Why are antibiotics unhelpful for treating the common cold?
A. Colds are caused by antibiotics.
B. Antibiotics cannot treat illnesses.
C. Bacteria are not killed by atibiotics.
D. Colds are caused by viruses.


Answer 1




Colds are only caused by viruses. Therefore, antibiotics only kill bacteria.

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Which newborn is at the highest risk of having growth problems?
O A. Albert- 5 lbs
OB. Francis-9 lbs
C. Dmitri- 8 lbs
D. Gregor-6 lbs





because if you get their mean/avergae it is around 7lbs and albert being the lightest baby from the ideal he might have growth problems because having alot of weight can also result to baby fat or can be shaped to new in future

Explain this statement
" The role of oxygen in the regulation of respiratory rhythm is quite significant"​



Pneumotaxic centre in the pons region of the brain can moderate functions of the respiratory rhythm centre. Neural signals from this centre can reduce the duration of inspiration and thereby alter the respiratory rate. A chemosensltive area is situated adjacent to the rhythm centre to make necessary adjustments in the respiratory process. Receptors associated with aortic arch and carotid artery also can recognise changes in CO  


 and H+ concentration and send necessary signals to the rhythm centre for remedial actions. The role of oxygen in the regulation of respiratory rhythm is quite insignificant.

So, the correct answer is 'Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion'.



this means that the oxygen is maintained  by the respiratory rhythm.


The mass of the Sun is 1.99 × 1030 kg. Jupiter is 7.79 × 108 km away from the Sun and has a mass of 1.90 × 1027 kg. The gravitational force between the Sun and Jupiter to three significant figures is × 1023 N.









In classical conditioning _____ is the unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus (US). (Pyscology)



unconditioned response


here is the answer..

The CT reveals several issues with the cranial structure, one of which might be in the cribriform plate but the image isn't well defined. What non-invasive test can you do to test if the cribriform plate is severely damaged? Why?


The non-invasive test that can be used to test if the cribriform plate is severely damaged is called the pledget study.

CRIBRIFORM PLATE is the part of the ethmoid bone that forms the nasal cavity.

The olfactory nerve which is part of the cranial nerves passes through the small opening found in the cribriform plate.

A damage to the cribriform plate leads to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak which usually comes out from the nose and ears.

Therefore to test if the cribriform plate is severely damaged, the pledget study is performed.

Pledget study is a non-invasive method of diagnosing a CSF leak.

To perform this test,

Cotton pads called Pledgets are placed in the nostrils.If the leaking fluid contains CSF it will be detected.

The presence of CSF shows that there is damage to the cribriform plate.

This method is non invasive because it doesn't require the breaking or opening of any part of the body.

Learn more here:


In biological systems, there are several membrane transport systems responsible for the passage of ions like Na+ and K+.

a. True
b. False



The correct answer is: a. True.


There are several membrane transport systems responsible for the passage of ions like Na+ and K+.

Cell membranes are semipermeable, which means they can regulate which molecules may and cannot flow through them. Some molecules may simply drift in and out of a cell (this is called simple diffusion), while others require specific structures to enter and exit (this type of diffusion is called facilitated diffusion), and still, others require an energy boost to pass the cell membrane (this is known as active transport).

Both simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion are types of passive transport: they happen without the energy boost that ATP gives, unlike active transport.

In passive transport, molecules follow their chemical gradients and travel through the most concentrated compartment to the less concentrated one to equal the concentrations. In active transport, on the other hand, the cell makes an effort to enter or exit ions against their chemical gradients and this is done particularly to maintain said gradients (they are required for the correct functioning of the cell).

Sodium and Potassium are two of the most important ions when it comes to maintaining these gradients: sodium is very concentrated in the outside of the cells (the extracellular compartment), while potassium is highly concentrated in the intracellular compartment. These differences in concentrations are maintained thanks to the Na+/K+ pump, a form of active transport. Apart from the Na+/K+ pump, these ions go through the membrane through passive transport as well, without requiring energy.

The conversion of liquid water into gaseous water is called?





When the water is heated, it changes into water vapour which is called vapourization or sometimes we can also call it evaporation.

Etapas del desarrollo fetal.​



This time is divided into three stages, called trimesters.


First trimester, spans from conception to 12 weeks

Second trimester, spans from weeks 13 and 28.

Third trimester, spans from weeks 29 to 40.


If a physicist performs an experiment, who would likely try to replicate it?

The physicist himself
Other physicists
The family of the physicist
No one, because an experiment can never be replicated


I think the answer is the second one.

what neurotransmitter is deficient in parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease?


Scientists believe a lack of dopamine causes Parkinson's disease. That deficit, they say, comes from a disorder of nerve cells in the part of the brain that produces the chemical. However, dopamine isn't the only neurotransmitter affected in Parkinson's disease.

A suspension of yeast cells is being grown under anaerobic conditions such that glucose is metabolized to ethanol and carbon dioxide. An inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase is added to the suspension, the cells rapidly die. Explain.



The correct answer is - NAD needed to keep glycolysis going is not being recycled so the entire process is shut down and no ATP is produced


Alcohol dehydrogenase plays role in metabolizing the bulk of ethanol consumed as part of the diet and their activities contribute to the rate of ethanol elimination from the body.

Inhibitor of this zinc enzyme prevents it to perform its function which results in NADH generated during anaerobic conditions glycolysis cannot be recycled back to NAD+, So the ATP production pf anaerobic condition through glycolysis cannot be maintained.

Select the statement about human impact on the environment that is FALSE. The number of humans engaging in a specific activity impacts the severity of the issue. Damaging the environment threatens human and ecosystem health. Pesticide and fertilizer use by humans is particularly damaging to the environment. Urban growth leads to increased waste, which leads to climate change.



the answer is should be True

The sodium-potassium pump does not do which of the following actions?
-Moves sodium molecules against their concentration gradient into the cell
using ATP.
-Moves sodium molecules against their concentration gradient out of the cell
using ATP.
-Maintains the cell's physiological needs by establishing an electrochemical
-Moves potassium molecules against their concentration gradient into the cell
using ATP.


The sodium-potassium pump does not allow the movement of sodium molecules against their concentration gradient into the cell  with the use of ATP molecules.

In sodium-potassium pump, the sodium moves outside the cell whereas potassium moves inside the cell with the help of using ATP molecules. The sodium-potassium pump maintains the gradient of higher concentration of sodium extracellularly means outside the cell and a higher level of potassium intracellularly means inside the cell. This process is done only in the presence of ATP molecules that provides a force for the movement of sodium and potassium so we can conclude that no movement of sodium occur inside the cell in the sodium-potassium pump.


Answer: Moves sodium molecules against their concentration gradient INTO the cell using ATP.


The sodium-potassium pump moves sodium molecules against their concentration gradient out of the cell and moves potassium molecules against their concentration gradient into the cell. It also helps to regulate internal physiological needs through gradients. However, it doesn’t move sodium ions into the cell—that occurs through passive transport.


Why DNA synthesis is faster than RNA synthesis?is there any advantage of being faster?




I read it's has to do with the amount of nucleic acid that must be synthesized. RNAs are tiny compared to DNA, so there is little selection pressure for speed. Also, multiple RNA polymerases can initiate simultaneously, effectively increasing the synthesis rate

Answer:An obstacle to the triviality of the first issue includes the fact that DNA polymerase replicates DNA at a rate of 10-15 times faster than RNA polymerase transcribes DNA so that these enzymes inevitably collide if they attempt to function concurrently and co-directionally


At any given instant, only a fraction of the genome (total DNA) is being transcribed. Consequently, speed is not necessary.

The correct air track for a human respiratory system is
trachea - bronchus - bronchiole alveoli
trachea - bronchiole - bronchus alveoli
bronchus -
trachea alveoli bronchus


Answer: Air enters through the nose (and sometimes the mouth), moves through the nasal cavity, the pharynx, the larynx, enters the trachea, moves through the bronchi and bronchioles till the alveoli.

Explanation:The pathway of air in the respiratory system starts with the external organs of the nose and mouth.

Nose: Air is inhaled through the nostrils (and sometimes through the mouth) where it is filtered by the hairs and cilia to remove dust particles and moistened. The nasal cavity also moderates the temperature of the inhaled air.

Pharynx: This is a common passage for food, water, and air. It leads from both the nose and the mouth and leads to both the trachea (windpipe) and the oesophagus (foodpipe).

Larynx: This is the voice box situated just over the trachea and has a flap called the epiglottis which closes during swallowing to prevent food from entering the trachea and opens during breathing.

Trachea: Air now enters the windpipe which is situated behind the sternum (breastbone) and between the two lungs.

Bronchus: From the trachea, two bronchi (one bronchus for each lung) enter the lungs and divide and subdivide into secondary and tertiary bronchi, getting narrower as they proceed into the lung.

Bronchioles: The tertiary bronchi branch into fine tubules called bronchioles, the last passageways for air.

Alveoli:. Air ends its pathway in the alveoli (sing. alveolus) which are tiny sacs with very fine singe-celled walls. These alveoli are surrounded by capillaries that connect the pulmonary arteries and veins and that enable transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The biological classification of organisms is called taxonomy. Based on your own investigation, discuss the importance of taxonomy in biological research.



mark me as brainliest


It helps to ascertain the number of living beings on Earth. More than one million of species of plants and animals have been discovered and classified so far. It aims to classify the living organisms. Millions of organisms are classified scientifically in categories, which helps to have a better understanding

The theory and practice of characterizing, naming, and classifying living things is known as taxonomy. Such research is critical for a basic knowledge of biodiversity and its preservation.

What is the importance of taxonomy in biological research?

Taxonomy is important because:

It aids in estimating the number of living beings on the planet. nearly one million plant and animal species have been identified and classified till date.Its goal is to classify living things. Thousands of creatures are scientifically divided into categories, which aids in understanding.It aids our understanding of the characteristics seen in plants and animals.It depicts the physical development in chronological order.It provides an overview of the local fauna and flora, which aids in the identification of endemic species.

learn more about taxonomy here:



In this diagram of a long bone, which type of bone marking is circled? anatomical drawing of a long bone showing the internal structure, with the point where the blood vessels enter circled



the answer is osteon


Whats bigger, fungi or virus?





bcuz it is plant-like organism with lack of chlorophyll

Which interaction involves only one of Earth’s spheres?

Plant roots take in water from the soil.
Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air.
During photosynthesis, plants make food and release oxygen into the air.
Energy stored in plants is transferred to humans and animals that eat them.Which property of soil depends on the size of particles?




Energy stored in plants is transferred to humans and animals that eat them


How does temperature and concentration of monounsaturated phospholipids change the rate at which molecules permeate the plasma membrane? Does this change occur equally for low permeability ions the way and large molecules as it does for gasses and high permeability molecules?

Describe the way that enzymes increase the rate of chemical reactions in the cell. What other factors related to enzymes can increase or decrease this rate and why?



я не знаю ответа извините





not malleable


hope this helps


D because it can be transformed into many forms

so is malleable

Initiation codon in eukayotes is ______​



AUG is the only initiation codon in eukaryotes.


Initiation codon in eukayotes is ___AUG___




D. the basic unit of life


A cell is the basic fundamental unit of a living organism. There two types of organisms which are unicellular (single cell organism) and multicellular (many cells)

where in an embryo are the instructions located for how to build organs


Answer:In the nucleus


The information for all bodily functions resides in DNA in every cell.

Which of the following shows the correct energy flow during aerobic respiration?
A. Lipids, Glucose, ATP, cells
B. ATP, Glucose, cells
C. Carbohydrates, Glucose, ATP, cells
D. Carbohydrates, Glucose, Lactic acid, ATP


The correct energy flow during aerobic respiration is ATP, Glucose, and cells. Thus, the correct option is B.

What is Aerobic respiration?

Aerobic respiration may be defined as the process of conversion of glucose into carbon dioxide, water, and energy via the intermediate product of pyruvate in presence of air.

The release of energy in aerobic respiration is found to be greater as compared to anaerobic respiration.

This released energy is immediately used to synthesize a molecule called ATP via glucose that fuels the cells for metabolic activities.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is B.

To learn more about Aerobic respiration, refer to the link:



Othologous. are found where?




Science (genetics, molecular biology, genomics) genes or gene products that are homologous (descended from a common ancestor) and are found in separate species due only to the speciation event (not to gene duplication).


I think youcan collect the genes from two species and compare each gene to one another and if two genes identify each other. I never really heard of them being found but created srry if this isnt any help you can delete my question if needed


What are sustainable use practices?
(a) any materials that exist in nature and that are used by humans

(b) the managed consumption of natural resources to prevent their depletion or environmental destruction

(c) the deployment of fossil fuels to environments that previously did not have access to such resources

(d) ways in which individuals are able to conserve native animal and plant species



The answer is B,


B. The managed consumption of natural resources to prevent their depletion or environmental destruction

Sustainable practices are managing natural resource consumption to prevent depletion or environmental destruction. Therefore, option "B" is correct.

what are sustainable practices?

Manageable practices support biological, human, and monetary well-being and imperativeness. Supportability assumes that assets are limited, and ought to be utilized moderately and shrewdly so as to long haul needs and outcomes of the manners by which assets are used.

Organizations and individuals that consideration about supportability are likewise less inclined to infringe upon the regular living spaces of wild creatures, consequently safeguarding the biodiversity of our planet.

Therefore, sustainable practices help the planet breathe and are also beneficial for human beings.

Learn more about sustainable practices, here:



Question 5
Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
P Flag question
Complete the following sentence: "The interior of living cells is more
than the exterior because more
ions are expelled than ions are taken in by the sodium-potassium pump."
Select one:
O a. electropositive. Nak
O b. electronegative, Na.
O C. electronegative, Na, K
O d. electropositive, Na+, K+
Question 6
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Marked out of 1.00
P Flag question
The high concentration of protons in the inner mitochondrial space relative to the mitochondrial matrix represent
AGD (0)
10-25 PM



i really really need the brainly points


sry for this answer, i need the answers for myself

List some Characteristic of fruits.​



Quality factors for fruits include the following— maturity, firmness, the uniformity of size and shape, the absence of defects, skin and flesh color. Many of the same quality factors are described for vegetables, with the addition of texture-related attributes such as turgidity, toughness, and tenderness.

help me in my hw landslide can be prevented by terrace farming why​



Reducing the intensity of runoff.


Terrace farming prevent landslides and erosion to occur by reducing the intensity of runoff. This farming also reduce the risk of drought due to raising the moisture content in the soil and allowing water to slowly infiltrate into the soil. Due to terrace farming, the runoff water moves very slowly which causes less erosion of the soil as well as reduces the intensity of water flow which causes more infiltration.

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