Why is it important to know and learn a location of a place?


Answer 1


um cuz you could get lost and when you need help of someone and they ask location, you will be like s I don't know and your life sucks then you know...


Answer 2


Yes , its important to know and learn location of a place

because,if you were goes to anyplace as alone or you just missed in public

to return as safe we need to know the place location first .or else we may miss our home along with our family and lives like alone as long life or we can die

We wont get basic things!

Basic things to live ..

food shelter clothes

if we may gonna miss these things by missing your place hard to alive

as soon as possible we will leave this earth

hopes its helps you

Related Questions

কবে বাংলাদেশ দখল মুক্ত হয়


Ching ping moo sho shen mann

Is it important for textbooks about the history of the Soviet Union to emphasize political repression?



Explanation: Because history is good to learn

Why do you think
Columbus failed to realize he was in a
"New World"?



Columbus himself had made that assumption. His discoveries posed for him, as for others, a problem of identification. It seemed to be a question not so much of giving names to new lands as of finding the proper old names, and the same was true of the things that the new lands contained. Cruising through the Caribbean, enchanted by the beauty and variety of what he saw, Columbus assumed that the strange plants and trees were strange only because he was insufficiently versed in the writings of men who did know them. "I am the saddest man in the world," he wrote, "because I do not recognize them."


Hope this helps

(If not hit me up in the comments and I can help)

Now that you have reviewed the causes and effects of both world wars, create an outline for an argumentative essay on whether the United States should have helped Germany recover from World War II. You will need to support your argument with at least three pieces of evidence to explain why. Use the historical facts that you have learned in this activity and in past lessons. You may also want to use the following resources:

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy: "Germany and the Great Depression"

PBS: "Berlin Blockade"

Library of Congress: "The Marshall Plan"

The Soviet Union and Europe After 1945

***Rest of the assignment is below***


Topic: Should the U.S. have supported in the rebuilding of Germany after WWII?

Thesis: The U.S. should have helped rebuild Germany.

Topic sentence: Preventing a 3rd world war.

Detail 1: Germany was bitter about their loss in WWI which eventually lead to WWII

Detail 2: Germany went through economic troubles after WWI which lead to Hitler gaining power in Germany in 1933

Body Paragraph

Topic Sentence 2: Getting the support of the German people to stop the spread of Communism

Detail 1: Without the Germans on the Allies side the cold war could have taken a different route

Detail 2: If the soviets had control over Germany after WW2 It could have created a power imbalance which could have resulted in nuclear war.

Conclusion: Western support for Germany was necessary to the survival of Europe as we know it today

What are some hooks for a persuasive essay on outsourcing?



persuasive essays:

to connect first para. w second

to begin with,in the first place,the first reason ,

connecting second w third


connecting third w fourth

lastly,yet another reason why ,thirdly,

connecting the body to the conclusion

in conclusion,therefore,to sum it all up,

Pearl Harbor was caused by all of the following events EXCEPT:
Japan taking over China (Manchuria).
Japan's alliance with Germany.
The U.S. cutting off oil and scrap metal.
Japan's alliance with Russia


Japan's only chance was the element of surprise and to destroy America's navy as quickly as possible.

C they wanted to take the ship as soon as possible

The Woman’s Suffrage Movement is responsible for passage of the —
A. 15th Amendment
B. 19th Amendment
C. 23rd Amendment
D. 26th Amendment



B.19th Amendment


Hope it helps you

i’m pretty sure it’s the 19th amendment!

If 7 × 4 = 28, what value should be subtracted from 28 to find the product of 6 × 4?







7 × 4 = 28


6 × 4 = 24


28 - 4 = 24 = 6 × 4


4 is the required answer.




7 x 4 = 28

6 x 4 = 24

28 - 24 = 4

In what two cities was the atomic bomb dropped in Japan?

Nagasaki and Tokyo

Hiroshima and Tokyo

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Tokyo and Seoul




Hiroshima and Nagasaki


In what two cities was the atomic bomb dropped in Japan?


The answer is option C Hiroshima and Nagasaki

On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939-45), an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion immediately killed an estimated 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure. Three days later, a second B-29 dropped another A-bomb on Nagasaki, killing an estimated 40,000 people. Japan’s Emperor Hirohito announced his country’s unconditional surrender in World War II in a radio address on August 15, citing the devastating power of “a new and most cruel bomb.”


what influence did major international events have on Canadian foreign policy and its relationship eith the U.s.

Need this ASAP please


I think formation of NATO.

Which region's language was least influenced by
O A. Europe
B. Egypt
C. Persia
D. India


B. Egypt was least influenced by migrations.

European weapons, such as _____ gave them a military____ over African & Native American

What Sailing technology did Europeans develop?



a firearm gave them a military advantage.

Some innovations that made the Age of exploration possible were the compass, the astrolabe and, new ships, such as the caravel.


How have humans created crater fires accidentally in the past?



A group of Soviet geologists accidentally created the crater, searching for oil, according to the Smithsonian Magazine. Due to the methane underneath, the ground couldn't support the weight of their equipment and collapsed. To burn away the dangerous methane, they reportedly set it on fire.


hope this helps


A subject is the part of a sentence that performs a verb( an action) in a sentence.

The predicate is the part of a sentence that contains the verb.


A subject is the one who does the action and performing something.

For example, He likes to play, Sara loves flowers. in the following sentences, HE and Sara are the subjects as they doing and performing something.

And the predicate is the verb and the rest of the sentence and not the subject.

For example; He likes to play, Sara loves flowers. in these sentences likes to play and loves flowers are the predicates of the sentences.

1)The bunnies like to play in the sunshine( The bunnies are the subject and "like to play in the sunshine" is the predicate),

"they"(subject) and "will often come right up to you"(Predicate)

"You"(subject) and "offer them something to eat"(Predicate).

2)"The issue"(subject)

"I want to discuss with you is difficult to talk about because "it"(subject) is so contentious"(Predicate)

3)" the man who"(subject)

"was sitting"(predicate)

in front of "me"(subject)

"stood up"(predicate)


"refused to to sit down again"(predicate).

How did the Marshall Plan work toward America's goals during the early years of the Cold War?



The Marshall Plan, also known as the European Recovery Program, was a U.S. program providing aid to Western Europe following the devastation of World War II. It was enacted in 1948 and provided more than $15 billion to help finance rebuilding efforts on the continent. The brainchild of U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall, for whom it was named, it was crafted as a four-year plan to reconstruct cities, industries and infrastructure heavily damaged during the war and to remove trade barriers between European neighbors—as well as foster commerce between those countries and the United States.

In addition to economic redevelopment, one of the stated goals of the Marshall Plan was to halt the spread communism on the European continent.

Implementation of the Marshall Plan has been cited as the beginning of the Cold War between the United States and its European allies and the Soviet Union, which had effectively taken control of much of central and eastern Europe and established its satellite republics as communist nations.

The Marshall Plan is also considered a key catalyst for the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a military alliance between North American and European countries established in 1949.


The Marshall Plan's implementation is often considered as the catalyst for the start of the Cold War between the United States and its allies in Europe and the Soviet Union, which had essentially seized control of much of central and eastern Europe and turned its satellite republics into communist states.

What was Marshall Plan?

The Marshall Plan, often referred to as the European Recovery Programme, was a U.S. initiative that offered aid to Western Europe in the wake of World War II's devastation. It was passed in 1948 and granted more than $15 billion to assist in funding reconstruction initiatives on the continent.

It was created as a four-year plan by U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall, after whom it was named, to rebuild severely damaged cities, industries, and infrastructure as well as to remove trade barriers between European neighbours and promote trade between those countries and the United States.

One of the stated objectives of the Marshall Plan, in addition to economic recovery, was to stop the spread of communism across Europe.

Learn more about Marshall Plan, from:



Any Netflix shows i can watch that are actually interesting or sad?​



have you watched "All American" yet?

Answer: everything sucks is good ive also watched ginny and Georgia





















Who was targeted and denounced by the Red Guards?



People that followed a religion, and anyone who was also a capitalist were targeted. They were seen as untrustworthy.

The Red Guards also publicly humiliated teachers, monks, former landowners or anyone else suspected of being "counter-revolutionary."


The Red Guards were denounced as counter-revolutionaries and radicals by the school administration and by fellow students and were forced to secretly meet amongst the ruins of the Old Summer Palace.


The influence of big business on the Republican Party and the party's domination of government
resulted in a close relationship between big business and the Republican Party. True or false?





the influence of big business on the republican party and the party's domination of government resulted in a close relationship between big business and the republican party.

A region that features a high water table has...

A. Wet winters and dry summers

B. Underground water close to the surface of the land

C. Wet summers and dry winters

D. Dry patches of land



B. Underground water close to the surface of the land


The water table is the underground dividing line between the unsaturated zone in the upper layer and the saturated zone in the lower layer. The unsaturated zone is the soil surface and zone of aeration where oxygen and water permeate through the soil. The saturated zone is composed of hard rock. When water precipitates from the soil, the result is the groundwater found below the water table.

Groundwater overflows as springs into water bodies at the point where the land surface converges with the water table. Therefore, regions with high table water will have their underground water close to the land surface.

What is it called when an economic player avoids a choice because the opportunity cost is too high?

A. positive incentive

B. trade-off

C. rational decision

D. negative incentive​



The answer is D. Negative Incentive.

Correct option is: C. rational decision.

In this case, the player has taken a decision as a Result of a Rational Decision. Rational Decision is referred to a series of Planning and Decision Making Processes based on Logic and given Criteria to take a Choice.

This player made a balance between Opportunity (good) and Cost (bad) and concluded that expected Costs will be higher than expected Opportunities, meaning that choice would be not good.

Hence, we conclude that correct option is C.

Please see this question related to Rational Decision: https://brainly.com/question/16867992

A person who has either suffered death or serious physical or mental suffering, or the loss of property resulting from actual or attempted criminal actions committed by others:
A. Lay Witness
B. Victim
C. Offender
D. Clerk​



The person is known as the VICTIM B

B Victim

hope that helps you please mark brainliest

How did geography influence the way Native American cultures developed, explained with examples and evidence? (Think regions)


Here are a few examples

At the northeast, the area is mostly forested. Tribes like the Cherokee would hunt deer and made their houses out of wood.

At the southwest, it was pretty hot and dry. Tribes like the Apache lived in cliffs and used irrigation to hydrate their crops.

At the middle of the continent is the Great Plains. Tribes like the Sioux hunted bison and made teepees instead of houses so that they can move easily.

At the arctic north, there was nothing but snow. Tribe like the Eskimo lived in igloos and fished or hunted seals.

which colony was first settled by dutch settlers?



New Netherland

New Netherland was the first Dutch colony in North America that was first settled by dutch settlers.


New Netherland


What do you know about Labor Unions and worker strikes today? What is similar and/or different?


before big

now smaller

before more industrial/factory/manufacturing

now many are for service type jobs like nursing

other countries employees are assumed to be a part of union and if they have to prove to that are not part of union if they dont want to be

in the US employees are assumed to not be part of a union and they have to prove to that are part of a union if they want to be

1980s president reagan hurt unions big way by destroying the air traffic controllers union (patco) because they went on strike in the name of national security, even though that union & other unions had supported him in the 1980 election

The Governor-General who was impeached
(a) Lord Dalhousie
(b) Lord Mountbatten
(c) Warren Hastings
(d) Lord Hastings​



Lord Mountbatten


what is decleration



 formal or explicit statement or announcement is called declaration


the process of distribution of power from Central authority to regional and local authority

How did France's activity in the Americas differ from that of Spain?


French colonies were sparsely settled and were used mainly as ways to trade with the Indians for furs. By contrast, Spanish colonies had big cities, large farms, mines, and other such things. In both countries' colonies, then, Native Americans were very important.

French colonies were thinly populated and mostly used as routes for trading furs with Native Americans. The Spanish colonies, on the other hand, had vast cities, vast farmland, mines, and other similar things. The Native Americans were therefore immensely significant in the colonies of both nations.

What was the main activity of France in North America?

The fur trade in France is the main business that is market-driven in America. They harvest the fur, and it keeps the business going into the real business to create wealth.

France concentrated its efforts on building financially successful trade operations in the New World to meet Europe's ostensibly insatiable need for furs. To do this, France developed positive ties with Native Americans and capitalized on the win-win exchange of beaver furs for French commodities.

Other European countries created colonies in the Americas after learning about Spain's wealth from its American possessions. French traders founded settlements in what is now Canada, the St. Lawrence River, and Louisiana.

Thus, French colonies were thinly populated and mostly used as routes for trading.

For more information about France in North America, click here:



Una pregunta...... Que es lo que marca las diferentes etapas de la edad de los metales?




for further info, go to azom . com

Cahiers were the notebooks in which the grievances of people were listed.






hope it helps

kepp smiling

what are the advantages of bilateral and multilateral relation? Mention any four advantages?


History? Right? Or no

Why was the Civil Rights Act in 1964 not effective in Selma, Alabama?



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