Why did most Italian architecture seem to be focused more on design than engineering?
The patrons of the cathedrals wanted a more decorative style.
Sculptors and painters were responsible for Italian architecture.
Traditional Italian architecture had always been focused on design.
All of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



Answer 1



The patrons of the cathedrals wanted a more decorative style

Answer 2


c is right in my opinion

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Please I do have some home work in puzzles and crosswords given to me by my lesson teacher is there any app that can help me? ​


Answer: I don't know of any apps, but I can help.

I don’t have any apps that can help, but I can try

Name the painting displayed above. Describe its artistic characteristics and the subject matter.
Mark this and retum
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Answer: The Trinity (Andri Rublev)


Here is the wiki page you can check out to find out more of the details yourself, hope this helps.


Son fuentes con una estructura y sistemas de búsqueda muy efectivos que contienen material académico producidos por los miembros de una institución (o varias).




They are sources with a structure and very effective search systems that contain academic material produced by the members of an institution (or several).

One way of showing rhythmic emphasis is _ ? _ (playing one note louder than the rest).


The placement of sounds in time

Syncopation is a technique used by composers and musicians to spice up the rhythm and give the music a sense of surprise and uplift. Syncopation occurs when a normally weak beat is emphasized. Syncopation throws the accents off beat.

What does music emphasize?

A distinct and significant stress caused by position or repetition, for example A syllable's or musical note's relative importance is defined (noun) (especially with regard to stress or pitch) As an example, he emphasized the incorrect syllable.

What is the name for putting emphasis or stress on a note?

An accent in music is a heightened emphasis, stress, or attack made on a specific note, group of notes, or chord, which may occur naturally as a result of the piece's context or be deliberately denoted by an accent mark. When a musical phrase is performed, accents aid in prosody and articulation.

What does "emphasis stress" mean?

When speaking, a syllable, word, or phrase is emphasized. 3. paid special attention to make something stand out; significance; stress; weight

What is an illustration of emphasis?

The definition of emphasis is paying extra attention to something in order to emphasize its significance. The typeface may be bolded to emphasize a term in a text and draw readers' attention to it. An example of emphasis is a woman emphasizing her cleavage by wearing a low-cut shirt.

To learn more about 'Music emphasize' refer to



What are the key components of print and broadcast journalism?

Print journalism includes newspapers and _________
A booklet
C. magazines
includes radio, television, and ________
B magazines
C advertising



magazines, media

hope it helps!!!!


magazines, media


Let's see if you can put this letter: "Ñ" XD



Lol super super easy

when painting with oil paints what brush stroke do you use when painting the grass



Also, when using thick paint, the small marks created by each bristle of your brush can represent individual strands of grass. But, this is more effective with firm bristled brushes (like hog hair brushes) rather than thin and weak bristled brushes (like many synthetic brushes).

hope you remeber it's guesty!!!11

Businesses, institutions, or companies responsible for meal preparation outside the home all fall under the _____ industry. A. food service B. entertainment C. gastronomy D. creative



A. food service

Businesses, institutions, or companies responsible for meal preparation outside the home all fall under the Foodservice industry.

What is Gastronomy?

Gastronomy is the study of how food and culture interact, the art of creating and serving delicious cuisine, the distinctive cooking methods of many areas, and the science of healthy eating.

Any meal made outside the home is within the purview of the businesses, organizations, and corporations that provide food service. It comprises dining establishments, cafeterias in hospitals and schools, catering businesses, and various varieties of eateries.

Full-service eateries, fast-food joints, caterers, some cafeterias, and other establishments that prepare, serve, and sell food to the general public for a profit are all included in this category.

Therefore, Option (a) is correct.

Learn more about Gastronomy, here;



What play is the quote "Hell is other people" from?​




The Quote is from the play "No Exit" by Jean Paul S. in 1944.


[tex]no \: exit \\ french \: play \: by \: jean \: paul \\ in \: 1944 \\ it \: is \: about \: \: devouring \: gaze \: of \\ the \: \: other \: and \: how \: it \: is \: restricts \: \\ ones \: freedom \: \\ also \: known \: as \: sinners \: go \: to \: hell \\ its \: title \: have \: more \: meanings \: than \: \\ we \: think \: \\ thank \: you[/tex]

el sujeto y el predicado de este oracion.
la empresa de transporte reparara todo sus buses para evitar cualquier reclamo



En todo análisis sintáctico-gramatical de una oración, el sujeto será la persona o cosa que realiza la acción determinada por el verbo de la oración, mientras que el predicado será la acción en sí misma, junto con el contexto que rodea a la misma.

Así, en la oración dada el sujeto es "la empresa de transporte", que "repara todos sus buses para evitar cualquier reclamo", constituyendo así la acción que marca el predicado.

Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Rebecca, Sam, Peter, and Maggie all work at a reputable telecommunications company. Match each of their job roles with their job descriptions.



Rebecca is the First Blue box, Pete is the second blue box down, Maggie is the third blue box down, and Sam is the Bottom Blue box


I Need help ASAP ?!!!!



Number 5 true Number 6 people places periods possessions

Hi guys, I'm from Brazil​






Hello, I'm from Nepal...

W. E. B. Du Bois once said "All art is propaganda." When he said that, what do you think he meant?
Do you agree or disagree with Du Bois's statement?



Yes , I do agree .


All art has a message , even when it's not " supposed " to . Art is the world's connection to subconscious thoughts , underlying agendas , and misunderstood feelings . Art is one of the greatest froms of expression because it has so many components ( singing , artist , poets etc ) which means art is in everything , which will allow it to convey propaganda better then anything other option .

What should you do to make your portfolio effective when you approach a client?
If the portfolio is for a specific client, it is important to learn about the client beforehand. You should [Blank] your portfolio to suit each specific situation.





If the portfolio is for a specific client, it is important to learn about the client beforehand. One should customize the portfolio to suit each specific situation to make the portfolio effective when approaching a client.

What is the significance of a portfolio?

A portfolio can be referred to or considered as a compilation of all the financial investments made by an individual in his or her personal capacity throughout a different class of assets. Portfolio investment is done for achieving financial goals, which may or may not be specific.

A portfolio manager is generally responsible for managing and advising related to make financial investments for an individual's portfolio. And in order to cater the demands of an individual, a manager must customize the portfolio as per the client's needs.

Therefore, the significance of portfolio has been aforementioned.

Learn more about portfolio here:



In a work of art, the arrangement of visual elements is known as the
c. subject
b. design
d. form





it is design

b. design

explanation: because u cant see an art without design

1+2-1 +1234+1890836×123÷48942





use DMAS formula

The answer is 5,988.009071962731

List out the facilities provided in Modified American Plan.​



One of which being that it permits inns to offer more cost cognizant visitors and families the capacity to expect their expenses.  

Besides, if the lodging isn't nearby different eateries the Modified American Plan permits clients to guarantee two dinners every day at an alluring cost not accessible in different areas. The free dinners are approved at the inn's eatery or now and again at close by foundation in association with the lodging.  

Accordingly, this additionally expands the measure of traffic that comes to and from the eatery. Another lodging advantage of this arrangement is that the cost of the two suppers is consequently charge in the pace of the room during the stay, this implies that if the visitor doesn't have the arranged dinner the charge for the feast is as of now determined and acquired by the inn.  

Intently, related is the American Plan which incorporates a rate that covers three suppers every day. This arrangement is more mainstream among voyage boats and comprehensive retreats.  

In Europe and some different nations, the Modified American Plan might be alluded to as half-annuity or half-board.


As a producer in the news industry, Jonas will be responsible for ___________
A directing
B researching
C financing

the activities of reporters, editors, and directors.

He will also need to look into budgeting, selling, and ______________
A interviewing
B marketing
C analysis


The answer would be C on the first one B on the second
C - Financing
B - Marketing

Question / of 10
As a young teenage performer, Billie Holiday began her singing career with
the band of:
A. Glenn Miller.
B. Maynard Ferguson.
C. Benny Goodman.
D. Duke Ellington.


Billie Holiday was an outstanding jazz singer who began her career with the famous Benny Goodman band.

Who was Billie Holiday?

Eleanora Holiday  (1915 - 1959), better known as Billie Holiday, was an outstanding American singer of the jazz musical genre. Her legacy in her music is so important that she is considered one of the three most important and influential female voices in this musical genre.

How did she get into Benny Goodman's band?

In the early 1930s, Billie Holiday sang frequently in various clubs in New York and was very popular with the people. During this time, music producer John Hammond noticed her and went to one of her shows with Benny Goodman, who months later hired her to sing in her band, where she recorded her first work in 1933.

Learn more about Jazz in: https://brainly.com/question/14329788

Explain why space is such an important concept of art? How did art change following the invention of linear perspective?



because it creates a three-dimensional image by distancing or spreading out what's around it to make a background, middle ground, and foreground. ... In visual art, texture is the surface quality of a art piece.


Name the style of rock-and-roll music characterized by a slapping bass,
rhythmic guitar, and unique vocal traits.





Rockabilly is one of the earliest kinds of rock and roll music, dating to the early 1950s. It is a mix of "Rock and Roll" and "Hillbilly", referring to the style of music that blended western swing, boogie-woogie, and rhythm and blues.

brainliest please?

its been a hot minute since I've been active

A hos was a charm that had an abstract human form whose legs were made from the spines of stingrays. What type of Oceanic art is it representative of?

A. Melanesian art

B. Polynesian art

C. Australian art

D. Micronesian art



style of art made in Great Britain and Ireland from 300 to 900 BCE. ... ancient african art that was mainly found in west africa (forests and vegetated areas); most works were made of wood. ancient african paintings. ... the bwa people made these in plank form. micronesian art. art from an oceanic region that is not well known. hos. weather charm.

This is an African art that was mainly found in West Africa, most works were made of wood. This oceanic art is a representative of Micronesian art.

What is oceanic art?

Oceanic Art describes artworks produced by indigenous native peoples within the huge geographical zone - nearly 10,000 kilometers (6,000 miles) from north to south and some 14,500 kilometers (9,000 miles) from east to west - of the Pacific Ocean.

The Oceanic collection includes all major island groups, with particular strength in late 18th and early 19th century wood carving and painted bark cloth from the islands of Samoa, Tonga, and Hawaii. Most impressive is the Micronesian collection, consisting of masterpieces.

Thus, Option D is true, as the Micronesian collection is a representative of Oceanic art.

Learn more about oceanic art here,



3. Where can you find out more information about a piece of art?
O Social media
O Museum brochures
O Museum audio tours
All of the above



it should be all of the above so letter d


let me know if its correct or incorrect I hope this help you

I want to say it’s all of above

Aba means:
A. Blues form
B Loud-Soft-Loud
C. A three section..
D. Fast slow fast






The answer for this question would be the choice D

What are Visual elements of design?
What are principles of design?
What color Properties there are?
What is Linear perspective?
What is Atmospheric perspective?
What is Isometric Perspective?
What is Balance?
What is Focal Point?
What is Unity and Variety?
What is Rhythm?


Answer: The 7 principles of art and design are balance, rhythm, pattern, emphasis, contrast, unity and movement. Use the elements of art and design – line, shape/form, space, value, color and texture – to create a composition as a whole. The elements of art and design are the tools of visual artists.




The 7 principles of art and design are balance, rhythm, pattern, emphasis, contrast, unity and movement. Use the elements of art and design – line, shape/form, space, value, color and texture – to create a composition as a whole. The elements of art and design are the tools of visual artists.

1. What is Art?
2. Provide an example of Art in today's everyday life, what are forms of Art that you know?
3. Provide an example of Art in history ( before your life) that you are familiar with?
4. Provide an example of Art in Contemporary world.
5. What are the purposes of creating Art?
6. What kind of Art influenced your life?
7. What role does Art plays in our society?



Art is when creativity is unleashed and images, compositions, statues or other objects are created, with the main purpose of highlighting the beauty and grandeur of the world, expressing the artist's feelings or understanding, or allowing others to enjoy the work.  

It is difficult to define art in a universal way, although many people have strong views on what is art and what is not. There are countless criteria for what criteria an object or deed must meet in order to be considered art. Some believe that art is what enhances our understanding of the world beyond a simple objective understanding. It is often said that an act is an art if the result is aesthetic.


Working on commission can be considered both a blessing and a curse for an artist. How might it be interpreted to be a bad thing for an artist?



Answer:Your income can fluctuate greatly, you might be seen as high-risk, and you have to work remotely.


Which was one of the earliest “talking films”?
Don Juan
The Great Train Robbery
The Wizard of Oz
The Wild West Show


Answer: b


Answer: B~ The Great Train Robbery

Explanation: it came out February 2, 1979 & the others came out after that

menciona una situación en donde se aprecia comunicación humana no verbal directa y bidireccional.


The answer to your question is
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