who are first prezident​


Answer 1


George Washington


Answer 2
George Washington first president

Related Questions

Why was Fort Louis established as an alternative to Fort Maurepas?
A)Fort Maurepas had come under siege by American Indian tribes in the region.
B)The ground near Fort Maurepas became too difficult for farming.
C)Settlers were unable to find the mouth of the river and were forced to settle at Fort Louis.
D)The land near Fort Louis was not occupied by American Indians.

(please help me)


the answer is C, was unable to find the mouth of the mississippi river again to establish territory in louisiana

why was the constitution flawed?


Federalist believed the Constitution only limited the government and not the people.

In 1872, who cast an illegal vote to prove that women were citizens?

A. Lucretia Mott

B. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

C. Susan B. Anthony

D. Emmeline Pankhurst



C. Susan B. Anthony


Hi! The answer is C = Susan B. Anthony. I hope this helps, Goodluck :)

Name two major oceans that border Africa.



Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean

The fact that the North had a greater number of railroads than the South was an advantage because. no links



Read below for the answer to your question.


With the north having more railways, this allowed troops, food, weaponry, and information to move around throughout the nation quicker. The south having barely any railway infrastructure, which led to limit information, longer transport times, supply delays, and reduce attack time.

Cual es la importación de la persona de Jesús para la humanidad


Aunque ya han pasado unos dos mil años desde que Jesucristo vivió en la Tierra, en todo el mundo se habla de él. Sin embargo, existe mucha confusión sobre quién fue en realidad. Algunos dicen que fue tan solo un hombre bueno. Otros piensan que no fue más que un profeta. Es importante que usted sepa la verdad sobre Jesús. Porque la Biblia dice: “Esto significa vida eterna, el que estén adquiriendo conocimiento de ti, el único Dios verdadero, y de aquel a quien tú enviaste, Jesucristo” (Juan 17:3). Además, Jesús dio el mejor ejemplo de cómo se debe vivir y tratar al prójimo.

Mucho antes de que Jesús naciera, la Biblia predijo la llegada del enviado de Dios, el llamado Mesías o Cristo. Los títulos Mesías (derivado de una palabra hebrea) y Cristo (derivado de una palabra griega) significan “Ungido”. De modo que el enviado prometido sería ungido, es decir, nombrado por Dios para ocupar una posición especial. En el siglo primero de nuestra era, los discípulos de Jesús de Nazaret estaban totalmente convencidos de que él era el Mesías predicho (Juan 1:41). Uno de ellos, Simón Pedro, le dijo sin rodeos: “Tú eres el Cristo” (Mateo 16:16). Ahora bien, ¿por qué estaban tan seguros aquellos discípulos de que Jesús era en verdad el Mesías prometido? ¿Y por qué podemos estar seguros nosotros? Más de setecientos años antes de que ocurriera, el profeta Miqueas predijo que el enviado prometido nacería en Belén, un pequeño pueblo de la tierra de Judá (Miqueas 5:2). Pues bien, ¿dónde nació Jesús? Justo en ese lugar (Mateo 2:1, 3-9). El segundo ejemplo es la profecía de Daniel 9:25, que con muchos siglos de antelación permitía calcular el año exacto en que se presentaría el Mesías: el año 29 de nuestra era.

Jesús murió para que los humanos recibieran el perdón de sus pecados y la vida eterna (Romanos 6:23; Efesios 1:7). Además, al morir fiel, Jesús demostró que un ser humano puede permanecer leal a Dios incluso ante las pruebas más difíciles. Dios hizo a Adán —el primer ser humano— perfecto, libre de pecado. Pero él decidió desobedecer a Dios, o pecar. Eso tuvo graves consecuencias para sus descendientes. La Biblia explica que por la desobediencia de un solo hombre, todos hemos llegado a ser pecadores. Jesús también era perfecto, pero él nunca pecó. Por eso, pudo entregar su vida en “sacrificio [...] por nuestros pecados” (1 Juan 2:2). Podríamos decir que la desobediencia de Adán dejó una mancha en la humanidad: el pecado. Sin embargo, la muerte de Jesús ha hecho posible que quienes ejercen fe en él puedan librarse de esa mancha. Dicho de otra forma, Adán nos vendió al pecado, pero Jesús estuvo dispuesto a morir por todos nosotros y nos recompró. Por tanto, “si alguno [de nosotros] comete un pecado, tenemos un ayudante para con el Padre, a Jesucristo, uno que es justo”.

Aunque los seres humanos merecen la muerte porque son pecadores, Dios les mostró bondad inmerecida (Efesios 1:7). La manera en que decidió salvar a la humanidad —enviar a su hijo Jesús para que entregara su vida perfecta en sacrificio— fue sumamente misericordiosa y justa.



Answer: World War Two In Cartoons By ILLINGWORTH

Explanation: Hitler was really afraid for the first time. Of Russia. After Stalingrad

paragraph discuss Dr. King’s quote. What does it mean when you use nonviolence


To not fight unless needed to hop that helps
Non-violence means to be peaceful and use no force

Which sentence correctly uses a comma to join independent clauses?



Carlo loves riding the roller coaster, but I prefer the merry-go-round. neither does this one; Marcia is good at sculpting clay and, I am good at carving wood. so the correct answer in this case would be option; A) Carlo loves riding the roller coaster, but I prefer the merry-go-round

What invention was an important tool in the hands of religious reformers?
A.Printing press
B.Cotton gin
D.Stone mill



The Printing Press


Printing press im pretty sure

Please help fast !!!!!! HURRY



B. Colonists convert to American Indian religious in large number.

how did people's life's become affected in France when it was occupied by the nazis​


Answer: France was to be divided into occupied and unoccupied parts.


Over the course of his presidency, Ronald Reagan’s approach toward the Soviet Union became more



the answer is cooperative


Ronald Reagan's approach toward the Soviet Union became more cooperative, over the course of his presidency.  


I don't know how to explain...  Its just right, trust me.  

Hope this helps <3  


Pakistan’s early history is

A. Saw Pakistan forge a long lasting cooperative relationship with the Soviet Union

B. Saw unexpected peaceful relaxations develop between it and and India

C. Produced a Constitution in 1956 with a Western style parliamentary system

D. Was marked by deep internal struggles over language, religious, and regional issues






Why did the US become close allies with Israel during the Cold War?



Bilateral relations have evolved from an initial American policy of sympathy and support for the creation of a Jewish homeland in 1948 to a partnership that links a small but powerful Israeli state with an American superpower trying to balance influence against other competing interests in the region, namely those of Russia and its allies.

Hitler's Luftwaffe and the British Royal Air Force went head to head at this battle in
1) Battle of Britain
2) Dunkirk
3) Normandy
4) Battle of Berlin



I am preety sure, it's 1) Battle of Britain


Hope it will help you


I think it was the Battle of Britain


i tried my best buddy

Was the U.S. justified in fighting the Vietnam War? Why or why not?


It stopped the spread on communism in the United States by war

The federal government gained the authority to force all five tribes of Southeast Indians to move west through __________.



The indian removal act of 1830


The Grand Canyon was formed by rocks.


The Kaibab Limestone, the uppermost layer of rock at Grand Canyon, was formed at the bottom of the ocean. Yet today, at the top of the Colorado Plateau, the Kaibab Limestone is found at elevations up to 9,000 feet. ... Uplift of the Colorado Plateau was a key step in the eventual formation of Grand Canyon.
Indeed it was big orange rock

Who invented the photocopy machine?​


James watt and Chester Carlson

What was the issue with Fort Sumter
no links no putting anything need the answer fast



The South bombarded Fort Sumter from all sides. This was large because Major Anderson did everything he could to keep his men out of harm's way during the bombardment.  Now that the first shots were fired, the war had begun.



14. Your school is making you take STAAR test starting in 3rd grade *
Federal power
State power
Local power


State power would be in charge of that ! Hope it helped


Feds and State


A major difference between French and English colonization in North America was

a. English settlers tended to get along better with Native Americans

b. French relations with native people were more cooperative

c. The English mostly traded goods, while the French farmed

d. The French brought diseases while the English did not.


Its B because the French saw most native Americans as allies and relied on trading with each other like fur.

Raul just witnessed a violent crime. The police are there questioning the witnesses. As a responsible citizen, Raul should

A try to leave the scene before the police can question him

B only give the police officers general information and leave quickly

C give the police all the details he can to help them solve the crime

D vow to help the police go and find the victim, regardless of danger


The answer is C but we would all probably do A




Describe the Pax Romana and other positive aspects of Augustus's reign.​


Answer: Describe the Pax Romana and other positive aspects of Augustus's reign: The Pax Romana was a 200-year period of peace and stability. Augustus' reign resulted in incline of art, literature, and education. Marc Anthony because Augustus defeated him to rule over 50 million people.

escribe 5 conclusiones de la edad media


espero que te sirva la respuesta:)

Why did President Clinton apologize to Native Hawaiians?



United States Public Law 103-150, informally known as the Apology Resolution, is a Joint Resolution of the U.S. Congress adopted in 1993 that "acknowledges that the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States and further acknowledges that the ...




United States Public Law 103-150, informally known as the Apology Resolution, is a Joint Resolution of the U.S. Congress adopted in 1993 that "acknowledges that the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States and further acknowledges that the Native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the Kingdom of Hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum" (U.S. Public Law 103-150 (107 Stat. 1510)). The resolution has been cited as impetus for the Hawaiian sovereignty movement, and has been the subject of debate


Which book could many people read for the first time because of the Gutenberg press?
O Utopia
O the Bible



O the bible because bible is the vital to every human being

¿Por qué crees que las sociedades modernas no permiten en desarrollo de pensamiento nacional- socialistas? ¿Crees que se debería ser tolerante con todos los pensamientos?



Las sociedades modernas no permiten el desarrollo de pensamientos nacionalsocialistas debido a las características totalitarias de estos regímenes, que defienden los siguientes conceptos:  

-El racismo era una parte importante de la cosmovisión nacionalsocialista. La "raza aria", en la que se incluyeron los alemanes, fue considerada superior y en peligro de extinción por otras razas. Los representantes de esta raza debían evitarse los efectos dañinos de mezclarse con otras razas.  

-El nacionalsocialismo, como el fascismo y el comunismo, era antidemocrático y preveía la abolición de los partidos, los sindicatos libres y la prensa libre. El resaltado de las diferencias políticas y los intereses de clase tuvo que ser reemplazado por un conjunto nacional unido por un culto principal.

•marked by violent attacks on white protesters

•supported by most of the local white leaders

•based on the ghandian principle of non-violence

•a complete failure



c. based on the Ghanaian principle of non violence


hope this helps

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