Why are natural resources very important?Write in brief​


Answer 1


Resources are important for the development of any country. For example, to generate energy, one need fossil fuels; and for industrial development, we require mineral resources.

They play a vital role in the economic development of the country by enriching agriculture, trade, imports and exports, etc

Hope it helps you pls mark me brain list.

Answer 2

Answer :

Resources are important for the development of any country. For example, to generate energy, one need fossil fuels; and for industrial development, we require mineral resources. ... Natural resources are getting scarce with the increasing population, so it is essential to conserve them.

Explanation :

Natural resources are used to make food, fuel and raw materials for the production of goods. All of the food that people eat comes from plants or animals. Natural resources such as coal, natural gas and oil provide heat, light and power.

In short we can say natural resources are the essentials in our life and it is necessary to conserve them for our future generation.    

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why tourists is attracted by nepali paintings ​



Nepali Paintings can be very relaxing and calming.


Nepali Paintings can express ideas and feelings. It can make you feel calm and relaxed.

Nepali Painting begins with the religious paintings with Hindu and Buddhist subjects, almost all Newa art by the Newari people of the Kathmandu valley. These traditional paintings can be found in the form of either wall paintings, cloth paintings called paubha, or manuscripts. They used conservative technique, style, and iconography in their works for centuries

1. 2 How can Nepal be a developed country?​



1)If nepal can prove employment to jobless.If government provide vocational trainings.If nepal produce human resources as per need and produce human resources which are needed.

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The strategy of enhanced border enforcement was not without consequences, however, for although it did not deter Mexicans from heading northward or prevent them from crossing the border, it did reduce the rate of return migration and redirected migrant flows to new crossing points and destinations, with profound

Match the technological improvement with the benefit it brings.



Internet - Improved Communication

Cars - Faster transportation

Assembly line - Greater productivity

Select the correct answer.
What does the principle of ren involve?
O A judging others
OB. loving others
OC. knowing others
OD. helping others



B.loving others


it characterizes the behavior a human being exhibit to help flourish their communities.

The job outlook suggests that the translator field?



name the part of the above line labeled a and b

what is public participation? what are the benefit of public participation.​



Public participation as citizens participation is the inclusion of the activities of any organization or project.

The benefits of public participation are:

1) Improved government

2) Improved quality services projects and programmes

3) Monetary costs

4) Risks

5) Non monetary costs

6) Greater capacity building and learning

How did art and architecture flourish in Nepal?Explain​



please stop going around and annoy others, thanks


what is the difference between law and rule?​



law is for every body in world but rule is for some body l hope it will help you please follow me

Why did Acadians come to Louisiana during the 1760s?

A) They enjoyed fishing and wanted to live by the ocean.
B) They were Catholic and wanted to live where they would be welcome.
C) France invited them to settle in the region to help increase the population.
D) Britain forced them to leave their original settlements in Canada.



The answer is C

France invited them to settle in the region to help increase the population




France invited them to settle in the region to help increase the population.

Read each description below regarding the dual innervation of the ANS. Match the appropriate category based on whether it is an example of antagonistic or cooperative innervation.

a. The sympathetic division stimulates mucus production by salivary glands while the parasympathetic division stimulates enzyme secretion.
b. The sympathetic division stimulates an increase in heart rate while the parasympathetic division stimulates a decrease in heart rate.
c. During sex, the parasympathetic division stimulates arousal while the sympathetic division stimulates orgasm.
d. The parasympathetic division constricts the pupils while the sympathetic division dilates the pupils.

1. Antagonistic
2. Cooperative



a. Cooperative

b. Antagonistic

c. Cooperative

d. Antagonistic


The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a control system that is responsible for controlling the body's unconscious functions (e.g., digestion, respiratory rate, heart rate, pupillary response, sexual arousal, etc). The ANS is divided into the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system comprises nerves from the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord (responsible for fight or flight); whereas the parasympathetic nervous system is composed primarily of the cranial and sacral spinal nerves (responsible for controlling many of the body's functions when it is at rest). Moreover, antagonistic innervation occurs when an organ is controlled by two different types of nerves, i.e., dual innervation of the organ by both divisions of the ANS, where the effects of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions are antagonistic (i.e., they oppose each other). On the other hand, there are situations where the dual innervation results in a unilateral cooperative response (for example, the urinary system is innervated by parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve fibers that exhibit cooperative effects).

When we revise our limiting scripts, we’re likely to_____.


When we revise our limiting Scripts, we're likely to __________.

a. run into resistance from our Inner Guide

b. achieve some of our most cherished goals and dreams

c. use our Inner Defender to blame our parents for those Scripts

d. make no changes to our core beliefs


c. use our Inner Defender to blame our parents for those Scripts


Attention is generally thought of as Question 5 options: a) consisting of a big filter. b) the power to focus on two things at once. c) the perception of many small objects. d) consisting of a single locus in the brain. e) consisting of a family of selection mechanisms.



Option e: consist of a family of selection mechanisms.



This is simply known as the act o directing one's attention on specific features, objects, or locations or on certain thoughts or activities. It is simply focusing awareness on a narrowed range of stimuli or events

Kinds of Attention

1. Selective Attention

This is simply filtering or directing one's attention of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus, while keeping us from perceiving whatever is not being attended to.

Attentional capture

This is simply a quick shifting of focus usually caused by a stimulus such as a loud noise, bright light, or sudden movement.

2. Overt Attention

This is the simply the act of moving or shifting attention from one place to another by moving the eyes.

3. Covert Attention

This simply happens when attention is shifted without moving the eyes, commonly known as seeing something "out of the corner of one's eye."

What unique business model can movie theaters adopt? Think of unique pricing strategies, marketing strategies, etc.​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The unique business model that a movie theater can adopt would be this.

The model would be a franchise model with a combination of crowdsourcing funding to support entrepreneurs and investors to open the franchise in their location.

This business model would allow both parties to make good money, the owner of the franchise and the buyer of the franchise.

In this case, all the management and operations -including suppliers- would be part of the advantages that the buyer would acquire from the owner.

This new owner of the franchise would have to split the profits and pay the distributor of the film its respective fee.

One of the big differences from other business models in this entertainment industry is that this new franchise would have the chance to rent the facility to private events, so companies, families, or schools can spend entire hours in the movie theater, s¿using the cafeteria and other options to organize their events.

Three examples of risks in business​




Fire outbreaks



Financial risk

reputation risk

security and fraud risk

What is utilitarianism and how did that affect Mill's views on production and distribution?



Utilitarianism is an ethical movement that measures the moral value of an action by the contribution that this action makes to the common good, whereby the common good refers to the well-being and happiness of all people. Usually this means that a utilitarian strives with his actions for the greatest possible degree of happiness, although he takes into account that in practice this may sometimes be impossible. The greatest possible degree of happiness means that as many people as possible are as happy as possible.

An older woman has a strong attraction to a handsome but penniless young man and begins a sexual relationship with him. How would experts in sexuality most likely describe the woman in this relationship?



Yong men like older women and older women like younger men visa versa.


This refers to the brain development of women and men. This simile due to the age and level of hormones also the younger men are good physical appearance, they may feel more capable of handing ups and downs. Most of the relationships of older women and younger men are common nowadays. As age is just a number.

How should we protect our art and culture?Suggest any four ways​



We can protect our art and culture by preserving documents, learning about our past , spreading word about them to other parts of the world etc..

difference between good behaviour and bad behaviour​



Helping people for the sake of receiving anything in return is mixed in with good behavior. When negative motives are mixed with positive reasons to injure someone else in order to make up for the pain they caused us.


Hope it helps...

Have a great day!!

The domestic price (of wheat) tends to be the export price minus the withholdings. In other words, export duties generate an improvement in the prices of flour and its derivatives in the domestic market.It has no other objective, so the one who came up with the fantastic idea of ​​reducing withholdings on wheat, explain how to do so that this does not translate to the price of bread. With these words, the Minister of Economy, Axel Kicillof, criticized the legislative project of the deputy Sergio Massa to eliminate the withholdings on wheat.The leader of the Renewing Front (RF) presented to the leaders of the Mesa de Enlace an initiative to bring these withholdings to zero, without distinguishing between large and small producers.

"If the withholdings on wheat are eliminated, and therefore more wheat is sown, there will be more production and exports, and the price of flour and bread will be cheaper," said Massa in the presence of all the leaders of the Mesa de Link during a meeting held last Saturday, together with the main referents of the Renewing Front.
According to a study by the National and Popular Agrarian Current (Canpo), in 2012 11.5 million tons of wheat were exported. In 2011 there were 8.4 million, while in 2010 4.04 million were sold abroad and another 5.1 million in 2009. During the year of the agricultural conflict, 8.7 million tons were exported. In other words, production and exports were growing - despite some setbacks - beyond the level of withholdings and the marketing system questioned by the ruralistas of the Mesa de Enlace.

Even the growth or decline in the area planted does not imply that there is an increase or decrease in production. In the 1969-1970 campaign, the implanted area was 6.2 million hectares, with a production of 7 million tons. In the period 2011-2012, with an implanted area of ​​4.6 million hectares, 14.5 million tons were produced. This explains the improvements due to technology, but also the shift towards other crops.
"The best way to reduce the impact of withholdings is by adding value to production or differentiating products ... The crops with the highest added value are those with a lower percentage of withholdings, since while wheat has 23 percent , those of flour are 13 percent and bakery products are 5 percent ", explained Carlos Casamiquela, Minister of Agriculture.

A) What would be the position of a liberal in front of the measures proposed by the deputy? and what would he say in front of the government's proposals?
b) What would your opinion be if you were a owner of a wheat business?
c) What is your position, instead, as a consumer?
d) Who are the beneficiaries of each of the notes?


ji. the first one. the first one. the first one. the first to see if the charge level of detail. . the first one is a bit of a triangle first time. . . the first one is in order one. the first one. the first one. the first one


ydydyyxyuhgufux6ddiffiz7fyfcugd6ff8higig7g6fyfucfutrir6r55oflgudyou. the 5th. . jyhggg tuxuv5sDyRzit7duztztz7fdu7tyzz8t iztz8t8tt8zuxtt7zitztzi9titz8z8tzt8xit x8tx88txx9ty9dy9oytoxoyd9tx58x9yxt9x9yxt8x8z5tz577tx8tzt8z8x8tx8x7tt8x9yg9xyixx

. ztsu8rs

The ________is what officially elects the president in the United States. This group is made up of ________.



The electoral college is what officially elects the president in the United States. This group is made up of electors.


Article II, Section 1 of the US Constitution establishes the electoral college as the formal body that elects the president of the United States. The electoral college is made up of 538 electors.

Who has the primary responsibility to start charter schools?
federal government
state governments
city governments





Fluid intelligence is to ____________ as crystallized intelligence is to ____________. Group of answer choices Working memory / metacognition. Pragmatics / mechanics. Metacognition / working memory. Mechanics / pragmatics.



The correct answer is: "Fluid intelligence is to mechanics as crystallized intelligence is to pragmatics."


There are two components in the Models of Cognition that make a distinction between Mechanics and Pragmatics.

In the mechanics of cognition, maturation, stability, and aging-induced decline are the most common age-graded ontogenetic patterns. Early and late in ontogeny, genetic and other brain status-related variables are thought to have a substantial effect on this component, but in fundamentally different ways. The mechanics of cognition represent the central nervous system's underlying organizing characteristics.

The pragmatics of the mind, in contrast to the mechanics, demonstrate the strength of human agency and culture. The acquisition of culturally transmitted bodies of declarative and procedural information that are made available to individuals in the course of social development is reflected in developmental changes in this component. Some of these socialization experiences are universal (like mentoring), while others are idiosyncratic or person-specific (for example, specialized professional knowledge).

Short-term memory and abstract thought make up fluid intelligence, which tends to deteriorate in late adulthood.

Crystallized intelligence, on the other hand, is a type of intelligence that consists of collected information based on verbal skills, and it tends to rise with age.

Therefore, fluid intelligence is to mechanics as crystallized intelligence is to pragmatics.

In a study driven by a primarily _____ approach, the literature review is conducted prior to beginning the study and focuses on justifying the need for the study and the hypotheses to be tested. Group of answer choices qualitative quantitative non-experimental experimental



In a study driven by a primarily __experimental__ approach, the literature review is conducted prior to beginning the study and focuses on justifying the need for the study and the hypotheses to be tested.


An experimental approach is used when the researcher has a specific research question or hypothesis concerning a causal relationship between two variables.  In such an experimental study, the researcher is able to manipulate the independent variable by randomly assigning conditions to the participants.  Where there are no causal relationships, independent variables cannot be ethically manipulated, or conditions cannot be assigned to the participants, a non-experimental approach will be preferred.

According to the DIS section on socialization, research illustrates that children are moving away from traditional methods of interaction. This is due to an increased involvement in:



Time spent on the internet and video games



This is popularly known as a form of lifelong social experience. Through it, individuals grows their human potential and learn culture. It is regarded as a is social process with which humans can learn skills, knowledge, values, motives and roles in line to their position in a group or society.

The Internet allows children to work outside of school. It is used for socialization or interaction with other people. where they can network with children all around the world. Having good socialization skills is key in every child's growth. Kids with better skills and early access lead to them being more confident, aware, and outgoing in comparison to kids who learn to use the Internet at a later age.

there is no significant differences between a teacher and a professor do you agree with this statement give their argument​





Although there may be no difference in some locations, for the most part there is a difference between these two. Teachers are overall educators and mainly cater to younger students, usually from when a child starts school to the final year of high school. They teach all kinds of materials needed such as math, science, history, etc. Professors tend to mainly teach higher-level students such as college or university and are specialized in specific categories. For example, you could have a Psychology Professor, or a Physics Professor, etc. Each of which specialize in their own different category of teaching.

Uncovering strengths in adversity can be viewed in the following areas:
O Successful coping skills.
O Surviving family disruption
O Surviving violence
O All of the above



All of the above


All of the above


Successful coping skills, Surviving family disruption, and Surviving violence all are uncovering strengths in adversity.

Do you think it's possible to offer a convincing argument for God's existence? If so, give the strongest argument you can for God's existence. If not, explain why not, giving an argument for that view.





hope it helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Way that harmattan season affects farm resources




Harmattan, cool dry wind that blows from the northeast or east in the western Sahara and is strongest in late fall and winter (late November to mid-March). It usually carries large amounts of dust, which it transports hundreds of kilometres out over the Atlantic Ocean; the dust often interferes with aircraft operations and settles on the decks of ships.

The harmattan is a trade wind strengthened by a low-pressure centre over the north coast of the Gulf of Guinea and a high-pressure centre located over northwestern Africa in winter and over the adjacent Atlantic Ocean during other seasons. The harmattan’s arrival may cause air temperatures in parts of western Africa to fall to 9 °C (48.2 °F). In the summer it is undercut by the cooler winds of the southwest monsoon, blowing in from the ocean and forcing the harmattan to rise to an altitude of about 900 to 1,800 metres (about 3,000 to 6,000 feet). The interaction between the harmattan and the monsoon sometimes produces West African tornadoes.

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