World War Two has been called "The Good War." Was it for the United States?


Answer 1

The term "The Good War" assumes that there is specifically a good side and a  evil side. In a sense, it was a good war for the United States and her allies. The true democratic states were able to defeat the Fascist and Imperialistic countries of the Axis, and establish the noble ideals that founded the US to the world.

However, was it truly the "good war"? I would argue not. After all, the very ideals established by the US was forfeited within the United States. The Good War essentially established that the all people have the right to first their life, their freedom, their opinions, and then the defense of oneself. However, the US, the long-time champion of such beliefs, also dropped this belief in times of war, as the then-Democratic president Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which, combined with the Orders leading up to it, removed their freedom to religion (First Amendment), their right to press and free speech (First Amendment), in the beginning, the force stay-at-home orders during the beginning of the war (Third Amendment), as well as the forced removal from their homes (Fourth Amendment). Quite frankly, the Democratic Party essentially treated those who were of Japanese descent as sub-human and sub-par, and that the only positive compared to that of the concentration camps ran by the Nazi's was that the US did not murder Japanese & German ancestry's, and slowly worked to improve the livelihoods of those who lived in these camps.

Again, this is definitely not taking away from the accomplishments that the US had achieved during this war. They, in a broad scheme of things, were able to beat back fascism, totalitarianism, extreme inhumane treatments, the guarantee of fair treatment of individual sovereign nations, and many other achievements. However, to only suggest that the US did positive things without shining some light to the negative is a faulty logic, and to suggest that WWII was simply "the good war" without allowing for further information would imply that the US (or Allies, in the grand scheme of things) was never in the wrong, and always in the right.


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A traditional economy


A traditional economy is an economic system in which traditions, customs, and beliefs help shape the goods and services the economy produces, as well as the rule and manner of their distribution. Countries that use this type of economic system are often rural and farm-based.

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Buddhism Spread From Central Asia, they spread into China in the 2nd century CE. These forms of Hinayana were later combined with Mahayana aspects that came through this same route from India, with the Mahayana eventually becoming the dominant form of Buddhism in China and most of Central Asia. The Chinese form of Mahayana later spread to Korea, Japan and Vietnam.

Hope this helps,


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Week 3 Short Responses – Question 3 The National American Woman Suffrage Association supported the U.S. decision to enter World War I and publicly encouraged women to support the war effort. Was this a necessary or a contributory cause of the success of the woman suffrage movement?


Answer and Explanation:

We can consider that in addition to being a necessary cause for the efforts of war, it was a cause that contributed immensely to the movement for women's suffrage.

When men left their cities to join the armies during the war, a large part of the country's industry and production was paralyzed for lack of workers. However, as war is extremely expensive, it is essential that all productive sectors in a country continue to function and generate money, so that the economy remains active and there is money for the war effort. Therefore, it was essential that countries at war had the efforts of women, who had to take over the work left by men.

This was essential for the economy of the countries, but it was also a great help for the women's suffrage movement, as it showed how women were necessary for citizenship and the functioning of the country and how they were able to contribute to any activity, even the occupied ones. by men.

Jane wants to increase her political participation beyond voting in elections.
Which action would accomplish this?
A. Running for political office
B. Participating in a boycott
C. Volunteering at a soup kitchen
D. Serving on a jury



the only reasonable one I see is running for political office


Question 7 of 20
The Supreme Court has recently ruled that a federal law
outlawing the burning of the American flag in protest
violates the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech.
The Court delivered a split decision, with five justices
voting to overturn the law and four voting to uphold it.
How could one of the major organizations within the federal government
most effectively overcome the Supreme Court's ruling to allow the federal
government to outlaw flag burning?
A. Federal district and appellate judges could refuse to follow the
Supreme Court's precedent.
B. The federal bureaucracy could refuse to comply with the Supreme
Court's orders.
C. Congress could propose a constitutional amendment that would
outlaw flag burning.
D. The president could vold the Supreme Court's ruling using her veto


If the congress proposed a constitutional amendment that would outlaw flag burning, then, the major organizations will most effectively overcome the Supreme Court's ruling to allow the federal government to outlaw flag burning.

What is a Flag burning?

Its involves the act of burning the nation flag as a protest against nationalism or deliberate insult to the people of the country represented by the flag.

However, despite that a Flag burning is offensive, the action is legal in the United states according to Supreme Court rulings and it is a covered under the First Amendment.

Therefore, the Option C is correct.

Read more about Flag burning

Features of stratification in Nigeria sociology



Inequality or Higher-lower positions

Social Stratification is a Source of Competition

Every Status has a Particular Prestige Associated with it

Stratification Involves a Stable, Enduring and Hierarchical Division of Society:

Different Statuses are Inter-dependent

What led to the creation of cattle trails?
A) The trails were used to protect the cattle from severe weather.
B) Men including Charles Goodnight built the trails in order to move the cattle to the stockyards.
C)Tourists used the trails, bringing additional revenue to the ranchers.
D) Ranchers wanted to move their herds to better grazing land in the West.



A) The trails were used to protect the cattle from severe weather.

(Nope! Although some trails did help, this was not a main reason for the creation.)

B) Men including Charles Goodnight built the trails in order to move the cattle to the stockyards.

(This seems like the best option! Charles Goodnight did build trails to move cattle towards the stockyards)

C)Tourists used the trails, bringing additional revenue to the ranchers.

(Nope! These trails were used for cattle, and cattle alone.)

D) Ranchers wanted to move their herds to better grazing land in the West.

(Nope! These trails were used to bring cattle towards the higher-paying markets in the North-East.)

I hope this helps! :)

Who was a follower of the teachings of Charles Darwin?



i`m pretty sure william browne was one

Election are chosen by





A democracy allows the citizens to elect a leader of their choice.

When did the CIA
write this brief? What was going on in the U.S. at
this time?


Answer: Aug 2nd 1981

Explanation: Sorry if it is wrong, good luck.

Due to the side-effects of industrialization, Roosevelt passed many conversation efforts, such as:


Answer:The Sierra Club


bad effects of industrialization

what do you mean by occupation??​



a person's usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living; vocation: Her occupation was dentistry. any activity in which a person is engaged. possession, settlement, or use of land or property. the act of occupying, possessing, or settling.


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Pythagorean Alcmaeon of Croton was the first brain special.

Geography can be described as?



Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth's surface and the human societies spread across it.



geography is the study of places And the relationship between people And their environment

corto análisis filosófico sobre qué es alienación



Answer to the following question is as follows;


The term alienation refers to a certain type of psychological or social ailment that involves a troublesome separation between such a self and another that should be united. The empirical problems that are frequently produced by apparently philosophical theories of estrangement are recognised but not overcome.

John White led the group of settlers in 1587. He brought his daughter with him to America. His daughter gave birth to the first English baby born in America. What was the baby's name?




Virginia Dare

Why did a conflict develop between Serbia and Austria-Hungary in the years
leading up to World War I?
A. Serbians believed that Austro-Hungarian lands with large Serb
populations should join Serbia,
B. Austro-Hungarians began a campaign of genocide against Serbs
in their territory
O C. Serbian military forces joined the Ottoman Empire in its attacks
against Austria-Hungary.
D. Austro-Hungarian nationalists assassinated the leader of Serbia's
ruling political party.



A. Serbians believed that Austro-Hungarian lands with large Serb

populations should join Serbia,


The Serbians who were trapped in Austria-Hungary believed that they should have all the land of Austria-Hungary and give it to Serbia, so that they would have more land, and more natural resources.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

Conflict developed between Serbia and Austria-Hungary in the years leading up to World War I because Serbians believed that Austro-Hungarian lands with large Serb populations should join Serbia. Thus, option A is correct.

What was the conflict between Serbia and Austria?

Austria-Hungary officially starts the First World War on July 28, 1914, exactly one month after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were murdered in Sarajevo by a Serbian nationalist.

Austria-Hungary decided that the appropriate reaction to the assassinations was to get ready for a potential military invasion of Serbia because it felt threatened by Serbian ambition in the turbulent Balkans region of Europe. Austria-Hungary issued Serbia a strict ultimatum on July 23, 1914, demanding, among other things, that all anti-Austrian propaganda within Serbia be suppressed and that Austria-Hungary be permitted to carry out its own investigation into the archduke's killing. Austria-Hungary did this after securing the unconditional support of its powerful ally, Germany.

Learn more about Serbia-Austria conflict here:


Although Britain won the French and Indian War it came at what cost?



Britain had accumulated a large debt from funding the war


After Britain had won the French and Indian War, they had accumulated a mass debt which led to taxing the British colonies.

In what part of the world did France and Britain go to war as part of the French and Indian War?
South Asia
O West Africa
O North America
O Western Europe


The answer: North America

Following the Peloponnesian War, which country conquered Greece?
A Carthage
B Persia
C Egypt
D Macedon



D. Macedon


Which is an example of using an open-ended question to uncover a problem? O a) "Do you have a problem you'd like addressed today?" b) "Is there a problem? C) "What seems to be the problem?" O d) "Can I help you?"



short and long question

donon mein se koi bhi karo always question

is correct

ok friend

please like comment ok

"Can I help you?"  is an example of using an open-ended question to uncover a problem. Hence, option D is correct.

What is open-ended question?

Open-ended inquiries are those that permit a person to provide a creative response. Closed-ended questions contain a limited range of possible responses, or can only be replied with "Yes" or "No." Open-ended question helps the children to give the longer answers which enhance the range of vocabulary of the children.

To adequately answer the issue posed, they should reflect on their responses and provide specifics. Describe specifics in detail and offer your ideas and opinions. Some of the best open-ended questions are-

Could you please let me know what's on your mind?How did you perform this assignment so expertly?What do you consider to be leading a decent life?

Thus, option D is correct.

For more details about open-ended question, click here:


What are oromo's cultural values?​



Oromos respect their elders and value social responsibility, helping others, bravery, and hard work. Knowledge of history and culture is admired. Oromos can count their family trees through ten generations or more.

4. The following excerpt is about the Neutrality Act of 1937.

The Neutrality Act of 1937 did contain one important concession to [President Franklin)
items except arms from the United States, so long as they immediately paid for such items and
carried them on non-American-ships--the so-called “cash-and-carry” provision.
Source: United States Department of State

Why was the “cash-and-carry” provision important to President Roosevelt?

A. It allowed the United States to make loans to countries that were considered allies.

B. It allowed the United States to aid France and Britain while maintaining neutrality.

C. It made it easier to tax luxury goods that Europeans had purchased in America.

D. It encouraged European companies to invest in American businesses.



The "cash and carry" legislation enacted in 1939 effectively ended the arms embargo that had been in place since the Neutrality Act of 1936, and paved the way for Roosevelt's Lend-Lease program.


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