Work a pairs. If you have a passport, tell your partner when you got it and which country/countries you have already visited. If you do not have a passport, would you like to you have one? why?


Answer 1


Yes I would like to have a passport


It is because in the questions, it says that you should tell your partner where you got the passport from and which country/countries you have visited so without the passport I will not be able to tell my partner where I got it from and what countries I have visited.

Related Questions

If you could fix one issue in the world what would it be and why? Write 5-7 sentences



'If I could 'change one thing' about the world', it would be people’s attitude towards the use of plastics. The world at large has come up with hazards relating to the use of plastics. But, despite this, people still continue using them and discard them everywhere.  

The plastic waste cannot be decomposed and stays on in the soil creating all sorts of health hazards. The small plastic pieces end up in landfills and the oceans, 'wreaking havoc on 'marine life. Hundreds and thousands of marine lives choke to death due to the little bits of plastic that find their way into the ocean. I would like to bring about a total ban on plastics and erase it from the 'face of the Earth.'





Leila stared at the driver of the shiny red convertible stopped in the middle of the intersection, incredulous that he would stop traffic just to yell at another driver behind him. What does the use of incredulous connote?


Answer: d. that Leila is shocked at what the driver of the convertible did


Incredulous in this scenario refers to shock. In this instance, it means that the actions of the driver of the convertible in stopping just to yell at someone else was a shocking sight to Leila.

Other examples of sentences with the word "incredulous" are:

- I stared at him incredulously as he lied to my face

- Haile Selassie was incredulous when the coup against him began.

The reward of getting a glass of juice was a big treat for Milkha
True or false​



it can be both since it depends if she enjoyed it or if she didn't enjoy it.

but if she wanted to be nice then true


The reward of getting a glass of juice was a big treat for Milkha

this statment is true

Read this excerpt from “The Passing” and answer the question. ...He [Joe Willow] leaned on the mailbox, and we said nothing for a few moments until he spoke again. “ You’re Edmund’s boy, aren’t you?” “Huh-uh. I belong to Rosa.” “Oh.” He squatted down. “You know what? I’m the same way. Everybody calls me Jimmy Bear’s boy, but I’m not. He’s not my daddy.” “You better get on home,” Joe Willow said. “That’s your daddy calling you.” “I’m Rosa’s boy,” I said. “I know,” he said, “but you better get on back.” He looked up again at the deepening sky and laughed softly. “I’ll see you some other time – ‘Rosa’s boy.’” What does Joe and Edmund’s conversation most likely offer each of them?

a sense of being needed
a sense of brotherhood
a sense of rebellion
a sense of being understood


answer : a sense of being understood

What is assonance?

Repetition of vowel sounds in a line of poetry
Repetition of consonant sounds in a line of poetry
Words that represent the sounds they make in poetry
Words that represent pictures in the mind found in poetry


Repetition of vowel sounds in a line of poetry
Repetition of vowel sounds in a line of poetry

What is the meaning of the simile in lines 93-96?

And, as a hare, whom hounds and horns pursue,
Pants to the place from whence at first she flew,
I still had hopes, my long vexations passed,
Here to return-and die at home at last


The simile in the lines clearly indicates that the narrator after a long journey from where they left in life, returned very hastily to the same place.

The simile is found in the line that states: "As a hare, whom hounds and horns pursue,..."

A smile is a literary device that uses the comparison of two different objects or subjects in order to strike a deeper meaning in the mind of the reader.

It is usually characterized by the use of "as" or "like".

For example,

She is as brave as a lion;The ice cream melted like butter in a hot frying pan

Learn more about simile here:

A noun clause is a subordinate clause that is used as a noun. A noun clause may be used as a subject, a direct object, an object of a preposition, or a predicate nominative. A noun clause usually begins with one of these words: how, that, what, Whatever, when. Where. which, whichever, wito, whom, whoever, whose, why. Which sentence contains a noun clause? You may take whichever puppy you want. B] I like to exercise soon after get up each morning, The room became cold quickly after the power went out Since the car was in the shop: we had to ride the train.​


Yeah why do I need you

38. I use a cassette to practice listening skills.
→A cassette _______________________________________________________________________
39. I’m very keen on joining the rock concert next Sunday.
→I’m looking _____________________________________________________________________

42. Henry’s success is his parents’ pride.
Henry’s parents are ________________________________________________________________



38. A cassette is useful for practicing listening skills.

39. I'm looking forward to joining the rock concert next Sunday.

42. Henry's parents are prideful because of his successes.


These are kind of weird sentences and I'm unsure of the objective of the assignment, hope this helps though!

In what ways was Mandela free when he was a child?



yui,,ikg?e,bkm vvhxsy*w**त्ग्गोईस्स्व,

200 pages.
Question 2
a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
i) The book consists
ii) She is very sensitive
iii) He is due
promotion this month.
iv) He is very particular
what he wears.
v) She is very popular
her friends.
vi) This is a story
a purpose.
vii) After the death of his father he was brought
viii) My friend backed
of his promise.
by his uncle.



excuse me is there any words given to fill in the blanks??

The most significant event of the Roman period was the birth,life,and death of Jesus Christi


Answer: ok


is this a questionn orrr?

For all the years I knew my grandma, she could barely see. Grandma was legally blind, and yet she knew, by feel, the location of every dish in her kitchen and every work of literature on the bookcase in the living room.
I remember especially the bird-like way she peered at things. I'd bring her a copy of my latest school picture, and she'd hold the photo an inch or two from her face, tilt her head to one side, and inspect it before saying, "Very pretty." I used to think she was just being polite, that she really couldn't see me in the picture. But then she'd add, "That pin you're wearing was your mother's." How did she see that little blur on my jacket? The things she could see never failed to amaze me.
Watching television with Grandma, I never failed to learn something. Usually it was the complicated plot twist of one of her favorite soap operas—The Guiding Light or As the World Turns. We grandkids would curl up on the big couch while Grandma pulled up a footstool and planted herself right next to the TV, elbows on her knees, to watch the screen. At the commercial break, she'd explain who was marrying whom and who was in the hospital and who had recently come back from the dead. She seemed to have no trouble identifying the characters whom she could barely see. Whether or not she could bring them into sharp focus, they were as real to her as her giggling grandkids.
For a treat, we'd sometimes pile into our grandparent's black car for a drive around town: my grandfather at the wheel, my long-legged older brother in the front seat, and Grandma sandwiched between me and my little brother in the back—but sitting so far forward she was practically in the front. I'd imagined all she could see was a blur of images rushing past, yet she could always tell when Grandpa had missed a turn or forgotten to turn on his headlights. Returning home, Grandma would wave at the boy who mowed their lawn and point out the new fruit on the plum tree in their yard.
In later years, when I visited from college, Grandma would always be waiting when I pulled up in my old orange car (that's admittedly hard to miss, no matter how bad one's vision). She'd greet me with a bear hug. Then she'd surprise me, every time, with what she could see. Holding my face in her hands, she'd turn my head from side to side and announce, "You got your hair cut!" as if I had won the lottery and forgotten to tell her. I began to wonder if we rely on our eyes too much—if maybe, with our perfect sight, we're actually missing the details my grandma and her poor vision never failed to catch.

This story makes the reader think about what we can and cannot see. What question does the author ask us to think about at the end?
A. Was life just a blur of images racing past our eyes?
B. Could Grandma see the things she said she could see?
C. Do people with perfect vision miss out on the details of life?
D. Do blind people enjoy life more than people who can see?





In the last sentance they say that people with eyes might miss out on the things that people who are blind like the authors grandma can "see."

So it is, "Do people with perfect vision miss out on the details in life?"

Answer:D. Do blind people enjoy life more than people who can see?


i need help with this as soon as possible pleaseee





kinds of noun definition.​


Types could be

Nouns can name a person:

Albert Einstein
the president
my mother
a girl
Nouns can also name a place:

Mount Vesuvius
my bedroom
Nouns can also name things, although sometimes they might be intangible things, such as concepts, activities, or processes. Some might even be hypothetical or imaginary things.

The Elder Wand

How far is it from her house to school



about 6 feet


if you dig a 12 foot hole how deep is that hole

Help asap thank you!


its awnswer c Explanation:

It is often rainy at/in autumn



It is often rainy IN autumn.




Specific places




Parts of a country / region / city

Number of weeks / months / years

Parts of the day








Special days with the word "day"

Specific dates


Specific places in towns or cities


Parties and festivals without the word "day"

I need a 7 sentence summary on decision making



ok but what kind of sentence I will help you

When the narrator has a first-person point of view, he or she speaks using the pronoun __________. “it”




When the narrator has a first person point view.he or she speaks using the pronoun Us.


There are three persons in english

First person-I,weSecond person-you,yourThird person-They,it ,he,she

Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a writer gives a subtle hint of what is to come later in the story. Can you identify an example of foreshadowing from the beginning of “The Monkey’s Paw” that suggests making wishes on the paw will lead to tragedy?



The Sergeant Major who gave Mr. White and his wife the talisman warned them about previous owners who befell bad fates. The first man in possession of the talisman wished for death, though the Sergeant did not say exactly if it came true or not. However, he advised them to throw the paw into an open fire and get rid of it. On page 171, he states he threw it into the fire and that if the couple decides to keep the paw, to not blame him for what may happen.


meaning of make fun of​



tease, laugh at, or joke about (someone) in a mocking way.



là trò cười nhằm chế nhạo , đả kich , giễu cợt thói hư tât sấu trong xã hội


Can you answer this please it sue tonight



I think he's a social freak with children

Which of the following is NOT something you should do when writing an informative text?
A. Organize your thoughts using a table
B. Include persuasive language to convince your audience that your information is correct.
C. Allow ten minutes at the end to proofread your answer and make any last-minute changes.
D. Organize your thoughts using a mind map


C. Allow ten minutes at the end to proofread your answer and make any last-minute changes.

When you are writing an informative text you plan the writing by doing research on it then extracting the information needed that information is gathered and placed in the form of a summary, then in the last the summary or the final text is arranged in the sequence to benefit and engage the user of this informative text.

Learn more at

Who wrote the letter that Benvolio and Mercutio discuss in Act II,
scene iv of The Tragedy of Romeo and



C. Tybalt


Tybalt wrote the letter that Benvolio and Mercutio discuss in Act II, scene iv.


In Romeo and Juliet, Tybalt wrote the letter that Benvolio and Mercutio discuss in Act II, Scene IV.

Read the excerpt. From “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” by William Butler Yeats I will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore: While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray, I hear it in the deep heart’s core. What do the “roadway” and “pavements gray” in “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” represent? the carefree and peaceful life that Innisfree offers him the grief the speaker feels when he is not with his family the dreariness of the speaker’s life away from Innisfree the joy the speaker feels that he can visit Innisfree in his heart



The dreariness of the speaker’s life away from Innisfree.


The lines 'While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey, I hear it in the deep heart’s core' refer to a feeling of closeness to and remembrance of a place dear to the speaker’s heart. There is an implicit sense of removal, of physical distance, contrasted to an emotional proximity.

So we know it reflects his life away from the idyllic Innisfree. Futhermore, the general tone of the phrase, the depiction of the pavements' colour (rather a dull one), appear to suggest a certain general dreariness.

Define personification


giving a nonhuman thing human characteristics
Giving something that is non human human characteristics

dilogue between 2 friends about cleanliness​


vamos a limpiar para que limpiemos

A novel usually presents
O a protagonist and a few other characters
O no round characters
O several major characters



the first question is right

Which detail best characterizes the narrators uncle in the excerpt in a journey to the center of the earth


Hi. Unfortunately you didn't show the excerpt your question refers to. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I could find another question exactly like yours, which had the text shown in the attached figure. In that case, I hope the answer below will help you.

A detail of the text that characterizes the narrator's uncle well are the lines "As I said, my uncle, Professor Hardwigg, was a very learned man; and I now add a most kind relative."

That's because these lines summarize two very striking points of the narrator's uncle's personality, which allows the reader to have a strong view of this man and even be able to understand the way he behaves throughout the story. In addition, the narrator shows evidence that the uncle has, in fact, these characteristics, showing how the uncle is a cultured and scholarly man, who values science and studies, especially in relation to mineralogy, in addition to showing that the uncle valued family ties and was very affectionate with his relatives.

Before finalizing your answer, it is important that you know that "Journey to the center of the earth" is a book written by Jules Verne, which shows the story of how Axel, the narrator, and his uncle discover an ancient document that guide them to a series of underground caves, where they live many adventures.

You can find more information in the following related questions:

it’s a rare thing for me to be absent from his lectures is correct !!

Exercise 1: Put the verbs in the simple present tense 1. Mothers often (tell) their children stories at bedtime. 2. He (brush) his teeth before he (go) to bed. 3. Every year they (go) to the countryside on holiday. 4. Lan usually (not/watch) T.V in the evening. 5. My friends always (wish) to become a teacher. 6. What time your father (go) to work ? 7. We always (understand) what the teacher (explain). 8. He (live) in Thai Nguyen in summers. 9. I usually (go) to school by bus. 10. What program he (watch) in the afternoon ?



1. Mothers often tells their children stories at bedtime

2.  He brushes his teeth before he goes to bed

3. Every year they go to the countryside on holiday.

4. Lan usually don't watch T.V in the evening.

5. My friends always wishes to become a teacher.

6. What time your father goes to work ?

7. We always understand what the teacher explains.

8. He lives in Thai Nguyen in summers.

9. I usually go to school by bus.

10. What program he watches in the afternoon ?

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