Why Juliet said “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell just as sweet.”


Answer 1


A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" is a popular reference to William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, in which Juliet seems to argue that it does not matter that Romeo is from her family's rival house of Montague, that is, that he is named "Montague".

Related Questions

In some ways "the wife of bath tale" is like a fairy tale and it teaches a moral. What elements of the story fit the characteristics of a fairy tale, and what is the point that the wife of bath wants to make?



Can't answer if we don't see the story :(


Attach story?

. After reading the story once, re-read it, this time examine Chopin's precise word choice early in the story, her use of veiled hints, and describe her ability to "fool" her casual reader. What's the irony in her dramatic ending?



The dramatic irony in the end is that the life of the protagonist's husband caused her death.


This question is about the short story "The Story of an Hour". At the beginning of the reading, we learned that the protagonist just received the news that her husband died. At that moment, we are led to believe, by the narration, that she is deeply sad, especially when the narration states that "She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance." However, we learned, throughout the story, that the character is very happy, because her husband's death means her freedom. She is so happy that she gets a big shock when she finds out that he is alive. This shock causes her to die shortly thereafter.

Parentheses are used to set off _____.
numbers or letters in a series of items
the main idea
incidental remarks


Parentheses are used to set off numbers to set off numbers or letters in a series of items.

THis Is Easy PLEASE HELP MULITPLE CHOICE I will give brainly 5 star and heart and follow

Read the passage and then answer the question that follows:

The least weasel is the world's smallest carnivore. Despite its size, it is surprisingly fierce. Its bravery and hunting skills are well documented. On several occasions, it has been known to kill prey up to ten times its own size. All things considered, it may just be the toughest predator on land.

In the passage about the least weasel, which transition is used to introduce an example? (5 points)

All things considered

Are well documented

On several occasions




Are well documented.

Explanation: the short story got a lot of resources and details/information. I may be in middle school but I’m pretty sure it’s this we learned about it.

Please help i need this done soon


The correct answer is Direct object


The grammatical function of direct objects is to complement the main action or verb by showing the object of this verb. Because of this, the direct object can be identified by using the question: what?. For example, in the sentence "Adam wrote Maria a beautiful note that expressed his unending love for her" the reader can ask "What did Adam write?" and the answer to this is "a beautiful note" which is the direct object of the sentence. Moreover, this differs from the indirect object because this is usually the person affected by the action, in this case, Maria.

Which of the following would not be a good clincher sentence for a compare and contrast essay that begins with the thesis below?

Side Note: This is really Writing but they didn't have a Writing option.


C bc you’d know all options


first answeris wrong it is the suv is the way to go


Are this anwers right


Answer:Cant see them


Which form of the word BEST fills in the blank in the sentence below?

I am getting ready for the race at school. We will start ________ at 10:00.





a,b,c, dont make sense

Answer: Running


Running is future tense. The person WILL start running *which means in the future

To Kill a mockingbird
Why does Jem make Scout leave in the middle of Tom’s testimony?




Mr. Dolphus Raymond reveals that he is drinking from a paper bag. He commiserates with Dill and offers him a drink in a paper bag. Dill slurps up some of the liquid and Scout warns him not to take much, but Dill reveals to her that the drink isn’t, it’s only Coca-Cola. Mr. Raymond tells the children that he pretends to be a drink to provide the other white people with an explanation for his lifestyle, when, in fact, he simply prefers black people to whites.

When Dill and Scout return to the courtroom, Atticus is making his closing remarks. He has finished going over the evidence and now makes a personal appeal to the jury. He points out that the prosecution has produced no medical evidence of the crime and has presented only the shaky testimony of two unreliable witnesses; moreover, the physical evidence suggests that Bob Ewell, not Tom Robinson, beat Mayella. He then offers his own version of events, describing how Mayella, lonely and unhappy, committed the unmentionable act of lusting after a black man and then concealed her shame by accusing him of ---- after being caught. Atticus begs the jury to avoid the state’s assumption that all black people are criminals and to deliver justice by freeing Tom Robinson. As soon as Atticus finishes, Calpurnia comes into the courtroom.


Brainliest please? It would really help me out.

How is alliteration helpful to understanding the theme of a text?



Alliteration is helpful to understand the theme of the text by creating a mood or tone of a poem or piece of prose.

Facts: For example, repetition of the “s” sound often suggests a snake-like quality, implying slyness and danger. The repetitive sounds in alliteration work with other elements like meter and word choice to create the desired mood or tone.


Anyone have an app called fetch rewards and want a free 2,000 points ?
For those of you who don’t know $20 no cap the way to get this is download the app. Type in my code and since u have a “friend” it gives you and only you $20. It’s Christmas and well everyone want $20 this is not fake. My code is 4AEU2 you can no get your $20 without my code. Then after you type my code scan a shopping receipt from the last 14 day not later and u get your points! Happy holidays and I hope u spend you money on something cool.


4AEU2 u can’t get your money without this







5. Examine line 16. Identify the sound device used and explain how it affects the ending of the stanza.


The poem has both internal and end rhymes. The 1st and the last stanzas have an end rhyme scheme ABCBDEGE. The subsequent 13 stanzas have an end rhyme as couplets: AABB. However, each verse has an internal rhyme in its first half: “McGee” – “Tennessee”; “home” – “roam”; “cold” – “gold”, etc. This rhyme scheme contributes to the regularity of rhythm.

Alliteration: “marge of Lake Lebarge”; “cursèd cold”; “foul or fair”; “hurried, horror-driven”. In the first example, the alliteration makes us aware of the sound of water on the lake. In the “cursèd cold“ example, we can almost feel the gnashing of the Sam’s teeth as he talks in a freezing weather.

Assonance: “God only knows” – contributes to the sense of destiny. The “o” vowel intensifies the feeling of fatality. “In the long, long night, by the lone firelight” – the repeated vowel “o” signifies the prolonged loneliness that seems to have no end. Assonance is also present in the internal rhyme of every verse (“McGee – Tennessee”, “home” – “roam”, “Day” – “way”).

Consonance: “blooms and blows” – in relation to the cotton, the “s” consonant, at the end of these verbs, indicates the sound of nurturing wind, as well as the continuity of the cotton’s growing. “I’d often sing to the hateful thing” – the repetition of the consonants “ng” add to the eery atmosphere.

Hyperbole: “he wore a smile you could see a mile” – Sam’s smile is so earnest and joyous because he has survived the deadly cold. In a way, he survived and conquered death, thanks to his friend’s commitment. This hyperbole also adds to the feeling of the subject’s relief, after much turmoil. “Secret tales that would make your blood run cold” – scary or creepy tales; it also associates the coldness which is one of the main motifs in the poem.

Understatement: “It wasn’t much fun” – the statement which follows the description of harsh weather and coldness. It is as if the poet tries to relax, reflecting on the tough conditions of their journey. Obviously, he also wants to point out that he himself didn’t have such a hard time coping with the coldness as Sam did.

Imagery: “through the parka’s fold it stabbed like a driven nail” – this is a simile and imagery at the same time. It depicts the sensory experience of facing the cold and failing to protect oneself from it. The coldness is pervasive and lethal. This use of imagery goes beyond mere description. “the huskies, round in a ring, howled out their woes” – not only can we see the huskies in the place, but we can also hear their desperate voices.

Personification: “the stars o’erhead were dancing heel and toe” – everything is so calm and dark that only the stars seem to dance with light. The dancing stars also symbolize the gold diggers’ lingering hope which gives them strength to go on. They appear once more, towards the end of the poem. “the homeless snows” – even the snows seem dispossessed in that dreadful night.

End rhyme: There are end rhymes all through the poem (“blows” – “knows”, “spell” – “hell”, “trail” – “nail”). The rhythm of the poem, with its long heptameters, is slow and narrative. The end rhymes improve the rhythm’s consistency. The story is very dramatic, has sudden twists and turns, but it is still a story about a long voyage through cold darkness.

Repetition: “And that very night, as we laid packed tight… And the dogs were fed…” Also: “And the heavens scowled, and the huskies howled, and the wind began to blow” – emphasizes the intensity of the drama and accelerates the dynamics of the heptameters, which, as lines with 7 stressed syllables, are quite narrative in character.

Metaphor: “quiet clay” – clay is what was left of Sam when he seemingly died. He is like clay because he is immobile and silent, and he is heavy to drag. It also relates to the mythological story that man was made of clay. However, in this context, it adds to the grotesque and effects of this macabre scene where the subject drags his friend who has turned into a grinning “hateful thing”.

Simile: “the land of gold seemed to hold him like a spell” – the land of gold enchants him so much that he can’t help but go there, as if it were his destiny. This simile is all the more effective when we consider the fact that the land of gold almost killed Sam. It is detrimental to his physical well-being, unlike his homeland Tennessee.

Which character from Through the Looking Glass could appear in realistic fiction as well as fantasy fiction? O Dinah the cat O Tiger-lily the White Queen the Jabberwock



A. Dinah the cat


Got it right on my assignment.




Dinah is just a cat and can easilly blend in

please help me kind humans!



1=2nd one down,  2=3rd one down, 3=1st one down 4=4th one down


I learned about this last yr ;) Hope this helps!!! :)


first person is number 2

objective is number 3

third person omniscient is number4

third person limited is number 1


The Crucible: Act IV

How have the townspeople been affected by the last several month of court proceedings?


The town is starting to doubt the ruling the town has been ravaged by death and hangings.

what is an adjective



describes or modifies a noun or pronoun.

i need help pls! ill award brainliest!​



answer is a trust me ......

it’s a not sure but try it

Which of these sentences is written in the past tense? Micah is wishing for a puppy for his birthday. Micah wishes he would get a puppy for his birthday. Micah wished for a puppy for his birthday. Micah will wish for a puppy for his birthday.



The sentence that is written in the past tense is:

C. Micah wished for a puppy for his birthday.


Let's take a look at each sentence and find the correct one through elimination:

A. Micah is wishing for a puppy for his birthday. - This option is in the present continuous tense, which is formed by the present form of to be and the main verb ending in -ing.

B. Micah wishes he would get a puppy for his birthday. - This option is in the simple present. The -es ending the verb shows it is conjugated for the third person he/she/it.

C. Micah wished for a puppy for his birthday. - This is the correct option. The -ed ending the verb is sign that it is in its past form, and that it is a regular verb. Regular verbs in the past can end in -d, -ed, or -ied, depending on how the verb stem ends.

D. Micah will wish for a puppy for his birthday. - This option is in the simple future, recognizable by the use of the auxiliary "will".

dude go do another question if having trouble or do another thing OR GET HELP\

ps (i would do help)


Hmmm, Thanks for the points tho

Please please help please please please anyone please help me





Obama repeats the words "We gather here" to explain the reasons why they are gathering.

What is the main idea of the text why do people follow the crowd?



Where is the text?


Answer:   People lead the crowd to follow each other because they have the fear of being wrong or being left out, which can lead to peril.  People follow the crowd because they tend to do that, doubt them self when everyone else has their own opinion. Also our brains get confused between what it sees and what others tell us.

Hope this helped!

Effective communication consists of only two skills: speaking and listening.
OA. True
OB. False



OB. False


Speaking and listening is not the only thing communication is about. One must be able to understand, respect the others opinion, etc.

Does anyone know what cartoons, songs or movies that uses social commentary?



The movie "Avatar" uses social commentary and some songs from the 1960s made by American Folk also were social commentaries.


I don't. Sorry.................

Write an equation for the sentence.
A pizza with 15 slices is shared equally among n students. Each student gets 3 slices.


15 ÷ 3
Hope this helps

The organization of paragraph 2 on page 63 (“In Boston…”) contributes to the author’s main idea by---



The organization of paragraph 2 on page 63 (“In Boston…”) contributes to the author's main idea by


HURRY - 20 points - from edgunity - I might mark brainliest :)
Which theme is found in the tale of "Aunty Misery?”

Death may not seem friendly, but he should be treated kindly.
Helping others may be hard, but is worth the sacrifice.
If Death comes to the door, ask him to climb a pear tree.
Children will not learn unless they are disciplined consistently.


Helping others may not be hard, but is worth the sacrifice




right on edge quiz....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

describe the farm where marta and her mother live esperanza rising




please help i will mark brainleist




De- means to get rid of or something.

Identify the subject of the following sentence: Four men enjoyed a friendly 1 point
game of cards. *





Four men enjoyed a friendly one-point game of cards.

adj   subject  verb      adj       adj  direct object  possessive

What is the definition of distribution?


The action of sharing something out among a group


-the act or process of distributing

-the act or process of apportioning by a court the personal property of an intestate

-the position, arrangement, or frequency of occurrence (as of the members of a group) over an area or throughout a space or unit of time

-the natural geographic range of an organism

It depends on how the word is used, but you can pick which ever one fits.

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