Word malay whose meaning in English is lion city



Answer 1


this is full explanation


hope it help you mark me bainlist

Answer 2


There seems to be different meanings to this. For example, this is a language and this is also a word to represent a "member of a people inhabiting Malaysia and Indonesia."


And in English it seems to mean "lion city" according to you.

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Here are five reasons for European exploration:

1) Better Trade Routes - Many people explored to find faster and cheaper ways to foreign countries.

2) Fame - Some people wanted to go down as a great name in history.

3) National Pride - Many people explored to claim new lands for their country and become national heroes.

4) Religion - Some explorers went on pilgrimages to spread Christianity.

5) Foreign Goods - People wanted to bring back spices and jewels that could not be found in their own country.

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a. air pollution

b. introduction of invasive species

c. burning of fossil fuels

d. all of the above



D. All of the above.

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