Why did the Separaist’s agreement with the Virginia company fall apart?


Answer 1
King James would not give the Separatists a charter because he did not want them to practice their own religion there.

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Why was it important that a squire attach a knight's armor carefully?



it was so important to the was strong enough to protect the knights but light enough to allow quick movement on the battlefield

What are the advantages and disadvantages of limiting your interactions in school, work, and personal life to those who are similar to you?


Communication is a very vital aspect of our lives. When a person limits his interactions in school to those who are similar to him, the advantages could be;

Reduced chances of being negatively influencedAbility to focus on goals

Disadvantages of limiting interactions include;

Lack of exposure to different life perspectives.Timidity and exclusion

Generally, it is recommended that people do not limit their interactions with people they meet in different spheres of life.

Limiting our interactions with b will make us timid and anti-social. This will hinder us from forming friendships that could be beneficial in the future.

Learn more here:


The Germans engaged in which types of industries?


Second opinion: the person above me is correct :)

Brainliest to the one thats right



lets say i don't like history much but your answer is B because i done this i picked B and i was right because i read the passage story and im like hmmmm imma go with B so your answer is B


how i know it is B because i know the passage and i read read and read and if you actually read the passage and look back at the question you answer will be B for sure

if you don't trust me then pick your own answer


ok so i dont want to diasgree with the other perosn but i think its A


What was the relationship between Kublai Khan and Venetian trader Marco Polo?



As an emissary of the Mongol emperor, Marco Polo travelled across China conducting diplomatic missions for Kublai. He had arrived in China as a foreigner, but came to be a member of Chinese society under the Mongols.


Which statements best describe the Camp David Accords? Select three options.



They were the first peace agreement for Israel in the Middle East.

They showed that Arabs and Israelis could negotiate in good faith.

They showed that the US could play an important role in negotiations.

Explanation: Did It

The following statements best describe the Camp David Accords.

They were the first peace agreement for Israel in the Middle East.They showed that Arabs and Israelis could negotiate in good faith. They showed that the US could play an important role in negotiations.What best describes the importance of the Camp David Accords?

The Camp David Accords were formally adopted on September 17, 1978. These agreements created a framework for Middle East peace as well as a framework for the signing of a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.

Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Menachem Begin of Israel signed the Camp David Accords in 1978 with the assistance of US President Jimmy Carter. The agreements provided the foundation for a peace treaty that would put an end to Egypt's and Israel's protracted struggle. However, because disputes continued between Israel and other close-by Arab nations, they did not put an end to all Arab-Israeli conflicts in the Middle East.

Learn more about the Camp David Accords here:



Your Question seems incomplete most probably your complete Question was

Which statements best describe the Camp David Accords? Select three options. They ended all Arab-Israeli conflicts in the Middle East. They were the first peace agreement for Israel in the Middle East. They showed that the PLO could give up violence for negotiation. They showed that Arabs and Israelis could negotiate in good faith. They showed that the US could play an important role in negotiations.

first permanent english settlement to the new world?


it was Jamestown virgina i think
The answer is Jamestown Virginia

A statement can be a: A:pact B:treaty C:report D:proposition

help me please ​





who was the first president of France​



Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte


Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte

what two countries besides france supplied forces for operation overlord



Britian and The United States

what are some specific issue in one of the social science disciplines?



Various discipline of social science

Usually included within the social sciences are cultural (or social) anthropology, sociology, psychology, political science, and economics. The discipline of historiography is regarded by many as a social science, and certain areas of historical study are almost indistinguishable from work done in the social sciences


Your welcome have a nice day

how did compromise make the ratification of the constitution possible



It made the other states agree to join and sign




legs ( i think u can give it a shot tho)


A knight began getting dressed by covering his legs.

hope this helps you.

Please help asap.......................



Try looking it up. Here is an example for brave but I can't find anything else: They fought long and hard although there were 10 times the amount of attackers as there were defenders. They all stayed to defend it because they were brave.


Which ecosystem does Francisco live in?
the Atacama Desert
the Amazon Rainforest
the coniferous forest in Mexico
the deciduous forest in Colombia



the answer is d the deciduous forest in Colombia

I had the same exact question! The answer is D!

pls give brainliest

Would you rather be a dolphin or snake? Why?​



I rather be a snake because I could feel the heat from my prey, so food can be easy to catch and catch a big animal for food, so I don't have to eat till 2 weeks. Why because female dolphin get treat wrong by male dolphin when it comes to mating that why I rather be a snake atleast I can eat good and not worry about to much.



I would rather be snake. Dolphins suffer many forms of abuse when caught by humans and forced to be in zoos and aqauriums. Snakes also live of life of mostly peace and solitude. Nothing has beef with snakes except birds.

Ree to get the money for the tickets



About 3,180,000,000 results (1.03 seconds)


I need help ASAP please.




how did the typical small family farmer use his land
to grow cash crops
to grow subsistence crops
to run a ranch
to raise sheep and goats


They use their land to grow cash crops


to grow subsistence crops


took test (please mark as brainliest)

Following its defeat in the seven years war, France ceded (Gave Up) control of Canda to who?

A: Great Britain
B: France
C: Spain
D: Portugal



Great Britain

What did the Second Continental Congress decide?



The Congress appointed George Washington as commander of the Continental Army, and authorized the raising of the army through conscription. On July 4, 1776, the Congress issued the Declaration of Independence, which for the first time asserted the colonies' intention to be fully independent of the mother country.



The Congress appointed George Washington as commander of the Continental Army, and authorized the raising of the army through conscription. On July 4, 1776, the Congress issued the Declaration of Independence, which for the first time asserted the colonies' intention to be fully independent of the mother country.

How are the Maccabees alike to the Zealots



Judaism and the Zealots Maccabees, Zealots, and Josephus ,an Inquiry Into Jewish Nationalism in the Greco-Roman Period By William Reuben Farmer Columbia.


Which of the following sentences best describes a sphere of influence in relation to China?

A. It allowed a nation to pass laws in a particular region of China
B. It gave a nation exclusive trade rights in a particular region of China
C. It required a nation to provide military protection for a specific region in China.
D. It meant that a region of China was an official colony under the control of another nation.



The answer is B. It gave a nation exclusive trade rights in a particular region of China.

how have the viewpoints about the causes of the Spanish American war change over time?


The Spanish american war was marked a turning point in american foreign policy because the United States of America became an imperial world power. What does Imperialism mean? Extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. When a country uses military force to get more power.

Hi! ❤️ I'm looking for some proficient actually (accurate) responses. depending on the responses ill probably give brainliest to the most accurate one.



whats ur question


Write a paragraph explaining why someone is helpful if they serve on a jury
(i dont care if you dont do it i just need to get rid of some points)



The jury fulfils a very important function in the legal system. You are entitled to be tried by jury unless the alleged offence is a minor one or one that is being tried in the Special Criminal Court. However, a jury is not required in every legal case. There will be a jury in some civil cases such as defamation and assault cases. However, for the majority of civil cases such as personal injuries actions and family law cases, there is no jury - it is the judge who decides the outcome.


hope it helps :)

The Romans were the first to successfully impose central authority on a large area.

True or false





How did slavery develop in america in your own words. 5-10 sentences



Slavery spread rather than grew because it was an agricultural rather than industrial form of capitalism, so it needed new lands. And slavery spread because enslaved African Americans were forced to migrate.During the 17th and 18th centuries people were being held captive from the continent of Africa, forced into slavery in the American colonies and utilized to work as apprenticed servants and labor in the production of crops such as tobacco and cotton.  

Hope this helps :)

This is how did slavery develop in america in my own words

Reflect on why the study of the
sciences was integral into
understanding how nations are


Science and technology (S&T) capabilities are fundamental for social and economic progress in developing countries; for example, in the health sector, scientific research led to the development and introduction of oral rehydration therapy, which became the cornerstone of international efforts to control diarrheal .

Science and technology are important to any nation's progress. The below mention briefly explain the statement.

What is the relationship between science and nation-building?

Science and technology are important to any nation's progress. In any society, technology plays a critical role in wealth creation, improving quality of life, real economic growth, and societal transformation.

Science and Technology (S&T) capabilities are critical for developing countries' social and economic progress; for example, in the health sector, scientific research led to the development and implementation of oral rehydration therapy, which became the cornerstone of international efforts to control diarrhea.

Therefore, the above explanation aptly describes the statement.

Learn more about the relationship between science and nation-building here:


What did delegates for a strong national government believe?



The delegates for a strong national government believed that a strong national government would endanger the rights of states. The delegates for stronger state governments believed that a strong national government would threaten individual liberty.


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Which type of dry-chemical fixed application method introduces a concentration of agent into a closed area You modified the GreenvilleRevenue program to include a number of methods. Now modify every data entry statement to use a TryParse() method to ensure that each piece of data is the correct type. Any invalid user entries should generate an appropriate message, and the user should be required to reenter the data.using System;using static System.Console;class GreenvilleRevenue{static void Main(string[] args){const int fee = 25;int lastYearsContestants;int thisYearsContestants;const int LOW = 0;const int HIGH = 30;int other = 0;int dancer = 0;int musician = 0;int singer = 0;WriteLine("**********************************");WriteLine("* The stars shine in Greenville. *");WriteLine("**********************************");WriteLine("");lastYearsContestants = getContestantsNum(message, LOW, HIGH);string[] contestant = new string[thisYearsContestants];string[] talent = new string[thisYearsContestants];getContestantsInfo(contestant, talent);for (int x = 0; x < talent.Length; ++x){if (talent[x] == "O"){++other;}else if (talent[x] == "S"){++singer;}else if (talent[x] == "D"){++dancer;}else if (talent[x] == "M"){++musician;}}Clear();WriteLine("Currently signed up, there are..");WriteLine("{0} dancers", dancer);WriteLine("{0} singers", singer);WriteLine("{0} musicians", musician);WriteLine("{0} everything else!", other);contestantByTalent(contestant, talent);Clear();contestantInfo(thisYearsContestants, lastYearsContestants, fee);}static int getContestantsNum(string message, int LOW, int HIGH){WriteLine("Please enter the number of contestants for last year.>>");string input = ReadLine();int contestantsNum = Convert.ToInt32(input);while (contestantsNum < LOW || contestantsNum > HIGH){WriteLine("Valid numbers are 0 through 30, Please try again.>>");contestantsNum = Convert.ToInt32(ReadLine());}return contestantsNum;WriteLine("Please enter the number of contestants for this year.>>");string input = ReadLine();int contestantsNum = Convert.ToInt32(input);while (contestantsNum < LOW || contestantsNum > HIGH){WriteLine("Valid numbers are 0 through 30, Please try again.>>");contestantsNum = Convert.ToInt32(ReadLine());}return contestantsNum;}static string getTalent(int contestantsNum){bool correct = false;string talentType = "";while (!correct){WriteLine("What is contestant " + contestantsNum + "'s skill? Please enter 'S' for Singer, 'D' for Dancer, 'M' for " +"Musician, 'O' for Other.>>");talentType = ReadLine().ToUpper();if (talentType == "S" || talentType == "D" || talentType == "M" || talentType == "O"){correct = true;}else{WriteLine("Please enter a valid response.>>");}}return talentType;}static void contestantByTalent(string[] contestant, string[] talent){WriteLine ("To see a list of all contestants with a specific talent, Please enter a talent code.talent codes are(S)inger, (D)ancer, (M)usician, (O)ther; altenatively, you may type (E) to exit.>>");string entry = ReadLine().ToUpper();while (entry != "E"){if (entry != "S" && entry != "D" && entry != "M" && entry != "O"){WriteLine("That wasn't a valid talent code. Valid talent codes are (S)inger, (D)ancer, (M)usician, (O)ther; altenatively, you may type (E) to exit.>>");entry = ReadLine().ToUpper();if (entry == "E")break;}for (int x = 0; x < talent.Length; ++x){if (entry == talent[x])WriteLine("Contestant " + contestant[x] + " talent " + talent[x]);}WriteLine("To see a list of all contestants with a specific talent, Please enter a talent code. talent codes are (S)inger, (D)ancer, (M)usician, (O)ther; altenatively, you may type (E) to exit.>>");entry = ReadLine().ToUpper();}}static void getContestantsInfo(string[] contestant, string[] talent){for (int x = 0; x < contestant.Length; ++x){WriteLine("What is the name for Contestant " + (x + 1) + "?");contestant[x] = ReadLine();talent[x] = getTalent(x + 1);}}static void contestantInfo (int thisYearsContestants, int lastYearsContestants, int fee){if (thisYearsContestants > lastYearsContestants * 2){WriteLine("The competition is more than twice as big this year!");WriteLine("The expected revenue for this year's competition is {0:C}", (thisYearsContestants * fee));}elseif (thisYearsContestants > lastYearsContestants && thisYearsContestants Hii :3 Help? 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