Karishma is reading "The Tell-Tale Heart." She reads an excerpt, looks for clues, and makes a prediction about what happens next. Read the same excerpt and her prediction.

His room was as black as pitch with the thick darkness, (for the shutters were close fastened, through fear of robbers,) and so I knew that he could not see the opening of the door, and I kept pushing it on steadily, steadily.

Karishma predicted that the narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected.

Next, read the subsequent excerpt that Karishma read.

I had my head in, and was about to open the lantern, when my thumb slipped upon the tin fastening, and the old man sprang up in bed, crying out—"Who's there?"

Which revision is most logical for Karishma to make to her prediction as she continues to read?

A. The narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected.

B. The narrator will be seen, but not heard as the murder is committed.

C. The old man becomes aware of a frightening presence in the room.

D. The old man prepares for his own murder.


Answer 1


D. The old man prepares for his own murder.


According to the question, Karishma is reading "The Tell-Tale Heart." and she reads an excerpt, looks for clues, then makes a prediction about what happens next.

According to her first prediction, she believes that the narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected because his approach to the house has been stealthy so far and no one has heard him.

Next, from the subsequent excerpt she reads, the old man hears him as he is about to open the door and asks loudly who is there.

Therefore, the revision that is most logical for Karishma to make to her prediction as she continues to read is that the old man prepares for his own murder.

This is because, he already knows there is an intruder and now he would prepare for his murder.

Answer 2





Related Questions

It is said that a smile is universally understood. And nothing triggers a smile more universally than a taste of sugar. Nearly everyone loves sugar. Infant studies indicate that humans are born with an innate love of sweets. Based on statistics, a lot of people in Great Britain must be smiling because on average, every man, woman, and child in that country consumes 95 pounds of sugar each year.From this passage it seems safe to conclude that the EnglishA. do not know that too much sugar is unhealthy.B. eat desserts at every meal.C. are fonder of sweets than most people.D. have more cavities than any other people.


Answer: C. are fonder of sweets than most people


Option A is incorrect because the passage didn't talk about how eating sugar was unhealthy to the English.

Option B is incorrect because it isn't written that English eat desserts at every meal.

Option D is incorrect because the information given about the English doesn't necessarily mean that they have more cavities than any other people.

Therefore, the correct option is C because the English are fonder of sweets than most people.

dialogue on asking your parents to attend the winter ball​


you: Mum and Dad, I need to have a word with you

Dad:- Sure.

You:- Can I please go to the ball with my friends.

Dad:- mhm I am not sure.

You:- Please, Micheal Jackson is showing Up for half an hour of so.

Dad:- what do say Sara(mum)

Mum:- I say we should let her go. When is this ball

You:- tomorrow 8 o clock

Dad:- In that case you have our permission to go.

You:- thank you

( you leave the room)

How did Absolutism shape the Court at Versailles under King Louis XIV? Develop your answer in detail 



Answer: versailles also helped Louis take control of the nobility by providing enough space to keep them under his watchful eye. The Palace of Versailles supported absolutism during King Louis XIV's reign through propaganda, and control of nobility.


Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. Satisfaction, enjoyment, and feeling victorious are the results of doing your best. misplaced modifier dangling modifier lack of parallel structure incorrect adverb clause placement C


They added a period between best and misplaced

Assessment Directions: Read each item carefully. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer. Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question.

1. In a sea breeze, the air is warmer ?

A. beach B. ocean C. land D. sky
2. Where does the initial source of energy come from that creates winds?

A. the atmosphere B. the moon C. the Earth's inner core D. the sun
3. What type of breeze is usually felt at nighttime?
A. land breeze B. sea breeze C. beach breeze D. wind breeze
4. What does ITCZ stands for?

A. intertropical covering zone

b.intertropical converging zone c.intertropical convergence zone d.intertropical conversion zone 13​





A.the atmosphere


A.Land breeze


B.Imteropical converging zone

Thesis of the "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" and supporting statements



“The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” is a short story written by Mark Twain. The story deals with themes of cheating, integrity, and community. Both local people and outsiders attempt to misdirect each other in this story.

Read the passage and answer the question that follows:

Despite our best efforts as parents, we will always make mistakes in raising our children. It's inevitable. There are so many decisions to be made in any given day, week, month, or year. It's an inhuman task to make all of these decisions correctly. Who would even want to try for perfection?

We shouldn't worry too much, though, because it is precisely our mistakes that teach our children the most about life. Life is full of mistakes, obstacles, and trouble. Shielding our children from these by striving for perfection in our own parenting does them no favors.

Given this, a parent might be tempted to give up trying to make good decisions and simply let the chips fall where they may. Admittedly, that attitude is not without its benefits, but it goes too far in the other direction. Children are much more observant than we think, but often draw the wrong conclusions from what they observe. If we give up trying to make the right decisions, they might get the message that we don't care about their future.

We can take comfort in this much: we teach our children even when we're not trying to. That doesn't mean we should stop trying to do our best, to make the right decisions whenever possible. It just means that we shouldn't beat ourselves up when we make mistakes. Either it won't matter because it's something small, or it just might build some character in our children, a commodity that will serve them well.

"Despite our best efforts as parents, we will always make mistakes in raising our children"?

The word despite is a transition that (5 points)

indicates a relationship
indicates a sequence of time



The word "despite" is a transition that: A. contrasts.


Transition words are used to transition smoothly from one idea to another in a way that connects them. "Despite" is a type of transition word that indicates contrast between the two ideas being expressed. In this same category, we can mention: although, conversely, still, yet, even so, while, whereas, etc.

In the sentence we are analyzing here, "despite" contrasts the ideas of (1) making a lot of effort to be a good parent and (2) making mistakes as a parent.

Which verb form is used to indicate the perfect progressive tense?

verb + -ed
be + verb + -ing
have + been + verb + -ing
have + verb + -ed


The second one is used in the indicate

The verb form that is used to indicate the perfect progressive tense is be + verb + -ing. The correct option is b.

What is the perfect progressive tense?

The perfect progressive tense is a category of verb tense used to mark the end of an ongoing action. It covers the past perfect progressive tense, the present prefect progressive tense, and the future perfect progressive tense.

It is also called the perfect continuous tense and then is used to say that an event or action is, was, or will be continually occurring but that it is, was, or will be completed at a later time, or that it relates to a later time. The perfect progressive has a present, a past, and a future, just like other verb tenses. To form the perfect progressive, use the appropriate tense of the verb have with been and the progressive (-ing) tense of the main verb.

The present perfect progressive says that a continuous action started in the past and relates to the present.

Learn more about tense, here:



Select the correct message.

Sheila is a marketing executive at an event management firm. She needs to tell her supervisor, Rhonda, to check a social media post about
the firm's services. Select the message that shows Sheila is using the best practices for instant messaging in the workplace.



I would go with the second option.


I think this is right, but don't quote me on this.

Which argument is a straw man fallacy?

A. Some people like online voting, but I'm against cheating.

B. My flute skills make me a natural candidate for senator.

C. Vote for me for city council. Everyone's doing it after all.

D. You're not allowed to ski because it's against the rules.



A. Some people like online voting, but I'm against cheating.

A straw man fallacy is when somebody’s rebuttal in an argument doesn’t have anything to do with the topic of the argument.

Therefore, the answer is A.

What to respond to “I was having a bad day and u made it way better”


Be polite and respond by saying that making sure someone has a smile on their face doesn't cost anything and that everyone should stick together through tough situations and through good times .

help me please:(((((((​


Answer: 2 on, 3 through, 4 on, 5 away, 6 around, 7 out, 8 off, 9 for, 10 in, 11 for


The definition of the words make it easy to understand the sentence. please give me brainliest :)

Select the correct answer.

The Black Man's Plea for Justice
Hear me, statesman,

I am pleading to defend

The black man’s cause.

Will you give me the protection

to outline your laws?

Will your lawyers plead my cases

in your courts?

Am I not a citizen?

I pay dear for transportation

over all your railroad track.

I come up to every requirement

and I will always pay my tax.

And when I don’t fill in blanks correctly,

will you kindly teach me how?

Ruling power of this nation,

will you give me justice now?

I prepared your wedding supper

and I dug your father’s grave.

I did everything you asked me

just because I was your slave.

I helped build your great bridges

and I laid your railroad steel.

Oh, I been a mighty power

in your great financial wheel.

And when I don’t do jobs correctly

will you kindly teach me how?

Ruling power of this nation

How does the poet’s use of syntax impact the poem?

A. He uses a series of questions to emphasize the need for justice.
B. He use sentence fragments to highlight his frustration.
C. He uses simple sentences to emphasize his desperation.
D. He changes tenses to highlight a shift in tone.


D, he changes tone throughout passages


A. He uses a series of questions to emphasize the need for justice.


A lot of questions were asked for freedom and things.

Our school is considering mandating school uniforms next year. The student government supports school uniforms for a number of reasons. First, school uniforms save time. Students will not have to figure out what they will wear and thus will have more time to devote to their studies. They will be more focused on learning and less on appearance. Second, although there are up-front costs, uniforms will ultimately save families money. Finally, uniforms will promote a sense of equality because students are dressed the same regardless of economic status. This will encourage a greater sense of community at our school.

What strategy does the author use in her choice of language to convey her message?
observational descriptions
sequence of events
logic and reason
real and imagined events



C. logic and reason



Is the title, Jamaican Fragment appropriate?​





its a great title and its appropriate to


It’s amazing!

Hope that helped,

Stay safe & healthy

Where is Macbeth going when he sees the bloody dagger? 



option A.' To kill the king' is the correct option

What does the author of "The Neglected Senses" expect to learn by
blindfolding herself for a walk through Lhasa?
A. She expects to learn how the people of Lhasa react to the blind
B. She expects to learn how the blind students navigate the city so
C. She expects to learn what Yapgchen and Choden did when they
were not in school.
D. She expects to learn why Yangchen and Choden seemed to enjoy
walking through Lhasa.



B. She expects to learn how the blind students navigate the city so



The author of "The Neglected Senses" expected to learn how the blind students navigate the city so

confidently by blindfolding herself for a walk through Lhasa.

The author observed that the blind students were confident moving through the city without much assistance, given their visual impairment and so she decided to blindfold herself and take a walk with a blind student named Lhasa.

A modifier changes, describes, or explains?


Answer: A modifier changes, clarifies, qualifies, or limits a particular word in a sentence in order to add emphasis, explanation, or detail.

Explanation: Modifiers tend to be descriptive words, such as adjectives and adverbs.

One problem faced by almost every large city is traffic congestion.
What do you think the causes are? What solutions can you suggest?


The causes of the traffic congestion are use of private cars by people instead of public transport, which can be solved through  a campaign to develop public transport systems.

What is Traffic Congestion?

Traffic congestion is a transportation detail of the situation by slower speeds, longer travel times, and greater traffic queuing. Since the 1950s, there has been a significant increase in traffic congestion on metropolitan road networks.

The primary causes of traffic congestion include road construction, accidents, traffic overloading on the same route, and high numbers of people impeding cars.

Traffic congestion is a problem that practically every major city faces. The fundamental reason for this is that people prefer private automobiles over public transit, and the government should be accountable for resolving this issue by launching a push to develop public transportation infrastructure.

Learn more about Traffic Congestion here:



Lines 242–252: What past events are alluded to in the language the author uses to describe the mother and daughter’s descent from the window?



division and multiplication

Now that you’ve chosen your topic and someone to write to, write your letter. Use the Process section below to help you figure out how to approach your letter. Make sure your letter includes an explanation of the issue you’ve picked and why it is important to you. Suggest at least one way you think the issue could be addressed by your congressperson or by the government. Optionally, have a fellow student do a peer review of your letter before you turn it in. Once your teacher has graded your letter, send it on to your representative. (someone please write a short essay about school shootings and gun laws PLEEEEEASSSEEEEEE) il give you a hug or sum



Topic: Helping families during the pandemic.


Dear Mr/Mrs (your US representative)

As you know we are entering a pandemic, and the economy will become bad. Many business owners are going to fire their employees or putting them on a break without pay. The employees that make up these businesses are mainly a part of the lower and lower-middle class. Now the question is: When these families don't have a monthly income, how are they going to survive this pandemic?

Of course the higher and higher middle class will have no problem staying home and can afford all of their necessities. But the government will have to help our community. I propose that there should be at least 3 days out of the week where the city counsel can give out groceries to the families in need. These groceries can have the basic needs such as bread, eggs, milk, juice, rice etc. When the counsel gives out the groceries, they could be stationed somewhere where everyone knows how to get there.

I'm sure the counsel has some money to be able to do this for the community. This could help the families in these difficult times. Thank you for your time.


Your name


Click to read "Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now" by A. E. Housman. Then
answer the question.
Which line(s) from the poem best develop(s) the author's idea that people
should appreciate life because it is short?
A. Loveliest of trees, the cherry now / Is hung with bloom along the
B. And since to look at things in bloom/Fifty springs are little room.
C. Now, of my threescore years and ten, / Twenty will not come again,
D. Wearing white for Eastertide.



B. I don't know if it's correct

American history by judith ortiz cofer
What were your
thoughts about
Elena and her
emotions at the end
of the story?



sorry i cannot help you




Read the excerpt from Javier's research paper about
Which text feature would best clarify the information
in this part of Javier's paper?
O an illustrated diagram of a samurai in full battle
O a chart showing the time warriors spent in training
O a bulleted list itemizing the samurai's codes of
O a time line with dates and events leading to the rise
of the samurai
In the 12th century, the samurai warrior class took
control in Japan. The rigorous training for these
warriors began in childhood. Trainees studied self-
discipline, martial arts, and poetry. They were also
expected to follow a guiding code of conduct called
Bushido, which translates to "the way of the warrior."
Additionally, young warriors spent hours perfecting
their skills in horseback riding and archery. After years
of preparation, the warriors were ready for battle. In
conflicts, samurai were covered head to toe. They
wore heavy iron breastplates to protect their chests,
and leather armor to shield their arms shoulders,
thighs, and shins. They wore bulky metal helmets that
protected their heads and necks. High-ranking
warriors sometimes added feathers, horns, or other
decorations to their helmets. Near the end of the



A). An illustrated diagram of a samurai in full battle gear.


Text features are characterized as the elements of the narrative that are apart from the actual content of the narrative. This promotes better comprehension as it allows the readers to locate particular information quickly and easily. It also helps in knowing the main points of key ideas that the author is emphasizing.

In the given excerpt, the use of an 'illustrated diagram to show Samurai in full battle gear' would help the readers in understanding the Samurai warriors' history and the modes in which they prepared for their battles. The diagram will not provide the information in a precise and highlighting manner that will be easier to understand but also allow them to know the key ideas effectively. Thus, option A is the correct answer.


a. an illustrated diagram of a samurai in full battle


What do these words from the text mean? Match the words and its definition


Answer: 1) b

2) d

3) e

4) a

5) c


What did Diego play from 1987 to 2006?



Diego Armando Maradona was an Argentine professional football player


Diego played football professionally, 1987 to 2006. :)

Which example is most clearly a work of Postmodern literature?
A. A poem that abandons meter and rhyme scheme
B. An autobiography that introduces fictional elements
C. A short story that contains supernatural elements
D. A history book that has unintentional factual errors



its b


jus got it right

Which revision corrects the sentence



Which sentence? Please at least put a picture.

Help plis

Present perfect vs Present simple

complete the spaces

1)_____ Rosana____ (take) list?
yes, she____

2)____ you____ (enter) the school at 7 AM this morning?
no, I _____

3) What ____you____ (eat) last sunday?
we____ (eat) a big lunch and ____ (drink) an orange juice​



1. Does Rosana take list?

- Yes, she does.

2. Do you enter the school at 7 AM this morning?

- No, I don't

3. What did you eat last Sunday? (I don't think this sentence can use present form because last Sunday is totally in the past.)

- We ate a big lunch and drank orange juice.

Who are all the characters in The Burgess Boys?



The novel tells the story of the Burgess family — twins Susan and Bob and older brother Jim, who grew up in Shirley Falls, Maine, coping with a family accident from their childhood. Guilt wracks each of them, especially Bob, over the mishap that left their father dead


Please Mark me brainliest

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