Why the Government of Iran is considered a theocracy
(A) It has no constitution
(b) It is run by a religious leader
(C) It is run by a dictator
(D) It recognizes only one religion.​


Answer 1
B. It maintains religious laws and has religious courts to interpret all aspects of law.
Answer 2


it is run by a religious leader

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Ethical relativism implies that a. there are inherent better and worse choices. b. ethical judgments are independent of anything else. c. ethical judgments are dependent upon culture or some other factor. d. there is a clear, if small, set of universal human values.


The correct answer is C. Ethical judgments are dependent upon culture or some other factor.


Ethical relativism is a social theory that states that there are no universal or absolute rules regarding the morals of society. Therefore, it is established that the ethical action of an individual depends on the society to which he belongs. For example, some modern cultures consider the death of animals in the food and scientific industries as unethical acts, while in other societies this is acceptable. According to the above, it can be inferred that the correct answer is C.

What is your utopian vision for optimal mental health for the Black community? How can mental health care and advocacy help achieve social justice for communities of color? ESSAY STYLE


The black community has been a constant victim of racism, prejudice, violence and lack of social, economic and political resources. These factors have generated psychological pressure and fear that have harmed members of this community in a gradual way, not only socially, but psychologically as well.

The social problems that afflict African American society have harmed their mental health. Directly, we can state that a utopian way to solve these problems and allow improvements in the mental health of these people would be the total and definitive extermination of racism and prejudice in American society. This is because racism and prejudice are the main sources of the problems that black people go through and that affect their mental health.

Thus, a society where blacks are free, have all their rights guaranteed and are treated equally, without being judged by their skin color, would be an ideal society, where even white people would be favored.

For that to happen, a long way must be traveled, as racism is something deeply rooted in modern society, but that must be fought by everyone every day.

People differ in the extent to which they observe, regulate, and control the public appearance of self to fit the clues and/or requirements of the situation. This is called



Social cognitive theory


Social learning theory

This is simply place recognition or emphasis on learning by observation of other individual.

Social cognitive theory

This theory simply looks at the various ways humans use to learn from paying attention or observing others and thereafter gain control over their own behavior.

Learning according to social cognitive definition is stated as the Alterations or change in mental structures of an indir that creates the capacity to for that individual to display different behaviors.

General Principles that underlie social cognitive theory

1. Humans do learn by observing others' behaviors and also the consequences that result

2. Learning can occur without a change in behavior.

3. Cognition plays a vital roles in learning.

4. People can have considerable control over their actions and environments.

What are the regions behind improper utilization of water reasons?
on nepal



What are the regions behind improper utilization of water reasons?

on nepal

Which civilization was known for building "mystic mountains" - or pyramids - to connect with their gods at sites such as Chichen Itza?
A. Maya
B. Olmec
C. Inca
D. Aztec


The answer is A maya

Imagine you offer a new toy to baby Luca, who is sitting unsupported. In order to achieve his goal of getting the toy, he must adapt to the situation and hold himself steady while he reaches for the toy or he will fall over. His ability to improvise is related to what psychological theory



Dynamic systems theory


Dynamical systems theory

This theory was known to be proposed in the 1980s by Peter Kugler, Scott Kelso and Michael Turvey.

This consist of a lot of systems working together to change or influence human movement task. example of systems in the body includes; nerves hormones, muscles, skeleton etc. This theory attempts to account for all the possible factors that may be operating a given moment in man. It depends on not only that which is going on inside a child's mind but also consider the environmental factors. Whatever a child does is going to be the product of both environment and history. The components involved do not has causal priority.

Assumptions under this theory

1. Development is non-linear

2. Children are complex systems

3. The only constant is change (individuality)

The ability of baby Luca to improvise is related to the psychological theory - the dynamic system theory.

The dynamic system theory helps in understand and predict phenomena in various complex systems that are self-organizing as they regularly evolving, reorganizing, and advancing over time.

This change and progression take place from the interaction of different sub-systems in a system such as body of babies, tasks, and the environment.In psychology, this theory is used to explains the ability of babies to improvise and adapt to the situation.In such cases, babies learn to walk or hold a toy only if the maturation of the nervous system is able to control certain muscles of the body including the hand and legs.growth of the muscles, enough to support their weight during movement also related.

Thus, the correct answer is - the dynamic system theory:

Learn more about the dynamic system theory:


1. How many branches are involved in creating laws?



three branches


3 branches. legislative, executive and judicial.

During digestion, water is both added and removed. Which area of the digestive system removes wate


The large intestine's main job is to remove water from the undigested matter and form solid waste (poop) to be excreted. The large intestine has three parts: The cecum (pronounced: SEE-kum) is the beginning of the large intestine.

IV. Based on your review of primary and secondary sources, develop a research question related to the historical event you selected. In other words, what would you like to know more about?


sjsbs ahjaevs sjakw. se

On September 13, 1848, a railroad worker named Phineas Gage suffereda tragic accident in which a 3 foot metal rod entered Gage's skull, damaging the frontal lobe of his brain. Miraculously, Gage survived.Though he survived, Gage's personality dramatically changed. In contrast to his disposition pre-accident, the post-accident Gage became irritable, angry, and unfit for company - so much that his friends and acquaintances said he was "no longer Gage".According to a doctor's report:"Gage was fitful, irreverent, indulging at times in the grossest profanity (which was not previously his custom), manifesting but little deference for his fellows, impatient of restraint or advice when it conflicts with his desires, at times pertinaciously obstinate, yet capricious and vacillating, devising many plans of future operations, which are no sooner arranged than they are abandoned in turn for others appearing more feasible. A child in his intellectual capacity and manifestations, he has the animal passions of a strong man. Previous to his injury, although untrained in the schools, he possessed a well-balanced mind, and was looked upon by those who knew him as a shrewd, smart businessman, very energetic and persistent in executing all his plans of operation. In this regard his mind was radically changed, so decidedly that his friends and acquaintances said he was 'no longer Gage'."Discuss whether Gage post-accident the same person in the numerical sense (see Rachels reading for contrast between "qualitative" and "numerical" identity) as Gage pre-accident?





Phineas Gage's numerical identity pre accident and post accident are different. Numerical identity is identity that is one and the same. In other words, it is the identity of one person because it requires absolute qualitative identity, not just a few shared attributes as opposed to qualitative identity. However, this is not the case with Phineas Gage as his numerical identity before the accident wasn't the same with his numerical identity after the accident. He changed and became erratic and gross, uncalculated, impatient, a contrasting difference from his pre accident personality.

Note: Qualitative identity is identity that compares or notes one identity that has something in common with another identity.


Part 2: Application and critical thinking (20 points)

7) Select a supreme court case that has been particularly important in protecting civil liberties in the United States. In a three paragraph essay, describe the case and the ruling, then explain how the case demonstrates why it is important that the supreme court is:.

1. Protected from the political or public pressure (since justices are appointed rather than elected and serve lifetime terms).

2. Able to change its interpretations of the law over time.


brown vs board of ed

1. went against much of the sentiment in usa. much of the voting public wanted segregation in schools but since supreme court is appointed they were able to decide segregation is wrong

2. brown vs board went against its own ruling years earlier that segregation is ok under "separate but equal" unde plessy vs ferguson

One Supreme Court case is brown vs board of education. This case went against much of the sentiment in the USA.

What is the brown vs board of ed case and why is it important?

The brown vs board of education went against much of the sentiment in the USA. Much of the voting public wanted segregation in schools but since the supreme court was appointed they were able to decide segregation is wrong. The brown vs board went against its ruling years earlier that segregation Is ok under "separate but equal" under Fergusons.

This case is considered a milestone in American civil rights history and among the most important rulings in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court. The case, and the efforts to undermine the Court's decision, brought greater awareness to the racial inequalities that African Americans faced.

The case also galvanized civil rights activists and increased efforts to end institutionalized racism throughout American society.

Learn more about case, here:



Explain the roles of bureaucratic leaders in the processing stage of the system theory



At each level of a bureaucratic members are beholden bpth to their immeditate superiors and to a larger ecosystem of rules and procedures

The situation in America today is much like that of ancient Rome before its fall, in that the U.S. is controlled by a small group of self-serving individuals. It is inevitable that within 50 years America will suffer the same fate as Rome. In the essence of critical thinking, provide three examples that makes this statement a credible argument.



1. The rise in capitalism have established monopolies in all sectors of the market which have given birth to a certain kind of classism.

2. Just like in Rome, the minorities in America are facing racism and discrimination. This could be a big disadvantage for america as a large of number of people are not even feeling safe.

3. Just like in Rome, Leaders in America are not able to control the foreign influence on the economy due to their personal benefits.

tolerance of culture



Tolerance is the values of material the digital answer


That is the truth answer

what is reiss sexual permissiveness scale



A new four-item version of the widely used Reiss Premarital Sexual Permissiveness (PSP) Scale is described and analyzed. The purpose of our research was to see if this much quicker to answer format will equal the high scaling attributes of the earlier and longer versions. Samples of students from the United States (N = 217) and Sweden (N = 186) were administered the short form. The analysis and data are presented and compared with the results of the original, longer versions of the scale. Results indicated that the four-item version met all Guttman scale requirements. Comparisons among scales indicated that criteria measurement scores were higher for the four-item version than they were for Reiss's earlier versions. The ways in which the new scale may be used are discussed, including the possible use of only one or two items from this new format as a quick and accurate attitudinal assessment of premarital sexual permissiveness.

I’m not sure if this’ll help, let me know if it does!! ^-^

Question 2 of 5
Which statement best completes the diagram?
People begin to live in
permanent settlements.
A. Humans learn to grow crops.
O B. The first written languages are created.
O C. Rivers around the world start to flood.
O D. People begin using clay to make pottery,



the answer is A because when people learned how to grow crops they can make agriculture

Spiritual warfare takes place both in heaven and on earth. Because believers have victory in Christ in heaven, they should and can have victory on this earth. So, Paul exhorts believers in Ephesians to prepare for spiritual battle on this earth.
a. true
b. false


Answer: a. True


Christians believe that the real enemy is the devil, his demons and their human allies (witches and wizards) and that the only way to fight them is in the spirit which is a realm that normal humans cannot see that is located both in heaven and on earth.

Paul in the book of Ephesians, exhorts believers to remain vigilant and prepare for this ongoing war by putting on the armor of God such as the Sword of Truth (the Bible) and the Breastplate of Righteousness.

Why does time seem to flow only in one direction?​



because of the Earth's gravity force


Because of Winds'direction


Have you ever dreamt about mounting the fish that you caught and hung on your wall? In this case, taxidermy shops would help you to own high-quality mounted fish. However, the price varies for each fish’s size and species. So, let’s read to the end of our post and find out how much does it cost to mount fish.



at the product of 8 and 9 =age

In recent years, especially around big cities, there is the problem of air pollution and the likelihood of poisoning is high. Given this scenario, do you think that air is free resource?​





Because humans and human activity is polluting the air, destroying planet earth. But this is not the only thing.

As an old student association secretary,Briefly draft a notice and an agenda of your upcoming maiden meeting purposely to welcome freshers on campus .



'We warm welcome to all new comers and freshers to our campus''


Theme of the draft is ''We warm welcome to all new comers and freshers to our campus'' whereas the agenda of maiden meeting is to welcome freshers on campus ​and give them a welcome party. In this meeting, the senior students discussed about the menu and the money needed for organized the welcome party for the freshers. The old students also discussed to prevent extreme raging with the fresher in order to maintain good environment in the campus.

t. The concept of tracking/ detracking ?
l. about segregation in schools.



who knows hsbsjahgshabcahdnsb hsja bsb s veg ajsv hshsjsnshgeh

PLEASE HELP !! Which of the following is true about juvenile institutions?

A. They saw deviance as inherent to the individual.
B. They were inferior to adult institutions.
C. They trained the unproductive or poor who seemed to threaten society.
D. Placement in a similar environment meant better chances of a positive impact on the youth


The correct option about juvenile institutions is that they trained the unproductive or poor who seemed to threaten society.

What is a juvenile institution?

Juvenile institution are facilities, created or reserved people especially youths, who have committed serious offenses.

It is to be noted that the main purpose of Juvenile justice system is basically rehabilitation rather than punishment.

Learn more about juvenile institution here: https://brainly.com/question/20494304


What was the purpose of court ceremonies such as the levée?



To keep nobles under the control of the king


Which positions did Britain’s prime minister support at the Paris Peace Conference? Check all that apply.



He wanted to preserve Britain’s trading relationship with Germany.

He advocated for Germany’s armed forces to be dismantled.

He felt Germany should be broken up into two smaller countries.

He supported forcing Germany to return the Alsace-Lorraine to France.

He sought to create a secret alliance with Germany to ensure future peace.

He believed treating Germany harshly would lead to future conflicts.


what is the difference between intermarriage and interracial marriage​



Intermarriage is to marry somebody of a different race or from a different country or a different religious beliefs while interracial marriage is to marry marriage between the skin color

Intermarriage is marriage between people of different races, castes, or religions. It can also be marriage between close relations.

Interracial marriage is a form of marriage involving spouses who belong to different races or racialized ethnicities.

Examine TWO benefits of social support for a person living with a lifestyle



feeling better mentally – regular exercise can lift your mood and help you feel better.

saving money – eating junk food, smoking, and drinking sugary drinks or alcohol are all expensive habits.


A biological anthropologist who uses her osteological expertise to analyze the skeletal materials found at an archaeological dig in France is practicing what type of anthropology



Skeletal Biology and Human Osteology


The branch of biological anthropology being studied by the scientist in France is Skeletal Biology and Human Osteology. This involves the analysis and study of the skeleton and its fragment. This is done in order to determine which species bears the skeletal remains.

A biological or physical anthropologist is a scientist who studies the evolution of the human species through fossil evidence available and the comparison of such pieces of evidence with other primates that had existed at the time period being traced. There are subfields of Biological Anthropology and they include; Paleopathology, Human biology, Paleoanthropology, Primatology, Forensic Anthropology, and Skeletal Biology and Human Osteology.

Which term is applied to the ability to control the actions of others?





In a democracy, each minority has a right to
a determine public policy.
b, criticize the majority
C be heard
D both b and c


The awnser is d both b and c
The answer should be D both b and c
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