why are mountains important to us​


Answer 1

Mountains are particularly important for their biodiversity, water, clean air, research, cultural diversity, leisure, landscape and spiritual values.

hope it helps you!!!!

Answer 2

Answer:Provides us with resources. Essential to water cycling. Regulates Global climate. Fosters biodiversity.

Explanation: Mountains provide many resources humans need such as wood, clean water, and food. Mountains are essential for the water cycling on earth. They collect, channel, and store freshwater.  In addition to the economic benefits mountains also provide ecological services and are very important in regulating the global climate. Mountainous environments foster biodiversity, they are home to many plants and animals.

Related Questions

where were most of North America's networks of exchange located? Why?



North America's many networks of exchange were mainly centered along river valleys, such as the Mississippi River basin. Many agricultural communities lived around there, and the largest, called Cahokia, had a population of about 30,000 people! As a river basin, the area provided rich soil for farming.

how does the second verse of the star-spangled banner begin



I believe it is something like this, On the shore, dimly seen thro’ the mist of the deep, where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,  what is that, which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,  as it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?  Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,  In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream , ’Tis the star-spangled banner. Oh! long may it wave . O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!


On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glory reflected now shines in the stream,

'Tis the star-spangled banner - O long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!


Hope this helped. Thanks

who was the religious leader who led a slave revolt in 1831?


it was

Nat Turner

Nathanial “Nat” Turner (1800-1831) was an enslaved man who led a rebellion of enslaved people on August 21, 1831.

President Andrew Johnson supported the Civil Rights act of 1866. true or fales





Match the names to the description Luke gives from a physician's perspective. Refer to your assigned Bible reading as necessary.

1. person whose father was healed of fever and a bloody flux
2. young man who fell out a window and was raised from the dead
3. man whose handkerchiefs or aprons brought healing
4. sorcerer who was blinded by the hand of the Lord
Judas Iscariot
5. maker of clothes who was raised from the dead
6. man sick of the palsy eight years who was healed
7. woman who died for lying to Peter and was buried beside her husband
8. man who died for lying to Peter and whose body was wrapped and buried
9. sick people hoped his shadow would fall on them
10. man who hanged himself, fell headlong, and burst open


Answer:1. person whose father was healed of fever and a bloody flux


2. young man who fell out a window and was raised from the dead


3. man whose handkerchiefs or aprons brought healing


4. sorcerer who was blinded by the hand of the Lord


5. maker of clothes who was raised from the dead


6. man sick of the palsy eight years who was healed


7. woman who died for lying to Peter and was buried beside her husband


8. man who died for lying to Peter and whose body was wrapped and buried


9. sick people hoped his shadow would fall on them


10. man who hanged himself, fell headlong, and burst open

Judas Iscariot


A person whose father was healed of fever and a bloody flux- Publius

The young man who fell out a window and was raised from the dead- Eutychus

The man whose handkerchiefs or aprons brought healing- Paul

The sorcerer who was blinded by the hand of the Lord- Elymas

The maker of clothes who was raised from the dead- Dorcas

The man sick of palsy for eight years who was healed- Aeneas

The woman who died for lying to Peter and was buried beside her husband- Sapphira

The man who died for lying to Peter and whose body was wrapped and buried- Ananias

The sick people hoped his shadow would fall on them- Peter

The man who hanged himself fell headlong and burst open-Judas Iscariot

All these were referred to in the Bible.

What is a Bible?

Bible is one of the most important religious texts which are present in the religious faiths of the Christians and also the Judaists the most important thing is that the Christian faith had imbibed in mind the sacred principles of the understanding of the laws or morality which has been written in the Bible.

Moses is said to be the writer of the Bible. Bible is being used by Christians and also many other people of several religious orders.

Learn more about the Bible here:



What was important about the election of 1800?

It established that when a new president is elected, the one currently in office respects the will of the people.

It allowed the House of Representatives to overturn the presidential election if they disagreed with the vote of the people.

It set a precedent that enslaved people counted as part of a state's voting population.

It created a system in which the number of electoral votes from northern states always equaled the number of votes of southern states.


It established that when a new president is elected, the one currently in office respects the will of the people.

Who's responsibility did FDR believe it was to guarantee that every man should have a comfortable living

A.the U.S. government
B.other family members
C.each man for himself



I believe it is b


my own process of elimination



The right question is the U.S. Government.

what is the subject of this cartoon ? or what people groups do you think the cartoon is aimed at ?



Immigration Restrictions,undisirable by US.

HELP PLEASE Which would be considered rude in starting a conversation with a deaf person?

A Moving into view
B Snapping your fingers
C Tapping a shoulder
D Waving your hand



C Snapping your finger


Since he can't hear

The sound of your will not be audible

and will be considered rude

Please help guys 50 points



I answered this one already Ill put it up again lol here!

A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries poitically, socially, and economically. The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies


¿Cuáles eran las creencias anabautistas sobre el gobierno, la guerra y las posesiones?




Los anabaptistas fueron una corriente dentro del protestantismo que niega todo valor al sacramento del bautismo conferido a los niños, siendo partidarios de un bautismo cuando la persona ya es mayor, para poder proceder al verdadero acto de Fe que le corresponde.

En 1521, bajo la dirección del teólogo anabaptista Thomas Müntzer, estalló una rebelión de labriegos en Zwickau, la cual terminó por convertirse en una guerra abierta entre la nobleza y el campesinado.

En Münster (Westfalia) en 1532, los anabaptistas dirigidos por Juan de Leiden, se adueñaron de la ciudad, permaneciendo en su poder hasta 1535 y en donde instauraron la comunidad de bienes.

Sin embargo, el reino de Sión, como ellos mismos denominaban su territorio, fue completamente aplastado por la nobleza.

in roman mythology, which god is depicted as wearing a winged helmet?


Ancient depictions of the god Hermes, Mercury and of Roma depict them wearing winged helmets, however, in the 19th century the winged helmet became widely used to depict the Celts.

this landmark was the site of an important battle during the texas revolution of 1835–36. what is the name of the landmark?


Answer:   The San Jacinto Monument

Explanation:     The San Jacinto Monument is a 567.31-foot-high (172.92-meter) column located on the Houston Ship Channel in unincorporated Harris County, Texas, near the city of Houston. The monument is topped with a 220-ton star that commemorates the site of the Battle of San Jacinto, the decisive battle of the Texas Revolution.

in the world war ii era, what was the major reason for jewish immigration to the united states?



To escape state-sponsored genocide


B. Complete the sentence. Get your answer on the ancircled word above.

1. The rate at which________ energy is transferred to a circuit

2. Electric energy is most often measured either in _________

3. Electrons pass through the circuit and collide with atom in components and lose its energy and converted into_______ eg. heat, light, or motion

4. The unit of electrical power is the_________

5. Electric power is the rate per unit time, at which electrical energy is transferred by an electric_________




1. The rate at which Electrical energy is transferred to a circuit.

2. Electric energy is most often measured either

in Joules.

3. Electrons pass through the circuit and collide with atom in components and lose its energy and converted into energy eg, heat, light, or motion.

4. The unit of electrical power is the watt.

5. Electric power is the rate per unit time at which electrical energy transferred by an electric circuit.

que es la revolucion industrial



The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in Britain, continental Europe and the United States, in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840.

Was American imperialism justified why or why not


Americans justified imperialistic behavior by Claiming that it was their responsibility. Americans and Europeans both claimed that it was their responsibility as superior races to uplift, civilize and Christianize native peoples. This was known as the White Mans Burden and was based upon the ideas of social Darwinism.

In Mesoamerican several groups thrived with the discovery of what? What were some of there other advances overtime? (100 points)









explain the historical context for the debate over slavery during 1844 and 1877



The controversy over the Atlantic slave trade was ultimately settled by compromise. In exchange for a 20-year ban on any restrictions on the Atlantic slave trade, southern delegates agreed to remove a clause restricting the national government’s power to enact laws requiring goods to be shipped on American vessels (benefiting northeastern shipbuilders and sailors)


what precedent was set for a 20th century president with the indian removal act?



Andrew jackson I think.

Thomas Jefferson summarized the colonists main arguments in which part of the declaration of independence?



The Declaration of Independence included these three major ideas: People have certain Inalienable Rights including Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. All Men are created equal. Individuals have a civic duty to defend these rights for themselves and others.

which emperor made christianity the official religion of rome



emperor Theodosius


Hope this helps! :D

what creates wealth in new england coastal cities ? What was the biggest problem with using Native Americans as slaves ?



While Native Americans and English settlers in the New England territories first attempted a mutual relationship based on trade and a shared dedication to spirituality, soon disease and other conflicts led to a deteriorated relationship and, eventually, the First Indian War.


washington is the biggest producer of which key beer ingredient?





The hot and cool desert climate, combined with the abundant irrigation provided by the Yakima River, creates an ideal environment for producing this key beer ingredient.

Hops are a significant part of our state's agricultural profile. Washington is the nation's leading producer of hops. Not by a small margin, but by a large one.

Are hops necessary for beer?Hops are one of four key ingredients in beer (alongside barley, yeast, and of course water). However, based on the current range of craft beer offerings—particularly the heavy emphasis on hoppy IPAs—it may appear that hops is the defining ingredient in all worthy and delicious beer."Hops are useful as sedatives, and are used to treat insomnia, depressive symptoms, nervous tension, and anxiety," Caruso tells Healthline.Barley can also help the spleen, gall bladder, and detoxify." It should be noted that these effects were observed in research studies involving concentrated hops rather than beer.Hops are a significant part of our state's agricultural profile. Washington is the nation's leading producer of hops. Not by a small margin, but by a large one.

To learn more about :  Hops

Ref :  https://brainly.com/question/4877111


Which answer best describes one way that territorial gains affected the United States?

They hampered technological development.

They promoted economic growth.

They brought renewed conflict with Britain.

They created a large national debt.



They promoted economic growth.


I hope this helped, Tricky- ;3

Which of these best describes
religion prior to the Great
A. personal
B. strict
C. invasive
D. Nonexistent


the answer is B, strict. the word that best describes religion prior to the great awakening is strict (B)

'Strict'  best describes religion prior to the Great Awakening. Thus, option 'B' is the correct option.

How did religion change during the First Great Awakening?

The religious atmosphere in the American colonies was significantly changed by the Great Awakening. Instead of relying on a pastor, the average individual was urged to have a personal relationship with God. Baptists and Methodists, two relatively new denominations, expanded swiftly. Many historians contend that through promoting ideas of nationalism and individual rights, the Great Awakening had an impact on the Revolutionary War.

A number of notable educational institutions, including Princeton, Rutgers, Brown, and Dartmouth universities, were also founded as a result of the resurgence. Without a doubt, Christianity was significantly impacted by the Great Awakening. At a period when religion in America was slowly dwindling, it gave religion new life and presented concepts that would permeate American society for decades to come.

Learn more about the Great Awakening, here:



Pretend to be someone living during the great depression and write a letter or journal entry from the perspective of that imaginary person

- How is it like living during the great depression

- What are you doing to survive?

- What do you eat/how do you afford food?

- Are you working? If so, what is the work enviornment like?

(minimum 2 paragraphs)


We're no strangers to love

You know the rules and so do I

A full commitment's what I'm thinking of

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Question 7 of 19
Which of the following governments is most similar to the form of
government that ruled classical Athens?
A. Many African countries are ruled by powerful individuals who
command strong armies
B. In Iran, religious leaders hold more political power than non-
religious leaders
C. Many cities in the United States allow all of their citizens to vote
on laws
D. The king of England has his powers limited by a written





Many Cities in the US allow their Citizens to vote on the laws

Elected officials often hold
official, scheduled press
conferences. They also meet
with the press at other public
events. Do you believe elected
officials have an obligation to
meet regularly with the press?


Only 45% of graduated high school students have a fair amount of trust in the media.
We should have the freedom to criticize the government. An essential concept in the history of freedom of the press and freedom of speech, predating the First Amendment, has been much debated: the freedom to criticize the government.

The Court sets a very high bar for public officials, extended to public figures, and to be able to recover damages from the news media for false and libelous statements. This puts an immense amount of stress on these individuals.

I personally think that there should be regulation on the amount elected officials subject themselves to press conferences.

what restriction did the 1824 mexican colonization law place of colonization within texas



On August 18, 1824, the Mexican government passed a new national colonization law.


This law allowed foreigners to settle on any vacant public land in Mexico, but restricted foreigners from settling within twenty leagues of the border with another country and within ten leagues of the coast.

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