Why do the words and language you choose when discussing sensitive issues
matter? Can you think of other examples - from the media or your own life - in which
a person's words had a profound impact, either positive or negative? Why?


Answer 1
Answer: To sound mature and polite.

Explanation: When discussing heavy topics, it's important to use a polite tone and choose respectful words when discussing the topic. This is because so you don't
offend anybody and people will know you are mature.

Related Questions

how does relationship between the sansa family and gregor samsa’s boss contribute to the plot of the story?


Answer/Explanation:  (B.) How does the relationship between the Samsa family and Gregor Samsa's boss contribute to the plot of the story? The Samsa family owes money to Gregor's boss, and thus Gregor works constantly to pay off this debt.

What two things are being compared ? "She slithered into the room quietly and listened. After several days of observing, she finally uncoiled her long limbs, stretched her neck, leaned against the desk and began speaking, swaying as she spoke. With those first words she began to slowly poison their minds."



her movement is comparable to her poisonous words

Dana is writing an essay arguing that athletes should be paid for playing college sports. Which source is likely to have a strong bias in support of Dana’s claim?



college athletes or colleges in general


well think about her claim

who would most likely agree with her ideas?

i'd say college athletes for one, so if she were to interview or pull information from what college athletes say, they're most likely going to agree with her

Which of the following is not a method to generate business ideas?
O a
Look at old things in new ways
Ignore problems and obstacles
Brainstorm ideas
Od Capitalize on your hobbies


Answer: Ignore problems and obstacles


How does pain respond to those who believe it is possible to work out their differences with Great Britain?


The way that Paine responds to those who believe it is possible to work out their differences with Great Britain is by telling them that it would feel unnatural and fake and that even if they did sort out their differences and become one with Britain again , these problems would continue to rise and a revolt worse than before.

Who is Thomas Paine?

Political philosopher and author Thomas Paine, who was born in England, advocated uprisings in both America and Europe. The first booklet to support American independence was "Common Sense," which was published in 1776 to widespread acclaim.

Hence, it can be seen that he believed that a total separation from GBR was necessary.

Read more about Thomas Paine here:



Which statement best describes a theme conveyed by Hamlet's battle with Laertes in Act V?


On Claudius, Hamlet exacts revenge. With the poisoned sword, he stabs him, then forces him to drink the poison. Horatio mourns his loss after the passing of Laertes, Hamlet, and Claudius.

Act 5 of Hamlet takes place what?On Claudius, Hamlet exacts revenge. With the poisoned sword, he stabs him, then forces him to drink the poison. Horatio mourns his loss after the passing of Laertes, Hamlet, and Claudius.Family ties outlive even death, as the verse demonstrates. Death conquers all. Death conquers everyone is one of the themes in Hamlet. Hamlet, Laertes, Gertrude, and Claudius all pass away despite the fact that they are royalty.The queen cries out to Hamlet, insisting that the cup must have been poisoned, before passing away.      

To learn more about Hamlet refer to:



Which statement most accurately describes the point of view of the entire
A. It begins in first person and shifts to third person.
It begins in third person and shifts to first person.
It begins and ends in first person.
OD. It begins and ends in third person.



I don't have the passage, but I'll give a rough overview.


A) Starts using I/me. Shifts to she/her or he/him.

B) Starts using she/her or he/him. Shifts to I/me.

C) Starts using I/me. Ends using I/me.

D) Starts using she/her or he/him. Ends using she/her or he/him.

Short examples (They don't really make sense, just to give you an idea, sorry about that) :

A) I stood at the top of the stairway, wondering what had just happened to me. Let's rewind. She had tried to make amends, but nothing worked...

B) She had tried to make amends, but nothing worked. Let's rewind. I stood at the top of the stairway, wondering what had happened to me...

C) I stood at the top of the stairway, wondering what had just happened to me. Let's rewind. I had tried to make amends, but nothing worked...

D) She stood at the top of the stairway, wondering what had just happened to her. Let's rewind. She had tried to make amends, but nothing worked...

I hope this helps somewhat! If this doesn't make sense, comment and I'll try re-explain it!

Which statements describe how a video can be a more effective media for propaganda than a still image? Select three options.

The use of video allows musical accompaniment, which can add emotional emphasis to a message.
The use of video helps the viewer take in more information and visuals than a single image.
The use of video requires less viewing time because the content moves quickly.
The use of video is more likely to reach a greater number of people than still imagery.
The use of video offers a unique opportunity to use a testimonial, since voiceovers can be included.


The use of video allows musical accompaniment, which can add emotional emphasis to a message.

The use of video helps the viewer take in more information and visuals than a single image.

The use of video is more likely to reach a greater number of people than still imagery.

what is media for propaganda? Why it is more effective media?

Media for propaganda is any form of communication used to influence a large audience to believe or act in a certain way. This includes everything from television and radio broadcasts to social media posts and print advertisements. Propaganda is often used by governments or organizations to influence public opinion and sway people to their way of thinking.

Propaganda is often more effective than other forms of media because it is specifically designed to emotionally engage an audience. It usually contains elements of fear and intimidation, or of appealing to the audience's desire for a better life or future. It also often contains persuasive or manipulative language and imagery that is designed to be more memorable and powerful than other forms of media.

To learn more about media propaganda refer to:



Select the sentence that expresses the message clearly: (4 points)
O a
Ob b
I ask whether we should study some more, but they said we were fine.
I ask whether we should have study some more, but they say we were fine.
I asked whether we should have studied some more, but they say we are fine.
I asked whether we should study some more, but they said we were fine.



D. Of all the options, it is the most grammatically correct

4. How does Washington develop the idea of the "higher good"?


Answer: By coupling the higher good of absolute justice with material prosperity they could bring their “beloved South a new heaven and a new earth.


Answer a series of questions about the characters in Gene Luen Yang's American Born Chinese. Reference the graphic novel directly to describe how the work's complex characters develop, interact with other characters, and influence its plot and themes.

Your assignment should include the following elements:
- A thoughtful analysis of character motivations, conflict, and development
- An explanation of how character development affects plot and theme
- Strong textual evidence to support analysis

(please hurry)



l like novels so l this one is awesome. l will have to read it first.

Why was De Facto Segregation more common in the North than in the South?



Racial segregation was a system derived from the efforts of white Americans to keep African Americans in a subordinate status by denying them equal access to public facilities and ensuring that blacks lived apart from whites. During the era of slavery, most African Americans resided in the South, mainly in rural areas. Under these circumstances, segregation did not prove necessary as the boundaries between free citizens and people held in bondage remained clear. Furthermore, Before the Civil War, segregation existed mainly in cities in both the North and the South. blacks and whites lived in close proximity on farms and plantations and geographical isolation made contact between neighbors infrequent. However, free people of color, located chiefly in cities and towns of the North and Upper South, experienced segregation in various forms. By the time the Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) that African Americans were not U.S. citizens, northern whites had excluded blacks from seats on public transportation and barred their entry, except as servants, from most hotels and restaurants. When allowed into auditoriums and theaters, blacks occupied separate sections; they also attended segregated schools. Most churches, too, were segregated.

African Americans did gain admission to desegregated public accommodations, but racial segregation, or Jim Crow as it became popularly known, remained the custom. (The term Jim Crow originated from the name of a character in an 1832 minstrel show, where whites performed in blackface.) Passage by Congress of the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which barred racial discrimination in public accommodations, provides evidence of the continued presence of segregation and the need to rectify it. The law lasted until 1883, when the Supreme Court of the United States declared the statute unconstitutional for regulating what the justices considered private companies, such as streetcars and entertainment facilities. By this time, the interracial Reconstruction governments had fallen in the South and the federal government had retreated from strong enforcement of black civil rights. With white-controlled governments back in power, the situation of southern blacks gradually deteriorated. To maintain solidarity and remove possible political threats, white southerners initiated a series of efforts to reduce further African American citizenship rights and enforce Jim Crow. The Supreme Court’s 1883 ruling in In the 1880s legislation strengthened segregation in the South. By the 1890s it had become entrenched. the Civil Rights Cases spurred states to enact segregation laws. Between 1887 and 1892, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Maryland, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia refused equal access to African Americans to public accommodations and transportation. These laws forced blacks to sit in the back of the bus, on separate cars on trains, and on the balcony at theaters, for example. From this period on, segregation became a rigid legal system separating the races from cradle to grave—including segregated hospital facilities, cemeteries, and everything in between—no longer tolerating any flexibility in the racial interactions that had previously existed.

In the North, while legislation combated segregation, African Americans were still kept separate and apart from whites. In contrast with the South, in the late 1880s and early 1890s, Indiana, Nebraska, Ohio, Michigan, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and New York all adopted laws that prohibited racial discrimination in public facilities. Yet blacks encountered segregation in the North as well. Rather than through de jure segregation, most northern whites and blacks lived in separate neighborhoods and attended separate schools largely de facto segregation. This kind of segregation resulted from the fact that African Americans resided in distinct neighborhoods, stemming from insufficient income as well as a desire to live among their own people, as many ethnic groups did. However, blacks separated themselves not merely as a matter of choice or custom. Instead, realtors and landlords steered blacks away from white neighborhoods and municipal ordinances and judicially enforced racial covenants signed by homeowners kept blacks out of white areas.

Question for keep memory alive by elie wiesel

in this speech, the author uses the lessons he learned in a nazi concentration camp to guide his actions as an adult. what are some of these lessons?


Earth life is not "fair." You might think, feel, or act differently than you would under normal circumstances if you're in pain or lacking something. In difficult and trying circumstances, try not to be too hard on yourself. Healthy survival depends on the ability to forgive oneself and others.

What is the primary concept behind Keep Memory Alive?

The basic idea of Elie Wiesel's "Keep Memory Alive" story was to expose the terrible and twisted things that are taking place in the world that people are unaware of but should be aware of in order to stop them.

Wiesel demonstrates in this address that he has the authority to speak for both the dead and the living, the victims and the survivors. He transcended his modesty in this speech.


To learn more about Keep Memory Alive from the given link



Underline the correct prepoition in each of the following entence - 1] he retired in\on 1990 at\upon the age of 58 year



"in" and "at"


he retired "in" 1990 "at" the age of 58

Brand name products tend to cost more. _____, I rarely buy them.






Brand name products tend to cost more. Therefore, I rarely buy them.

The answer is therefore!

Read the excerpt from Gilgamesh: A New English Version.

"Let your heart inspire you
to be joyous in battle, to forget about death.
If we help each other and fight side by side,
we will make a lasting name for ourselves,
we will stamp our fame on men's minds forever."

Which sentence best states the theme of the excerpt?

Gilgamesh ignores the threat of death.
People's actions determine their legacy.
Fighting for one's country is important.
With reassurance, Enkidu prevails.


The sentence that best expresses the theme of the passage is "people's actions determine their legacy."

What is a theme?It's a message.It is a way for the writer to teach something to the reader.It's a valuable lesson.

The theme is not an element that can be easily seen in a text, as it is not expressed directly, but subjectively. To identify it, the reader must interpret the text, paying attention to the meaning of each action and thought of the characters and the lessons that can be learned from them.

In the text presented above, we can see that the theme refers to how people should act to ensure success. This is because the narrator says that there will be triumph in battle if he and his friend fight together, that is, two actions are necessary for them to leave a legacy on earth, the action of deciding to fight and the action of doing it together.

Learn more about themes:



It is now time to write the story that you will share with your classmates. Imagine that you are an archaeologist who works with Sarah Parcak’s team. You and some other archaeologists are sent to Egypt to help dig up a site that Parcak’s team discovered. During your dig, something surprising happens. Write a suspense story about what you find at the site and what feelings are going through your head as you make the discovery. The story should be several paragraphs long. Writers often do research to add realistic details to the setting, characters, and plot in their stories. When writing your story, find ways to use information and details about armchair archaeology and Egyptian pyramids to improve your story and help you develop your characters, the setting, and the plot. Use details, dialogue, and description where appropriate.


As an archaeologist working with Sarah Parcak's team, I was thrilled to be part of the team that was sent to Egypt to dig up a site that her team had discovered. I had always been fascinated by Egyptian pyramids and the secrets they held, and I couldn't wait to get started on the excavation.

As we began to dig, I quickly realized that this was no ordinary site. The ground was unusually hard and rocky, and it took us much longer than expected to make any significant progress. But finally, after days of hard work, we hit something solid. It was a large, heavy stone, and as we carefully cleared away the dirt around it, we realized that it was part of a hidden chamber within the pyramid.

My heart was pounding with excitement as we carefully pried open the stone door and stepped inside the chamber. It was dark and dusty, but as we shone our flashlights around, we could see that it was filled with treasures beyond our wildest dreams. Gold and jewels glittered in the light, and we were awestruck by the sheer wealth and beauty of it all.

But as we continued to explore the chamber, something even more surprising happened. In the corner of the room, we discovered a small alcove hidden behind a curtain of cobwebs. And inside the alcove was a small, intricately carved box.

My hands were shaking as I carefully lifted the box and opened it. Inside, we found a collection of ancient scrolls, written in hieroglyphics. We knew that these scrolls could contain valuable information about the history of the pyramid and the people who built it.

As we read through the scrolls, we began to realize that they held secrets that had been hidden for centuries. We were filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the thought of being the first people to uncover these secrets in thousands of years. And we knew that our discovery would change the way we understood the history of the ancient world.

Read the paragraph.

I went skiing. I was riddled with anxiety. The mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run. I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.

Which revision most effectively uses transitions to clarify the sequence of events?
A. First of all, I went skiing. Unfortunately, I was riddled with anxiety. The mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. Luckily, I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run. Amazingly, I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.
B. The first time I went skiing, I was riddled with anxiety. The mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! For hours and hours that morning, I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. As the day wore on, though, I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run. The next time I went skiing, I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.
C. When I went skiing, I was riddled with anxiety. Later, the mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! Likewise, I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run, though. Therefore, I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.
D. I went skiing, and I was riddled with anxiety. Ahead of me, the mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! That day, I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. Later, I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run. Most importantly, I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.




Got it right on

Within the branches of a eucalyptus tree in Australia lives one of God's special creations, the cuddly koala. He is often called a koala "bear," but he is not a bear. He is a marsupial or a "pouched" animal. The koala is native only to Australia. He has large bushy ears, a black nose, and no tail. He would make a nice pet, but he rarely survives in captivity. Once hunted for his fur, the koala now enjoys government protection.
"Once hunted for his fur, the koala now enjoys government protection."
This sentence is an example of a(n) _____.


"Once hunted for his fur, the koala now enjoys government protection", and this sentence is an example of a summary sentence.

What is a summary sentence?

A summary is a condensed piece of text that summarizes an entire work of literature. The key ideas of the essay or tale are outlined in this succinct overview.

The reader will be made aware of all the key ideas and the main idea of the bigger work by the summary.

Another efficient technique for regularly reminding readers of your paper's general topic is to use a summary phrase.

If you consistently end each paragraph with a summary sentence, utilize that last sentence to explicitly link that paragraph's supporting details to your paper's main argument.

To know more about summary sentence, refer



nigth chapter by ellie weisel
literary analysis essay whole chapter
please help me​



Eliezer spends another two and a half months at Buchenwald. He is transferred to the children's block and no longer thinks or feels anything but the desire to eat. One day the SS are late for roll call—which never happens. Then the loudspeakers call all the Jews to the assembly place. The children begin to move, but other prisoners whisper to them to return to the block. Since lots of Jews didn't show up at the roll call for Jews, there's a general roll call the next day. The prisoners are told that they are going to be evacuated, ten prison blocks each day. Buchenwald is being liquidated. There will be no more food rations given. A few days later there are still twenty thousand people in the camp, so the Nazis decide to speed things up and evacuate all the remaining prisoners before blowing up the camp. But an alarm goes off and the prisoners are sent back to their blocks and the evacuation is postponed a day. The prisoners have eaten nothing but grass and scavenged potato peelings for six days.


Without his father beside him, Eliezer is now just a body, surviving. The prisoners fear that because the war is nearing an end, the Nazi's will speed up the extermination of remaining Jews. Now they will all be starving. The Nazi's hope to destroy evidence of their death camps so they won't be held accountable after the war.

Write a script that transforms a scene from Pygmalion so that it reflects one of the critical perspectives.


We can see here that in order to write a script that transforms a scene from Pygmalion so that it reflects one of the critical perspectives, here is a guide:

Take time to study Pygmalion very well.Pick the perspective you want your script to reflect.Draft out an outline of your script while focusing on the selected perspective.Write your script clearly using words and language that is easy to understand.

What is a script?

A script is actually known to be a screenplay which is a piece of writing created by screenwriters for a movie, TV program, or video game. A teleplay is another name for a screenplay created for television. Screenplays can be original compositions or literary adaptations.

There are people who write scripts and they are known as scriptwriters.

We see that the above guide will help to write your script.

Learn more about script on https://brainly.com/question/24313254


What is the crown yelling as John Basard and Roger Cly's casket go by? a tale of two cities


Answer:A mob scene occurs with people stealing stuff and harassing people. After he yells at his wife again, Jerry goes to the graveyard and digs up the grave.

Explanation: Hope this helped!!

In the story, the tale of two cities, when Roger Cly’s coffin was passing by, Jerry yelled that the coffin contained dirt and stones.

What was the story of Tale of two cities?

A Tale of Two Cities is a historical novel written by Charles Dickens and published in 1859. It is set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel tells the story of French Doctor Manette, his 18-year incarceration in Paris' Bastille, and his release to live in London with his daughter Lucie, whom he had never met. The plot is set against the backdrop of the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.

When Barsad insisted that Roger Cly was dead, Jerry was a spectacular entity. He insisted that the coffin contained nothing but dirt and stones. Carton had previously attempted to blackmail Barsad, who had been unyielding. However, after Jerry insisted that there were stones in the casket and that he was ready to expose Barsad, Barsad led Carton into a private room for a private discussion.

Therefore, the crown was yelling that the coffin only contained dirt and stones.

To learn more about A tale of Two Cities, click here:



Please help I will give brainiest


A fictional character used to symbolize a product or an idea Uncle Sam is a representation of the United States.

Explain about the personification?

Personification is the practice of giving human characteristics, such as feelings or thoughts, to an inanimate object or animal. For instance, you might describe the wind as "breathing" on your face rather than just saying that it is blowing. You are personifying the wind when you act in this manner.

Making inanimate objects relevant to the (human) reader is the fundamental goal of personification in literature. Personification also gives additional meaning to things that lack complicated human characteristics.

Personification can give a setting atmosphere or give life to an object or animal that would otherwise seem lifeless. It can make it easier for readers to relate to the elements of a tale or poem that aren't the characters.

To learn more about personification refer to:



Whose picture does The main character have with him in the tempest?
I haven't been able to find an answer for this and my teacher asks us to answer the question for an assignment due tomorrow. Any answers will be very helpful as I cant find anywhere anything about as picture.






Match each short description to the character type it emphasizes.
flat character
static character
round character
dynamic character
Harry Potter (from the Harry Potter series by
J. K. Rowling) goes from being an unloved,
unsure, unknown orphan to a famous and
powerful wizard.

Phoebe Caulfield (from J. D. Salinger’s
The Catcher in the Rye) is seen through her
brother Holden’s eyes, and not much is revealed
about her thoughts and emotions.

Edgar Linton (from Emily Bronte’s
Wuthering Heights) is rich and prejudiced.
He looks down on Heathcliff for being poor and
less educated. Edgar grows from a spoiled,
cowardly child to a spoiled, cowardly man.

Edmond Dantes (from Alexander Dumas’s
The Count of Monte Cristo) decides to take
revenge on the man who betrayed him and stole
his fiancée. He shows many traits and uses many
disguises during the story.
(50 points)


Answer:Flat character - A predictable character who has only one dominant characteristic


Answer: Harry Potter - dynamic character

Phoebe Caulfield - flat character

Edgar Linton - static character

Edmond Dantes - round character


The boy who cried wolf 20 points !!!

What is the author's message about power, truth, and lies? How are they connected?
Use evidence from this text, from your own experience, and from other art or
literature to answer this question.


The author's message about power, truth, and lies is that the liars will not be rewarded; even if they tell the truth, no one believes them.

What was the story about

In the story, a shepherd boy repeatedly deceives the locals into believing that a wolf is attacking his town's flock. The villagers think it is just another false alarm when a real wolf shows up and the boy calls for assistance; as a result, the wolf devours the sheep.

The flock is decimated when a wolf actually does show up because the villagers do not believe the boy's cries for help. The lesson of the tale is that those who lie will not prosper; even when they tell the truth, no one will believe them. The lesson of the story is that a liar should never be believed, even when they are speaking the truth. One of the well-known Aesop's Fables is The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf.

Learn more about boy who cried wolf on:



Which is one way that Swift criticizes society in "A Modest Proposal"?by suggesting that people care so little about children they would be willing to sell and eat themby suggesting that people would be appalled by the idea of selling and eating childrenby highlighting the ways in which the plan could help people support people's familiesby highlighting all the practical ways in which people have tried to remedy poverty



a. by suggesting that people care so little about children they would be willing to sell and eat them.


"A Modest Proposal" proposes solutions to issues including crime, poverty, unemployment, and overpopulation. Over 250 years ago, Jonathan Swift offered his Modest Plan to get kids from low-income families off the couch and into the world.

I came to this conclusion after listening to their discussion of the negative economic and social effects that having a low-income kid may have, such as a parent's inability to provide adequate food and clothing for their children and an increase in criminal activity. The answer is to teach children skills that will benefit themselves, their communities, and their families, so that they may get more of what they need. One solution is to imply that most people do not give a hoot about children and would rather see them sold or eaten.

a. by suggesting that people care so little about children they would be willing to sell and eat them

b. by suggesting that people would be appalled by the idea of selling and eating children

c. by highlighting the ways in which the plan could help people support people's families

d. by highlighting all the practical ways in which people have tried to remedy poverty

Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men makes the world seem like a cruel place where dreams can't come true. Write a response that discusses three of the character' experiences in a cruel world where dreams do not come true


The three of the character' experiences in a cruel world where dreams do not come true is :

George has a difficult life because he has to take care of his friend with mental problems.Lennie dies before raising the rabbits she wanted.George has to kill his friend and only companion.What is the theme of the story Of mice and men?

Of Mice and Men's three main themes are dreams, loneliness, and friendship.

A depressing lesson about the essence of human existence is presented in Of Mice and Men. Almost every character, including George, Lennie, Candy, Crooks, and Curley's wife, admits to experiencing a severe sense of loneliness and isolation at some point or another. Each yearns for the solace of a friend yet is content with a stranger's attentive ear. Candy, Crooks, and Lennie all learn that Curley's wife is not happy in her marriage, and Crooks reminds Lennie that life is not nice without a friend to turn to in times of trouble and need.

The complete question is : Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men makes the world seem like a cruel place where dreams can't come true. Write a response that discusses three of the character' experiences in a cruel world where dreams do not come true. Use multiple specific examples to prove your point.

To learn more about Of Mice and Men refer to :



Can somebody write me a poem about life (slam poetry)

It have to be 15 lines


Life is a canvas,

Waiting to be filled,

With vibrant colors,

And bold, daring strokes.

It's a blank slate,

Ready for us to make our mark,

To create our own masterpiece,

And leave our legacy behind.

But life is also fleeting,

A fragile, precious thing,

That can be taken from us,

In the blink of an eye.

So we must seize the day,

And live life to the fullest,

With passion and determination,

And a fierce, unwavering spirit.

For life is a gift,

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,

To create, to grow, to love,

And to leave our mark on the world.

So let us embrace life,

With all its ups and downs,

And make the most of every moment,

For this is the only chance we have.



The greatest gift on earth

The gift of life itself

1 Born Every Minute

Unfortunately life as we

have come to know it

Is also insatiably Cruel as well

As the aforementioned greatest

Gift of all on earth the gift of life

Is sadly also sometimes bestowed and

then both wasted and taken for granted

on those who can

And taken and stolen away from those

who can't

And again it is sadly the very same

children and babies

That eventually at the end of the day

Who are the ones to suffer and pay

the ultimate price and cost  

Of growing up and then having to

face up to the consequence of knowing

Their parents never actually wanted them

or had any interest or intention of ever

loving them

And I can only imagine that is not a life

that any child or baby would

ever wish or willingly want to be born


Through absolutely no fault of their own

Exactly just like those unfortunate who

are unable to have children or babies

of their ery own

Which theme is best supported by the excerpt?
O Survival can mean making hard choices.
Kindness will be rewarded with kindness.
O Hard work always pays off in the end.
O Strong family relationships build slowly.


Correct option is B, Kindness will be rewarded with kindness.

Because if we will be kind to somebody one day somebody will be kind to us. Kindness is a sort of conduct marked through acts of generosity, consideration, rendering assistant or difficulty for others, with out watching for reward or praise in go back. Kindness is a subject of hobby in philosophy, religion, and psychology. Kindness become one of the most important subjects in the Bible. In Book II of "Rhetoric", Aristotle defines kindness as "helpfulness closer to a person in need, now no longer in go back for anything, nor for the gain of the helper himself, however for that of the character helped". Nietzsche taken into consideration kindness and like to be the "maximum healing herbs and marketers in human intercourse".

What is an a excerpt?

Excerpt is a short extract from a film, broadcast, or piece of music or writing.

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Other Questions
Suppose the market supply and demand for guitars in Happy Valley are given by: Supply: Q=-60+3P Demand: Q = 540 - 5P. a)(4 points) Calculate the equilibrium price and quantity of guitars. P* = Q* = For the remaining questions, suppose a tax of $24 per guitar is levied on the consumers. b)(4 points) How much will the consumers pay for guitars after the tax? c)(4 points) How much will producers receive for guitars after the tax? d)(4 points) What proportion of the tax will be paid by the producers? e)(4 points) What quantity of the good will be bought/sold after the tax? f)(4 points) What is the deadweight loss created by the tax? Which two bonds are least similar in polarity?Select one:a. I-Br and SiClb. B-F and Cl-Fc. C-Cl and Ge-Cld. O-F and Cl-Fe. Ga-Cl and I-Br Experiencing acute stress on a frequent basis, such as with back-to-back tight deadlines at work, is referred to as what type of stress?A. Toxic stressB. Chronic stress C. Eustress D. Episodic stress The chemical formula for barium oxide is BaO.A chemist determined by measurements that 0.085 moles of barium oxide participate in a chemical reaction. Calculate themass of barium oxide that participates.Round your answer to 2 significant digits. you open a new window and pull that up. you put $2,000 into an account with apr of 4%. which compound interval will yield the most money? There are 30 students in Mrs. Woodward's class and 1/5 of the class has their own cell phone. Of the students that have cell phones, 1/2 of them are allowed to use social media. How many of the students have a cell phone and can use social media? The movement of the progress bar may be uneven because questions can be worth more or less (including zero) depeThe graph of a function f(x) passes through the following points:(0,2), (1, 0), (- 1,-4)Which of the following could be f(x)?Of(x) = 2x - 2O f(x) = 2x-2Of(x) = 2x - 2Of(x) = 2x - 2 TRUE/FALSE. while it is often necessary for actors and actresses to make quick costume changes, this is a concern for the stage manager, not the costume designer Earth satellite whose height is 35786 km then find its distance velocity ?help me it's urgent i mark u brainlist The state of deep longing for union with another is known as ______ love. 19Select the correct answer.What is the solution to this equation?log(4 x)-2log x=2A. 1/36B. 9/4C. 4/9D. 36 in 12 years a man will be twice as old as he was 12 years ago . find his present age Before the Contraction CycleThe contraction cycle is the repeating sequence of events that causes the process of the sliding filament mechanism, and it is made up of FOUR phases- The SR releases calcium ions (Ca2+) into the sarcoplasm- There, they bind to troponin. Troponin then moves tropomyosin away from the myosin-binding sites on actin Match each theorem with its description. i need the answers please 1. The Net Present Value decision technique may not be the only pertinent unit of measure if the firm is facing A. a labor union. B. a major investment. C. time or resource constraints. D. the election of a new board of directors Betty is required to leave the company premises in order to run an errand for her employer. She has an accident on the way and is injured. In this scenario, which of the following statements is true under workers compensation laws?A) Bettys workers compensation coverage ends the moment she leaves the premises.B) Workers compensation would cover Betty for injuries sustained during the course of running the errand.C) Workers compensation would cover Betty during the errand, but only if the errand involved a hazardous task.D) Workers compensation would cover Betty only if the injuries did not result from her own negligence. (a) Find a vector function, r(t), that represents the curve of intersection of the two surfaces.The cylinderx2 + y2 = 25and the surfacez = xyr(t)=??(b)Find a vector function, r(t), that represents the curve of intersection of the two surfaces.The paraboloidz = 7x2 + y2and the parabolic cylindery = 2x2r(t)=??? a btu is defined as the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one lb of water by one degree celsius group of answer choices true false A patient recovering from a heart attack is advised to start a regular walking workout. The patient is told to walk a distance of 5 km the first week, 8 km the second week, 11 km the third week, and so on. Recursive Write the sequence formulas that model this situation. Use no spaces, use (shift-8) for multiplication, use (shift-6) for exponents. A f(1) = -1 A f(n) 1 pts Explicit f(n) =