With all great writing, inspiration tends to be a vital component! To inspire your writing, begin by doing some online research to explore a variety of real-life criminal cases. There are no real parameters for the kinds of cases that you can explore and research, but you should keep in mind that your ultimate goal is to find a case that you can use as a basis for your own short story. While many serious criminal cases involving physical evidence tend to be a bit graphic, please do your best to choose a real-life story that is as appropriate for school and adapt accordingly when adding your own details.

Once you have selected a real-life criminal case, write a short summary of the case.

Next, it is time to write your own short story. Regardless of the factors involved in your real-life case, you will need to alter this case to not only make it your own creative endeavor, but also to include and meet the following requirements:

Minimum of two pages
Includes and highlights physical evidence in the form of blood, fingerprints, and hair or other DNA
Physical evidence needs to be a main focus in your story – for example, perhaps the physical evidence is what helps to solve the case and catch the culprit or perhaps the physical evidence is mishandled and deems the case unsolvable.

The goal of writing this short story is to show and explain the importance of physical evidence in a creative (yet also informative) manner. So, while you might use the pieces from the real-life crime to shape your own story, you will need to find a way to give physical evidence a significant role in the story. Avoid simply summarizing the real-life story – remember, you’ve already done that, and this should be a creative, fictional piece of writing. Finally, please include a list of all websites and resources that you used to help craft this story.


Answer 1

Physical evidence is any tangible evidence that can be used in a court of law to prove a fact or event. Fingerprints, documents, blood or hair samples, or any other type of physical evidence.

What does finger print mean?

Fingerprinting is the process of identifying people by their unique fingerprints. It is used in many different contexts, including criminal justice, employment, and financial services. Because fingerprints are unique to each individual and cannot be easily changed, they are one of the most commonly used biometric identification methods.

Write your own short story:

The story begins in the small town of Glenville, where the police are investigating a strange case. On the night of April 13th, a young woman named Emily Jones was brutally murdered in her home. When the police arrived on the scene, they were horrified to find Emily’s body lying lifeless on the floor.

The police began to analyze the crime scene and found a few pieces of physical evidence. Firstly, there was a bloody footprint left in the hallway leading to Emily’s bedroom. Secondly, there were several strands of hair on the victim’s shirt that did not match her own. Lastly, the police found a fingerprint on the doorknob of Emily’s bedroom.

The police quickly began to analyze the physical evidence and started to piece together the events of that fateful night. Through the bloody footprint, the police were able to determine that the perpetrator had been wearing shoes a size larger than Emily’s. This led them to suspect that the murderer was a male.

The strands of hair found on Emily’s shirt were tested and found to be a match for a man named John Smith. John was Emily’s neighbor and had been seen in the area around the time of the murder.

Lastly, the fingerprint found on the doorknob was analyzed and was found to match John’s fingerprint. This was the final piece of physical evidence that the police needed to make an arrest.

John was arrested and brought to court where he was charged with Emily’s murder. In the end, John was convicted and sentenced to life in prison due to the overwhelming physical evidence that was found at the crime scene.

This case shows the importance of physical evidence in a criminal investigation. It is through the collection and analysis of physical evidence that a case can be solved, and justice can be served.

To know more about Physical Evidence,



Related Questions

4. Could the United States Government implement a similar security model in the United States to monitor the
behavior of persons suspected of planning terrorist acts against the United States?


It is possible for the United States government to implement a security model similar to the one used by other countries to monitor the behavior of individuals suspected of planning terrorist acts. However, the specifics of such a model would depend on a number of factors, including the current laws and regulations in the United States, the resources available to the government, and the level of support for such a measure among the general population. It is also important to note that any security model implemented in the United States would need to be carefully designed to balance the need for security with the need to protect individual rights and liberties

In England in the 18th century, when men on prison hulks had done all of the local project repairs that were needed, what happened to them?
O They were released because that paid their debt.
O They were shipped to Australia and America to work on projects there.
O They were allowed to spend time at home with their families.
O They were sent to penitentiaries, locked up to think about what they'd done.


For nearly a century, these ships were used as "temporary" prisons. There is no denying the harshness of life in the prison hulks. Inmates were chained in irons and had to get up every day at 5 a.m., work hard for ten hours in the summer, seven in the winter, and finish at 7 p.m.

In hulks, how were convicts treated?

This was done intentionally because the parliamentary act that allowed for the use of hulks stipulated that convicts would only be fed bread, "any coarse or inferior food," water, and small beers. Convicts frequently experienced malnutrition and hunger.

When were hulks used in prison?

In the 18th and 19th centuries, authorities used decommissioned ships as floating prisons. These were called "prison hulks." In England, they were used a lot.

To learn more about prison hulks here:



Answer: B, they were shipped to Australia and America to work on projects there.


What is the correct definition of a constitution?


Answer: A constitution is a document that sets forth the fundamental principles and laws of a government, outlining the powers and duties of the government and establishing the rights, liberties, and duties of the people. It is typically the highest law of the land, and its provisions are typically more difficult to change than those of ordinary laws. A constitution provides the framework for the organization and operation of a government, and it sets the rules for the exercise of political power. It is often seen as a safeguard against arbitrary or oppressive rule, as it sets limits on the powers of government and protects the rights of individuals.

a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed

Because Indigenous communities often lack the money to buy or sell goods and services, tribal governments: A. work with the state government to open businesses and casinos. B. formed their own banks to give loans to Indigenous people. C. run casinos, gas stations, hotels, and online businesses. D. rely on the federal government to provide subsidies and grants.​


Because Indigenous communities often lack the money to buy or sell goods and services, tribal governments is option C. run casinos, gas stations, hotels, and online businesses.

What is the Indigenous communities about?

It is important to note that Indigenous communities have a diverse range of economic activities, and different communities may have different approaches to economic development.

Some Indigenous communities have established businesses, such as casinos, gas stations, hotels, and online businesses, as a way to generate income and support their communities. Other Indigenous communities may work with state or federal governments to access subsidies or grants to support economic development.

Still, others may have formed their own banks or credit unions to provide loans to Indigenous people. It is not uncommon for Indigenous communities to use a combination of these approaches to support economic development and improve the well-being of their communities.

Learn more about Indigenous communities from


A jury convicted two defendants for crimes involving the transportit
aliens. After the trial was over, the federal judge in the case enforced a court rule
that prohibited anyone from interviewing any juror, relative, friend, or associate
of the juror regarding the deliberations or verdict of the jury unless the person
can show good cause. Two weeks after the verdict, a newspaper publisher and
reporter filed a motion to get permission to interview the jurors for a news story.
The court denied the motion.
The publisher and reporter filed a lawsuit, claiming that they have a right under
freedom of the press to gather news and that the denial of access to interview the
jurors violates that constitutional right.
The court defends its ruling and its order not to grant permission by stating that,
like other First Amendment rights, the right to gather news is not absolute. The
purpose of prohibiting interviews of the jury is to protect jurors from annoyance
and harassment. Additionally, freedom of debate and independence of thought
would be stifled if jurors were made to feel that their arguments and ballots were
to be freely published to the public.
The law requires that restrictions of the press's news-gathering rights must be
justified by a compelling governmental interest and narrowly tailored to serve
that interest.
1. Who is the plaintiff?
2. Who is the defendant?
3. What does the plaintiff want?
4. What does the defendant want?
5. What is the issue in this case?
What arguments does the plaintiff make?


The answer responses are:

The plaintiff in this case is the newspaper publisher and reporter.The defendant in this case is the court.The plaintiff wants permission to interview the jurors for a news story.The defendant wants to maintain its ruling and order not to grant permission to interview the jurors.The issue in this case is whether the plaintiff's right to gather news under the First Amendment of the US Constitution is being violated by the defendant's prohibition on interviewing jurors.

What arguments does the plaintiff make?

The plaintiff argues that they have a right under the freedom of the press to gather news and that the prohibition on interviewing jurors violates this right.

They may also argue that the prohibition is not justified by a compelling governmental interest and is not narrowly tailored to serve that interest, as required by law.

Therefore,  the plaintiff may also argue that the prohibition is overly broad and unnecessarily restricts their ability to gather news.

Learn more plaintiff from



A physics student weighing 500 N stands on a scale in an
elevator and records the scale reading over time. The data is
shown in the graph above. At time t = 0, the elevator is at rest
on the ground floor. What is the acceleration of the student
from 10-15 s?


According to the question , net force is zero so the acceleration of student is zero.

By data, what do you imply?

Data is data that has been transformed into a form that is useful for transfer or analysis in computers. Data is data that has been transformed into binary digital form for use with modern technology and communication mediums. The topic of data can be used in either as the single or the plural.


Weight= 500mg

m = 500/9.8 = 51.02Kg


b) when scale elevator is at rest, acceleration is zero so net force is zero

  N-mg = 0

  N = mg = 500N

c)  During 5-10 second , N = 500N , from graph

    N-mg = ma

    500-500 = 51.02a

    a = 300/51.02

    = 5.85m/s^2 upward

d)  10-15 second , reading is 500N

     so, N-mg = 500-500

          = 0N

Net force is zero acceleration is zero so moving with a constant        velocity  or at rest.

e) During 15-20 scale reading is 300

     300-500 = m2a

     -200 = 51.02a

      a = -3.92m/s2 downward

Net force is zero , so it moves with constant velocity.

To know more about data visit:



A disagreement has erupted between Jarron and Will about who owns a book that is in the public domain. Jarron says the original writer remains the
owner while Will says that no one owns it. Who is right?

A. Jarron because books cannot be public domain.

B. Jarron because Creative Commons licenses protect author ownership in the public domain.

C. Neither Jarron nor Will because the original writer's family are the legal copyright owners.

Will because items in the public domain belong to the public.


A disagreement has erupted between Jarron and Will about who owns a book that is in the public domain. Jarron because books cannot be public domain. Hence, option A is appropriate.

What is the public domain?

All artistic creations for which no exclusive rights of intellectual property apply are considered to be in the public domain. Anyone may legally use or make references to those works without permission since these rights have expired.

Generally speaking, if a piece of work is no longer copyrightable or its copyrights have expired, it is in the public domain. Public domain compositions can be extensively quoted and can act as the basis for new creative works.

Hence, option A is correct.

Learn more about the Public Domain here:



is it true that article 2 established the supreme court





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