:) Who is good at english please help me answer my question

For each of the past years, Perdana and Kadita have spent their vacation time at home, either working in garden or fixing up the house. This year, however, they are planning to spent their end of the year vacation somewhere else. They have checked the internet for weather information about areas of teh country the might like to visit. They are really eager to travel somewhere soon. In fact, if they had free time right now, they would take the vacation immediately
, but they can’t leave right now. They still have a couple of months to explore their
options. So far, they have searched much information, but most of it does not satisfy them since they want to go to country sides. If the wanted to spent their near the water, they would have a hard time choosing among dozens of outstanding beach resorts. For example, if they went to the beach in Bali, they would not like the weather in that month-
it will be raining most of the time. That’s very dissapointing for them. On the other hand, if tehy
choose to visit singapore beach in December, both the air and the water temperatures would be considerably cold,
around 20 degrees. That’s sounds frus
tating to them. Perdana and Kadita also like to go camping, so vocationing in the mountain is another option. They could choose to visit Ciperna in Cirebon if they wanted warmer weather. In December, the temperature in Cirebon can range from a high of 45 degrees to a low of 35 degrees. If they went to cirebon, they would certainly have to encounter the risk of landslide. It is without a doubt a tough decision that Perdana and Kadita are facing. They wish they were able to go to all of the places they have researched. If they had more money and more time, they would be able to do exactly that. In fact, they would go to both the country side and the beaches this year if they had enough money. Unfortunately they have spent it to buy a new car.

1. What is the passage about?
a. Planning upoming vacation
b. Enjoying a great vacation
c. Regretting previous vacation
d. Negotiating the next vacation
e. Cancelling fascinating vacation 27.

2. Why can’t Perdana and Kadita leave for vacation now?
a. They have to spend their vacation tie at home
b. They are working in the garden c. They are fixing up the house
d. They do not have free time
e. They are hardly eager to travel somewhere 28.

3. Perdana and Kadita do not intend to spend their next vacation time near the water because____ a. It is difficult to choose among dozens of outstanding beach resorts
b. They have visited many outstanding beach resorts
c. It will be too crowded in Bali
d. They do not likle swimming and surfing
e. It is always nice to lie on beach

4. Perdana and Kadita skip singapore beaches from the list____
a.Because both the air and water temperatures are not cold enough b. Because of considerably cold air and water temperatures
c. Due to hectic working schedule
d. Since they do not like bad destination
e. Owing to the insufficient amount of money

5. According to the passage, Ciperna____
a. Has fertile lands
b. Has cool water
c. Is a mountains area
d. Is very close to cirebon
e. Has average temperature between 35 degrees to 45 degrees throughout the year

6. Unless Perdana and Kadita spent the money to buy new car, they___
a. Would not be able to go to all of the places they have researched b. Would be able to go to singapore
c. Would go to both the countryside and the beaches this year
d. Would not have enough money to take a vacation
e. Would spend too much ion travelling.

7. Were Perdana and Kadita to want warmer weather __
a. They could choose to visit Cipema in Cirebon
b. they would certainly have to encounter the risk of landslide
c. they would go camping
d. the air and the water tempratures would be considerably cold
e. they would have a couple of months to explore the area

8. Planning the upcoming vacation______
a. Is tough decision for Perdana and Kadita
b. Makes Perdana and Kadita excited
c. Creates frustation for Perdana and Kadita
d. Dissapoints both Perdana and Kadita
e. Takes Perdana and Kadita a couple of months


Answer 1

1/d. negotiating the next vacation

2/d. They do not have free time

3/ a. It is difficult to choose among dozens of outstanding beach resorts

4/ b. Because of considerably cold air and water temperatures

5/e. Has average temperature between 35 degrees to 45 degrees throughout the year



8/ d

Related Questions

How might our personal experiences, environment, or beliefs influence the way we approach literature?


Our personal experiences, environment, or beliefs would most likely correspond to the specific type of literature we consume.
For example, if I see someone addressing climate change, ads to recycle, or even someone littering, I’m may be drawn to read about the effects of climate change and what we can do to stop it. Or let’s say you believe in communism, someone may want to read about the key figures such Stalin, Lenin, Marx, etc…

So basically, our own experiences, environment, or beliefs will guide us to the direction of literate based around our interests.

Prompt: In your opinion, is taking risks a necessary part of growing up? Answer the question in the form of a full-length essay. Be sure to support your response with evidence from stories, movies, real world events, or experiences from your life.

i need it by today please help i just need three paragraphs 5 sentences


The importance of risk taking in the life of a person cannot be understated. Taking risks is a vital part of growing up as it helps us in generating new possibilities. Without taking risks, we may not know what the future holds for us.

Also, we have everything you gain by taking risks as it's adventurous and we can learn along the way when we do new things. Trying something new will help broaden our mind

Furthermore, risk taking is vital for growth and development. Not taking risks means that we'll just be in one place and won't grow. Inaction will lead us nowhere

Lastly, taking risks help us to overcome our fears. By taking risks, we will get better jobs, enter new relationships etc.

Read related link on:


Bill still hasn't ________ me ________ - maybe he doesn't have romantic feelings for me after all.
(1 Point)

A. brought - about

B. asked - out

C. went - beyond

D. cut-off
7.We ________ the puppies carefully and sold them for a good profit.
(1 Point)

A. came up

B. brought up

C. fell over

D. went through
8.I feel so inadequate and jealous around my sister-ugh, she always ________ the worst in me!
(1 Point)

A. brings out

B. comes into

C. cuts off

D. gets into
9.The CEO said he was determined to bring changes ________ that would ensure the companies viability well into the future.
(1 Point)

A. on

B. up

C. off

D. about



1)Bill still hasnt asked me out maybe he doesnt has romantic feelings for me after all

7)brought up

8)I feel so inadequate and jealous around my sister ugh she brings out the worst in me

The ceo said that he was determined to bring changes about that Would ensure the comanies viabilities well into the future

The answers are:

Bill still hasn't asked me about maybe he doesn't have romantic feelings for me after all.We brought up the puppies carefully and sold them for a good profit.I feel so inadequate and jealous around my sister-ugh, she always brings out the worst in me!The CEO said he was determined to bring changes on that would ensure the company's viability well into the future.

What are the Punctuation Rules?

All Punctuations Must be Parallel. This means that when the main clause is interrupted with a comma or a dash, it must be interrupted with the same punctuation marks at the beginning and at the end. A Colon Must Appear at the End of a Clause. Semicolons are Used for Equal Emphasis.

Learn more about Punctuation here: brainly.com/question/92653



Read these stanzas from “The Chimney Sweeper.” What is the best summary of the events the stanzas describe?

And so he was quiet, and that very night
As Tom was a-sleeping he had such a sight!
That thousands of sweepers, D ick, Joe, Ned, and Jack,
Were all of them locked up in coffins of black;

And by came an Angel who had a bright key,
And he opened the coffins and set them all free;
Then down a green plain, leaping, laughing they run,
And wash in a river and shine in the Sun.

Then naked and white, all their bags left behind,
They rise upon clouds, and sport in the wind.
And the Angel told Tom, if he'd be a good boy,
He'd have God for his father and never want joy.

A. Tom dreamed that the speaker died and went to heaven.

B. Tom died during the night and went to heaven.

C. The speaker dreamed that Tom died and went to heaven.

D. Tom dreamed that sweepers died and went to heaven.





Was there a time I ever
felt embarrassed or
ashamed when I was
reading or writing?
Describe the event.



Yes there was a time when I felt embarrassed to read and write.  I got into writing right after I got into recreational reading because after I had read my first series by James Patterson, his funny, action-packed and heart-warming stories inspired me to create my own.

I thought, "If this old man can do it and make it look easy, then surely I can."

But child, let me tell you. It was no easy feat. There is a certain art that comes with writing books, and it was an art that at the time, I knew nothing about. I had an idea, a pen and paper, and support from my parents but the product of all those things was something that I do not like to recall.

The amount of grammatical errors, dialogue problems and plot holes that came out of my first book is just embarrassing. And it's the fact that I used to sell the little paper to my friends at school for 50 cents so that they could read it. It was bad, but I was a business woman about it. Let me give you a little sneak peak, I even made a book cover and everything.

And the only time I've ever felt embarrassed while reading a story was when I got into wattpad and read some of the popular romance and fanfiction content on there....

._. I'll never go back.

What is the meaning of
insubordinate in the following
The insubordinate child ran
free, wreaking havoc on the
A. Insubordinate means to lower to
another level.
B. Insubordinate means to step up to the
next level.
C. Insubordinate means not curbed or
D. Insubordinate means curbed or


The correct answer would be C; insubordinate means not curbed or restrained

help work is due soon


biography, autobiography, information

an how to book on applying for a job


please mark me brainleast

What are the types of non-fiction?

Biography, Autobiography, Informational

Which of the following would NOT be an example of a piece of non-fiction writing?

A how-to book on how to apply for a job.

I hope this answer helps you out. Have a nice day :)!

please help will mark brainlist


Answer:i need sum points

Explanation: so im just gonna add this lol

how do you take care of a culture​



We can take care of a culture by:)

1:Public awareness should be conducted.

2:Posters and pamphlets should be paste.


Hope its help and keep smiling and stay sage

Please help ASAP!!!!!!



"looked" is the verb "already" describe.

looked (verb) already (describe)

8. {Review} Is this a simple, compound, or complex sentence? I washed the dishes while James took out the trash. O simple O compound O complex​



Compound. It combines the two sentences; "I washed the dishes," and "James took out the trash" into one.

compound sentence


It is a compound sentence because it has two independent clause that are joined together by using coordinate conjunction:

1. I washed the dishes.

2. James took out the trash.

3. coordinate conjunction "while"

Chapters 15-16
How do the events in these chapters stress the idea that teamwork is important for
survival in the Hunger Games? How does this message conflict with the rules and values
that surround the Games?


Hunger Games is a story, in which the main message is team work can lead to survival.

The Hunger Games is story written by Suzanne Collins. The story focuses on team up which leads to mutual benefit.

The team work leads to survival as its makes every member of the team emotionally strong.

It is essential to have common goal which will create synergy effect if all members of the team are trying to gain common benefit.

In this story the motive of the team is survival and they try to keep them alive during hazardous situation.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24373797

These events I have listed here stressed that teamwork is important for survival due to the following reasons:

Peeta helped to save Katniss's life after she blacked out from a sting.Katniss and Rue bonded, in the course of their bonding, Rue helped Katniss to remove the venom from the stings that she got.Rue on her own part was cold and had nothing to keep warm. Katniss offered to share her sleeping bag with her.

These helps were all offered at the point of need. This goes to show that when people team up they can survive better than when they try to do things on their own.

Katniss started to feel more secure with  her bow and having Rue as an ally and as someone that she could talk to.

This message conflicts with the rules of the game because only one person can be the winner. Having allies contradicts this rule.

The game only requires a sole survivor. It is contradictory when someone saves the other person that is obviously an obstacle to her victory.


1. While reading To Kill a Mockingbird, pay close attention to the following characters: Atticus Finch, Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose, Mr. Dolphus Raymond, Mayella Ewell, and Boo Radley. For each character briefly answer the following questions (1-2 sentences for each question).

1. What is Scout’s initial opinion?
2. How and why does Scout’s opinion change?




Scout's first day of school is important because her expectations do not meet reality. The first day of school is a maturing experience for Scout. She was very excited about going to school for the first time. She has been jealous of Jem, and thinks that first grade will be wonderful.

Scout's opinion of Boo Radley changes from fear and curiosity to empathy and understanding. At the beginning of the story, Scout is only about six years old. Like most kids in the neighborhood, she is suspicious of the Radleys, and especially curious and frightened when it comes to Boo.

In "The Literature of the Americas," Kimberly Koza writes: "By discovering the literature of
our neighbors, we may also learn about ourselves."
Choose a selection from this unit
"Aztec Creation Story"
"Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"The Gettysburg Address" by President Abraham Lincoln
"At the Tourist Centre in Boston" by Margaret Atwood
"Day of the Butterfly" by Alice Munro
"No Dogs Bark" by Juan Rulf
"Two Bodies" by Octavio Paz
"Crossroads: A Sad Vaudeville" by Carlos Solórzano
In one well-developed paragraph that begins with TAG (title, author, genre), explain the theme
or central idea of the selection, citing textual evidence from selection. Next, discuss how
Koza’s statement is related to the message the author is conveying. Use specific details from
the text to support your response


The required paragraph in the question above should be made based on your interpretation of the work selected by you and based on how you believe that work makes you recognize yourself, as Kimberly Koza stated. For that reason, I can't create this paragraph for you, but I can show you how to write it.

First, you must choose one of the works presented in the selection above. You will have to read and reread, until you understand all the work and the message that the author presents.

Then, you must show how the author of this work exposes a concept that touches deeply in your personality and makes you recognize characteristics in yourself and in the society around you.

You can use "The Gettysburg Address" by President Abraham Lincoln, for example, as it is a short text and you can find many articles about it that explain it in detail.

If you choose this text, you can use the following information to create your paragraph:

Lincoln declaimed this speech at the end of the American Civil War, after he acknowledged the deaths of countless soldiers.Lincoln aimed to provoke sentimentalism in the public regarding the death of men who were fighting for what they believe.Lincoln reinforces the importance of both Union soldiers and Confederate soldiers, as he wants to show that everyone's life is valuable and should be honored.This shows that regardless of which side of a war a person stands for, that person's life is important to their loved ones and to the country as a whole.This shows that Lincoln had a strong empathy, even for soldiers who thought differently from him.This text, in turn, can show that a war cannot end our sympathy and solidarity with the people who suffer from this war, regardless of which side they are on.

You can get more information on how to write a good paragraph at the link below:


change sentence to comparative degree

a mother is one of the best friends for a child


A mother is one of the better friends for a child

1. Mary has decided to study abroad next month.
=> Mary is...



"Mary is deciding to study abroad next month"


solve all the questions plz ASAP



1.has being raining

2.had been driving

3.had live


5.has being

6.haven't seen

7. went out

8.have not come

9. sleeps

10.has being working



13.have not finish

14.has being taking

15.have sent

16.will be

17.has being

18.have caught

19. is dead

20.had visited

21.had been

22.had been

23.has done

24.will play

25.had dropped

Help fast plz

Explain the role of animal agriculture within the food system in meeting food and nutritional security



If we use farm animals for what they are good at - converting by-products from the food system and grass resources into valuable food and manure - they can contribute significantly to human food supply, while at the same time reducing the environmental impact of the entire food system. By converting these so-called low-opportunity-cost feeds, farm animals recycle biomass and nutrients into the food system that would otherwise be lost to food production. Rearing animals under this circular paradigm, however, requires a transition from our current linear food system towards a circular one. Here we present a biophysical concept for the role of farm animals in a circular food system, essential for meeting dietary recommendations within the boundaries of our planet.



agriculture has a special and important place in society because it ensure the production of food and fibre is essential to food security and to social and economic development employment maintenance of the countryside and conservation of land and natural resources and helps sustain rural life and land

rewrite the sentences below with so..that 1. that boy is very lazy.he never does his homework



That boy is lazy so that he never does his homework.


That boy is very lazy, so that he never does his homework

Drag each tile to the correct box. Not all tiles will be used.
I sank
Determine which four events form a clear summary of the passage and place them in the correct order.





I sank from the raft

is it right

Help plzzzzzzzz thank you



1. lost

2. did not want

3. sailed

4. did not speak

5. found

6. studied

7. met

Read the steps to making an inference.

What is the correct order for making an inference?

1. Use what you know.

2. Look for details.

3. Support the inference.

4. Make an inference.

1, 3, 2,4

• 2, 1, 4, 3

O 3, 2, 1, 4

O 4, 3, 2, 1



correct answer is 1,2,3,4

Please HELP WILL MARK BRAINLIEST: Answer in RACE format: How are perspectives or cultural experiences presented in i am offering this poem by jimmy santiago baca



In I Am Offering This Poem, by Jimmy Santiago Baca, the poet is giving the idea that love is providing you with all that you need, for example guidance and comfort. When in love, humans tend to feel safe and as if they belong, knowing there is someone that's always there that cares for them.


Explain Macbeth's metaphor about murder



Macbeth uses metaphor to debate the nature of this vision- he calls this dagger a " fatal vision", and then " a dagger of mind" suggesting that his evil thoughts in contemplating the murder of his king are being somehow expressed psychologically by his " heat-oppressed brain".


Which of the following events in the story “Two Friends” is the best example of irony?

A. Two men are captured behind enemy lines during a war.

B. Two men who had been fishing end up dead in a river.

C. Two friends die rather than betray their country.

D. Two starving Frenchmen decide to go fishing.



B)   Two men who had been fishing end up dead in a river.


Irony The buddies wish to go fishing to relax but end up being shot and tossed into the water as a result, relieving the tension in their life by dying.

What are the similarities of prescriptivism and descriptivism?



Prescriptivism is the term used for approaches to language that set out rules for what is regarded as “good” or “correct” usage. Descriptivism is an evidence-based approach to language that describes, in an objective manner, how language is being used.

identify one way to remove the sand from the mixture in the breaker​



çlean the mixture in breaker oke!?
Just scoop the sand out and let it dry or
Add water in the beaker and filter it out

people who have overcome stereotyping



Stereotyping occurs when a person ascribes the collective characteristics associated with a particular group to every member of that group, discounting individual characteristics.

4. She is found ...western dress.
a. of
b. in
c. to
d. on​





She is found in western dress.

adjectives in Over seven million pounds of thrust pushed the anxious men upward





Adjective is a word or phrase that describes the noun.

[tex]\tt{ \green{P} \orange{s} \red{y} \blue{x} \pink{c} \purple{h} \green{i} e}[/tex]

Other Questions
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