While cooking, Lisa spills boiling water on her hand. Her skin turns blotchy with blisters. Which type of burn does she have? A. first-degree burn B. second-degree burn C. third-degree burn


Answer 1



Explanation: First degree only makes the skin turn red

Related Questions

Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly. Henry went on a field trip to a national park. He not only observed the aquatic life in the pond, but also the trees, vegetation, and animal’s species on land. Which type of diversity did Henry come across in the national park? Henry came across the______ diversity.




A couple has just learned their neonate is diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta, and they
ask, "What caused our child to get this disease?" What should the health care provider teach
the couple about their neonate's condition?



osteogenesis imperfecta is an inherited genetic disease that mainly affects the bones.  


Osteogenesis imperfecta is an inherited genetic disease associated with alterations in collagen synthesis, which have been shown to increase the risk to suffer bone fractures. This genetic disorder is characterized by different health problems including, among others, fragile bones, reduced skeletal mass, skin hyperlaxity, malformations in the central nervous system, etc. Clinically, osteogenesis imperfecta must be managed by an interdisciplinary medical team, since patients may present a clinical picture ranging from mild to lethal. In the first place, it is imperative to provide health care to avoid fractures, exercises to maintain muscle mass, exercise to improve motor skills, skincare by specialized dermatologists, etc.

The disease 'osteogenesis imperfecta' is caused by the neonate inheriting it

from either of the parent because it's a genetic disorder. The health care

provider should teach the parent about how to prevent the effect of having

such disease such as bone fractures.

Osteogenesis imperfecta is a genetic disorder inherited by offspring from

their parent. The disease involves individuals having very  brittle bones which are easily broken. The nurse should teach the parent to adopt bone strengthening steps such as adequate calcium intake and physiotherapy.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/23578140

7.Which of the following factors does not cause weathering of rocks.
A. light
B. temperature
C. water
D. wind​



Light I believe.


The linear strands of DNA in eukaryotes are efficiently packed within the nucleus of the cell. The packing of DNA strands is mediated by proteins called


Answer: Chromatin.

Hi! The answer you're looking for is chromatin.

Chromatin helps to organize DNA into the strands you're talking about, which are called nucleosomes.

Glad to help!

Which macromolecule forms a double layer as the primary structure of cell membranes?






C. phospholipids


The other person said it

The root of mutualism, mutual,
A. together.
B. alone.
C. only.​



A. Together.


The root word of mutualism, mutual means together or a thing that many people share.

For example:

Mutualist Symbiotic Relationship refers to a relationship in which organisms are benefited, in other words it is a win-win.

The relationship between the Egyptian plover bird and the crocodile, that is mutualist relationship.

When a meat or something (food) gets stuck in the teeth of the crocodile then the Egyptian plover bird takes it out (like a toothpick).

The crocodile gets benefited.

The bird also gets benefited (its gets its food)

Hope this helps ;) ❤❤❤




Mutualism is defined as a relationship that benefits two organisms, or it is defined as a doctrine in sociology where mutual aid is beneficial to society and the individual. An example of mutualism is pollination which is when bees take nectar from flowers and then deposit the nectar on another flower.

During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, when global surface temperatures spiked, we observe temperate forests ____________________, insect herbivory of temperature.



The overview of the problem concerned is listed below.


Mostly during Paleocene Eocene Temperature Optimum, we consider temperate vegetation momentarily relocated towards the poles whenever global average surface temperature jumped, bug harvesting temporarily escalated, as well as coral reef crashed.The level of variations in climate or temperature was as sluggish as it is today, which suggests that such past occurrences are likely to overestimate the effects of rising temperatures nowadays.

Increase occur in the insect's population due to increase occur in global surface temperature.

During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, when global surface temperatures increase, we observe temperate forests having more population of insects due to favourable temperature for the growth of insects.

The productivity and distribution of forests could be affected due to change occur in the temperature, precipitation and the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. As the temperature increases the population of insects also increases which leads to increase in biodiversity of forest so we can conclude that increase occur in the insect's population due to increase occur in global surface temperature.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/17177308

After entering a dark room, you turn on a light switch, but the light does not come on. Please suggest three different hypothesis that might explain your observation. Please also note how you might test these hypotheses and describe what observation(s) may lead you to conclude that one of the hypothesis is correct.



First hypothesis; may be the power is cut. ( no power supply) Second hypothesis; may be the light switch is defective ( wall switch not working )Third hypothesis; maybe the bulb is burnout  ( light bulb may not be working )


The three possible hypothesis for light not to turn on immediately after one on the switch are;

First hypothesis; may be the power is cut. ( no power supply) Second hypothesis; may be the light switch is defective ( wall switch not working )Third hypothesis; maybe the bulb is burnout  ( light bulb may not be working )

We test the first hypothesis, how?

We check if other electronics connected to the same sources of power supply as the bulb is working. If the electronics are not working, then the first hypothesis is correct but if they are working then the hypothesis fails and we move on to test the next hypothesis.

To test for the second hypothesis as the first hypothesis fails, we remove the bulb and fix it into another socket which has a working switch. If the bulb comes on then the second hypothesis is correct but if the bulb does not turn on then the hypothesis fails so we move on to test the third hypothesis.

As the bulb fails to turn on in our initial socket and a second bulb is fixed in that same socket and it came on, then the third hypothesis is correct.

The three hypotheses we can derive from entering a dark room, turning on a

light switch,and the light not coming on include

There may be no power source at that momentThe bulb may be faultyThe switch may be faulty

A power source helps to provide energy to power up an appliance and where it is absent, the bulb won't light up.

A defect in the switch and bulb may also hinder the light from coming on as

the switch controls electric current flow while the bulb produces the light.

Read more about Hypothesis here https://brainly.com/question/12416923

Which of the following pairs of organisms
would have the MOST SIMILAR niche in
their environments.
Zebra and Lion
Squirrel and Chipmunk
Robin and Bald Eagle
Oak Tree and Mushroom



Squirrel and Chipmunk


C. a lion hunting for a zebra in the grassland  



Biologists designed an experiment to test the effects of compost on the development of root crops



The crop has good yield because Compost has a good effect on root crops.


Compost has a great effect on the development of root crops such as onion, potato, garlic and ginger etc. Compost provide nutrients to these crops as well as soften the soil due to which they grow rapidly. It also improved ventilation, soil structure and soil texture which is very necessary for the crop. Due to ventilation, oxygen gas is available to the roots which increases growth and yield of these crops. Compost also retain water and nutrients so they are available to the roots. So those plots where compost is applied observed increase in yield as compared to other plots.

Help with this please anyone!!!



top right


What is the only source of energy production for RBCs?



Anaerobic oxidation of glucose

You put 10ul (one loopful - the loop is calibrated for this volume) of a 0.03 ug/ul pGLO solution into the DNA tube. Calculate the ug of DNA you put into the tube.



The µg of DNA put into the tube is 0.3 µg.


Here in this question, we are interested in calculating the µg of DNA put into the DNA tube.

This can be calculated using a mathematical formula.


Total amount of DNA in µg = concentration in µg/ µl X volume in µl

= 10 µg/µl X 0.03µl = 0.3 µg.

Question 9(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
Which statement best answers the question, "Why is copper a good conductor of electricity?"
Copper atoms have a loosely held electron in their outer shell that is able to move freely to other atoms.
Copper atoms are tightly bound and are able to work with other copper atoms to exchange electrical charges.
Copper has an equal number of protons and electrons making the flow of current possible.
Copper's outer shell electrons are not balanced and must join with other copper atoms in order to be stable.



option 1 is correct


the ability of substance to conduct heat and electricity depends upon the number of free electron since copper is transition metal it has a loosely held electron in their outer shell that is able to move freely to other atoms because of these free electron copper is a good conductor of electricity

Draw a cross section of a peach, and label the structures. What parts of the flower give rise to these structures



exocarpo  is synonymous with exocarp

endocarpo is synonymous with endocarp

mesocarpo is synonymous with mesocarp

semilla is synonymous with seed


In phase one, the plant's ovary begins to grow abruptly, this is where the embryo and endosperm affect their size, but if this ovarian growth is interrupted by an external factor, it determines the size of the future.

Then, the embryo and the endosperm could grow and undergo a process called sclerification, which is the hardening of the interior of the fruit, that is to say, the future formation of the seed or vulgarly called "pit". .

After this, the mesocarp, which is what is called the fleshy body or subglobose edible drupe, begins to grow.

The growth of the mesocarp is what gives the volume, weight and body to the fruit, so that after maturation it exceeds the strength of the branch and it falls from the tree.

Which term best describes the difference in colors of the birds below? 4 birds are shown. One has light brown feathers with darker wings. One has very dark feathers with lighter wings. Another has medium brown feathers with light wings. The last one has medium brown feathers with very dark wings. natural selection reproductive maturity genetic variation genetic drift Mark this and return



genetic variation


Genetic variation refers to the difference in genetic content of organisms within a population. The genetic makeup of living organisms are made up of GENES, which exists in contrasting pairs called ALLELES. Each allele is responsible for variation in traits exhibited by the organisms. Differences in the allelic content of organisms of the same species leading to the display of varying phenotypic characteristics is referred to as GENETIC VARIATION.

This is the case in the example given in which four birds in a population possess a range of wing and feather colors i.e light brown feathers with darker wings, dark feathers with lighter wings, medium brown feathers with light wings, and medium brown feathers with very dark wings, all resulting from a variation in their genetic content. Hence, this is an example of GENETIC VARIATION.

Answer:    C. Genetic variation

Explanation: :)

Sabita is a mother in Nepal. She lives in poverty in the Western part of the country with her two children. Everyone in her family has some degree of malnutrition or nutrient deficiency. Match each of the following deficiency diseases with its corresponding nutrient.

a. Sabita is blind from a diet devoid of fortified milk, animal products, or dark yellow and orange fruits and vegetables.
b. Sabita has an enlarged thyroid gland due to a dependence on unfortified salt.

1. Iron
2. Vitamin A
3. Vitamin D
4. Iodine



a. Sabita is blind from a diet devoid of fortified milk, animal products, or dark yellow and orange fruits and vegetables. - Vitamin A

Sabita is suffering from Vitamin A deficiency. A lack of Vitamin A usually shows itself with night blindness but can cause complete blindness if not acted upon quickly.

Vitamin A deficiency is quite common in developing or poorer nations such as the area Sabita is located and usually attacks children of women in their reproductive stage. Sources of vitamin A include; fortified milk, animal products and fruits and vegetables.

b.  Sabita has an enlarged thyroid gland due to a dependence on unfortified salt. - Iodine

Iodine deficiency leads to an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland leading to a condition known as Goiter which presents itself as a big bulge in a person's neck. Iodine is usually placed in fortified salt along with iron to reduce iodine deficiency so Sabita's dependence on unfortified salt is robbing her of a great source of Iodine.

The condition in which the body is deprived of minerals, vitamins and other macro and micronutrients are called malnutrition.

The correct matches and their explanation are as follows:

a. The correct answer is:

Option 2. Vitamin A

Sabita is blind from meals deficient in fortified milk, animal products, fruits and vegetables due to Vitamin A deficiency.

Night blindness is a common symptom of a Vitamin A deficiency.

It is most common in developing regions due to the lack of proper meals. The best source of vitamin A is milk, fruits and animal products like eggs.

b. The correct answer is:

Option 4. Iodine

Sabita has a swollen thyroid gland due to habituation on unfortified salt deficient in Iodine.

Iodine deficient diet causes thyroid gland enlargement a disease called Goiter. This type of disease also affects glucose metabolism and weight.

To learn more about malnutrition and diet follow the link:


Without this, many cycles such as the water cycle and photosynthesis would not exist. What could all these cycles not exist without?



This question appears incomplete


This question appears incomplete. However, one similar substance that, if missing, many cycles (particularly the two cycles/processes provided in the question) will not exist/proceed is the sun/sunlight.

In the water cycle for instance, if there is no sun/sunlight, there will be no heat to allow for evaporation of water from the water-body (ocean, sea, stream or lake) hence there will be no cloud of water droplets in the atmosphere. The implication of this is that, the first process of the water cycle will not proceed, hence the cycle will not exist.

During photosynthesis, carbondioxide reacts with water in the presence of sun/sunlight to produce glucose and oxygen. The absence of sun in this reaction will not lead to the production of glucose which is the useful product of photosynthesis for plant.

From the explanation above, it can be deduced that the absence of the sun/sunlight will prevent the two cycles from existing.

Which statement about malaria and sickle-cell anemia is correct? (1 point)
Malaria causes a decreased incidence of sickle-cell anemia,
Sickle-cell anemia causes an increased incidence of malaria.
Sickle-cell anemia is correlated with an increased incidence of malana
Malaria is correlated with a decreased incidence of sickle cell anemia



sickle cell anemia cause an increase risk of malaria


Intrinsic factor A. increases gastric motility. B. causes the release of stomach acid. C. facilitates the absorption of vitamin B12. D. protects the stomach lining from the effects of stomach acid. E. stimulates the synthesis of DNA.



C. facilitates the absorption of vitamin B12.


The Intrinsic factor is a substance that is produced by the stomach and it has the important function of producing vitamin B12 which is necessary for life. Vitamin B12 is used in the production of mature red blood cells. It also improves the function of the nervous system. The production of this intrinsic factor is a very vital role of the stomach because, in the absence of a stomach, for example, in the case of a gastrectomy, a person can only survive if he is given injections of Vitamin B12.

The stomach also serves as a holding center for food and eventually delivers the food to the small intestine and the duodenum.  

Food microbiologists are scientists who have a background in both microbiology and food science. They focus on how microbes grow, cause disease, and how they can be identified from food. Their work is of importance to the food industry as it relates to the production, preservation, and spoilage of food; and it is of importance to public health and regulatory agencies due to the many diseases that are related to food intake and consumption. Food microbiologists can have varying backgrounds, including training in veterinary medicine. This scenario is about a food microbiologist who works as a food safety inspector who pays a visit to a cheese manufacturing plant and makes some interesting discoveries!
Part A-Understanding the Role of Microbes in Fermentation The Midwest is known for its contribution to the dairy industry Fermented dairy products include milk, yogurt, and cheese. The fermentation process relies on lactic acid bacteria and pasteurization. Fermentation can vary based on what food is being produced, the type of bacteria used to produce lactic acid, and the time and temperature of pasteurization. It is important to the manufacturer to produce a product that won't spoil before it is packaged and sold and that won't result in disease for those who ingest and enjoy it. Julie, a food inspector for a local Michigan health department is going to a nearby cheese plant for a biannual inspection. When she gets there, she will take a tour of the plant and allow the operators to describe what makes their cheese so special. She will use what she understands about fermentation to inquire about their production practices Please sort the following statements as being true or false regarding fermentation and its role in food production. Please recall the role that microorganisms can play in the production of foods.
1. Fermentation allows for sugars to be broken down
2. Starter cutures are for the growth of pathogens or the food such as bread, vegetables, and n food Some grains, fruits, and
3. Fermentation can be used only to Bacteria ane the only have their own microbes that used in the Correct Statements



Statements 1 is True.

Fermentation allows for sugars to be broken down

Statements 2 and 3 are false.

Starter cutures are for the growth of pathogens or the food such as bread, vegetables, and n food Some grains, fruits, and

3. Fermentation can be used only to Bacteria ane the only have their own microbes that used in the Correct Statements


In microbiology, fermentation is the process where sugars are broken down by the activities of bacteria to produce alcohol and carbondioxide...therefore statement one is true.

Starter culture are microorganisms use in diary production for producing yoghurt and cheese. They perform fermentation in diary production.

If bacteria transformed with a recombinant pUC18 plasmid produce white colonies when grown on plates containing ampicillin and Xgal, which of the following is least likely?

a. They produce β-lactamase that provides resistance to ampicillin.
b. They carry a vector that contains a DNA fragment inserted into the multiple cloning site.
c. They produce functional β-galactosidase that cleaves X-gal.
d. They carry a vector with a lacZ gene that has been disrupted and rendered nonfunctional.
e. They carry a vector with the bla gene used as the selectable marker.



c. They produce functional β-galactosidase that cleaves X-gal.


β-galactosidase is an enzyme capable of catalyzing the enzymatic hydrolysis of β-galactosides into monosaccharides by hydrolyzing the β-glycosidic bond. On the other hand, X-gal is an analog of lactose composed of galactose, which is widely used in laboratories for the detection of β-galactosidase. In the presence of β-galactosidase, X-gal is hydrolyzed by cleaving its β-glycosidic bond, thereby confirming the presence of β-galactosidase.

Each of two parents has the genotype blue/brown​, which consists of the pair of alleles that determine eye color​, and each parent contributes one of those alleles to a child. Assume that if the child has at least one blue ​allele, that color will dominate and the​ child's eye color will be blue. a. List the different possible outcomes. Assume that these outcomes are equally likely. b. What is the probability that a child of these parents will have the brown/brown ​genotype? c. What is the probability that the child will have blue eye color​?



See the answer below.


Let the allele for eye color be represented by A. Blue is dominant over brown eye color, hence, blue allele would be A while brown eye allele would be a.

Two parents have the genotype blue/brown which is equivalent to Aa.

                   Aa    x    Aa

    AA               2Aa                aa

 blue eyes     blue eyes         brown eyes

a. Different possible outcomes: AA blue eyes, Aa blue eyes, and aa brown eyes.

b. Probability of a child from the cross having brown/brown (aa) genotype = 1/4 or 25%

c. Probability that the child would have blue eye color = 3/4 or 75%

What is the correct formula for population growth? A. D+B-I-E B. E+D-B-I C. B+I-D-E D. I+E-B-D



C.) B+I-D-E


The correct formula for population growth is the individuals added to the population via birth or immigration, minus the individuals removed from the population via death or emmigration. Therefore the answer is (B+I)-(D+E), or B+I-D-E

The field of inquiry that studies human culture and evolutionary aspects of human biology; includes cultural anthropology, archeaology, linguistics, and physical, or biological anthropology. __________



physical, or biological anthropology.


When there is a need to study human kind   through the X-ray of  relationships between human biology, its cultural diversity, and  evolution ,the aspect anthropology for this is Biological anthropology.

Therefore biological anthropology is concerned about how the interaction between the cultural diversity and biological process results in the  adaptations of mankind to different  environments.The influence of these on growth, behaviours, existence.

The primary focus of biological anthropologists is to study in details the concept of  ,mechanism of  variation,  adaptation.and how these lead to evolution and origin of mankind.

Sequel to this ,most evidences for this concept are obtained from the study of fossil materials,study of other related primates to man, and components of functional biology and genetics.

Lactose (milk sugar) is a carbohydrate that is formed by combining galactose and glucose. Which term best describes this molecule?





A disaccharide is a form of sugar that is made up of the combination of two other sugar molecules that are simple. They possess the property to dissolve easily in water. The process that occurs to join the two simple sugars includes the removal of water from the molecules. Sucrose, lactose, and maltose are the three disaccharides.




A disaccharide is a form of sugar that is made up of the combination of two other sugar molecules that are simple. They possess the property to dissolve easily in water. The process that occurs to join the two simple sugars includes the removal of water from the molecules. Sucrose, lactose, and maltose are the three disaccharides.

The pygmy shrew is the smallest mammal in North America. However, when comparing the amount of
food eaten to its body weight, the pygmy shrew eats more food than any other mammal. It will
consume two to three times its own body weight in food daily. One explanation is that the pygmy
shrew uses energy at a high rate. In fact, its heart beats over one thousand times per minute.
What is the best explanation for what happens to the food's mass and energy when it is consumed by
the pygmy shrew?
A. The mass is mostly excreted as waste. The
energy is burned up and destroyed by the
pygmy shrew's high rate of cellular respiration.
B. The mass is all used for creating new mass in
growth. The energy is stored, used in cellular
respiration, or lost to the environment as heat.
C. The mass is used for growth, stored, or excreted
as waste. The energy is stored, used in cellular
respiration, and lost to the environment as heat.
D. The mass is used for growth, stored, or excreted
as waste. The energy is burned up and
destroyed by the shrew's high rate of cellular



C. The mass is used for growth, stored, or excreted

as waste. The energy is stored, used in cellular

respiration, and lost to the environment as heat.


I got it right on the quiz.

Mass used for growth, stored or excreted as waste. Energy is stored that is used in cellular respiration which is lost to the environment in the form of heat. So, the correct option is (C).

How Pygmy shrew uses its food for energy?

The pygmy shrew has a large appetite which is a result of small body mass, rapid heat loss and high metabolic rate. It is kept in captivity which provides some idea of ​​the energy requirements of the species.

The pygmy shrew has such a high metabolism that it must eat at least every 30 minutes otherwise it will die. This can be explained by food mass and energy is that due to very high metabolism most of the food mass which is rapidly used up to form shrew, and a large proportion of the food is lost from the body surface because of its very small size.

The combination of these two factors are

1. A very high metabolism which is rapidly utilizes food material, and generates large amounts of heat in a very short period of time.

2. Very small size due to which high surface area to volume ratio leading to heat loss.

Thus, Mass used for growth, stored or excreted as waste. Energy is stored that is used in cellular respiration which is lost to the environment in the form of heat. So, the correct option is (C).

Learn more about Metabolism, here:



. Buffer solution resists change to its pH when small amounts of an acid or an alkali are added to it. Buffer solutions can be used to keep the pH of a substance constant during an experiment. For example, if pH 5.5 buffer solution is added to a mixture of amylase and starch solution, the pH of the mixture will remain constant at 5.5. The student has the following buffer solutions available: 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5 and 8.0. Describe how the student can adapt the tube experiment to investigate the effect of pH on the action of amylase.





how can an objects volume be determined using water displacement ?



Using a graduated cylinder.


By using a graduated cylinder we can determine the volume of liquids.

(1)Volume of liquid=10cm^3

(2)Volume of liquid after adding an irregular substance exceeds the first one by 20cm^3



Hope this helps ;) ❤❤❤

The diagram represents a food pyramid. The concentration of the pesticide DDT in individual
organisms at level D is higher than the concentration in individuals at level A because DDT is
A. produced by organisms at level C ingested by
those in level D.
B. passed through levels A, B, and C to organisms
at level D.
C. excreted by organisms at level A as a toxic
D. synthesized by organisms at level D.



B. passed through levels A, B, and C to organisms


DDT is an insecticide that passed through the food chain from one trophic level to the next.

The concentration of DDT increases with the each trophic level in food chain and the amount of toxin increases as passes from A to B, B to C, and C to D where D has the higher concentration of DDT as it is the higher trophic level than A, B, and C.

Hence, the correct answer is "B. passed through levels A, B, and C to organisms".

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