Why did Hitler hatred Jews in his administration?? Explain in detail.​
Answer in about 100 words.


Answer 1


Hitler did not invent the hatred of Jews. Jew is Europe had been victims of discrimination and persecution since the Middle Ages, often on religious grounds. Christians saw the Jewish faith as an aberration that had to be quashed. They were forced to convert or else were not allowed to perform certain professions.

In the nineteenth century, religion played a less important and was soon replaced by 'theories'. Theories regarding races and peoples. The idea that the Jews belonged to a different race than the Germans soon caught on. Even those who converted to Christianity were hated because of their bloodline.

Hitler was born in Austria in 1889. He developed his political ideas in Vienna, a city with a large Jewish community, where he lived from 1907 to 1913. In those days, Vienna had a mayor who was very anti-Jewish, and hatred of Jews was very common in the city. But it was not Hitler who invented the hatred. He only capitalized on anti-Semitic ideas that had been around for a long time.

During the First World War(1914-1918), Hitler was a soldier of the German army. At the end of the war Hitler, like many others, could not accept the defeat of the Germans. Soon rumors were spread that Germany was not defeated on the battlefield but by a 'stab-in-the-back'. In simpler terms they Germans were betrayed by the Jews and the communists, who wanted to bring the left-wing government to power. Hitler during the economic crisis became a stereotypical enemy of the Jews an the only way to bring end to the poverty, he thought, was execution of Jews and communists.

During the 1930s, Hitler did everything he could to expel the Jews from German society. Once the war had started, the Nazis resorted to mass murder. Nearly six million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust. The ideas that Hitler developed in the 1920s remained more or less the same until his death in 1945. What did change is that in 1933, he was handed the power to start realizing them.

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I believe the answer is F. did all of these

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Hope it helps you.

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Answer: Lodging

Explanation: The bell captain is someone who work in hotels, and hotels are within the lodging industry.

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because others help improve the country while others suppress development in many areas

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Thinking about and learn about what has happened in history and make a choice to do the same or opposite. If history doesn't effect your thinking then you could make a decision that has been made in the past and repeat history's flaws, or do something or come up with an idea that all ready has been done or exists. You wouldn't be able to further history. everything would stay the same and be very dull, boring and basic. I hope that was helpful.

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its not Thomas Edison _-_



Have a wonderful day and hope that helps



Sir Humphrey Davy

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studding...i don't know but i think is right....

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The correct answer is the following.

Although you forgot to attach references to your unit, or any specific information about your lessons, we can comment on the following.

> The general trend of philosophy involved a shift of power from an all-powerful monarch to a government of the people was the constant necessity of the American people to have their own form of government.

> Yes, to get independence from the English crown which unjustly ruled the North American territory.

> This transition impacted the United States in that it represented the formation of a new nation after the Revolutionary War of independence.

>The 13 American colonies were sick and tired of the heavy taxation imposed by the British government.

> This heavy and unjust taxation were the Navigation Acts, the Tea Act, the Townshend Acts, the Sugar Act, or the Stamp Act.

> The worst part was that the colonies had no voice or representation in the British Parliament.

> All of these were major causes to start the transition from colonies of Great Britain to get independence and the creation of a new nation.

> The Continental Army, lead by General George Washington, defeated the British troops in the Revolutionary War.

> With the signing of the Treaty of Paris, the United States officially became an independent nation.

We can conclude that this event in history represented the most important transition in the formation of the United States and the creation of a new form of government that united the colonies into a new and great country.

Learn more about this topic here:


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segregation legal?


Plessy v. Ferguson


During this time, it was controversial whether or not segregation laws were legal. Segregation was present in restaurants, schools, public transport, public restrooms, even water fountains were segregated between whites and blacks during this time. Many people defended segregation with the argument "separate but equal" and would state it was not unconstitutional.

Homer Plessy, who was a man that was one-eighth African American and seven-eighths white, bought a ticket to a seat that was only for white passengers on a rail car. When Plessy refused to move from his seat, he got arrested. Obviously, he was angry and did not believe segregation to be "separate but equal." This case went all of the way to the U.S. Supreme Court,  where Plessy defended himself and said what was happening to him and thousands of other people was unconstitutional.

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Mismatched Meanings



Mismatched meaning is unsuitably or incorrectly.

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set out to find and what did they find instead?


Answer: Ponce de Leon was trying to find The Fountain of Youth on an island, but instead he found Florida. Christopher Columbus tried to find Asia, but ended up reaching North America.

I hope this helps! :D

How is the United States an
Enlightenment experiment?



sorry this answer i don't know

Answer: The American Enlightenment was a period of intellectual ferment in the thirteen American colonies in the 18th to 19th century, which led to the American Revolution, and the creation of the United States of America. The American Enlightenment was influenced by the 17th-century European Enlightenment and its own native American philosophy. According to James MacGregor Burns, the spirit of the American Enlightenment was to give Enlightenment ideals a practical, useful form in the life of the nation and its people.

The American Enlightenment applied scientific reasoning to politics, science, and religion. It promoted religious tolerance and restored literature, arts, and music as important disciplines worthy of study in colleges. A non-denominational moral philosophy replaced theology in many college curricula. Some colleges reformed their curricula to include natural philosophy (science), modern astronomy, and mathematics, and "new-model" American style colleges were founded. Politically, the age is distinguished by an emphasis upon economic liberty, republicanism and religious tolerance, as clearly expressed in the United States Declaration of Independence. Attempts to reconcile science and religion resulted in a rejection of prophecy, miracle, and revealed religion, resulting in an inclination toward deism among some major political leaders of the age.


How many of the first five U.S presidents enslaved others?​



George Washington Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams,


4 of the first 5 presidents enslaved others with the exception of john Adams

Summarize Write an accurate summary that shows how the details you have identified support Rousseau's central idea,​


One way to make an accurate summary is by first:

1. Reading the literature

2. Identifying the main points

3. Bringing out those main points in a simple manner.

4. Use supporting details to back up your summary

Therefore, when you are tasked to make an accurate summary, you have to read and understand the material, then pick out the main/salient points, complete with the supporting evidence.

Learn more here:


12) What or who is the enemy of America?



though no one country dominates Americans' thinking when they are asked to name the USA'S greatest enemy they most frequently mention North Korea, Russia, Iran and China and all have ranked highly in recent years..


Match each ecosystem with its location.

Match Term Definition
Alpine A) High mountain ranges
Tundra B) Eastern United States
Grassland C) Alaska and Northern Canada
Deciduous forest D) Central United States
Desert E) Southwestern United States



Alpine- High mountain ranges

Tundra- Alaska and northern Canada

Grassland- central United States

Deciduous forest- eastern United States

Desert- southwest, United States

Hope this helps!



the person above me is correct


1.What role did the city of Florence, Italy play during the Renaissance? Why was it important during that time period?
2.What role did the city of Wittenberg, Germany play during the Reformation? Why was it important during that time period?
3.What role did the city of Rome, Italy play during the Counter- Reformation? Why was it important during that time period?
4.What role did the country of Portugal play during the Age of Exploration? Why was it important during that time period?



Florence is often named as the birthplace of the Renaissance.

Explanation: The early writers and artists of the period sprung from this city in the northern hills of Italy. As a center for the European wool trade, the political power of the city rested primarily in the hands of the wealthy merchants who dominated the industry.

their answer was helpful regardless. thanks man. give them brainliest

provide 5 bullet points from the film of important concepts



narrative, cinematography, sound, mise-en-scene, and editing.

Identify the greatness and Egyptians development against by the zantine rulers​



The Battle of the Masts is one of the decisive battles in our history, and one of its most important results is the victory of Muslims over an enemy superior in number and equipment. This is due to several reasons, the most important of which are the strength of faith and belief, sound management and optimal investment of capabilities, and the end of the era of Byzantine sovereignty in the Mediterranean. "Dhat al-Masari" refers to the pride of the Egyptian naval forces in that battle in which the Muslim army defeated the Byzantine state in 655 AH, which represented the first Arab victory in naval wars.

i think this could help you

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