why did the republican party nominate abraham lincoln for the presidency in 1860


Answer 1
He took advantage of the split in the Democratic Party and won a plurality of the vote. ... As a result of the 1858 Illinois senatorial election, Stephen Douglas lost crucial political support in the southern states.
Answer 2

The Republican Party nominated Abraham Lincoln for the presidency in 1860 because 'Abraham Lincoln was against slavery', and 'He was gaining a lot of popularity in U.S.'

What was the Republican Party?

The Republican Party was also known as the Grand Old Party (GOP) which was founded in the northern states of US in 1854. The Republican Party was against slavery and this party emerged to combat the expansion of slavery into American territories.

The Republican Party consisted of northern protestants, professionals, factory workers, farmers, businessmen, and after the Civil War, black slaves also joined the Republican Party.

The Republican Party nominated Abraham Lincoln for the presidency in 1860. As Abraham Lincoln was against slavery and this party was also not in the support of slavery. Thus, there was an alignment in the goals of both, the Republican party as well as Lincoln.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States.  He became the first Republican President. He also issued the Emancipation Proclamation which freed all the slaves within the Confederacy.

Abraham Lincoln ran against Stephen Douglas for the senate. Due to Lincoln's very well articulated arguments, he drew lots of attention and also the support from many. Thus, this led to his rise in popularity.

To learn more about Abraham Lincoln and The Republican Party here:



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The government restrictions presented in the question above is an example of monetary policy.

This is because these restrictions aim to regulate and control the circulation of the country's national currency, allowing for inflationary control and interest rate control in different economic scenarios.

In other words, it is the monetary policy that regulates the economy, stimulating or retracting it, if necessary.

For this reason, it is important for the government to limit the way financial institutions and credit card companies can behave in relation to providing money or credit to the population.

You can find more information about monetary policy at the link below:


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Now that you have learned about characteristics of a strong essay and had a chance to evaluate a sample, It's time to write one of your own.
Revisit the US history exam resources page and select a sample question from the free-response samples that is different from the one you
evaluated. Follow the directions to write your essay, and then evaluate yourself using the scoring guidelines rubric and sample responses to the
topic you selected.


The essay should be written to assess your ability to write and interpret information. For that reason, I can't write it for you, but I'll show you how to do it.

As shown in the above question, you must select a question and an answer on the US History exam resources page.

Next, you must evaluate and interpret the issue presented in the question and answer. This will be the subject of your essay and you should search for information about it.

In addition, you must form an opinion and a position on this subject. This will also be important for your research, as you must find information that supports your opinion on the subject.

After that, you can write your essay as follows:

Introduction: Introduce the subject of your essay and show your interpretation, opinion and position in relation to this subject. This placement is your thesis statement.

Body: Write two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, you should write the elements that make up the subject you are presenting and how these elements fit into society. In the second paragraph, you must show your arguments in relation to these elements, your interpretations and the impacts you recognize. Don't forget to prove your arguments with evidence drawn from your research sources.

Conclusion: Summarize everything that was presented, restate the main subject of the essay, and reinforce your thesis statement.

You can get more information on writing an essay at the link below:



The essay should be written to assess your ability to write and interpret information. For that reason, I can't write it for you, but I'll show you how to do it.

As shown in the above question, you must select a question and an answer on the US History exam resources page.

Next, you must evaluate and interpret the issue presented in the question and answer. This will be the subject of your essay and you should search for information about it.

In addition, you must form an opinion and a position on this subject. This will also be important for your research, as you must find information that supports your opinion on the subject.

After that, you can write your essay as follows:

Introduction: Introduce the subject of your essay and show your interpretation, opinion and position in relation to this subject. This placement is your thesis statement.

Body: Write two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, you should write the elements that make up the subject you are presenting and how these elements fit into society. In the second paragraph, you must show your arguments in relation to these elements, your interpretations and the impacts you recognize. Don't forget to prove your arguments with evidence drawn from your research sources.

Conclusion: Summarize everything that was presented, restate the main subject of the essay, and reinforce your thesis statement.


You can get more information on writing an essay at the link below:


What did the Chinese people believe in?

A. Religion that emphasizes reincarnation
B. Religion that entails ending human suffering through reaching the enlightenment
C. Religion founded by the prophet Muhammad and is taught by the Koran
D. A non-theistic religion that celebrated human potential and self-improvement


The answer is A!

Hope this helped you! Please follow my account & rate my answer 5, thanks!


..B as Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are considered the “three pillars” of ancient Chinese society. As philosophies and religions, they not only influenced spirituality, but also government, science, the arts, and social structure.

How is the war in Afghanistan a drain on Soviet resources?


The war in Afghanistan caused a drain on Soviet resources because they lost billions of dollars and about 15,000 personnel in troops.

Between 1979 to 1989, Soviet Union under the leadership of President Mikhail Gobarchev, invaded the territory of Afghanistan in the hope to control the area to their advantage. However, over the nine years of invasion, USSR could not totally win the war, and thereby lost money, troops and image to the world at large.

USSR troops eventually left the country in 1989.

Hence, in this case, the war in Afghanistan caused a drain on Soviet resources because they lost billions of dollars and about 15,000 personnel in troops.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/4024895

To what area did Euclid contribute to Western civilization?
A Mathematics
B Drama
C Sculpture
D Philosophy



A: mathematics.


Mostly mathematics.

If you dislike geometry, you can blame Euclid for that. He is likely the father of all branches of geometry.


A: Mathematics


There are two kinds of geometry: Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry. Using logic, geometry is mathematics and both kinds of geometry have Euclid's name in it. Therefore, Euclid contributed to Western civilization in the mathematics field.

What is one major reason governments create laws?
O A. To give some citizens special privileges
OB. To maintain order in communities
O C. To stop citizens from voting
O D. To reduce the power given to juries



B. To maintain order in communities



Option (B) To maintain order in communities

Lee is in customer service. How can she best support her internal customer, Dan? O al Prioritize other tasks and customers O b) Ask him a lot of personal questions O c) Give him her full attention when he's speaking O d) Check with him before completing basic tasks



B i think


Hi! ❤️

pls help asap pls







a significant rise in the european poplution


severe depopulation and migration of the village to cities caused acute shortage of agriculture labouries

Which countries did the US help and why?



US helped the people of Iraq to fight against Saddam hussein.


US helped for oil, but today the people of Iraq regret about it.


the U.S. has helped India, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. India was in a big crisis, so the U.S. helped them by supplying them with diagnostic testing kits, ventilators, etc.

they also have helped Iraq before when they assisted them through a military aid program. they made sure that Iraq had proper military weaponry for the war

8. The following excerpt is from President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

When, on March 11, 1941, the Lend-Lease Act first became law, Britain stood virtually alone
before the tide of Axis aggression, which had swept across Western Europe. Everywhere the
peace-loving peoples of the world were facing disaster. But the passage of the Lend-Lease Act
gave firm assurance to those resisting the aggressors that the overpowering material resources of
the United States were on their side.

Which factor contributed to the extension of the act discussed in this excerpt?

A. Allied nations needed supplies to continue the war effort against Nazi Germany.

B. Neutrality prevented Americans from boarding ships belonging to nations at war.

C. Reparation payments from former Allied nations were suspended by executive order.

D. The Kellogg-Briand Pact called for participants to refrain from warfare to resolve conflicts.



The Answer is A


This is because the UK was all alone fighting against Nazi Germany ever since the fall and surrender of France so Churchill asked FDR to join the war while FDR wanted to stay neutral but at the same time help their Allies and also citizens in America were against joining in. Not only that, the Lend Lease Act also reached to the Soviet Union and China.

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a reduction in advancement via science and technology


many women were accused to be witches in the past when they were simply intelligent and we're often given inhumane deaths such as hanging, rocks thrown at them while restraint, drowned and burned alive on a wooden beam. others were accused to be vampires and had a brick tied to their mouth and tossed into a body of water to drown, truly a terrible point in history

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12. Which of the following countries received economic aid from the Marshall Plan?



France for pf students


Penn foster ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ I hope you pass your test and good luck

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khi thất bại ở Đà Nẵng và Gia Định với chiến lược “đánh nhanh thắng nhanh”, thực dân Pháp đã chuyển sang chiến lược nào?



tính hài hòa của người việt



its translation


Vietnamese harmony

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Ghana, Sierra Leone and Nigeria


Hope this helps brainliest please

Which of the following is not true of railroads during the late nineteenth century?


Available Options

A. led to new managerial forms and techniques

B. was often capitalized beyond what was needed

C. opened new territories to commercial agriculture

D. accelerated the growth of some older cities and created new ones

E. was financed by private corporations without government assistance


was financed by private corporations without government assistance


Considering the available options, the statement that is not true of railroads during the late nineteenth century is that railroads "was financed by private corporations without government assistance."

This is evident when eighty percent of the transcontinental railroads that were built between 1869 to 1900, were developed with assistance from the federal government through land grants.

This was after the United States Congress passed the Pacific Railway Act, in 1862, which granted the authorization of the transcontinental railroad construction.

Which of the following events caused an increase in public support of the
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union?
A. Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire
B. Homestead Strike
C. Haymarket Affair
D. Pullman Strike


It has to be a it is the only option

Choose the events in the correct chronological order, from earliest to latest:
A. Yalta Conference, Marshall Plan, Soviet nuclear weapons
B. Soviet nuclear weapons, Yalta Conference, Marshall Plan
C. Yalta Conference, Soviet nuclear weapons, Marshall Plan
D. Marshall Plan, Yalta Conference, Soviet nuclear weapons





The Soviet nuclear weapon progamme started in 1943

Yalta Conference was in 1945

Marshall Plan was in 1948

Q: What was Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction?



The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction was Lincoln's plan to reintegrate the Confederate states back into the Union, granting presidential pardons to all Southerners (except political leaders) who took an oath of future allegiance to the Union



The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction was Lincoln's plan to reintegrate the Confederate states back into the Union, granting presidential pardons to all Southerners (except political leaders) who took an oath of future allegiance to the Union.


need help please with these​



In my opinion Americans were limited by education .




the end of the result of the Mexican Independence movement was that:

a) the kings son became emperor

b) the creoles took over the movement and made no real reforms

c) the mestizos and indios formed a government with equal rights for all

d) mexico remained a part of the spanish empire





bc yes lol I had the same question




mexico remained a part of the spanish empire

Read the following passage and answer the question. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. In Section 4 of the Declaration, Jefferson speaks about citizens loyal to the British government. What does Jefferson want these citizens to understand?



Jefferson wants these citizens to understand that. That we should also be aware of the need to condemn our separatism, and to treat them as we have the rest of humanity ,Enemy in war ,in Peace Friends .He wants them to understand the importance of unity and harmony.



If they side with the king, they will become enemies of the United States.


Correct on Oddysseyware.

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