In a survey of adults aged 57 through 85​ years, it was found that 86.6​% of them used at least one prescription medication. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (c) below.
a. How many of the 3149 subjects used at least one prescription​ medication?

​(Round to the nearest integer as​ needed.)

b. Construct a​ 90% confidence interval estimate of the percentage of adults aged 57 through 85 years who use at least one prescription medication.

​(Round to one decimal place as​ needed.)


Answer 1


a. 2,727

b. (85.6%, 87.6%)

Step-by-step explanation:

The percentage of the adults aged 57 through 85 that used at least one prescription medication = 86.6%

a. The expected number of the 3,149 subjects aged 57 through 85 that used at least one prescription medication = 3,149 × 86.6/100 = 2,727.034 ≈ 2,727 (subjects)

b. The 90% confidence interval estimate of the percentage of adults aged 57 through 85 years who use at least one prescription medication is given as follows;

[tex]CI=\hat{p}\pm z\times \sqrt{\dfrac{\hat{p} \cdot (1-\hat{p})}{n}}[/tex]


[tex]\hat p[/tex] = 86.6/100= 0.866

n = 3,149

z = The z-value at 90% confidence level = 1.645

Therefore, we get the following confidence interval of the percentage of adults (rounded to one decimal place as required);

[tex]\left (0.866 - 1.645\times \sqrt{\dfrac{0.866 \times (1-0.866)}{3,149}}\right) \times 100 \% \approx 85.6 \%[/tex]

[tex]\left( 0.866 + 1.645\times \sqrt{\dfrac{0.866 \times (1-0.866)}{3,149}} \right) \times 100 \% \approx 87.6 \%[/tex]

The 90% confidence interval, of the percentage C.I. ≈ (85.6%, 87.6%).

Related Questions

what should be added to 4.289 to get 11​


[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{We do not know the unknown number just yet so we will label it}\\\large\text{as the variable of \boxed{\bf n}}\large\text{ until we find the result of the unknown}\\\large\text{number}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{So, your equation is now: \underline{\underline{n + 4.289 = 11}} or \underline{\underline{4.289 + n = 11}}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{n + 4.289 = 11}\\\large\text{SUBTRACT \underline{4.289} to BOTH SIDES}\\\large\text{n + 4.289 - 4.289 = 11 - 4.289}\\\large\text{CANCEL out: 4.289 - 4.289 because that gives you 0}\\\large\text{KEEP: 11 - 4.289 because that helps you get the n-value}\\\large\text{SIMPLIFY ABOVE AND YOU HAVE YOUR RESULT}\\\large\text{n = \bf 6.711}\\\\\boxed{\boxed{\huge\text{Therefore, your answer is: \bf 6.711}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]


Let the number which should be added is x


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x+4.289=11[/tex]

Take 4.289 to right

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=11-4.289[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=6.711[/tex]

6.711 should be added to 4.289 to get 11

Which composite function can be used to find the
force of the object based on its volume?

The density of titanium is 4.5 g/cm3. A titanium object
is accelerating at a rate of 800 cm/s2. The mass of
the object can be modeled by the function m(v) =
4.5v, where v is the volume in cubic centimeters.
Additionally, the force of the object can be found
using the function F(m) = 800m.

A. F(m(v)) = 177.8V
B. F(m(v)) = 795.5v
C. F(m(v)) = 804.5v
D. F(m(V)) = 3,600V



The mass function is:


where v is the volume in cubic centimeters.

The force function is:


To find:

The composite function can be used to find the force of the object based on its volume.


The composite function can be used to find the force of the object based on its volume is:

[tex]F(m(v))=F(4.5v)[/tex]              [tex][\because m(v)=4.5v][/tex]

[tex]F(m(v))=800(4.5v)[/tex]              [tex][\because F(m)=800m][/tex]


Therefore, the correct option is D.

Answer: F(m(v)) = 3,600v

Step-by-step explanation:DDDD

The perimeter of a rectangle is 56 feet and
its area is 192 square feet. What are the
dimensions of the rectangle?



Step-by-step explanation:

P = 2(L + W)

Area = L*W

Area = 192

(L + W)*2 = 56

L+W = 28

L = 28 - W

W*(28 - W) = 192

28W - w^2 = 92

-w^2 + 28w - 192 = 0

w^2 - 28w + 192  = 0

This factors into

(w - 12)(w - 16) = 0

w - 12 = 0

w = 12

L = 28 - 12 = 16

A sample of 50 observations is taken from an infinite population. The sampling distribution of : a.is approximately normal because of the central limit theorem. b.cannot be determined. c.is approximately normal because is always approximately normally distributed. d.is approximately normal because the sample size is small in comparison to the population size.



a.is approximately normal because of the central limit theorem.

Step-by-step explanation:

The central limit theorem states that if we have a population with mean μ and standard deviation σ and we take sufficiently large random samples from the population with replacement, then the distribution of the sample means will be approximately normally distributed.

For any distribution if the number of samples n ≥ 30, the sample distribution will be approximately normal.

Since in our question, the sample of observations is 50, n = 50.

Since 50 > 30, then our sample distribution will be approximately normal because of the central limit theorem.

So, a is the answer.

Solve Each of the following equations:





5x=3 or 5x=-3  

divide both side by 5  

x=3/5 or -3/5

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: X = -3/5

X = 3/5

Step-by-step explanation:


5X= -3

X= -3/5

5X = 3

X = 3/5

Maddie guessed that there were
1,905 candies in the jar.
What is the value of the 9?



hundreths the 9 represents 900

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:


Expand the number

1000 + 900 + 5

900 is the value of the 9

determine the dimension of cube when the volume is 1.468mcube​



1.137 m

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of a cube is given as the cube of the side. A cube is a 3 dimensional shape with equal sides and 6 faces. If the volume is V and the side is s then

V = s * s * s

Given that the volume is 1.468mcube​ then

s^3 = 1.468

s = cube root of 1.468

= 1.137 m

Which classification describes the following system of equations?
(12x+5y-32= 36
x-2y + 4z = 3
9x-10y + 5z = 27





How can you use what you know about 5(2) to find 5(-2)?
Please help




Step-by-step explanation:

5(2) or fives times two is positive ten. The rule about multiplying with negatives is a negative times a positive is a negative. We take the multiplication answer from 5(2)=10 and apple the nagative from 5(-2). Hope this helps:)

What is the answer to 5/8 - 1/4^2




Step-by-step explanation:

5/8 - 1/4^2

Exponents first

5/8 - 1/16

Get a common denominator

5/8 *2/2 - 1/16

10/16 - 1/16


Find the value of b. Round
the nearest tenth.



b= sin(43°) * 8 / sin(55°) ≈ 6.7

Step-by-step explanation:

Regarding the law of sines, each angle corresponds to the side opposite of it. Here, that means that the 82 degree angle is opposite of side c (so they correspond) and that the 55 degree angle corresponds to the side with 8cm. However, we are trying to find the length of side b. Therefore, assuming that the side with 8cm is side A, if we know that

sin A / a = sinB/b = sin C / C

= sin(55°)/8 = sinB/b = sin(82°) / c, we can take c out of the equation to get

sin(55°)/8 = sinB/b

If we know sinB, we can multiply both sides by 8 to remove a denominator to get

sin(55°) * b / 8 = sinB

multiply both sides by 8 to remove the other denominator to get

sin(55°) * b = sinB * 8

divide both sides by sin(55°) to isolate the b

b = sinB * 8/sin(55°).

Therefore, if we know sinB, we can figure out the length of b.

Because the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees, we can say that

180 = 82 + 55 + angle B

180 = 137 + B

subtract both sides by 137 to isolate B

43 = B

b= sin(43°) * 8 / sin(55°) ≈ 6.7




16⅜ cups

Step-by-step explanation:

Start by getting the same denominator on both fractions and by eliminating the mixed fraction. So our problem is:

15¾ cups + ⅝ cups = ?

15¾ = 63/4 = 126/8

126/8 + ⅝ = 131/8 = 16⅜

The point (0,0) is a solution to which of these inequalities?




Step-by-step explanation:


C. y - 7 < 2x - 6

Step-by-step explanation:

A. y + 7 < 2x + 6

0 + 7 < 2(0) + 6

7 < 0 + 6

7 < 6 —————- FALSE

B. y + 7 < 2x - 6

0 + 7 < 2(0) - 6

7 < 0 - 6

7 < -6 —————FALSE

C. y - 7 < 2x - 6

0 - 7 < 2(0) - 6

-7 < 0 - 6

-7 < -6 —————TRUE

D. y - 6 < 2x - 7

0 - 6 < 2(0) - 7

-6 < 0 - 7

-6 < -7 ————— FALSE

I neeeeddddd helppppp !!!!! It’s urgenttttttt



I'm so sorry, i don't know how it's called (because English isn't my native language) but there are angles that have the same value

maybe u'll tell me..

What is the volume?
9 ft
4 ft
2 ft




Step-by-step explanation:

V=whl=4 x 2 x9=72


72 cubic feet

Step-by-step explanation:

*this formula doesn’t work for all shapes*

Volume = length x width x height

Volume = 4 x 2 x 9

Volume = 72 cubic feet

there are 10 boys and 6 girls. How many ways are there to choose 8 people to get at most 5 girls




Step-by-step explanation:

0 girls and 8 boys :

[tex]\left(\begin{array}{c}10\\ 8\end{array}\right)=10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3/8!=45\\\\[/tex]

1 girl and 7 boys:

[tex]\left(\begin{array}{c}6\\ 1\end{array}\right)*\left(\begin{array}{c}10\\7\end{array}\right)=6*10*9*...*4/7!=6*120=720\\\\[/tex]

2 girl and 6 boys:

[tex]\left(\begin{array}{c}6\\ 2\end{array}\right)*\left(\begin{array}{c}10\\6\end{array}\right)=60*210=1260\\[/tex]

3 girl and 5 boys:

[tex]\left(\begin{array}{c}6\\ 3\end{array}\right)*\left(\begin{array}{c}10\\5\end{array}\right)\\[/tex]

4 girls and 4 boys:

[tex]\left(\begin{array}{c}6\\ 4\end{array}\right)*\left(\begin{array}{c}10\\4\end{array}\right)[/tex]

5 girls and 3 bys:

[tex]\left(\begin{array}{c}6\\ 5\end{array}\right)*\left(\begin{array}{c}10\\3\end{array}\right)[/tex]

I let you to calculate and make the sum.

Someone please help me with this



Step-by-step explanation:

Answered by Gauthmath

help pllsssssssssssss



abcd is a quadrilateral

so , d is ( -1,4 )

c is ( 0,-4 )

b is ( 0,-2)


a is ( 2,-2 )

Số nghiệm của pt | 2x-3| - | 3x+2|=0 là?



2 solutions

Step-by-step explanat




Or 2x-3=-3x+2


or 2x+3x=2+3


Or x=1

Pls help me ! L need help here



H. 40 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

On Wednesday, he is 40 inches taller. ... That would make 5 days of growth, for 100 inches. But this is only 3 days therefore he would grow 40 inches taller

There is 10% salt solution and a 30% salt solution. How much of each is needed to make 10L mixture that is 25% salt solution?



2.5L of 10% salt solution and 7.5L of the 30% salt solution

Step-by-step explanation:

let the amount of L in the 10% solution be 'x'

let the amount of L in the 30% solution be '10-x'

* because they add up to a total of 10L

10%(x) + 30%(10-x) = 25%(10)

0.1x + 3 - 0.3x = 2.5

-0.2x = -0.5

x = 2.5

x =2.5

10-x = 7.5

2.5 of 10% solution and 7.5% of 30% solution

7. In which step does a mistake first occur?
8 + 2 + (3 X 3 -2)
Step 1: 8 +2 + (3 x 1)
Step 2: 8 +2 + 3
Step 3: 4 + 3
Step 4: 7




Step-by-step explanation:


mistake in the first step

firstly we do × and ÷

then + and -

Write the equation of the circle in standard form with the center located at
(-2, 5) and radius of 3.



(x+2)^2 + (y-5)^2 = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a circle is given by

(x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2 where (h,k) is the center and r is the radius

(x- -2)^2 + (y-5)^2 = 3^2

(x+2)^2 + (y-5)^2 = 9

The statements below can be used to prove that the triangles are similar. On a coordinate plane, right triangles A B C and X Y Z are shown. Y Z is 3 units long and B C is 6 units long. StartFraction A B Over X Y EndFraction = StartFraction 4 Over 2 EndFraction ? StartFraction A C Over X Z EndFraction = StartFraction StartRoot 52 EndRoot Over StartRoot 13 EndRoot EndFraction △ABC ~ △XYZ by the SSS similarity theorem. Which mathematical statement is missing?


Answer: c. BC/YZ=6/3

Step-by-step explanation:


Answer: The answer is C. BC/YZ = 6/3

Step-by-step explanation:

Got it right on edge 2023

6. Alex and Brian park their bikes side-by-side. Alex leaves to visit friends, and Brian leaves 30 minutes later,
headed for the same destination. Alex pedals 5 miles per hour slower than Brian. After 1 hour, Brian passes Alex. At
what speed are they each pedaling?



See below.

Step-by-step explanation:

When Brian passes Alex they both have travelled the same distance.

Call this distance d.

Let the speed that Brian passes = x miles/hour.

Distance = speed * time  so:

For Alex:

d = (x - 5) * 1.5        ( Alex cycles for 1 + 30 minutes =  1.5 hours)

For Brian:

d = x * 1

So substituting d = x in Alex's equation:

x = 1.5(x - 5)

x = 1.5x - 7.5

7.5 = 0.5x

7/5 / 0.5 = x

15 = x.


Brian's speed is 15 miles/hour.

Alex's speed is 15 - 5 = 10 miles/hour.

Enter the repeating digit:

[tex] \frac{2 }{3} = 0. \frac{?}{?} [/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:


Find the surface area of the cube shown below.
2 1/2



SA = 37.5 units^2

Step-by-step explanation:

2 1/2 = 2.5

the Surface Area of the cube

SA = 6a^2

SA = 6(2.5)^2

SA = 6(6.25)

SA = 37.5 units^2

There are 38 chocolates in a box, all identically shaped. There are 8 filled with nuts, 16 with caramel, and 14 are solid chocolate. You randomly select one piece, eat it and then select a second piece. Find the probability of selecting 2 solid chocolate in a row




Step-by-step explanation:

Number of chocolates in box = 38

Number of nuts = 8

Number of caramel = 16

Number of solid chocolate = 14

Since 2 are selected in a row and not replaced, then;

Probability of first being solid chocolate = 14/38

Probability of second being solid chocolate after first one = 13/37


P(2 selected in a row being solid chocolate) = 14/38 × 13/37 = 0.1294

Please help me solve this short problem today is my last day to complete these



shift of 1 unit to the right

Step-by-step explanation:

Given f(x) then f(x + a) is a horizontal translation of f(x)

• If a > 0 then a shift left of a units

• If a < 0 then a shift right of a units

Given the parent function is y = x² , then

y = (x - 1)² is a shift to the left of 1 unit of the parent function

The weight of an object on the moon is
1/6 of its weight on Earth. If a moon rock
weighs 20.5 lb on Earth, how much did
the moon rock weigh on the moon?



1/6 = 0.16 = 16%

restate the question: 16% of 20.5 is what? multiply: 20.5*.16 = 3.28 now, to find the weight of the object on the moon, subtract 16% from 20.5. 16% of 20.5 is 3.28 20.5-3.28 = 17.22 = 17 22/100 = 17 11/50

the weight of the object is 17 11/50 pounds on the moon.

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