people's language and frequently cited the Bible in his arguments.

A great many people in America had a functioning information on the Good book, so his contentions sounded valid.

How did the pamphlet written by Thomas Paine persuade colonists to fight for their freedom?

Paine's pamphlet not only persuaded the leaders of the rebellion to declare independence, but it also attracted public support for the Revolution by promoting the idea of American exceptionalism and the need to create a new nation to fulfill its promise.

What motivated Thomas Paine to write Common Sense?

"Common Sense" was written by Thomas Paine to encourage colonists to support independence and the establishment of a republic after the war.

To learn more about democratic republic here:



Which of the following does not represent Progressive ideals?
Social Darwinism
Social Gospel Movement
Temperance Movement


Social Darwinism does not represent Progressive ideals as Progressives  believed that competition would not inevitably improve society.

What does Social Darwinism means?

Social Darwinism is the ideological belief that society, like the natural world, is subject to the same natural laws of evolution. This ideology applies Darwin's theory of natural selection to societies, claiming that just as the fittest individuals in the natural world survive to reproduce, so will the fittest individuals in a given society. Social Darwinism has been used to justify imperialism, racism, eugenics, and other forms of discrimination. It is closely related to laissez-faire economic theories and ideas of racial superiority.

What does Racism mean?

Racism is the belief that one race is inherently better or worse than another, and that individuals or groups should be treated differently based on their racial identity. Racism can appear in many forms, including prejudice, discrimination, hate speech, and violence. Racism is an act of prejudice and discrimination against people based on their race or perceived race. Racism can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from jokes and slurs to violence, segregation, and systematic oppression.

Therefore the correct option is A. Social Darwinism.

To know more about Racism,



I need help (50 points and if you give good answer ill mark brainliest)



-4 year term

-Minimum age of 35 years old

-14 years of citizenship, must be a natural-born USA citizen

-There have been 46 presidents, including Joe Biden

Vice President:

-4 years

-Minimum age of 35 years old

-14 years of citizenship

-There have been 51 vice presidents

Supreme Court Justices:

-They can serve for life (term)

-There is no minimum age

-No residency requirement

- There are currently 9 (but in total there have been 116 justices)


-6 year term

-Minimum age of 30 years old

-They must live in the state they represent

- 9-year citizenship

-The amount of senators is a fixed 100

Representatives (I am assuming you are talking about the House of Representatives):

-2 year term

-Minimum age of 25 years old

-Live in the state they represent for residency

-7 year citizenship

-There are 435 representatives

I hope this helped!

President Truman thought an atomic bomb would kill far fewer people than a military invasion of Japan.

A: true
B: false


A: true
explanation: i just learned this like last week

Question 9
Which of the following views is expressed in this excerpt?
Your answer:
O support for freedom of the seas
Ooppositon to the extension of slavery
Obelief in American's Manifest Destiny
O resistance to Indian attacks in the Northwest Territory
Clear answer
The whole continent of North America appears to be [meant] by Divine
Providence to be peopled by one nation, speaking one language, professing one
general system of religious and political principles, and accustomed to [the
same] social usages and customs.
-John Quincy Adams, 1811



In the excerpt, John Quincy Adams was mentioning his belief in Manifest Destiny.


Which of the following quotations from paragraphs 1 and 2 contains the thesis of this declaration?

A. “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

B. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

C. “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these

D. “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”


The quotation that contains the thesis statement of the Declaration is "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another" (option A).

What is a thesis statement?

The thesis statement is as short but clear sentence that shows the author's main point for writing a text. Thesis statements are more common in persuasive texts and they are use to show the position of the author about the issue being discussed.

What is the Declaration of Independence about?

The main idea of this document was to explained how necessary it was for the colonies to become and independent nation. Due to this, the thesis statement should express the need for independence.

What excerpt includes the thesis statement?

Quotation A includes the thesis statement by clearly stating the author believes the colonies should stop being controlled by the English crown.

Learn more about thesis in: https://brainly.com/question/27811693


A political & social movement intended to address problems caused by
urbanization & industrialization was _____.
O Populism
O Progressivism
O Nationalism
O Socialism


A political & social movement intended to address problems caused by urbanization & industrialization was Progressivism. Thus the correct option is B.

What is industrialization?

The industrial revolution describes how the economy changed from being based on agricultural practices to being based on machine practices through utilizing equipment through industries.

Progressives worked to address the issues brought on by accelerating manufacturing, urbanization, economic migration, and governmental corruption, as well as by the massive centralization of industrial property in corporations.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about industrialization, here:



The First Amendment establishes several rights, including the right to freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and petition. However, there are some limits to what the First Amendment protects.

Read the short article about the First Amendment. Do you agree with existing limitations on the right to freedom of speech? Why or why not?


The limits take away fundamental rights. Freedom of speech is a fundamental right, and it is essential for a healthy democracy.

What is the first amendment?

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition. This amendment is one of the most essential parts of the Constitution and is widely recognized as the cornerstone of American democracy. The First Amendment protects citizens from government censorship and allows them to freely express their beliefs and opinions without fear of oppression or persecution. It is critical to the functioning of a free society and is often used to defend civil rights and liberties.

I do not agree with existing limitations on the right to freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a fundamental right, and it is essential for a healthy democracy. Limiting speech, even when it is considered to be offensive or hurtful, is a slippery slope that can lead to censorship and the stifling of dissent. Individuals should have the freedom to express their opinions and ideas without fear of repercussion.

It can be concluded that the limits take away fundamental rights. Freedom of speech is a fundamental right, and it is essential for a healthy democracy.

To know more about the First Amendment, check this link:



Which statement occurred first during the age of exploration


The Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama sailed around the "Cape of Good Hope' was stated in 1498.

Who was Vasco Da Gama?

Vasco da Gama (c. 1460–1524) was a Portuguese explorer who led the first European sea expedition to India. In 1497–1499, he sailed around the Cape of Good Hope, Africa's southernmost point, establishing a direct trade route between Europe and Asia. He was the first European to sail to India, connecting Europe and Asia for the first time by sea.

What does European mean?

People, cultures, or countries from or associated with the continent of Europe are referred to as "European." It can also refer to the shared culture, customs, language, and other characteristics of the European countries. Thus, "European states" would refer to European countries or political entities.

To know more about European,



Thus the correct Question ; Who was the first person to sail around the 'Cape of Good Hope'?

1.Afonso de Alboquerque  2. Pedro Alvares Cabral  3.Vasco da Gama 4.Francis de Almeida

What was the importance of williams v. mississippi?



Williams v. Mississippi (1898) saw the US Supreme Court uphold the grandfather clause, literacy tests, poll tax, and disenfranchisement clauses—all aspects of the 1890 Mississippi Constitution and laws.


why learning to read was so important to Frederick
Douglass when he was a boy.



discovering the true meaning behind the word “abolitionist,” which led him the to find freedom


In theory, how are elected officials held accountable in democratic governments?


The elected officials are said to be chosen by the public to decide on their behalf the policies and actions that are to be pursued by a Government and so they are charged with acting in the best interests of their constituents. By doing so, the representatives seem to be accountable to their constituents for their actions. This way the elected officials are known to be held accountable in democratic governments.

You must understand here that accountability does not always allow people to make fruitful decisions. When you are in a democracy, elected officials are said to be accountable to the public they administrate over. To specifically say how accountability works is a bit hazy, with checks and balances, partisanship, the media, and the perfect old-fashioned bureaucracy all playing their major roles.

People react differently to being held accountable in various ways in diversified situations. One would ponder that having to answer someone for your actions or your decisions would make you think more cautiously about whether you are performing the right thing or not.

To know more about how elected officials are held accountable in democratic governments:    


Which of these is a concept that began in ancient Greece and influenced the development of American constitutional democracy?

Bill of Rights
Secular government
Executive branch
Declaration of Independence


Answer: Declaration of Independence

Explanation: pls don't bash me this is my own opinion

Egyptian pharaohs are what to Egypt?




the leaders, heads of there state  religious to its people

hope this helps :)

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of meeting during the war?


Answer: Advantage:

1:Pooled Resources

2: More Locations and Bases of Operation

3: Better prepared for war

4: Had control over invaded areas


1:Bailing Out Allies

2: Disagreement on Action

3: Enemy held full control of conquered areas

4: Had to defend multiple fronts


What was a cause of the American Revolution? Select all that apply.
Select 3 correct answer(s)

a. Colonists were being taxed without representation in Parliament
b. Proclamation of 1763 denied colonists access to lands beyond the Appalachian
c. The Church of England forced other religions out of the colonies
d. Colonists were forced to mass produce new British Navy ships
e. Forced to pay off the French and Indian War debt


Hello! I’ll try my best here. A,B,E

Answer: A,B, and E.


Part A
Examine the transcript of the Plessy v. Ferguson case, focusing on the opinions of Justice Brown at [544- 546] who spoke for the Court. This document is a primary source. Recall that the US Supreme Court set a precedent known as the “separate but equal” doctrine that established segregation laws as constitutional.
Then, examine the transcript of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case, points B, D, and E under the ”Syllabus” and the opinion delivered by Chief Justice Warren. This document is a primary source.
Complete the following chart highlighting what was decided in each case and the key differences between the decisions. Include three answers in each box.
Findings in Plessy v. Ferguson
Findings in Brown v. Board
Key Differences



there is no key diffrence


One cause of the Boston Tea Party make sure to explain and elaborate.



PS: thank you so much for answering this now i know I'm sort of begging but when you answer write about the tea act and make it look simple not like some college application form. TYSM


The cause of the Boston Tea Party was the British Tea Act of 1773, which imposed taxes on the American colonists without their consent.

What is Boston Tea Party?

The Boston Tea Party was a political protest held on December 16th, 1773 in Boston, Massachusetts. It was organized by a group of American colonists who were fed up with the oppressive taxation imposed upon them by the British. In response to the Tea Act passed in 1773, the colonists boarded the ships of the East India Company and threw their tea into the harbor. This protest marked the beginning of the American Revolution and the eventual independence of the United States.

CAUSE: The cause of the Boston Tea Party was the British Tea Act of 1773, which imposed taxes on the American colonists without their consent.

EVIDENCE: The British Tea Act of 1773 imposed taxes on American colonists without their consent.

ELABORATION: The Tea Act of 1773 was an attempt by the British government to help the financially struggling British East India Company by allowing them to sell their tea directly to the colonists without paying any taxes. This meant that the cost of tea for the colonists would remain the same, but the British government still collected the taxes from them. This angered the colonists, who viewed the act as taxation without representation. In response, the colonists threw the tea into the harbor as a form of protest, and the act was quickly repealed in 1774.

It can be concluded that the cause of the Boston Tea Party was the British Tea Act of 1773, which imposed taxes on the American colonists without their consent.

To know more about Boston Tea Party, check this link:



Describe the lifestyle of the tribals and nomads?


The nomadic lifestyle is a way of life of individuals that move from place to place and do not reside in the same area for long. The origin of the word nomad came from the Latin word nomas that means roaming or wanderer. Therefore, Nomadic means living like a nomad. Nomadism is one of the oldest lifestyles that have customs of traveling. These individuals cannot stay long in a place, and their lives revolve around moving from place to place. The primary reason why nomads move is in search of water and food for their animals. Some of the current nomadic groups include the Bedouin, the Sami people, and the Maasai, and they reside in places like India, Kenya, Russia, and Algeria.

Tribal lifestyle

These indigenous or tribal people's ability to roam freely across woodlands and utilize the land and forests for farming was essential to their way of life. They could only practice shifting cultivation in that way.

Large areas of land were left clear to allow for movable farming. Other necessities, such as clothing, food, and supplies, were easily met by the forest.

Most tribes practiced rites and practices that were significantly dissimilar from those established by Brahmans. These communities also lacked the pronounced social distinctions that were typical of caste societies.

Everyone who belonged to the same tribe perceived themselves as having kinship links in common. Tribal people were engaged in a wide range of activities by the nineteenth century in various regions of India.

Nomads' lifestyle

A nomad is a person without a permanent residence who travels from one location to another in search of food, pasture for their animals, or other means of subsistence. The majority of nomadic groups travel and settle according to a set annual or seasonal cycle. Traditionally, nomads have traveled by canoe, animal, or foot.

For a variety of reasons, nomads never stay still. Foragers who roam aim to find game, food plants, and water. For example, the San of Africa, the Aboriginal Australians, and the Negritos of Southeast Asia all typically migrate from camp to camp to hunt and harvest wild plants.

This mode of living was practiced by some American tribes. While traveling in search of pastures for their flocks, pastoral nomads, on the other hand, make their living by growing livestock like camels, cattle, goats, horses, sheep, or yaks.

The majority of nomads roam in bands, families, or tribes. These organizations are founded on formalized agreements of cooperation or kinship and marriage relationships. Although some tribes have leaders, most decisions are made by a council of adult males.

To know more about indigenous people


What role did the administration of George HW Bush play in bringing democracy to South Africa


Answer: Bush supported financing democracy and good-governance programs in Africa, but our emphasis was on conflict resolution.

Hope this helps

During the Golden Age in China, which of the
following was true in regards to serving in the
A. Service was required of every female citizen.

B. Service was a profession that offered a salary.

C. Service was required of every male citizen.





Read the passage retold from The Tale of Genji.

Long ago in the Imperial Court, the emperor fell in love with a certain lady. She was not of a high rank, nor was she of a low rank. The emperor lavished her with much attention, causing other ladies of the court to say hurtful things about her and treat her poorly. These ladies resented her presence in the court and made her feel very unwelcome. Their unkindness caused her to become ill, which in turn kept her at home and away from the court and the emperor. But the emperor’s affection for her only grew and gave him courage to pursue his love despite what others thought.

–Adapted from The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu

Which key details support the central idea that a person in love does not care about rank or status? Choose three correct answers.

“The emperor fell in love with a certain lady. . . . not of a high rank.”
“The emperor lavished her with much attention.”
“These ladies resented her presence in the court.”
“Their unkindness caused her to become ill.”
“But the emperor’s affection for her only grew . . . despite what others thought.”


Adapted from The Tale of Genji with the aid of using Murasaki Shikibu But the emperor’s affection for her best grew  notwithstanding what others thought.”aid the principal concept that someone in love does now no longer care approximately rank or status.

The required details about The Tale of Genji is mentioned in below paragraph.

The Tale of Genji is a traditional paintings of Japanese literature written withinside the early eleventh century with the aid of using the noblewoman and woman-in-ready Murasaki Shikibu. The unique manuscript, created across the height of the Heian period, not exists.The Tale of Genji facilities on the lifestyles and loves of a good-looking son, Hikaru Genji, born to an Emperor at some point of the Heian Period. In the story, the loved concubine of the Emperor offers start to Genji and dies quickly after.As given withinside the excerpt from the text, the emperor fell in love with a woman who "became now no longer of a excessive rank, nor became she of a low rank." This made the opposite women jealous and resulted withinside the contamination of that unique woman. But the emperor became decided to pursue her "notwithstanding what others thought." This willpower to do matters that might not seem 'acceptable' withinside the eyes of others helps the principal concept that humans need to observe their very own hearts and now no longer take heed to what others may also think.

To learn about  The Tale of Genji visit here.



What year was Blanca Oliver the first female candidate of a national party in Paraguay?


In 2018, Blanca Oliver became the first female candidate of a national party in Paraguay.

What is the national party of Paraguay?

The National Party of Paraguay (Partido Nacional de Paraguay) is a conservative political party in Paraguay. It was founded in 1887 and is one of the oldest political parties in the country. The party has won presidential elections four times, most recently in 2013, and is currently the major opposition party in the national Congress. The party is ideologically conservative and has traditionally supported free-market policies, pro-business stances, and conservative social values.

Blanca Oliver was nominated as the official candidate of the Colorado Party in 2018, making her the first female candidate of a national party in Paraguay.

It can be concluded that in 2018, Blanca Oliver became the first female candidate of a national party in Paraguay.

To know more about the national party of Paraguay, check this link:



how do we still see the effects of the Colombian exchange today?



Geographic landscape.


The effects of the Columbian Exchange are still evident in today’s geographic landscape. Europeans looking to gain economic footholds and a sense of adventure took the ocean and carved a path straight to the Promised Land. The Europeans gifted the new world with diseases.

The mauna loa volcano has begun erupting for the first time since 1984, shooting lava more than 100 feet into the air, on which of the hawaiian islands?



The island of Hawaii, or the Big Island


The Mauna Loa volcano is located on the island of Hawaii, also known as the Big Island. Hawaii is the largest and southeasternmost of the Hawaiian islands, and is home to several active volcanoes, including Mauna Loa, Kilauea, and Hualalai. Mauna Loa is the largest active volcano in the world and has erupted 33 times since its first recorded eruption in 1843. It is known for its massive size and its frequent, long-lasting eruptions, which can produce lava flows that extend for many miles.

What was the main cause of the conditions at the prisoner of war camp at andersonville?


Answer: The prison was overcrowded to four times its capacity, and had an inadequate water supply, inadequate food, and unsanitary conditions. Of the approximately 45,000 Union prisoners held at Camp Sumter during the war, nearly 13,000 died.

Explanation: I don't even know but uh just search it up

why did the allies invade in normandy rather than another part of france or europe? how did they achieve their breakout in july and august 1944? g


On July 25, Operation Cobra began with a deadly airstrike (some of which fell on the waiting GIs). The U.S. First Army rushed toward Avranches, captured on July 30, via the breach thus created. At this moment, the Third Army, George S. Patton's freshly organised force, joined the offensive.

If successful, the invasion would deplete German resources and restrict access to vital military locations. The Allies would be able to establish a sustainable presence in northern Europe for the first time since the evacuation of Dunkirk in 1940 if they were able to create a bridgehead in Normandy.

What were the main factors that led to their victory? A: Once they got landed, the Allies' triumph was assured. They had troops that were clearly superior. They had landed two million soldiers by the end of August, while the German army was being worn down in an attrition war.

The Allied troops' landing operations during World War II's Operation Overlord were known as the D-Day invasion or Normandy landings. The liberation of German-occupied Western Europe from Nazi rule began with the landings, which started on June 6, 1944.

D-Day, codenamed Operation Neptune, was the largest amphibious landing not only in World War II, but in history. It marked the start of the liberation of German-occupied France (and later western Europe) and laid the foundations of the Allied victory on the Western Front.

To learn more about  airstrike visit:



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Digital marketing strategy is-The selection of digital marketing tactics and the allocation of marketing budget across those digital tactics-The production of digital advertisements that are shared on social media and on webpages-The implementation of marketing tactics on the internet-None of the above if policy makers use fiscal policy to reduce inflation, which of the following will most likely happen in the short run? Which successful Tejano rancher represented Texas at the Mexican Constitutional Convention, located land for the first Austin colony, and eventually supported Texas independence?A.Martin De LeonB.Jose Francisco RuizC.Jose de EscandonD.Erasmo Seguin Given: segment BD bisects angle ABC and segment BD bisects angle ADC. Prove: segment AD is congruent to segment CD Will mark brainly and help with other stuff too!!! I need help with my math homework Indicate whether each of the following transactions would increase (+), decrease (-), or not affect (N/A) total assets, total liabilities, and total stockholders equity. one force of 6.2 newtons and one force of 4.4 newtons act on a body at the same point so that the resultant force is 9.1 newtons. find the angle between the resultant and the larger force, to the nearest 10th of a degree. events that impact the essential purpose and value of the contract create . a. commercial impracticability b. commercial frustration c. commercial impossibility d. accord and satisfaction Two angles form complements. One angle measure is eight more than twice the other. Find both angles measures. Let the graph of g be a vertical stretch by a factor of 3 and a reflection in the y-axis, followed by a translation 2 units left of the graph of f(x)=x^2-5x+1 . Write a rule for g . Why does the author include information about monkeys listening to the sounds of birds?OA It helps the reader to make the connection between dogs and monkeys as easily trainable to be pets.B.It provides evidence that dogs, monkeys, and snakes understand the language spoken by humans.OC. It reinforces beliefs that all individual species can communicate with each other and with humans. D. It provides evidence for the assertion that dogs might be able to understand some human language. Lamar is boiling some potatoes to turn them into mashed potatoes. What cookingmethod is he using? withdrew from bank rs15000 for office use and rs 5000 personal use Net primary productivity is the primary productivity of an ecosystem, after subtracting energy lost inA. dead plant tissues.B. inedible plant tissues.C. respiration by primary producers.D. respiration by primary consumers.E. inefficiencies of photosynthesis. How can climate change affect natural disasters? What is the command to manage accounts on Server 2008? What has the greatest influence on windspeed You have been chosen to serve as a member of the committee that will select finalists for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award established by the U.S. Congress.Required:Which of the following companies would you select as one of the finalists for the award?a. a company that ranks high on customer satisfactionb. a company with low employee turnover ratesc. a company with high market shared. a company that is typically referenced as a benchmark partnere. a company that has received the ISO 9001:2008 certification Use spherical coordinates to Find the average distance from a point in a ball of radius a to its center.