Why were Nazis put on trial in
Nuremberg after WWII?
A. Nuremberg was the city where WWII began.
B. Nuremberg was a neutral city with no ties to
C. Nuremberg was the location of the first laws against
the Jews.
D. Nuremberg was the home city of Adolf Hitler.


Answer 1


nuremberg was the locatiin of the first laws against the jews

Related Questions

How did colonists show good faith to King George Ill after he repealed the stamp ta?
O A) The Sons of Liberty put up a flagpole in New York City's square
OB) The Daughters of Liberty put a statue of him in Boston's town commons
O C) The colonial assembly made an official holiday in his name
D) The colonists put up a statue in New York City's square


The answer would be B

Which of the following correctly completes box #2 in the chart above? A. city B. state C. family D. federal MULTIPLE CHOICE



The answer would be A. City




Read the excerpt from The Diary of Anne Frank. Miep (Hurrying up to a cupboard). Mr. Frank, did you see? There are some of your papers here. (She brings a bundle of papers to him.) We found them in a heap of rubbish on the floor after . . . After you left. Mr. Frank. Burn them. (He opens his rucksack to put the glove in it.) Miep. But, Mr. Frank, there are letters, notes . . . Mr. Frank. Burn them. All of them. What does this interaction reveal about Mr. Frank?



C-He knows that seeing the papers will be very painful.



C) He knows that seeing the papers will be very painful.


Edge 2022

please help me
In which way were the American and French revolutions similar?
a. The kings of both Britain and France faced financial difficulties and increased taxes.
b. Both American and French revolutionary leaders wanted to create a republic.
c.The legislative bodies of both Britain and France placed limits on the monarchy.
d. Both revolutions resulted in the establishment of a stable, democratic government.



a. The kings of both Britain and France faced financial difficulties and increased taxes.

Wants something you wanna get off your chest but are too ashamed to?


i’ve stolen like 100 $ from my brother in the past 2 months

Which best defines a “talkie” during the 1920s?
a film with sound
a radio broadcast of a speech
a singer who performed at concerts
a musical with lyrics



Explanation: taught in school there’s really no real reason to know this lol

What best defines a “talkie” during the 1920s is a film with sound.

What is a talkie?

A talkie can be regarded as the movie that posses a synchronized speech and singing and it is common during 1920s.

In the olden days, talkie was very popular because of it's unique feature of cinema film that is been made with sound, this sounds could be inform of singing, drumming and others.

Therefore, option A is correct because talkie” during the 1920s is a film with sound.

Learn more about talkie at:


The main responsibility of a state court of last resort is to
A. decide whether a case should be in criminal or civil court.
B. apply federal laws to crimes committed in a state.
c. deliver a ruling that cannot be appealed in state courts.
D. conduct trials in order to reach initial verdicts. I think option a don't know tho




A court of last resort's role and purpose is to provide legal transparency and uniformity for the lower appellate and trial courts.

What is one of the four basic principles of the 1628 Petition of Right?



one of the basic principals is the school teacher from 1628

who was the first british governor general of india and in which year



Lord William Bentinck was first to be designated as the Governor general of India in 1833. After the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the company rule was brought to an end, but the British India along with princely states came under the direct rule of the British Crown.


Which line is an example of trochaic tetrameter



Trochaic tetrameter is a meter in poetry. It refers to a line of four trochaic feet. The word “tetrameter” simply means that the poem has four trochees. A trochee is a long syllable, or stressed syllable, followed by a short, or unstressed, one.


Trochaic tetrameter (try saying that five times fast) is a line of a poem that usually contains about eight syllables that goes in the pattern stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, etc. But, look at the syllable count for each of the answer options! Therefore, the answer is B. Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater.

. Don, Ron and Con earned $300. Don is to
receive one-quarter, Ron is to receive one-fifth
and Con will receive the remainder.
(a) What fraction of the earnings will Con


300-60= 240
1quarter of 300= 75
Con will have $165

A similarity between the separation of powers, the system of checks and balances, and federalism is that they​



Are all ways that the Constitution limits government power.


Have a nice day! ♡

what was the significance of the battle of el alamein in egypt​


There!!!!! Hope it help you


allied victory was a turning point


took the test

why is it difficult to be ruled by s foreign power?​



Because it is difficult for a colony to emmulate the culture of the foreigner power.

What does the term mcCarthysim mean?

I did it and it was Accusing people of disloyalty this was correct for ap3x ​



a vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions carried out under Senator Joseph McCarthy in the period 1950–54. Many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, although most did not in fact belong to the Communist Party.



Which Which countries sought control of North America during the Seven Years War?

the Netherlands and France
Spain and Britain
France and Britain
Spain and Franceis the most accurate list of mercantilism rules?


France and Britain controlled North American During the 7 year war
France and Britain sought control of North America during the Seven Years’ War.

Which of the following best describes the Articles of Confederation?
a set of rules created for governing the American colonies
a set of rules for governing the Northwest Territory
a new constitution that restructured Britain’s government
a new document that created the first US government





the original constitution of the US, ratified in 1781, which was replaced by the US Constitution in 1789.


Which one of these documents told Europe to stop trying to create new colonies in the Western Hemisphere?

A. Adams-Oní­s Treaty
B. Border Compromise
C. Manifest Destiny
D. Monroe Doctrine



I think its (D Monroe Doctrine hope it helped!!


Read the excerpt from Walt Whitman’s poem “I Sit and Look Out” that Clara is using in her analysis of “The Caged Bird.”

I sit and look out upon all the sorrows of the world, and upon all oppression and shame; I hear the secret convulsive sobs . . .

Clara chose this excerpt to help support her interpretation of “The Caged Bird” because it has an extended metaphor that examines




Clara chose this excerpt to support her interpretation because it has an extended metaphor that examines: suffering.


Maya Angelou (1928-2014) was a poet and civil rights activist born in Missouri. Walt Whitman (1819-1892) was born in New York and was also a poet. Both authors have left their mark in American literature.

It makes sense that Clara would choose that quote from Walt Whitman's poem "I Sit and Look Out." The excerpt discusses suffering, and the speaker can see how people around the world agonize, how difficult their lives are due to injustice and oppression.

That is a theme both poems have in common. In Angelou's "Caged Bird", an extended metaphor is used to express suffering as well. A metaphor is a comparison used to emphasize an idea. An extended metaphor is a longer metaphor, one that extends throughout a text or poem, for example. In "Caged Bird," the extended metaphor compares people without freedom to a caged bird - their suffering to its suffering. Centuries of oppression and injustice can only cause suffering to those who endure it and who want nothing more than the freedom to be, to work, to speak, and to thrive.


D. Suffering.


Edgeinuity 2022

Match the battle names to the locations where they were fought.

El Alamein
Pearl Harbor



Pacific Theater = Midway, Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal

European Theater = Anzio, Stalingrad

North African Campaign = El Alamein


The given battles have correctly been matched with the locations they were fought at as mentioned above. The 'Battle of Midway,' 'Pearl Harbor' and the 'Battle of Gudalcanal' were confronted at the Pacific Theater during the period of the second World War. The Midway battle took place right after Japan's sudden strike on Pearl Harbor. While 'Gudacanal' followed the Midway battle in order to counterattack Japan that eventually led the latter to surrender.

The battles of 'Anzio' and 'Stalingrad' occurred at the European Theater and these two battles two were fought during WWII. The 'Stalingrad' battle took place between Germany along with the Soviet Union while 'Anzio' battle was confronted between the Germans and the Allies. Lastly, the 'El Alamein' battle took place in two rounds at the North African desert where the Britishers defeated the Germans.

which three ideas are specially associated with the renaissance?


obedience to religious texts and practices. emphasis on individual growth and achievement. interest in classical Greek and Roman texts

Disability rights organizations backed laws requiring .
A. public places to provide access for people with disabilities
B.free education for all children
C.programs such as Medicare
D.private homes to provide access for people with disabilities


A because it’s a law that all public places provide same rights as people with no disability’s

What did the Maya and the Aztec civilizations have in common?

need help



The Mayan and Aztec civilizations were both polytheistic in their religious beliefs, and both built pyramid-type structures to their gods. ... Also in their religious life, both Mayan and Aztec cultures believed in and practiced human sacrifice.


have a great day;)


Both the Aztecs and the Mayans were Mesoamerican civilizations with a lot in common. Both civilizations used 365-day calendars with identical day/month symbols and marks. During religious rites, they both worshiped a pantheon of gods, some of which included human sacrifice.


In the early 1900s, the Chicago Defender was
an African American newspaper.
a novel by Langston Hughes.
an African American song.
an African American novelist.



A)  an African American newspaper.


The Chicago Defender is a Chicago-based online African American newspaper. It was founded in 1905 by Robert S. Abbott and was once labeled the "most prominent" journal of its kind. Abbott's newspaper documented and resisted Jim Crow-era atrocities, pushing African Americans in the American South to travel north in what became known as the "Great Migration."

Learn more about "The Great Migration" at:


In the early 1900s the Chicago defender was an African American newspaper.

The Chicago defender

This newspaper was a black American paper at the time. The newspaper was used to carry news, entertainment and all other national stories.

The Paper was founded in the year 1905 by Robert S. Abbott.

Read more on the Chicago defender  here:


Can someone please help me with a Humanities topic for my presentation? It can be about religion, music, or art




You could do it about art history


Okay. Give a fantastic presentation on:

Memes are new Cartoons

From cartoons I refer to the cartoons that are featured in newspapers and magazines etc. They usually have association with some recent issue.

Your topic is gonna be new and different from everyone.

If you want to follow the crowd, then some topics can be:

Role of Romanticism in Nationalism

Which of these would most likely be studied by an anthropologist?

the relationship between apes and chimpanzees
the formation of the first languages that were developed
the cause of the Plague during the Middle Ages



The formation of the first languages that were developed.

Describe What You See in the Placard
Which cause/s of New Imperialism does the Placard represent?
Explain Why You Chose the Cause/s?



What I see in the Placard.

A Caucasian man washing his hands with soap which is surrounded by pictures of what was considered to be parts of civilization in those days. There is also a picture of a white man giving a black man soap.

Cause of New Imperialism ⇒ Moral obligation to help "uncivilized" people.

There was a prevailing view in the 19th century that the white man had the moral obligation to help the parts of the world that has not reached their level of civilization to reach it.

This picture shows that view because it believes that much like using soap to wash away dirt, the white man should help the "uncivilized" nations and races to wash away their perceived backwardness and become more clean and civilized like the whites.

Please help!!! 30 points !!!

Now, choose one of the three scenarios from Part A of this task. Write a speech as if you were a member of the House of Representatives
or some other government official speaking to a town hall meeting in your district. In your speech, highlight this conflict and issue for your
constituents. Also list potential solutions to the issue and discuss the consequences if no solution is found. Finally, explain your own
opinion, in your role as a US representative, on how to resolve the situation. Be sure to support your viewpoint with evidence,



Dear and appreciated, from the chamber of representatives, members of the house. With honor and praise we have tried to resolve, little by little, the conflicts generated here in the district. As a representative of this state, I present myself here at City Hall to announce a new bill, which further strengthens the second amendment: we will strengthen the militia action here in the state of Michagan, where we have seen delinquency, robberies, the violence growing and becoming an unprecedented public safety problem, a calamity for the entire state. In addition, it maintains the right to carry a firearm, as long as the case is for the defense of property, property and self-defense. Every citizen who needs, in situations of robbery, to defend himself using a weapon, will not answer in justice for this, when it is proved that the use of the weapon was in self-defense. In order not to reach that extreme, it has also been proposed in the House of Representatives, a bill that reinforces militia action on all streets and corners of Detroit. These militias will be at the disposal of the population and the citizens, fighting crime and delinquency. We can find no other way to control this situation. We approve this law, for the sake of all in the community, before we witness more deaths and innocent blood shed.


i submitted it and got 100

Who created utopianism?

Karl Marx
Adam Smith
Robert Owen
Friedrich Engels



Robert Owen.


"Robert Owen was a Welsh textile manufacturer, philanthropist and social reformer, and a founder of utopian socialism and the cooperative movement. He is known among other things for efforts to improve his factory's working conditions, promoting experimental socialistic communities, and proposing a more collective approach to child rearing, including government control of education"

Answer: C robert owen

Explanation: edge 2022

Choose five of the ancient Chinese contributions named in this lesson.
Find an image to go along with each contribution.
Display the contributions and images on the digital poster in order of least to greatest importance.
Write a one- to two-paragraph explanation that tells why each contribution was chosen and why each contribution was assigned a particular rank.



where is the image for the question

Please give brainliest if this helped!!

Shang Dynasty (1600-1050 BC)


Early Chinese Writing (pictographs and ideographs)

Bronze casting

Zhou Dynasty (1050-256 BC)



The Analytics



The Dao


Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220)

Cast iron


The iron plow

Civil service


Magnetic compass




Fishing reel




Hot-air balloon

Tang Dynasty (581-617)/Tang Dynasty (618-907)

Code of Law

Canal system


Block printing

Mechanical clocks

Smallpox vaccine


Song Dynasty (960-1276)

Grew rice and wheat


Movable type

Spinning wheel

Finer porcelain


Landscape paintings

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