why should we change worn out tyres​


Answer 1


Your vehicle's tires work hard every time you go on the road. As they age, they become more and more worn down, especially if you use the same set of tires year round. As a result, your tires will need to be replaced. ... If you are driving on a dirt road, or one that is worn, chances are you will feel vibrations.

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What is Plancks Constant? Need it ASAP



The Planck constant, or Planck's constant, is a fundamental physical constant denoted h, and is of fundamental importance in quantum mechanics. A photon's energy is equal to its frequency multiplied by the Planck constant. Due to mass–energy equivalence, the Planck constant also relates mass to frequency.


Planck postulated that the energy of light is proportional to the frequency, and the constant that relates them is known as Planck's constant (h). His work led to Albert Einstein determining that light exists in discrete quanta of energy, or photons.

E = hf

[tex] \sf \: h = 6.626 \times {10}^{ - 34} \: kg \: {m}^{2} {s}^{ - 1} [/tex]

Microwaves operate at a frequency of 2.40 GHz. Find the minimum thickness for a plastic tray with a refractive
index of 1.45 that will cause enhanced reflection of microwaves incident normal to the tray.



y (lambda) = c / f     incident wavelength

y = 3 * E8 / 2.4 * E9 = .125 m    incident wavelength

y' = .125 / 1.45 = .0862 m    wavelength inside of tray

T = y' / 4     thickness required for phase change at bottom

T = .0862 m / 4 = .0261 m = 2.61 cm

Does the scalar addition obey ordinary addition rules?



In scalar addition we have to do only the sum of magnitude as we know that the scalar quantities don't have direction.

since it is the scalar quantity the direction will be same for all the magnitudes.


In scalar addition we have to do only the sum of magnitude as we know that the scalar quantities don't have direction...

since it is the scalar quantity the direction will be same for all the magnitudes.

on the other hand if it was a vector addition then it should be with two different directions which are considerable show the resultant vector needs to be calculated by vector addition method.

The needle in the following diagram rotates around a fixed point in the middle. Based on the information given, what way will the needle rotate when the current is applied?



nods 40th anniversary rid off e 49en9 snns

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This isn't a question... Next time please ask a question.


Which one of the following explains how light energy helps us see all kinds of objects around us?

a flashlight shining light on a book

Light is absorbed by the objects and does not reach our eyes.
The objects emit light that enters our eyes.
Light reflects off the objects and enters our eyes.
Light travels in a straight line until it enters our eyes.



light reflects off the objects and enter our eyes

A tightrope walker is walking between two buildings holding a pole with length L=14.0 m, and mass mp=17.5 kg. The daredevil grips the pole with each hand a distance d=0.595 m from the center of the pole. A bird of mass mb=560 g lands on the very end of the left‑hand side of the pole. Assuming the daredevil applies upward forces with the left and right hands in a direction perpendicular to the pole, what magnitude of force Fleft and Fright must the left and right hand exert to counteract the torque of the bird?



F = 32.28 N


For this exercise we must use the rotational equilibrium relation

          Σ τ = 0

In the initial configuration it is in equilibrium, for which all the torque and forces are compensated. By the time the payment lands on the bar, we assume that the counter-clockwise turns are positive.

          W_bird  L / 2 - F_left 0.595 - F_right 0.595 = 0

we assume that the magnitude of the forces applied by the hands is the same

          F_left = F_right = F

          W_bird L / 2 - 2 F 0.595 = 0

          F = [tex]\frac{m_{bird} \ g L} { 4 \ 0.595}[/tex]


we calculate

         F = 0.560 9.8 14.0 /2.38

         F = 32.28 N

a car of mass 500 kg travelling with a speed of 54km/hr is brought to rest over a distance of 40 m. find the acceleration and force applied on brakes​




[tex]a=\frac{v_f-v_0}{t}[/tex] We don't yet need the mass of the car, as we can see by this equation. What we do need is the velocity of the car, the initial velocity, in meters per second, and right now it's in km/hr. Not good. We need to convert. The conversion is as follows:

[tex]54\frac{km}{hr}*\frac{1000m}{1km}*\frac{1hr}{3600s}=15\frac{m}{s}[/tex] Ok, that's good. Now we have everything we need but the time element. If the car traveled a distance of 40 meters at 15 m/s, then we can use the d = rt equation to solve for t, and when we find t we plug it into the acceleration equation:

40 = 15t and

t = 2.7 seconds. The car traveled for 2.7 seconds to go that 40 meters. That's the only reason we were given the displacement. We need it for nothing else but that.

Filling in the acceleration equation now:

[tex]a=\frac{0-15}{2.7}=-5.6\frac{m}{s^2}[/tex] and the negative indicates we are in fact slowing down. That's the answer for the acceleration portion of the problem; now we need the force, F, applied to the brakes.

F = ma where m is mass (we get to use that value now!) and a is -5.6 m/s/s.

F = 500(-5.6) and

F = -2800 N and the negative here means that the force of the brakes is acting against the motion of the car: the brakes are pulling the car "backwards" to stop while the car's motion is forward. The negative indicates the direction the force is being applied.

why is the fuse used in a circuit called safety fuse?



The maximum current which can flow through a fuse without melting it, is called its rating. ... If current higher than 8 A flows through the fuse, it would melt and circuit gets broken. ... Hence, fuse acts as a safety device


The guy above me is right


why can't we measure temperature or build thermometer if there is no zeroth law? thanks



The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics states that if two bodies are each in ... to heat, there will be no transfer of heat from one to the other.

what is velocity give its SI unit​



Velocity is the speed of something given in a direction. the SI unit of velocity is metre per second or m/s.

Imagine that you are using a similar computer simulation to conduct an experiment on ph value of different liquid hand soap solutions and water. What is a potential source for error in such a computer model?

Please help!!


The computer model would rely on the labeled pH values of various hand soap brands however the labled pH value might not be entirely accurate, which could comprise the accuracy of the computer model.

Inaccuracies in the simulation's underlying chemistry model could be a potential source of mistake in an experiment involving the pH values of several liquid hand soap solutions and water.

The outcomes could differ from actual behavior if the model does not adequately represent the intricate chemical interactions that control pH fluctuations. Furthermore, because they might not exactly match the varied properties of real hand soap solutions, the simulation's assumptions and parameters could introduce bias. Disparities between simulation results and empirical findings may also result from inadequate consideration of temperature impacts and ambient factors. To reduce such possible mistakes, careful simulation validation against empirical data and chemistry model modification are required.

To know more about empirical data, here



Convert 400 mm to m using the method of dimensional analysis



To convert 400 mm to m you can apply the formula [m] = [mm] / 1000; use 400 for mm. Thus, the conversion 400 mm m is the result of dividing 400 by 1000. 0.4


Una carga q1 = - 45 µC esta colocada a 30 mm a la izquierda de una carga q2 = 25 µC . ¿Cuál es la fuerza resultante sobre una carga de q3 = 20 µC localizada exactamente 50 mm arriba de la carga de 25µC ?



La fuerza resultante sobre q₃ es  -1.2245 × 10⁻¹⁵ i  + -0.24 × 10⁻¹⁵ j

La magnitud de la fuerza resultante sobre q₃ es aproximadamente 1.25 × 10⁻¹⁵ N


q₁ = -45 μC = -45 × 10⁻⁶ C

r₁₂ = 30 mm = 30 × 10⁻³ m

q₂ = 25 μC = 25 × 10⁻⁶ C

r₂₃ = 50 mm = 50 × 10⁻³ m

q₃ = 20 μC = 20 × 10⁻⁶ C

k = 9×10⁻⁹ N·m²/C²

Por lo tanto;

r₁₃ = √(50² + 30²) = 10·√(34)

F₁₂ = 9×10⁻⁹ × (-45 × 10⁻⁶)×(25 × 10⁻⁶)/(30 × 10⁻³)² = -1.125 × 10⁻¹⁴

F₁₂ = -1.125 × 10⁻¹⁴ N

F₂₃ = 9×10⁻⁹ × (20 × 10⁻⁶)×(25 × 10⁻⁶)/(50 × 10⁻³)² = 1.8 × 10⁻¹⁵ j

F₁₃ = 9×10⁻⁹ × (-45 × 10⁻⁶)×(20 × 10⁻⁶)/(10·√34 × 10⁻³)² = -2.38× 10⁻¹⁵

Los componentes de F₁₃ son;

-2,38 × 10⁻¹⁵ × cos (arctan (30/50)) = -2,04 × 10⁻¹⁵ j

-2,38 × 10⁻¹⁵ × sin (arctan (30/50)) = -1,2245 × 10⁻¹⁵ i

La fuerza resultante sobre la carga q₃, [tex]\left | \underset {F_3} \rightarrow \right |[/tex] = [tex]\underset{F_{13}}{\rightarrow}[/tex] + [tex]\underset{F_{23}}{\rightarrow}[/tex]

∴ [tex]\left | \underset {F_3} \rightarrow \right |[/tex] = 1.8 × 10⁻¹⁵ j + -1.2245 × 10⁻¹⁵ i + -2.04 × 10⁻¹⁵ j

La fuerza resultante sobre q₃ es [tex]\left | \underset {F_3} \rightarrow \right |[/tex]  = -1.2245 × 10⁻¹⁵ i  + -0.24 × 10⁻¹⁵ j

La magnitud de la fuerza resultante sobre q₃,

[tex]\left | F_3 \right |[/tex] = √((-1.2245 × 10⁻¹⁵)² + (-0.24 × 10⁻¹⁵)²) ≈ 1.25 × 10⁻¹⁵

La magnitud de la fuerza resultante sobre q₃, [tex]\left | F_3 \right |[/tex] ≈ 1.25 × 10⁻¹⁵ N.

I shared a picture of the problem. It’s a basic Physics question and an Algebra question.


Hence the expression of ω in terms of m and k is

[tex]\omega = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}[/tex]

Given the expressions;

[tex]T_s = 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{m}{k} } \ and \ T_s = \frac{2 \pi}{\omega}[/tex]

Equating both expressions we will have;

[tex]2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{m}{k} } = \frac{2 \pi}{\omega}[/tex]

Divide both equations by 2π

[tex]\frac{2 \pi\sqrt{\frac{m}{2 \pi} } }{2 \pi}=\frac{\frac{2 \pi}{\omega} }{2\pi}\\\sqrt{\frac{m}{2 \pi} } = \frac{1}{\omega}\\[/tex]

Square both sides

[tex](\sqrt{\frac{m}{k} } )^2 = (\frac{1}{\omega} )^2\\\frac{m}{k} = \frac{1}{\omega ^2} \\\omega ^2 = \frac{k}{m}[/tex]

Take the square root of both sides

[tex]\sqrt{\omega ^2} =\sqrt{\frac{k}{m} } \\\omega = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}[/tex]

Hence the expression of ω in terms of m and k is

[tex]\omega = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}[/tex]

Learn more about subject of the formula here: https://brainly.com/question/19557491

A long distance runner running a 5km track is pacing himself by running 4.5km/h at 9km/h and the rest at 12.5km/h9


Complete Question:

A long distance runner running a 5.0km track is pacing himself by running 4.5km at 9.0km/hr and the rest at 12.5km/hr. What is the average speed?​


Average speed = 9.7333 km/h


Let the total distance be divided into A and B.

Given the following data;

Total distance = 5 kmDistance A = 4.5 kmSpeed A = 9.5 km/hrSpeed B = 12.5 km/hr

To find the average speed;

First of all, we would determine the time taken to cover distance A in speed A by using the formula;

[tex] Time \ A = \frac {Distance \; A}{Speed \; A} [/tex]

Substituting the values into the formula, we have;

[tex] Time \ A = \frac {4.5}{9.5} [/tex]

Time A = 0.4737 hours

Total distance = distance A + distance B

5 = 4.5 + distance B

Distance B = 5 - 4.5

Distance B = 0.5 Km

Next, we would determine the time to cover distance B in speed B;

[tex] Time \ B = \frac {0.5}{12.5} [/tex]

Time A = 0.04 hours

Total time = time A + time B

Total time = 0.4737 + 0.04

Total time = 0.5137 hours

Now, we would solve for the average speed;

Mathematically, the average speed of an object is given by the formula;

[tex] Average \; speed = \frac {total \; distance}{total \; time} [/tex]

[tex] Average \; speed = \frac {5}{0.5137} [/tex]

Average speed = 9.7333 km/h

Name the type of relationship between current and potential difference for a resistor at constant temperature. [


The current flowing through a resistor at a constant temperature is directly proportional to the potential difference across it. This is called Ohm's law

in order for the average velocity to be different from the avergae speed, what has to be true of the object's motion?





Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity.

Acceleration = (Change in velocity) / time taken

Acceleration = (Final velocity - initial velocity) / time

As the object velocity changes by the same amount in each second, it means the acceleration is constant.

Is this correct? (the option is marked)​



sorry I don't understand this language

derive an expression for resistivity of conductor of length l and area of cross section A​



Resistivity R = K * L / A    where resistivity is constant for material, L the length of the material and A the area of the material

K = R * A / L     where R is the resistance of the material

Plz Help me thank uuu...
Which of these is a likely impact of the stronger than normal trade winds on the eastern Pacific ocean?

Warm surface water builds up, causing lower than average temperature.
Warm surface water builds up, causing higher than average temperature.
Warm surface water is reduced, causing colder conditions than normal.
Warm surface water is reduced, causing hotter conditions than normal.



Jet stream would be displaced southwards causing heavy rain and flooding.


The other options of the question were A) Jet stream would be displaced northwards causing drought. B) Jet stream would be displaced southwards causing drought. D) Jet stream would be displaced northwards causing heavy rain and flooding,

The statement that is a likely impact of stronger than normal trade winds in the Pacific Northwest to the United States is "Jet stream would be displaced southwards causing heavy rain and flooding."

We are talking about climate or weather terminology. In this case, we are referring to the "El Niño" (the Children) effect. Its presence affects the weather in North America. This phenomenon combines with the "La Niña) effect and it presents itself every two to seven years, ad they last from 8 to 12 months, affecting the weather conditions of the region.


jet stream should be displaced southwards which causes heavy rainfall and flood.

A 6.0 kg mass is placed on a 20º incline which has a coefficient of friction of 0.15. What is the acceleration of the mass down the incline? show all work please​




The form of Newton's 2nd Law that we use for this is:

F - f = ma where F is the Force pulling the mass down the ramp forward, f is the friction trying to keep it from moving forward, m is the mass and a is the acceleration (and our unknown).

We know mass and we can find f, but we don't have F. But we can solve for that by rewriting our main equation to reflect F:

[tex]wsin\theta-\mu F_n=ma[/tex] That's everything we need.

w is weight: 6.0(9.8). Filling in:

6.0(9.8)sin20 - .15(6.0)(9.8) = 6.0a and

2.0 × 10¹ - 8.8 = 6.0a and

11 = 6.0a so

a = 1.8 m/s/s

From the description of the question, the acceleration is 1.95 ms-2.

What is friction?

The term friction is defined a the force that seeks to prevent the movement of a surface on another.

Now we know that;

ma =mgsinθ -  ukmgcosθ

ma =( 6 * 9.8 * sin 20) - ( 0.15 * 6 * 9.8 * cos 20)

a =  ( 6 * 9.8 * sin 20) - ( 0.15 * 6 * 9.8 * cos 20) /6

a = 20 - 8.29/6

a = 1.95 ms-2

Learn more about acceleration: https://brainly.com/question/14356798

A red car has a head-on collision with an approaching blue car with the same magnitude of momentum. A green car driving with the same momentum as the other cars collides with an enormously massive wall. Which of the three cars will experience the greatest impulse


All three cars experience the same impulse.

Impulse is equal to change in momentum.

Each car starts with the same amount of momentum and ends up with zero, so the magnitudes of all three changes are equal.

Logam P dan Q sejenis. Logam P yang memiliki panjang 1 meter dipanaskan hingga mengalami kenaikan suhu 12ºC, akibatnya logam bertambah panjang 0,2 cm. Logam Q juga dipanaskan hingga mengalami kenaikan suhu 10°C dan panjangnya bertambah 0,1 cm. Tentukanlah panjang mula-mula logam Q!​



I don't know ???


Electricity flows from
positive to positive
negative to positive
negative to negative
positive to negative



is it from positive to negative am I right tell me if I am wrong


positive to negative

The flow of electric current is similar to the flow of water which is from higher level to lower level.

The electric current flow from higher potential region(positive* low concentration of electron) to lower potential region(negative*high concentration of electron)

Which statement best describes the arrangement of electrons in an atom of fluorine (F)?

(1 point) giving brainliest for sure

There are two electrons in the first energy level and seven electrons in the second energy level.

There are two electrons in the first energy level and five electrons in the second energy level.

There are five electrons in the first energy level and two electrons in the second energy level.

There are seven electrons in the first energy level and two electrons in the second energy level.


Flourine is an element which has 9 electrons. The first energy level can only hold upto 2 electrons so therefore two electrons of the fluorine element will be in the first orbital.

In the second orbital there will be seven electrons. The configuration will be as 1s2, 2s2 , 2p5 .

The first orbital has capacity of two electrons and then the remaining two electrons will be in higher second energy level.

The further 5 electrons will be in lower second energy level which is denoted by p.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24373325


#1. 5

#2.They have valence electrons in the same energy level.

#3. Helium atoms have 2 valence electrons, while atoms of the other elements in the group all have 8 valence electrons.

#4. cesium (Cs)

#5.  There are two electrons in the first energy level and seven electrons in the second energy level.


Q- Wheel of a running vehicle has which energy?
(a) Vibrational Kinetic energy
(b) Translational Kinetic energy
(c) Rotational Kinetic energy
(d) All of the above​



Rotational kinetic energy


It is caused by circular motion.

How can a simulation study be used to learn about a planet we have never visited?
In a simulation study you imitate some conditions and characteristics of the real planet. The simulation can be used as a substitute for real data collected on the planet.
Simulation studies can be used for planets we have already visited.
In a simulation study you imitate as many conditions and characteristics as possible of the real thing, in this case the planet you have not visited. By simulating as many conditions as possible you can visualize what the planet might be like and learn things about it without actually visiting it.
Simulation studies cannot be used to learn about a planet we have never visited because we do not know anything about the planet.


Hi! I think the answer is C. as we have never visited the planet we can’t be 100% sure but we can have an idea of what the planet might me like. With experimenting with the simulation it can help you get an understanding or an idea of what the planet might be like exactly like option C. I hope this helped Goodluck :)

A simulation study that is used to learn about a planet by simulating as many conditions as possible, you can visualize what the planet might be like and learn things about it without actually visiting it. The correct option is c.

What is simulation?

A simulation is a method of simulating a process or change in the actual world to forecast future events or to explain past events and their causes. These days, simulations are frequently carried out using computers. Scientists use simulations to find answers and to test complicated systems.

A fire drill is used in this instance to get everyone ready for an impending event. In fire drills, the fire alarm is sounded even when there isn't actually a fire.

Therefore, the correct option is c.

To learn more about simulation, refer to the link:



Ag,Au and Cu are called coinage metals why plzzzz hurry its urgent plzzz​



This is because these metals are used for minting (making) coins.


It is bcz it is used for making coins

Those of you who have recently finished high school physics-did you struggle? If you did, where did you most struggle in? Was it the tests? Or a specific topic?
Thank you!



I'm over halfway through it so don't have a complete answer but i think you just need to keep ontop of everything and write down all the key equations on flashcards or something and aim to learn them at the beginning of each topic. i found the longer questions hard so recommend practising those


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