Why is spotting fake news important?


Answer 1



You would never want to believe in fake news channel, it will bring confusion to yourself, and to others that you will inform. It will prevent disastrous things from occurring.

ex) news says that police kills african man because the man was seemingly about to reach for a gun

reality) the man was not reaching for a gun, he was trying to save himself, and there was also no gun nearby and the police commited murder of the innocent man

*also this is actually happening, george floyd, a black man was murdered because the police thought he was about to do something else. The police officer was kneeling down on him, and George Floyd repeatedly said "I can't breathe"


Answer 2


You can identify fake news in many ways. One very helpful way to determine if news is fake is to check the source. Checking the web address of the page you’re reading your information off of is a good way to check. Errors in spelling, or strange sounding extensions may point to the idea that the news is fake. Another way to check if the news is fake is to identify the author. Fake news articles often don’t include authors names, If names are included it is best to search the authors name online to see if he or she is well-known and respected. It is also good to check if the author has published anything else on the website and if they have any contact information.  One last way to be able to tell if the news is fake is by assessing spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If The article has lots of misspelled words, words in all caps, poor grammar lots of !!! it’s most likely unreliable. Most credible news sources have copy editors that will check for these mistakes before publication.

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Why do you think Fantine uses the statement it is not cowardliness and gluttony that have made what I am in her appeal to javert?


Did you forget to mention that this question is about "The miserable ones" written by Victor Hugo.


She uses this statement to justify her condition and to obtain freedom from prison.


Fantine is a single mother and her daughter is guilty of a family that owns a pension. Fantine pays seven francs a month for this family to use in the expenses of her daughter (called Cosete). However, the family that takes care of Fantine's daughter, exploits the child, in addition to asking Fantine for more and more money.

Fantine doesn't want her daughter to be in need and ends up working more and more and handing over her salary to her daughter's care. However, the family that takes care of Cosete keeps asking for more money, which makes Fantine sell her hair, her teeth and become a prostitute, to get enough money.

All of this makes Fantine very sick and looks deplorable, but she continues to work to pay for her daughter's expenses. One day a man insults Fantine, she becomes possessed of anger, attacks this man and is arrested by Javert, the city police inspector.

Javert is extremely disgusted by Fantini's appearance and situation, she begs to be released since she needs to work and therefore says: "is not cowardliness and gluttony that have made what I am".

Three things said by Piggy in chapter 11 (LOTF)


When the boys start to boo louder, they dismiss the power of the conch, effectively symbolizing their dismissal of a civil society. "The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist." (Golding 181) This quote describes Piggy's death.

The correct answer is Piggy wracked his brain for words to express his fervent desire to carry the conch against all odds." Ralph symbolically realizes the worth of Piggy's intellect and reason, although Piggy has never been regarded as a leader in their community.

What happened to Piggy in Lord of the Flies Chapter 11?The character of Piggy, Piggy's glasses, and Piggy's death are all main aspects of Lord of the Flies Chapter 11. Piggy sat expressionless behind the luminous wall of his myopia at the start of the chapter, according to Golding. Piggy is severely handicapped by the loss of his spectacles.

Learn more about Piggy in chapter 11 here:-



What is the climax in Romeo and Juliet?
You will get brainliest and 10 points! Please make it quick. 1-100 words.


when Romeo kills Tybalt after the death of Mercutio.



It's when Romeo kills Tybalt after Mercutio dies. This part is important because at first Romeo did not want to kill Tybalt, as he was now his distance cousin. (romeo and juliet got married the day before). Then Tybalt kills Mercutio because Tybalt thought Romeo was a coward.

After Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo is angry and so he kills Tybalt. It makes headlines in the city, and now Romeo knows that he is going to die from being imprisoned .

Select the sentence from this section of the paragraph below that best shows how
culture shapes the passage from "The Man to Send Rain Clouds."

The sun was gone, and over on the highway the eastbound lane was full of
headlights. The priest walked away slowly. Leon watched him climb the hill, and when he had disappeared within the tall, thick walls, Leon turned to look up at the
high blue mountains in the deep snow that reflected a faint red light from the west. He felt good because it was finished, and he was happy about the sprinkling of the
holy water; now the old man could send them big thunderclouds for sure.

A.) The sun was gone, and over on the highway the eastbound lane was full of

B.) The priest walked away slowly.

C.) Leon watched him climb the hill, and when he had disappeared within the tall, thick walls, Leon turned to look up at the high blue mountains in the deep snow that reflected a faint red light from the west

D.) he felt good because it was finished, and he was happy about the sparkling of the holy water; now that old could send them big thunderclouds for sure





He believes in Pueblo cultural traditions, but he is willing to participate in the Catholic tradition as well.

Summarize and explain the purpose of Swift's "A Modest Proposal." Also, explain at least two specific literary devices

Swift uses to make his points. Your answer should be at least 150 words.



A Modest Proposal was written by Jonathan Swift in 1729, it is a satirical essay that talks about the overpopulation Ireland was facing exposed by a humorous tone, to create awareness to the problem.

Dramatic Irony:

Irony is a literary device in which the intended meaning is different from the words used, it often uses sarcasm. In dramatic irony the audience knows the mistake the character is making long before the character realizes it.

One example of irony in the essay is the ridiculous suggestion of eating babies. The readers know what bad idea it is, but the character doesn't know, creating dramatic irony.

And butchers we may be assured will not be wanting; although I rather recommend buying the children alive, and dressing them hot from the knife, as we do roasting pigs.


Anaphora is the repetition of words at the beginning of successive sentences to create an impact, it is often used in political speeches and music.  Jonathan Swift uses anaphora to emphasize a change of tone making a serious proposal for readers.

Of taxing our absentees at five shillings a pound. Of using neither clothes, nor household furniture, except what is of our own growth and manufacture. Of utterly rejecting the materials and instruments that promote foreign luxury. Of curing the expensiveness of pride, vanity, idleness, and gaming in our women. Of introducing a vein of parsimony, prudence and temperance. Of learning to love our country, wherein we differ even from Laplanders, and the inhabitants of Topinamboo. Of quitting our animosities and factions, nor acting any longer like the Jews, who were murdering one another at the very moment their city was taken. Of being a little cautious not to sell our country and consciences for nothing. Of teaching landlords to have at least one degree of mercy towards their tenants.


1. In what country did Vivaldi live?
A. France
B. Italy
C. Germany
D. Poland

2. Which season did Vivaldi use the first movement of the “Four Seasons”?
A. Winter
B. Summer
C. Fall
D. Spring

3. What other profession did Vivaldi have other than being a Composer?
A. Architect
B. Teacher
C. Aristocrat
D. Explorer

4. Complete the sentence: Vivaldi’s music served as...



1. B; Italy

2. A; Winter

3. B; Teacher


1, b

2 d

3 b

4s fuerza vital

What happens when a negatively charged object A is brought near a neutral object B?
Object B gets a negative charge.
Object B gets a positive charge.
C.. Object B stays neutral but becomes polarized.
Object A gets a positive charge.
Object A loses all its charge.


Answer/Explanation: When a negatively charged object is brought near the knob of a neutral electroscope, the negative charge repels the electrons in the knob, and those electrons move down the stem into the leaves. Excess electrons flow from the rod into the ball, and then downwards making both leaves negatively charged.

-Hope this helps! :)

The electricity charge is a property of matter. It creates a force that takes place when placed in an electrical magnetic field they can be positive or negative. They are carried by the protons and electrons the charge is a conserved property.

When you bring a negatively charged object close to the neutral part. The positive and the negative charges attract each other and positive change gets nullified and both bodies get negatively changed.

Hence the option A is correct. Object B gets a negative charge.

Learn more about the when a negatively charged object.


Some benefits of using __________ on farms instead of human labor are that work can be done much more quickly and the cost of production usually is decreased





Technology can be described as the utilization of knowledge derived from science to solve practical problems. Technology is a very important part of living, it has helped in the invention and manufacturing of different tools and machines that has made life easy.

Technology play a very important role in the agricultural industry. The invention of machines such as tractors in the farm has reduced the high rate of human labour. Machines are now being used to carry out most activities on the farm thereby leading to a high number of crop yield and a reduction of disease spread among plants.




hope it helps

The following is a student draft. It may contain errors.

(1) A nature lover and local politician in the area had been trying for three years to capture the moose on video. (2) He finally got footage of the moose crossing a river and walking through tall grass. (3) Wandering the southwest region of Sweden is a mysterious white moose. (4) While other moose are typically dark brown or black, this rare moose looks almost entirely white, with soft white velvet coating, even on its antlers. (5) Many believed that the moose's white coloring was a result of a condition called albinism. (6) This is a condition that causes the loss of pigment, or color in skin, hair, and fur. (7) It is now believed that moose with this white fur have a recessive gene that causes white fur with specks of brown. (8) While this condition is totally rare, these weird white moose continue to pop up across Europe. (9) Their population is increasing in Europe, as moose in this area face few natural predators. (10) In order to protect these ghostly creatures, hunters have chosen to avoid these animals, effectively protecting them, allowing the populations to grow. (11) These white moose have also been seen in various areas of Alaska and Canada but are most common in the vast forests of Sweden and Norway in Europe. (12) With the number of predators, such as bears and wolves, in North America, it is unlikely that the populations of white moose will increase too much. (13) The animals' white fur keep them from being able to camouflage themselves in the forest, making them easy prey.

How could sentence 11 be revised to convey the idea more precisely?
Found in the cold of Alaska and Canada too, these weird white moose are most common in the vast forests of Sweden and Norway in Europe.
These white moose have also been seen all over the state of Alaska and the country of Canada but are most common in Sweden and Norway.
These white moose have been seen in Alaska and Canada, but they are most common in Sweden and Norway, which are in Europe.
These moose, while most common in Sweden and Norway, have also been seen in Alaska and Canada.



D.    These moose, while most common in Sweden and Norway, have also been seen in Alaska and Canada.


How do the fisherman's actions contribute to the story?
They establish the setting of the story.
They reveal the narrator's inner thoughts.
They develop the story's main conflict.
They provide a satisfying ending to the story,


Answer:They reveal the narrators inner thoughts


Wheatley's use of hyperbole accentuates her respect for the king; Bradstreet's use of hyperbole shows how greatly the speaker values her husband's love each poet's use of figurative language contribute to the overall meaning of "To My Dear Loving Husband" and "To the King's Most Excellent Majesty"

Read the last act of the play and write a commentary . Be sure to include a short summary, in your own words, of the action. What are your thoughts on this fictionalized version of a event that actually happened in the early years of this country? Do you think, after reading this and the article in Common Lit. about the Salem Witchcraft trials that this is something that could happen again? Not ecessarily involving charges of witchcraft, but can you imagine a situation where citizens and neighbors accuse each other of crimes in order to get revenge or for another purpose? Finally, what are your thoughts on the people of Salem--their behavior, their belief in the girls' stories, etc.?



Rude mean that person need some help



Idrk thanks for the points tho



Can you help me plz ?


What grade are you in

Which two elements to find a story setting



time and location are two elements to find a story setting

i hope it will help you

please mark it as brainliest

and rate it


During the Harlem Renaissance, what did most artists express a
determination to do?
A. Ignore the rest of the world
B. Become famous
C. Overthrow the government
O D. Stand up to racism



D-Stand up to racism






How does the author communicate the theme from The Strangers That Came to Town?



Free Essay: In his short story, “The Strangers That Came to Town,” Ambrose Flack is ... At first, people would talk about Mrs. Duvitch and say rude things about her. ... What Is The Theme Of Freedom In The Strangers That Came To Town.


Which sentences contain prepositions? Check all that apply.

1. Lena bought a new table to put the sculpture on.
2. At what time is the performance scheduled to begin?
3. The committee includes three students and two teachers.
4. That is the house in which I grew up.
5. Jonathan looked under his desk for the lost keys.



1, 4, & 5


I'm not 100% sure, but it seems right to me. In number one, the word "to" is the preposition. In number 4, the word "in" is the preposition, and "under" is the preposition in 5.

Lena bought a new table to put the sculpture on, That is the house in which I grew up, Jonathan looked under his desk for the lost keys are the sentences contain prepositions. Hence, option A, D and E are correct.

What is prepositions?

To indicate direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object, a preposition is a word or set of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase. Prepositions include phrases like "in," "at," "on," "of," and "to."

A preposition is a term that demonstrates the connection between two words that are close by. Or to put it another way, a preposition connects two words to indicate their relationship. For instance: In the corner is the rat. (The adverb "in" demonstrates the connection between "the corner" and "the rat.")

When linking nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in a sentence, a preposition is a word or set of words that does this. Prepositions can be single words like in, at, on, or.

Thus, option A, D and E are correct.

For more information about prepositions, click here



please help me with this...





After reading CLOSE READER SELECTION Autobiography by Wilma Mankiller from Every Day is a New Day/ Essay by Susan Abbey “Community Hero: Chief Wilma Mankiller," Write a paragraph answering the following question
In what ways is Wilma Mankiller's autobiography account of her life different from Susannah Abbey's biography?
Compare and contrast the information presented in each text.


Wilma Mankiller was the first female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation. President Bill Clinton awarded her the Medal of Freedom in 1998. She revolutionized the largest Indianrun health care system in the country. She doubled annual tribal revenue and tripled tribal enrollment.

There way different

Answer: The autobiography are different from one another because Wilmas says that everyday you can change something and from that quote Susan Abbey a villager most likely wants to vote for Wilma to be chief and .One similarity is that both are talking about Wilma.    


Read and follow each set of directions.
Circle the beverage whose second letter comes alphabetically after the first.


1. water
2. milk
3. pop
4. fruit
5. juice

(i think that’s what you mean.)

Answer: fruit juice


The second letter in fruit is "r" and it comes alphabetically after the letter "f" which is the first.

The second letter in juice is "u" and it comes alphabetically after the letter "j" which is the first.


Write one paragraph to compare and contrast how the
two texts by Sonia Nazario present similar ideas but in
different genres. Include techniques used by Nazario in
each text that support her purpose.
(pleaseee help)


The inference shows that both the editorial and the biography support the author's purpose of drawing attention to the plight of refugees.

What is an inference?

An inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduced based on the information that's given in a literary work.

In thid case, the two literary works created emotions in the reader and empathy for the migrants even though the author used different approaches in each text. and figurative language.

Learn more about inference on:


Sonia Nazario demonstrates her ability as a writer by expertly presenting related topics in two distinct genres.

"Enrique's Journey," a nonfiction book by Nazario, details the gruelling journey taken by a young Honduran kid in search of his mother in the United States.

Nazario presents a moving tale that reveals the terrible realities of migration through painstaking research, first-person interviews, and a journalistic manner. Her Pulitzer Prize-winning feature story,

"The Leaning Tower," on the other hand, takes a shorter, more condensed method to highlight the situation of Los Angeles' poor children.

Thus, this can be the comparison of two texts by Sonia Nazario present similar ideas.

For more details regarding Sonia Nazario, visit:



please help ASAP will mark brainliest, 100 points



a Harlem night song


a harlem night song shows the character flirting and singing happily showing love and using words to express it,  while explaining the setting like so: Moon is shining. Night sky is blue

it's a beautiful poem.

i hope i helped, brainliest please, have a nice day :)


a harlem night song


Which quote from Dragonwings by Laurence Yep best shows that the owner of the broken down car would probably welcome Father's help in the future?

“Many demons called Tang men John because, they insisted, they never could get the hang of our real names.”
“He had hardly heard the demon until the demon tapped him on the shoulder. ‘You sabe me? Garage. Repair my Oldsmobile.’”
“The demon stopped and studied Father as you might look at a dog that had suddenly said he was going to the opera.”
He reached into a pocket of his waistcoat and took out a card, and handed it to Father with a flourish.



He reached into a pocket of his waistcoat and took out a card, and handed it to Father with a flourish.


The best quote “He reached into a pocket of his waistcoat and took out a card, and handed it to Father with a flourish” from Dragonwings by Laufuture Yep best shows that the owner of the broken down car would probably welcome Father's help in the future. Therefore, option D is the correct option.

What are Dragon Wings by Laufuture Yep?

Dragon Wings is a novel written by Lawrence Yep, which was published in 1975. This is a children’s novel with its main themes being cultural contentions, the value of dreams, and the significance of family.

Thus, the best quote is “He reached into a pocket of his waistcoat and took out a card, and handed it to Father with a flourish” from Dragonwings by Laufuture. Yep best shows that the owner of the broken-down car would probably welcome Father's help in the future. Therefore, option D is the correct option.

To learn more about Dragon Wings by Laufuture Yep, visit the link below:



The old man and the sea.Explain briefly what figurative language is, according to this lesson.


Persuasive I’m not sure I don’t think it’s right

1. Which of the following statements best describes a
central idea of the text?
O A Due to his bravery and intelligence,
Mandelbaum was able to rescue his family from
the Holocaust
OB Mandelbaum was spared from the Holocaust
because his friends provided him places to hide
throughout the war.
O C During the Holocaust, Mandelbaum had the
good fortune to escape the gas chamber because
he had experience as an electrician.
O D Mandelbaum was able to reunite his family,
decades after World War II had ended.



we need the story once you the story I'll answer. ok.


here's the answers babes

1. C

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. This shows how little the victims of the Holocaust knew and what little the were informed of. They did as they were told and had no knowledge of what was happening.

Who said this from the book Fahrenheit 451?
“Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against.”
A. Beatty
B. Faber
C. Montag



Beatty (Fahrenheit 451)

Why do story titles often come last?

A. The title is one of the least important aspects of the story.

B. The story and the title are not strongly connected with each other.

C. The editor, not the writer, is the one who usually chooses the title.

D. The writer needs to understand the story before deciding on a title.





Because if you read the title you will decide yourself that this story is not good but it is good

The correct option is D.

How does a story title function?

The title of a book, or any other published text or work of art, is a name for the work which is usually chosen by the author. A title can be used to identify the work, put it in context, to convey a minimal summary of its contents, and pique the reader's curiosity.

Why are titles of stories important?

The title of your manuscript is usually the first introduction readers have to your published work. Therefore, you must select a title that grabs attention, accurately describes the contents of your manuscript and makes people want to read further.

Learn more about the story title here https://brainly.com/question/2134855


Based on the context clues, the underlined word, ardent, most likely means?
2014 Glynlyon Inc. All riots


passionate is the correct answer

Answer: passionate


Help please please please be



i cant read it i'm sorry.


Please help find the context clue in this sentence for the word 'universal':
Jim wanted to ask Janet to the dance, but he felt it was a universally acknowledged truth that popular girls like her didn’t go with unpopular guys like him.



Answer: universally


Fingers crossed. It should be a synonym, so that's all I see.

The ghost of Hamlet’s father haunts him as do the ghosts of Europe that haunt Valery’s writing. It is safe to surmise that ghosts are a symbol of _____.






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