why people love to work in fine dining restaurant​


Answer 1


You may have to opportunity to meet a famous person.

You get pay a very fine paycheck. The typical pay being well depending on your place in the restaurant.

And that's not all! According to Delaget you can have the following:

For many employees, a better basic benefits package is even more attractive than free snacks. Starbucks, for example, offers medical, dental, and vision insurance, a 401k retirement plan, and paid time off—the “basics” we talked about earlier—but they also offer expanded benefits, like paid parental leave (including benefits for adoption, surrogacy, and fertility treatment), commuter expenses (such as transit passes), and 100% tuition reimbursement towards a bachelor’s degree. Starbucks even offers gender-affirming coverage as part of its medical package, including procedures that are traditionally considered cosmetic—a policy that is virtually nonexistent at any other employer, restaurant or otherwise, and which has made jobs at Starbucks extremely appealing for transgender people.


I hope this helps you!

*I don't own the article and i'm not sponsored or affiliated with Delaget.

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In 500 words decribe fluently the imagery in the peom Grey day at waterval farm by lionel murcott​


ure expecting strangers to write an essay for u?

What is the most likely outcome of a novel changing medium?

A. Technology would be implemented to make the story more modern.
B. Details, such as the way characters are dressed, might be fleshed out.
C. Flaws in the novel might become more obvious to the original audience.
D. The genre would also change, helping the story reach a new audience.​



D. The genre would also change, helping the story reach a new audience.​


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in 24 years ok not good question

No one saw me change into passive voice​


is there a more specific question?

The main idea of a text..
A. is not always directly stated in the text
B. is always stated in the first paragraph
C. usually appears in the conclusion
D. is found in the body of a text



A) Is not always directly stated.


Sometimes the main idea is implied instead of directly stated. You can also get the main idea from the Theme which is stated at the end of the first paragraph.

I think the answer is A

Which word in the passage is most repeated, thus hinting that it’s part of the central idea?


Answer:Context ?



how is somebody suppose to answer that ....what passage ?


in see shiii

Hey I need help I need to find English statements that are meaningful for example
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The Sun is yellow and orange?

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Choosing a roommate is more difficult than they might think. People have different attitudes about sharing a living space. These attitudes are often based on our notions of​ cleanliness, ownership, and personal space. Some folks​ don't mind lots of clutter scattered around the house. Others​ can't stand that idea. Even doing dishes can be a point of contention. One roommate might see nothing wrong with placing dirty dishes in the sink and leaving those there all night. To someone​ else, which might seem disgusting. A person might feel that anything in the shared living space belongs to everyone that lives there. Another resident might feel that she property is herself alone and not available for use by other roommates. Having quiet time to study is easy to arrange when students live alone.​ But, when he or she have​ roommates, they may find it difficult to control hers environment. One student might want to have some friends over for cards or a sports game which was on television. Another might need quiet to study for an exam. The solution to all of those challenges lies not in locating a perfect copy of you.​ Instead, the key is to live with people who are willing and able to negotiate the rules of the living space for everyone living there.





Yes, perfect copy of yours is not the solution of this problem, the solution is to find someone that understand the rules as well as follow the rules which are negotiated with him at the start of sharing the room. Different types of people can live with each other if they respect one others opinions and understand each other otherwise it is difficult to live in the same room. If they give space to one another and know their attitudes so they experience no difficulty in living with one another.

help! how does Flannery O’Connor use literary techniques to influence characterization?


Answer:In “A Good Man is Hard to Find” Flannery O’Connor uses literary techniques such as conflicts, foreshadowing, imagery, simile, and irony to create eccentric characters and a twisted plot. She is never direct and spins her conversations into long detailed stories.


Review the script Mona used for her presentation about the solar system.

Mars is one of the planets in the solar system. It is near Earth, and there are some robotic machines exploring Mars. There might be life on the Red Planet.

Other planets include Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Uranus, and Neptune. Earth is a planet too, and it is the third planet from the Sun. The sun is in the middle of the solar system which is part of the Milky Way which is a galaxy in the universe.Planets go orbiting around the sun in circles, and orbit means go around.Is there life on other planets? We don’t know, but there probably is.

Which of the following suggestions might help Mona to improve her presentation?
A I think you should choose a different subject; this one is too hard.
B I don’t really understand what you’re saying; you should make it clearer.
C You should make it better by adding more information to it.
D Try organizing your presentation spatially, using a map of the solar system.


Answer:the answer is c


Answer: You should make it better by adding more information to it.

Elenita, witch woman, wipes the table with a rag because Ernie who is feeding the baby spilled Kool-Aid. She says: Take that crazy baby out of here and drink your Kool-Aid in the living room. Can't you see I'm busy? Ernie takes the baby into the living room where Bugs Bunny is on TV.
Good lucky you didn't come yesterday, she says. The planets were all mixed up yesterday.
Her TV is color and big and all her pretty furniture made out of red fur like the teddy bears they give away in carnivals. She has them covered with plastic. I think this is on account of the baby.
Yes, it's a good thing, I say.
But we stay in the kitchen because this is where she works. The top of the refrigerator busy with holy candles, some lit, some not, red and green and blue, a plaster saint and a dusty Palm Sunday cross, and a picture of the voodoo hand taped to the wall.
Get the water, she says.
I go to the sink and pick the only clean glass there, a beer mug that says the beer that made Milwaukee famous, and fill it up with hot water from the tap, then put the glass of water on the center of the table, the way she taught me.
Look in it, do you see anything?
But all I see are bubbles.
You see anybody's face?
Nope, just bubbles, I say.
That's okay, and she makes the sign of the cross over the water three times and then begins to cut the cards.
They're not like ordinary playing cards, these cards. They're strange, with blond men on horses and crazy baseball bats with thorns. Golden goblets, sad-looking women dressed in old-fashioned dresses, and roses that cry.
There is a good Bugs Bunny cartoon on TV. I know, I saw it before and recognize the music and wish I could go sit on the plastic couch with Ernie and the baby, but now my fortune begins. My whole life on that kitchen table: past, present, future. Then she takes my hand and looks into my palm. Closes it. Closes her eyes too.
Do you feel it, feel the cold?
Yes, I lie, but only a little.
Good, she says, los espíritus are here. And begins.
This card, the one with the dark man on a dark horse, this means jealousy, and this one, sorrow.
Here a pillar of bees and this a mattress of luxury. You will go to a wedding soon and did you lose an anchor of arms, yes, an anchor of arms? It's clear that's what that means.
What about a house, I say, because that's what I came for.
Ah, yes, a home in the heart. I see a home in the heart.
Is that it?
That's what I see, she says, then gets up because the kids are fighting. Elenita gets up to hit and then hug them. She really does love them, only sometimes they are rude.
She comes back and can tell I'm disappointed. She's a witch woman and knows many things. If you got a headache, rub a cold egg across your face. Need to forget an old romance? Take a chicken's foot, tie it with red string, spin it over your head three times, then burn it. Bad spirits keeping you awake?
Sleep next to a holy candle for seven days, then on the eighth day, spit. And lots of other stuff. Only now she can tell I'm sad.
Baby, I'll look again if you want me to. And she looks again into the cards, palm, water, and says uh-huh.
A home in the heart, I was right.
Only I don't get it.
A new house, a house made of heart. I'll light a candle for you.
All this for five dollars I give her.
Thank you and goodbye and be careful of the evil eye. Come back again on a Thursday when the stars are stronger. And may the Virgin bless you. And shuts the door.

How would you annotate this?
Figurative Language


I think you should annotate this in figurative language

1) You should keep the milk in the refrigerator_____________ it doesn’t go bad.


The answer is: so that

You should keep the milk on the refrigerator “so that” it doesn’t go bad.

Answer: no


Could someone check this for me



Yes these are also correct. Good job.^_^

Which of the following words were added to the English language due to Christianity entering Britain?

A. Candle
B. Sky
C. Topic
D. Earth


One word that was added to the English Language due to the presence of Christianity in  Britain was: A. Candle.

The origin of the word Candle is Latin.  In Latin, candle means candēla, which is from candēre, meaning "to shine," "to glisten," or "to become white."

The old English spelled Candle as "Candel."  Other English words that derived their origin from Christianity's entrance into Britain include: abbot, altar, apostle, clerk, mass, minister, monk, nun, pope, priest, and school.

Thus, Candle became an English word because Christianity was brought to Britain.

Learn more about another English word that originated from Latin because of the presence of Christianity in Britain here: https://brainly.com/question/11969298

Drag each label to the correct location on the image.
Identify whether each element of an argumentative text belongs in the introduction, body paragraphs, or conclusion
restated claim
counter claim
brief summary of main points
context for argument



introduction: claim & context for argument.

body: counter claim & evidence, commentary.

conclusion: restated claim & brief summary of main points.

Explanation: Correct on Edmentum ⚡️


intro: thesis, context for argument

body: counter,evidence,commentary

con: summary, restated thesis


After the creature tells Frankenstein his tale and requests he makes him a companion creature:_________
a. Frankenstein is eager to start the task as he is confident immediately that this is the solution to both his and the creature’s suffering.
b. Frankenstein is unsure. He is moved by the creature’s story, but every time he looks at him, he is again moved by disgust and distrust, and questions the creature several times before agreeing.
c. Frankenstein tells the creature he must think on the matter further and promises to meet him again in the same location in two weeks’ time with an answer.
d. Frankenstein outright refuses. He and the creature argue at great length about prospect and still Frankenstein cannot be convinced. It is not until the creature threatens to kidnap Elizabeth that Frankenstein complies.


Answer: B. Frankenstein is unsure. He is moved by the creature’s story, but every time he looks at him, he is again moved by disgust and distrust, and questions the creature several times before agreeing.


When the creature tells Frankenstein his tale and requests he makes him a companion creature, Frankenstein is unsure as he is moved by the creature’s story, but every time he looks at him, he is again moved by disgust and distrust, and questions the creature several times before agreeing.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

rearrange the jumbled sentences into a perfect sentence .

2.1 cultural/ of the/ anticipated/carnival/ festival/hornbill/ most/ is/Nagaland/ the​



The Hornbill festival is the most anticipated cultural carnival of Nagaland.


Based on the excerpt, the conclusion that “personal mood seems to affect honesty" is best supported by which of the
following statements?
O Relaxing summer and fall holidays generally cause payment rates to drop.
O Stressful fall and winter holidays generally cause payment rates to drop.
O Relaxing summer and fall holidays generally cause theft rates to increase.
Stressful fall and winter holidays generally cause theft rates to remain steady.


The excerpt this question refers to can be found online. Since it is too long, I will not add it here. It belongs to the book "Freakonomics," by Levitt and Dubner.


The conclusion concerning mood and honesty is best supported by the statement that follows:

B. Stressful fall and winter holidays generally cause payment rates to drop.


In the excerpt, we are told about a man who leaves a basket with bagels at different companies for employees to buy. He does not stay there to sell the bagels; he simply trusts people's honesty when it comes to money.

It turns out that people pay higher rates when they are in a good mood. However, after stressful holidays or when the weather is not that good, people tend to pay lower rates, and even the number of bagels stolen (not paid for) increases.  In other words, mood and honesty are connected.




i just took test

how do you correct series in a sentence​


Items in a series occur whenever a sentence includes a list of two or more things.The items can be of any part of a grammatical unit:nouns,verbs,participles etc

a period of one thousand years​


hope it helps :)
please mark brainliest!!!




a period of 1000 years

Wat is an objective?



The answer is:


The word 'Objective' means 'One word Answers' or answer that are no longer than one or two words..

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

A discussion or answer that has more then one word

i first(meet)my best friend three years ago





i first met my best friend three years ago

We can actually deduce here that the correct sentence will become: I first met my best friend three years ago.

What is correct sentence?

A correct sentence is actually known as the sentence that is correctly written and which have all the grammatical functions correct.

We can see here that "meet" is the word that should be changed into "met". This is because the sentence itself is in the past so the verb should be in past tense.

Learn more about correct sentence on https://brainly.com/question/16726894


Paraphrase what Okita's poem says about the topic of American Identity.



The main idea of Okita's poems is that cultural heritage and physical appearances do not determine what it means to be an American. Orika expresses more about how people can experience the culture.

Change the following sentences from active to passive voice: a) I eat oranges every morning. b) The girl hit the three balls. c) The cat drank Ada's milk. d) Mother slapped the maid. e) Stacy beat the boy last night. f) our dog, Bingo, bit the stranger last night. g) Three hefty men carried the heavy box. h) Daniel wove my sister's hair yesterday.​


a. Every morning, oranges are eaten by me.
b. The three balls were hit by the girl.
c. Ada’s milk was drank by the cat.
d. The maid was slapped by Mother.
e. Last night, the boy was beaten by Stacy.
f. The stranger was bit by our dog, Bingo, last night.
g. The heavy box was carried by three hefty men.
h. My sister’s hair was worn by Daniel yesterday.

Hope it helps <33

Read each the sentence carefully. If a comma is needed, rewrite (type) the sentence and add
the comma in the correct spot. If the sentence is correct, write correct.

They packed their bags loaded the van and set out for the campsite.


They packed their bags , loaded the van and set out for the campsite.


Listed in the Item Bank are key terms and expressions, each of which is associated with one of the columns. Some terms may display additional information when you click on them. Drag and drop each item into the correct column. Order does not matter.


select a topic: human cloning or avian flu pandemic

construct inquiry questions: neither too broad or too narrow

access resources: search engine, proquest

organize information: mandatory minimum sentences or capital punishment

Ways that fans can use their social media effectively to support their idols. Short essay.




A fan could possibaly use their social media to support their idols by boosting their content. They could do this by reposting or sharing their favorit idolos or influencers post with other people. They could also spread positive words about the person by posting their own content on their persinal feed or they can leave kind and insperational words on the influencers post.

Part 1: Write mathematical equations of sinusoids.
1. The following sinusoid is plotted below. Complete the following steps to model the curve using the cosine function.

a) What is the phase shift, c, of this curve? (2 points)
b) What is the vertical shift, d, of this curve? (2 points)
c) What is the amplitude, a, of this curve? (2 points)
d) What is the period and the frequency factor, b, of this curve? (2 points
e) Write an equation using the cosine function that models this data set. (5 points)

2. The following points are a minimum and a maximum of a sinusoid. Complete the following steps to
model the curve using the sine function.
(4.5, 2), (1.5, 22)

Jeenu here nok nok koi h​



What is the phase shift, c, of this curve? (2 points)

b) What is the vertical shift, d, of this curve? (2 points)

c) What is the amplitude, a, of this curve? (2 points)

d) What is the period and the frequency factor, b, of this curve? (2 points

e) Write an equation using the cosine function that models this data set. (5 points)

2. The following points are a minimum and a maximum of a sinusoid. Complete the following steps to

model the curve using the sine function.

Can someone help me with these?



A rust colored weed patch in a meadow

10 sentences about post box ​



Post Office Is Used to Send and Receive Letters.

India Post Operates All Post Offices in India.

India Post Headquarters Is Located in New Delhi.

India Post Was Established in 1854.

Every Post Office Has Its Own Pin.

There Is a Post Box Outside the Post Office.

The Color of the Post Box Is Red.

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