Why was the last Han Emperor considered. Emperor Xiandi, not considered a strong Emperor?

What is the answer


Answer 1

Answer: I'm not really sure either but most chinese emperors according to tv aren't strong because they can be easily manipulated by other officals and also care more about their wives and concubines rather than managing the land.


Related Questions

1. Towns can be classified on the basis of
they perform​


Geographers have classified towns on the basis of their site, situation, size, rank, location and relative elevation. ADVERTISEMENTS: A more useful classification of towns and cities is on the basis of functions they perform. This categorization is also known as the functional classification of towns.

What are two ways an interest group can influence government leaders and lawmakers?

Hire a labor union organizer.
Hire a lobbyist to represent them.
Write newspaper opinion articles.
Provide misinformation to lobbyists.


Two ways in which an interest group can influence the government is by hiring a lobbyist to represent them and then provide misinformation to that lobbyist.

What is a lobbyist?

A lobbyist is someone hired to try and influence politicians and/or lawmakers in order to achieve certain groups' interests. It is important to understand that lobbyists do not usually work for the common well-being of society.

For example, suppose a wealthy soda producer hires a lobbyist. They can provide that lobbyist misinformation, telling him that it is okay to drink up to 2 liters a days of their soda rather than water. The lobbyist will then try to convince lawmakers to change a law that forbids selling large amounts of soda at schools or stadiums, for instance.

With the information above in mind, we can choose options 1 and 4 as the correct answers.

Learn more about lobbyists here:



Which choice correctly describes knights?
A. clergy who took up arms in defense of fait
B. lords who led the king's military forces
C. serfs who changed rank through skill and training
D. vassals who lived by a code of chivalry





I searched it up to make sure and I'm already a PhD holder soo...

Identify each state as part of the Midwest or Southwest geographic region.



southwest- colorado, oklahoma, arizona

midwest- kansas, missouri, illinois, iowa

(if you need them exactly in place i've underlined them on this map)

How have the perspective of those writing history shaped the history that they produced?



Most of the essays published in the “Art of History” series have been about writing history.

But ways of reading come and go, like everything else in this temporal and transient world. A way of reading history that’s popular with one generation can fall out of favor with the next one. And indeed, something like that seems to be happening right now: a practiced and developed way of reading seems to be falling out of fashion, tumbling into the past. And when it goes it may take a particular way of writing and thinking about history along with it.


Most of the essays published in the “Art of History” series have been about writing history.

But ways of reading come and go, like everything else in this temporal and transient world. A way of reading history that’s popular with one generation can fall out of favor with the next one. And indeed, something like that seems to be happening right now: a practiced and developed way of reading seems to be falling out of fashion, tumbling into the past. And when it goes it may take a particular way of writing and thinking about history along with it.


what was the name of the island where cabeza de vaca's barge landed​


Answer: Cabeza de Vaca and eighty Spanish castaways landed on Galveston Island, along the Texas coast.


Galveston Island

What is the message of this cartoon?



This cartoon represents the Boston Massacre and shows soldiers firing upon the people. It essentially is war propaganda to show how the citizens in Boston are being treated.


If is not clear enough, I found this website that could also be beneficial :)


Despite racial discrimination and segregation on the home front, many
African Americans distinguished themselves in World War II. The Tuskegee
Airmen, an elite group of pilots, made up the first African American flying unit
in the U.S. military. They flew 1,578 bombing missions over Europe and were
awarded the Distinguished Unit Citation. After the 1948 desegregation of the
military, the Tuskegee Airmen were in demand throughout the air force. Which
of the following is an effective summary of this paragraph?
A. The war might have been won sooner had the military been
desegregated before 1948.
O B. The American military had a long history of refusing to train
African American pilots.
C. The Tuskegee Airmen distinguished themselves in combat.
D. The Tuskegee Airmen fought racism despite their



The Tuskegee Airmen distinguished themselves in combat.

do you love Filipinos?why??​



yes I love filipinos because my dad is a philippines

What are the two main reasons the Roman Empire, the Han dynasty, and the Gupta Empire fell?


Answer. ⏩All three empires experienced problems with taxes. ⏩Rome had tax revolts. ⏩Upper class and church were exempted from taxes.


All three fell because of internal conflicts and external invaders.


political philosophy trickled down through the Democratic party





Yes, political philosophy trickled down through the Democratic party because it spreads to the entire political system through this party. The political philosophy is a philosophy in which we study of fundamental questions about the state, government, politics, liberty, justice and the enforcement of a legal code by authority so the political philosophy has to be trickled down through the Democratic party.

Name three reasons why people are fleeing Central America?



Escaping their past life, freedom, money



Georgians can best show good civic participation by fulfilling their legal duties and by participating in their


The available options are:

A. communities

B. education

C. own interests

D. family's lives




Georgians can best show good civic participation by fulfilling their legal duties and by participating in their COMMUNITIES

The above statement is based on the fact that Civic Participation is a form of activity that deals with people or individuals taking responsibilities or performing various actions that have direct impacts on their respective social and societal environments.

For example, individuals activities such as voting, volunteering, participating in community activities, and neighborhood or group cooperation.

Hence, in this case, the right answer is "Communities."

Which situation best represents a command economy?
A. A father teaches his son a fishing technique passed down for
B. A factory must switch production from cars to boats due to
government orders.
C. A banker quits his job to work at another bank that offers a higher
D. A corporation decides to move a factory overseas to lower labor



Answer is B


Command Economy is an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government.

The situation that best shows a command economy is B. A factory must switch production from cars to boats due to government orders.

What happens in a Command economy?

In such an economy, the government controls all the means of production and decides what to produce and what resources are required.

This means that such a government can order a factory to switch to producing boats from cars.

Find out more on command economies at https://brainly.com/question/26262298.


Why was this video created?

1.to encourage American women to work in factories
2.to ask the public to make donations to the war effort
3.to ask citizens to save gasoline and other supplies
4.to help increase the size of the American military



4. to help increase the size of the American military

have a nice day


Help increase the size of the American military.


The image shows a world map.

A map of the world that shows population density by the number of people per square kilometer.

Which measurement of population does this map illustrate?

population in relation to resources
population changes
population density
population in relation to ethnicity


Answer: population density


The description of the map shows that it describes population density which is the number of people who live per square kilometer. Population density is usually higher for urban areas than it is for rural areas because there are many more people in urban areas than in rural.

Countries with a large population and a small area will also have high population density such as Nigeria whilst areas with a relatively low population but a large area will have a lower population density for instance, Russia.

Answer: population density

What is one way the executive branch checks the power of the judicial



One way the President checks judicial power is through his ability to appoint federal judges.


Since the President is the Chief Administrator, it's his job to appoint a court of appeals judges, district court judges, and Supreme Court justices.


The Executive Branch Checks on the Legislature included “Veto power and Vice President isPresident of the Senate” while for Checks on the Judiciary: “Power to appoint judges andPardon power”.

Hope it helps >3!

• Based in the most recent data available, what percent of registered voters affiliate with a political party other
than the Democratic or Republican? (NOTE: Provide your answer in numeric, percentage form and round up to
the nearest tenth, i.e. 60.46, you would indicate, 60.5%) (2 points)



sorry I can't solve because I have some problem in your question

Which ratio compares the number of students in the Spanish club to the total number of students





The ratio is asking for spanish club and the total, so just find how many in spanish club and find total

How does Civil Society Organization plays important role than Government and private sectors in the modern world?​



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Civilized society has lengthy and important played a key role in attempting to influence the state's government welfare policy, verbalising views on current issues, trying to serve as a speaker of healthy discussion, having provided a platform for discussion of innovative knowledge and information, and launching social movements through the creation of new ideology.

What view of the universe did the Catholic Church always view and preach to all of its followers?



Hi , so your answer is that the Catholic church belived that the solar system was the whole universe , so when they said universe they meant the solar system in their saying .


Really hope i helped , have a nice day :)

The Catholic Churches had beliefs regarding the universe that the solar system forms up the entire universe. They preached the same to all of their followers.

What is a universe?

All the elements contained in the space, including the solar systems, stars, etc. are collectively considered as a part of the universe. Catholic Churches had assumed their own meaning of the universe.

As per the beliefs of Catholic Church, they saw and considered the scope of universe limited to the extent of the solar system. Similar preaching were made to their followers.

Hence, the significance of universe is aforementioned.

Learn more about universe here:



Question 1
5 pts
Which of the following quotes expresses the attitude of nativism?
O Every immigrant will find a helping hand in America."
o "Immigrants are taking jobs away from Americans and should be sent home.”
o "I love my adopted country, America, as much as the country I left behind."
"It is an expression of religious faith to help those less fortunate than ourselves."
Question 2
5 pts



Nativism is basically hating immigrants lol

In the 1930s, the Japanese had expanded their reach into
. The United States placed an embargo on Japan. Soon, Japan faced a shortage of
. The Japanese wanted to make sure the US Navy would not interfere with their plans to conquer Southeast Asia and other regions. For that reason, the Japanese decided to attack


In the 1930's, the Japanese had expanded their reach into (Blank)

A. India and southern china

B. Manchuria and southern China

C. North America and southern china

The United States placed an embargo on japan soon Japan faced a shortage of (blank)

A. Natural resources

B. Naval ships

C. Soldiers and weapons

The Japanese wanted to make sure the U.S navy would not interfere with their plans to conquer Southeast Asia and other regions for that same reason the Japanese decided to attack (blank)

A. Pearl Harbor

B. Allied forces

C. Southeast asia


B. Manchuria and southern China

A. Natural resources

A. Pearl Harbor


In the 1930's, the Japanese had expanded their reach into Manchuria and southern China.

The United States placed an embargo on Japan soon Japan faced a shortage of natural resources due to the embargo placed on oil.

The Japanese wanted to make sure the U.S navy would not interfere with their plans to conquer Southeast Asia and other regions for that same reason the Japanese decided to attack Pearl Harbor.


Manchuria and southern ChinaNatural resources Pearl Harbor




name and explain 5 causes of the CUBAN REVOLUTION



1.  Batista regime:  Political causes of the revolt during the Batista administration. Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar gained control of the Cuban government on September 4, 1933, in an uprising known as the "Revolt of the Sergeants." The coup ousted Gerardo Machado's liberal government, signaling the commencement of military control over the country. Under the government of Ramón Grau San Martin, Batista rose to become a self-appointed chief of the military forces and a US-friendly figure. In April 1933, US Ambassador Benjamin Sumner Welles was dispatched to Cuba and found a friend in Batista.

2.  In 1940, Batista was elected president in a free and fair election, the first under the new Cuban constitution. During Batista's administration, the following things happened:  Trade relations with the United States improved; War taxes placed on Cubans grew.

3.  Economic corruption was a hallmark of the Batista era. Foreign industry ownership, industries not held by Cubans in Cuba, U.S. reliant 1928, 75 percent sugar mills controlled by the U.S.

4.  In 1953, the 26th of July Movement was attacked. General Martin Tamayo was commanded by Batista to "kill ten rebels for every soldier killed" in the attack. The "ten-for-one" law was enacted as a result of the order.

5.  Movement of the 26th of July the revolution (1953) Fidel Castro's failed guerilla campaign against the Moncada Barracks in Oriente Province, Cuba's easternmost province, chose July 26 because it coincided with a large celebration in Santiago de Cuba celebrating the city's patron saint, Apostle James the Elder, as well as the end of the sugar harvest.



Chiến thắng vạn tường diễn ra năm nào



Explanation:Không có năm nào cả

One of the main functions of the media is engaging in agenda setting. What is agenda setting?

Select one:

The act of choosing which issues or topics are needed to be addressed by a political campaign.

The act of choosing which issues or topics deserve to be hidden from the public.

The act of choosing which issues or topics deserve political attention.

The act of choosing which issues or topics deserve public discussion.





Agenda-setting describes the "ability to influence the importance placed on the topics of the public agenda"

One of the main functions of the media is engaging in agenda setting. The agenda setting is the act of choosing which issues or topics deserve public discussion. The correct option is (D).

What do you mean by agenda setting?

The agenda setting theory, a mass communication tenet, contends that the news media shapes public opinion regarding the most crucial problems.

The power of the news media to affect the weight given to the issues on the public agenda is referred to as agenda setting.

An agenda for a meeting can assist you and your colleagues organize the meeting and keep track of the topics you need to cover.

By giving a concise list of topics, goals, and time constraints, agenda planning will probably result in time savings for all meeting participants.

Therefore, one of the main functions of the media is engaging in agenda setting. The agenda setting is the act of choosing which issues or topics deserve public discussion.

To know more about the agenda setting, visit:



Match the explorer with their most important accomplishment. Samuel de Champlain explored North America and the Arctic James Cook explored Mississippi Robert La Salle established colony of Quebec Henry Hudson discovered Australia

the answers
-explored North America and the Arctic
-explored Mississippi
-established colony of Quebec
-discovered Australia​



Samuel de Champlain - established colony of Quebec

Robert La Salle - explored Mississippi

James Cook - discovered Australia​

Henry Hudson - explored North America and the Arctic


Explorers play a key role in discovering new places and land outside Europe. France chose to send its voyages to seek a route to the Pacific Ocean and wealth after many European nations founded colonies in the New World.

Samuel de Champlain became the first to establish colonies as Quebec and New France.

La Salle was an explorer and trader who begin an expedition in the Mississippi rivers and claimed the region for the French and named it La Louisiane.

James Cook was an English naval captain who explored the Pacific Ocean and discovered Australia which became part of the British Empire.

Henry Hudson was an explorer from England who explored North America (Canada and northeastern part of the U.S.) and the Arctic.

pls help
American attempts to purchase California were made with what nation?

A) Canada

B) Britain

C) Mexico

D) Spain



i think spain


4. Describe the physical environment of
medieval cities,


The physical environment of medieval cities was not pleasant. The cities were often dirty and smelled from animal and human waste. Air pollution was also a fact of life.

Which country had the second largest sphere of influence in China?





The second largest sphere of influence on China was Britain.


According to the map, the second largest sphere of influence in China is Britain, the largest one being Russia.

Other Questions
Stefan Robertson is very conscious of his behavior as he greets prospective Mexican clients at a local restaurant in Guadalajara. Although he invites his guests to drink an exclusive limited production aged tequila made from 100% blue agave, he abstains from drinking. He perceives his abstention to be permissible in Mexican society because drinking tequila would be considered to be a cultural _________ for foreign guests. A 150-pound man drank 3 beers in one hour. What is his BAC? They ate a. ellos comieron c. ellos comerion b. ellos comeraron d. ellos comen Use the following figure to answer the questions pls help in this7.6x5.2 Circle A has a radius of 4 centimeters. Sarah buys a car for 23,000.It depreciates at a rate of 3% per year.How many years will it take to be worth less than 20,000? Help!1. What are 3 problems associated with alcohol? Think about whatproblems someone under the influence might have, or how society couldbe effected by someone using alcohol, etc.2. If alcohol is so dangerous, why does it remain legal? Hitler's "last stand" or counterattack was at1) Paris2) D-Day3) Battle of the Bulge4) Stalingrad If you drive at a constant speed of 60 miles/hour find the time it would take to travel each of the distances in the following chart. Here are the formulas:d = s tort = dsa. Find the time for each distance. Show your work for at least one trial.Distance in Miles Time in Hours10 20 30 40 50 60 b. Graph the points and label the axisc. What does this graph mean? A complex electronic system is built with a certain number of backup components in its subsystems. One subsystem has four identical components, each with a probability of .2 of failing in less than 1000 hours. The subsystem will operate if any two of the four components are operating. Assume that the components operate independently. Find the probability that a exactly two of the four components last longer than 1000 hours. b the subsystem operates longer than 1000 hours. Identify an advantage of working in teams.A. Strong work ethicsB. Less wasted timeC. More ideasD. Less skillsSUBMI In the context of 1930s Europe, appeasement means:giving in to some of a dictator's demands to prevent war.helping a dictator seize power in a weak country,stopping dictators from seizing power.supporting communism over fascism. Heat Transfer Mechanisms 1.In your own words, using the pennies activity, define the three different heat transfer mechanisms. Your definitions should include:(i) information about how energy is moving (ii) what is happening microscopically (that is, at the atomic level) (iii) what phase(s) of materials is usually involved. how will you manage patient diabetic 10.You are standing on a sheet of ice that covers the football stadium parking lot in Buffalo; there isnegligible friction between your feet and the ice. A friend throws you a 0.4 kg ball that is travelinghorizontally at 10 m/s. Your mass is 70 kg. If you catch the ball, with what speed do you and the ballmove afterwards?1.02 m/s0.06 m/s0.02 m/s0.12 m/s Ivan and Tanya share 150 in the ratio 4 : 1Work out how much more Ivan gets compared to Tanya. What is two effects of corruption on individuals? And provide one example to support each. For the matrices below. Find all (real) eigenvalues. A= [7 9] [0 9] What is the slope of the line?I will mark the brainliest!