Why the north won the civil war. What were the advantages of both of the north and the south


Answer 1


The North had geographic advantages, too. It had more farms than the South to provide food for troops. Its land contained most of the country's iron, coal, copper, and gold. The North controlled the seas, and its 21,000 miles of railroad track allowed troops and supplies to be transported wherever they were needed.


Related Questions

Why did the Italians and Germans support Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War? A. They wanted to spread communism throughout the rest of Europe. B. They wanted to develop new equipment and strategies to use in future wars C. They admired Franco for his democratic values and wanted him to come into office O D. They despised monarchies and wanted the Spanish king to fall. su​





took the test

Italians and Germans supported Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil war because they wanted to develop new equipment and strategies to use in future wars. The correct option is b.

What is the Spanish Civil War?

The Spanish Civil War was a civil war in Spain fought from 1936 to 1939 between the Republicans and the Nationalists.

Republicans were loyal to the left-leaning Popular Front government of the Second Spanish Republic, and consisted of various socialist, communist, separatist, anarchist, and republican parties, some of which had opposed the government in the pre-war period. The opposing Nationalists were an alliance of Falangists, monarchists, conservatives, and traditionalists led by a military junta among whom General Francisco Franco quickly achieved a preponderant role.

Due to the international political climate at the time, the war had many facets and was variously viewed as class struggle, a religious struggle, a struggle between dictatorship and republican democracy, between revolution and counterrevolution, and between fascism and communism.

Learn more about war, here:



Quitting brainly!! Peace out



good bye & good luck !!! tysm for the points

Main Idea or Topic: Document 1. The caption for this cartoon reads as follows: “The duty of the hour—to save her not only from Spain but from a worse fate.” Add a second sentence that makes clear the meaning of this first one.




is that call of duty? well ima just answer

Which amendment do you think had the most significant historical impact? Why?



The 13th Amendment is perhaps the most important amendment in American history. Ratified in 1865, it was the first of three "Reconstruction amendments" that were adopted immediately following the Civil War

what is the setting of the story? all quiet on the western front


Answer: almost entirely in and around the battlefield of the war



World War I


Welp, all of them are about World War I

Why did herbert hoover cause the great depression.



World War I created a demand on Iowa farmers to produce more, even when their sons and hired help were being drafted into the army. The government appealed to farmers’ patriotism and pocketbooks. “Food Will Win the War” posters went up everywhere. Even more important, the federal government guaranteed high prices on corn, wheat and livestock. Iowa farmers responded enthusiastically, increasing their herds, putting more acres under cultivation and investing in new equipment and facilities. And production did increase rapidly. So did the price of land.

That production capacity did not go away when the war ended in 1918. Farmers continued to produce record outputs. European fields were again coming under cultivation after the war and those countries needed to buy less from the United States. American agriculture surpluses began to build up. In May 1920, the federal government stopped guaranteeing high prices, and suddenly prices for farm goods plunged. Land prices did also, and those who had speculated in rising land values were caught unable to pay off their loans. Many rural banks that had financed those loans went bankrupt, and the Midwest began a decade of hard times. Farmers continued to produce surpluses and prices sank even lower. For Iowa, the Depression did not start in 1929 when the stock market crashed. It only got worse.

Herbert Hoover Faces National Crisis

Iowa-born Herbert Hoover was elected president in 1928 as a Republican. He had a distinguished career as a mining engineer and achieved international fame and respect in leading efforts to feed starving Europeans, especially children, after the war. In 1921, he started an eight-year career as Secretary of Commerce under Presidents Harding and Coolidge. Soon after assuming office, Hoover faced a national crisis. Almost half of American families engaged in agriculture at the time. When they did not have the money to purchase manufactured items, factories couldn’t sell their products and they laid off workers. This created a downward spiral because unemployed workers could not buy products either. The trouble spread across the entire economy.

In October 1929, the value of stocks on the New York Stock Exchange started a sudden downward slide that touched off panic among investors. As in land prices earlier, there had been speculation in stocks that exceeded the companies’ capacity to produce. Banks and financial institutions that had loaned money began to fail, and credit necessary to keep the economy moving became hard to acquire.

Through Hoover’s presidency, the situation was bleak and many blamed the president. Up to one-third of the work force was unemployed. More and more families were homeless, and many young people took to the road in the desperate hope of finding work. In Iowa, farm families had the advantage of large gardens and homegrown livestock but struggled to find the cash to pay their taxes and necessary purchases. City families struggled. Before this period, welfare programs were very limited and taking government assistance was seen by many as a disgrace.

Some farmers threatened with the loss of their farms and homes became desperate. Farmers in eastern Iowa opposed a state law requiring their dairy cattle to be tested for tuberculosis. They formed gangs to threaten veterinarians doing the testing. The governor had to provide special protection for the vets. In western Iowa, farmers were so angry with a judge who refused to promise not to hear cases of farm foreclosure that they dragged him out of the courtroom into the country and threatened to lynch him. They did not carry through but the governor had to call out the National Guard to restore order. Would the country collapse into chaos?


The american colonization society was established in the early nineteenth century with the goal of.



 transporting free Black people from the United States to settle on the west coast of Africa.

What variations were there between the roles of women of various ethnic backgrounds in the 1920s



Significant changes for women took place in politics, the home, the workplace, and in education. ... When passed in 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment gave women the right to vote. Surprisingly, some women didn't want the vote. A widespread attitude was that women's roles and men's roles did not overlap.

hope that helps


what seafood was served at the first thanksgiving feast



Seafood is a rare sight on a modern Thanksgiving table, but the colonists most likely had fish, eel, and shellfish, such as lobster and mussels, at their feast.

Explanation: Hope this helps leave me a like and rating I appreciate it all ; )

What would happen to the dome ecosystem without bacteria an fungi



The Earth's ecosystem may not support life and dead material(s) would overwhelm the earth.

Organic fertilizers would be loaded in an ecosystem without fungus. Fungi are incredibly significant organisms that have a major impact on ecosystems.

What is a fungus?

Fungi consume decaying organic matter since they are decomposers. Certain fungi, especially those that affect plant species, can also be parasitic. They are in charge of taking nitrogen out of decomposing organic waste and either storing it or releasing it for consumption by living things.

Decomposers in the ecosystem would probably have to be replaced by bacteria. Due to the absence of parasitic fungi, some plants would grow more higher and longer.

Decomposer species like bacteria and fungi break down the remains of animals and plants, and plants will flourish in the soil that contains these decomposers.

Learn more about  fungi, here:



Ancient Egypt was a river valley civilization. true or false​



Ancient Egypt was is exactly as it was originally portrayed. As a hot dessert with barely any rain. There wouldn't likely have been a lot of rivers back then due to the lack of rainfall or your typical water source.

Hope this helps and have a nice day.

-Kaikai Kitan




Ancient Egypt started out as towns along the Nile River. It would later divide into two civilizations, the Upper and Lower kingdom, before Menes, pharaoh of lower Egypt, would unite the two different kingdoms. But back to the point: The Egyptians needed the rich silt the Nile gave from flooding and the water the Nile had for transport, drinking water, and crops, as everywhere else was desert. So yes, Ancient Egypt was centered around the Nile, was on the Nile, and as such, it was a river valley civilization.

european nations began to search for new overseas colonies after 1880 to:



obtain raw materials for their industries and open new markets for their products

A paragraph summary about industrialization



The Industrial Revolution transformed economies that had been based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system. New machines, new power sources, and new ways of organizing work made existing industries more productive and efficient.


hope this helps

Describe two important details about industrialization in Europe in the 19th century.



Textiles were the leading industry of the Industrial Revolution, and mechanized factories, powered by a central water wheel or steam engine, were the new workplace.


hope this helps


It began in Britain.

The first modern factory was a water-powered cotton spinning mill.


4. Explain the difference between de jure segregation and de facto segregation.



De facto (i.e. by fact) segregation is the practice of racial discrimination which is not mandated by the government. In contrast, de jure (i.e. by law) segregation is racial segregation enforced by law. The Jim Crow laws are an example of segregation made lawful.


What did the Virginia Company do to keep tobacco farmers from leaving?​



didn't they offer them a deal


Should santa be arrested for breaking and entering millions of times


I believe so but that would be an insane chase

Which of the following did not lead to the high death tolls of World War I?

A Trench Warfare

B. Alliances Between European Nations

C. Technological Advancement in Weapons

D. Outdated Military Tactics


Answer: B) Alliances between European Nations

Shorten this and put it in your own words

Around the year 133 BC, Rome was set up as a democracy. Later the Roman people were sovereign. Even the system of voting was weighted to give more influence to the votes of the wealthy. By 14 AD, when the first emperor Augustus died, popular elections had all but disappeared. This was nothing short of a revolution, brought about through a century of constant civil strife, and sometimes open warfare. Many Romans themselves put the key turning point in 133 BC. The course of events is clear enough.In the process, he deposed from office another tribune who opposed the distribution and argued that his reforms should be funded from the money that came from the new Roman imperial province of Asia. Gracchus's land bill was passed. Gracchus's motivation is much less clear. Whatever his motives were, his career crystallised many of the main issues that were to underlie the revolutionary politics of the next hundred years.The consequences of Rome's growing empire were crucial. Tiberius's decision to use the revenues of Asia for his land distribution was a provocative claim - that the poor as well as the rich should enjoy the fruits of Rome's conquests. But Tiberius's desire to stand for a second tribunate also raised questions of personal political dominance. This became an increasingly urgent issue as leading men in the first century BC, such as Julius Caesar, were sometimes given vast power to deal with the military threats facing Rome from overseas - and then proved unwilling to lay down that power when they returned to civilian life. The events of 133 BC were followed by a series of intensifying crises. At the end of the century Gaius Marius, a stunningly successful soldier, defeated enemies in Africa, Gaul and finally in Italy, when Rome's allies in Italy rebelled against her.He held the highest office of state, the consulship, no fewer than seven times, an unprecedented level of long-term dominance of the political process. Marius then came into violent conflict with Lucius Cornelius Sulla, another Roman warlord, who after victories in the east actually marched on Rome in 82 BC and established himself 'dictator'.This had been an ancient Roman office designed to give a leading politician short terms powers in an emergency.Unlike Julius Caesar, however, who was to become dictator 40 years later, Sulla retired from the office and died in his bed.The middle years of the first century BC were marked by violence in the city, and fighting between gangs supporting rival politicians and political programmes.The two protagonists were Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus ('Pompey the Great', as he was called, after Alexander the Great) and Julius Caesar.Caesar promoted radical policies in the spirit of Tiberius Gracchus; Pompey had the support of the traditionalists.Historians in both the ancient and modern world have devoted enormous energy to tracking the precise stages by which these two men came head-to-head in civil war. But the fact is that, given the power each had accrued and their entrenched opposition, war between them was almost inevitable. Not much 'liberty' was to follow. Instead there was another decade of civil war as Caesar's supporters first of all battled it out with his assassins, and when they had been finished off, fought among themselves.


We need summary

By 133BC Rome has become a democracy but that was handled by wealthy peopleOn 14 AD,king Augustus diedThen Graccus the motivator became less popularRoman ruler dictated him on 82AD.Unlike Julius Caesar a king pompous had the support of traditionalists.But the liberty was not given much.Civil war ended up everything

Why did the Democratic Party lose the Presidential election of 1896?

How did the Populist Party change the Democratic Party?


Answer:The party

Explanat im

Explain how eugenics caused the Holocausts



A significant number of Nazi persecutory policies stemmed from theories of racial hygiene, or eugenics. Such theories were prevalent among the international scientific community in the first decades of the twentieth century. The term “eugenics” (from the Greek for “good birth or stock”) was coined in 1883 by the English naturalist Sir Francis Galton. The term's German counterpart, “racial hygiene” (Rosenhagen), was first employed by German economist Alfred Ploetz in 1895. At the core of the movement’s belief system was the principle that human heredity was fixed and immutable.  



Based on the map on page 321, why does it make 'sense' that Britain (the
United Kingdom) had the strongest navy in the world at the time of World War I?


cuz they very strong

the term ""rock ‘n’ roll"" was created by __________.


Answer: Alan Freed.

Explanation: The term “rock 'n' roll” was created by a Cleveland Radio DJ named Alan Freed in 1951. He worked for a major radio station during the time when popular radio stations were known to only play music by famous white artists to satisfy their white audience members or listeners. Which is when he came up with the phrase.

When did china develop iron.





The Iron Age began in China during the Zhou Dynasty's reign around 600 BC, however, earlier dynasties like the Shang first used iron during the Bronze Age derived from meteors called meteoric iron.

How can you connect Washington with the academic vocabulary term ""precedent""?



How does precedent relate to Washington?

Washington believed that the precedents he set must make the presidency powerful enough to function effectively in the national government, but at the same time these practices could not show any tendency toward monarchy or dictatorship. Washington also set precedents for the social life of the president.

Washington believed that the precedents he set must make the presidency powerful enough to function effectively in the national government, but at the same time these practices could not show any tendency toward monarchy or dictatorship. ... Washington also set precedents for the social life of the president

What did planters and miners want from the Native Americans?



With a lack of Native American workers, they, too, needed another source of labor. Plantation owners in both North and South America wanted a cheap workforce.

How did the hundred yearsâ war between england and france contribute to the end of feudalism? quizzez.



The Impact of the Hundred Years' War The Hundred Years' War contributed to the decline of feudalism by helping to shift power from feudal lords to monarchs and to common people. During the struggle, monarchs on both sides had collected taxes and raised large professional armies.

Summarize the arguments for and against U.S. imperial expansion during the second half of the nineteenth century.



 Perhaps the greatest argument for imperial expansion during this time was that it would allow the United States to control more resources, while the argument against was that the US was "overreaching" and would become politically unstable.

Example: hope it works :) sorry if its wrong.

How did exploration strengthen the kings of Europe?


We’re they should put colony’s to get the bed natural resources

Using the documents, analyze ways in which Black people sought their freedoms in the Atlantic World during the period 1550 to 1800. Identify one additional type of document and explain how it would help your analysis. Prompt.


Blacks sought their freedom in different ways during colonial America. The most popular were:

Slipping awayForming their autonomous communitiesFighting for their rights

During the colonial era, large groups of Africans were brought to America to be enslaved on the plantations of large estates. Faced with this situation, the Africans sought different solutions such as:

Escape: Many of them managed to escape while being transported or fleeing from the estates where they were enslaved, once they escaped they went to little-explored places to avoid being captured again and physically punished.

Forming autonomous communities: In South America the Africans who managed to escape formed communities interned in the jungle, establishing forms of government and society according to their customs

Fighting for their rights: In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, slavery was a subject of controversy because there were people who opposed this practice. Therefore, many African slaves sought help to demand their rights and fight for them by forming movements.

Note: This question is incomplete because the documents are missing. However I can answer it based on my general prior knowledge.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/782305

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