Why does the GI tract have a plexus in the muscalaris and nerves in the mucosa?


Answer 1
Answer and Explanation:

The submucosal plexus, or Meissner's plexus, is located in the submucosal layer and controls the mucosal glands and the muscularis mucosa. The myenteric plexus, or Auerbach's plexus, is located between the two layers of the muscularis externa and is responsible for peristaltic movements.
Answer 2

The GI tract have a plexus in the muscalaris as the muscularis mucosa are controlled by the submucosal plexus.

The GI tract have nerves in the mucosa as the mucosa tissue feed signals to both layers of the intestinal plexus.

Define GI tract.

The GI tract is made up of a succession of hollow organs connected by a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. The mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus are the hollow organs that make up the GI tract.

The mucosal glands and the muscularis mucosa are controlled by the submucosal plexus, also known as Meissner's plexus. The myenteric plexus, also known as Auerbach's plexus, is responsible for peristaltic movements and is positioned between the two layers of the muscularis externa.

Sensory nerve terminals in the mucosa and epithelial tissue associated with the submucosal plexus feed signals to both layers of the intestinal plexus. The sympathetic pre-vertebral ganglia, the spinal cord, and the brain stem all get information from these structures.

Find out more information about GI tract here:


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Answer: The dependent variable is weight; the independent variable is exercise.


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try to list three medical enponyms and if possible also identify their locations and or functions
ex: achilles’s tendon



1. adams apple

2. zygomatic bones

3. achilles tendon


1. it is located in the front of the thyroid cartilage. the function of the adam's apple is to control metabolic functions throughout the body. the adam's apple also gives males a deeper voice.

2. these bones provide structure to the face and it located in the cheek area. it fills the face and protects arteries, nerves, and veins that lie below the zygomatic bone.

3. this tendon is located in the back of the leg. this tendon connects muscles in the calf and it allows people to best walk, run, or do other physical activities.

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heelp me please

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