why dowry system is considered as a social problem?


Answer 1


The word 'dowry' means the resources and money which is brought by the bride to her husband's home at the time of her wedding. This practice has been proved evil for the bride and her parents because many times this practice leads to social violence on the females if they lacks to fulfill the demands of the dowry.

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How does traditional media selling of campaign ads (produced directly by campaigns) differ
from the selling of political ads by PACs with respect to regulation by the FCC?
O They cannot reject a campaign ad under any circumstances.
O They can charge more for the campaign ads.
O They reject most PAC ads based on content, but accept most campaign ads.
O They have less control over content of campaign ads.


Answer: They have less control over content of campaign ads.


Traditional media selling of campaign ads differ from the selling of political ads by PACs with respect to regulation by the FCC as they have less control over content of campaign ads.

In the campaign advertisement, it should be noted that the traditional media have less control over the content of the campaign advertisements when compared to the sale of m political advertisements by PACs. It should be noted that the reason for this is because PACs has been given more freedom to th political ads by FCC.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

why river basins are perfect for human? explain it.



they help to control erosion. as rivers collect and store inland water run-off as a result of rainfall, they help to manage and control flooding

The art of happiness is written by........????
1.Chiddi Charan Shrestha
2.Dalai Lama
3.Moti Ram Bhatta
4.Bhanu Bhakta Acharya
5.Laxmi Prasad Devkota
6.No one





Moti Ram bhatta

hope this will help you

The art of happiness was written by Dalai Lama.

Frances is a college student majoring in Classics and the Greek language. She earns good grades and works part-time. Frances is known to practice white magic. She participates in rituals and spell-casting with a local coven. She can often be heard talking in elvish in an attempt to connect with characters from Lord of the Rings. If Frances has a personality disorder, her behavior is most consistent with a diagnosis of ___



Her behavior is most consistent with a diagnosis of “schizotypal personality disorder”.

explain four contributory factors to unemployment



1. Not updating new knowledge & skills according to market demand.

2. Lack of initiative (expanding relationships, self-discipline, self-study).

3. Do not accept failure and lack of effort.

4. No new updates on market requirements.


I'm not sure but I can help you

13. The word 'REC' stands for
A. Resident Electoral Commissioner
B. Representatives of Electoral Commission
C. Regional Electoral Commissioner
D. Regional Electoral Commission​



Regional Environmental Centre


regional environmental center

How do World Heritage Sites introduce the country and the people?​



Heritage sites introduce the country and the people by designated for having culture, scientific, and historical to everyone can significian.

What kind of economy system in the USA in the 1800s? *


The U.S. economy was primarily agricultural in the early 19th century.

has improved access to information.
has created faster production times for many goods.
Over the years, technologies such as
have allowed for faster distribution



The Internet has improved access to information. Automation has created faster production times for many goods. Over the years, technologies such as airplanes have allowed for faster distribution.


The Internet




edg gang

Pam is auditing the accounts payable account of her client, Roadrunner Training Company (RTC). Pam has decided to perform her testing at interim and to use smaller sample sizes. Which of the following pairs of information about the combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk and detection risk best fits this scenario?
A : Combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk » low; detection risk » high
B : Combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk » high; detection risk » low
C : Combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk » low; detection risk » low
D : Combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk » high; detection risk » high


Answer:the answer would be C


what do the terms cooperation mean​



you are able to work with other people


you are also able to work with not just your friend s

description the role played by the citizens in achieving sustainable development.​



As primary agents of their development and the ultimate beneficiaries of the Sustainable Development Goals, citizens have a pivotal role to play not only in terms of the effort and action towards the achievement of the goals but also in terms of the associated monitoring of the progress towards these goals.

Which of the following will cause movement along the demand and curve



B. a decrease in the product price

A decrease in the price level is the cause of movement along the demand and curve. Hence, option B is correct.

What is demand curve?

Demand curve is consist of the quantity of the goods and service in comparison to the price demanded for the specific period of time.

The amount required will be shown on the horizontal axis and the price will be displayed on the left vertical axis.

The options are missing from the question-

A. An increase in consumption.

B. a decrease in the price level

C. an increase in net exports

D. a decrease in consumption

Thus, option B is correct.

For more details about demand curve, click here:



Cody is in a group meeting with Charlotte and a few other employees to talk about improving sales. Charlotte seems to have a lot to share and takes up most of the meeting time. Normally, Cody speaks up with his ideas, but since Charlotte has taken the floor he holds back. Cody is a good example of showing a high degree of what type of personality dimension



a. Self-monitoring.


Self-monitoring is a personality attribute that an individual makes or does to monitor how he/she behaves and to monitor and regulate one's behavior. This allows the person to be conscious of the way he/she behaves or responds to social environments and situations.

In the given case of Cody refraining from speaking up about his ideas, he's exhibiting the self-monitoring personality dimension. This means that he's monitoring himself, holding himself from expressing his ideas. Rather, he patiently keeps quiet and listens to Charlotte speak.

Thus, the correct answer is option a.


a. Self-monitoring.


Hope this Helps

What does fair discrimination mean?



The discrimination which is based on affirmative action, inherent requirement of a particular job, productivity and compulsory discrimination by law are termed as fair discrimination.

the human resources available is the base of development for a nation​



it's helpful to you


it's helpful

What tye of society do you prefer to live in? give any 4 reason​



The type of society that I want is where the citizen is given equal political, religious, economic, and social needs and fulfilled of the people. People will have more economic stability. There should be no discrimination among the people based on gender, caste, and creed.

I would want to live in a society where everybody is equal. Everyone is treated with respect regardless of race, religion, or sexuality.

Why is collective responsibility called essential factor of society? Write in 10 points.​



simple life territorywe-feeling natural birth and development specialised namesize pride towards historical deedssecurityaffinityresponsibilitycooperation friendliness loveobedience of rules and regulations

what do you understand by empathy ?
: Empathy is the ability and quality of a person to understand another person's thoughts, feeling, experience or state,etc in almost the same way that the way they feel​



its the feeling to be one with others feeling


to understand


orderliness as the mother of peace​



Homogeneity is the mother of harmony because it promotes peaceful coexistence. It also teaches the mind to accept the correct method of doing things. I have to do the correct things at the correct moment way. Hannah is a carefree, irresponsible lady who eventually burns to herself in the front of her mom and daughter.

A teacher has a conference with a parent who is angry because he claims the final grade his son received on the literature unit is unfair. According to the parent, the grade had nothing to do with what the student did or learned in class. The teacher responds by showing the parent the unit objectives, class activities, and test questions and explains how they fit together. The teacher is presenting evidence of the Group of answer choices reliability of the literature unit. validity of the learning objectives. reliability of the test. validity of the grade.



Validity of the grade.


Development of the society is a universal process. Justify the statement.​



Development of a society is a universal process because it is impossible for any society to remain unaffected by other societies. ... With different influences by different cultures, our societies become more open-minded and can see things from varied perspectives.

"If a nation is rich in resources then it can be developed! Justify this statement. ​



It would be a fair assumption to make that a country with a large amount of natural resources would be more likely to develop fastest and furthest. This could be assumed because natural resources in a country would be likely to stimulate trade at first within that country, and later to outside countries.


I hope it helped u

stay safe stay happy



The answer should be B


option A


the plane with the paperclip

Please Mark as Brainliest

The Nepalese have the trend of working in foreign countries for long. What might be the benefits and drawbacks of brain drain? Point out three for each.​




# we can learn new skills and implement in our country

# import of foreign currency

# make new ideology of markets and agriculture


# people may forget nepalese culture

# they may settle in foreign

# nelalese tradition may eloped

there will be energy crisis in future justify this statement with some reason​


Overconsumption.  Overpopulation. Poor Infrastructure.  Unexplored Renewable Energy Options.  Delay in Commissioning of Power Plants.  Wastage of Energy.  Poor Distribution System.  Major Accidents and Natural Calamities.

In the United States all levels of government-- local federal are allowed to collect taxes that makes taxation what kind of power?



The answer is A - concurrent.

The power is concurrent power.

How is society formed Write any 3 ways to its formAtion



The formation of society takes place through the interaction of different norms, rituals, and cultures. People from different cultures and norms possess different and varied values that help to build a new society. ... The exchange of art, beliefs, laws, and customs leads to the formation of society




The formation of society takes place through the interaction of different norms, rituals, and cultures. People from different cultures and norms possess different and varied values that help to build a new society. ... The exchange of art, beliefs, laws, and customs leads to the formation of society.

The formation of society takes place through the interaction of different norms, rituals, and cultures.

1. People from different cultures and norms possess different and varied values that help to build a new society.

2. Society and culture have a great relationship with each other.

3. People cooperate and interact with each other at different levels.

4. The exchange of art, beliefs, laws, and customs leads to the formation of society.







To find hot sauce in a large grocery store, you could systematically search every shelf in every store aisle. This best illustrates problem solving by means of the availability heuristic. functional fixedness. the representativeness heuristic. an algorithm. mental set.


Answer: An algorithm


Algorithm could be described as a way of carrying out a process through following instructions strictly. It's a systematic way of going about a process.

The problem solving method that involves the systemic search is called An algorithm

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