Write 3^7/2 in surd form.


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:


The top number is the power and the bottom of the fraction is the root

Related Questions

Assume the sample is a random sample from a distribution that is reasonably normally distributed and we are doing inference for a sample mean
(a) Find endpoints of a t-distribution with 5 % beyond them in each tail if the sample has size n = 12.
(b) Find endpoints of a t-distribution with 1% beyond them in each tail if the sample has size n=20.



a) Hence the endpoints of a t-distribution with 5% beyond them in each tail if the sample has size n=12 is ± 1.796.

b) Hence the endpoints of a t-distribution with 1% beyond them in each tail if the sample has size n=20 is ± 2.539.

Step-by-step explanation:

Here the answer is given as follows,

Evaluate each expression.
(252) =




Step-by-step explanation:

Write 33/100 in a decimal


33/100 as a decimal is 0.33


it is .33

Step-by-step explanation:

take 33 and for each 0 move the decimal point like so




keep learning (:

Luisa and Rachelle are competing for employee of the month. It is the last week, and the employee who processes the most client accounts will win. Luisa processed 15 accounts Monday, 22 accounts Tuesday, and 17 accounts Wednesday. Rachelle processed 24 accounts Monday, 18 accounts Tuesday, and 11 accounts Wednesday. Who has processed the most accounts this week, and by how many



Luisa processed the most accounts this week, by 1.

Step-by-step explanation:


15 on Monday, 22 on Tuesday and 17 on Wednesday.

So a total of 15 + 22 + 17 = 54.


24 on Monday, 18 on Tuesday, 11 on Wednesday.

So a total of 24 + 18 + 11 = 53.

Who has processed the most accounts this week, and by how many?

54 - 53 = 1, so Luisa processed the most accounts this week, by 1.

How many degrees must the flyswatter pass through before it is horizontal?




Step-by-step explanation:

assuming it's upright and you swat it down it will go down by 90°

Nhà trường muốn đánh giá tỉ lệ chăm học của sinh viên (trong một tuần). Khảo sát 236 sinh viên thì thấy có 32 sinh viên chăm học. Hãy ước lượng khoảng đối xứng cho tỉ lệ sinh viên chăm học của trường với độ tin cậy 95%



can't understand the language

The radius of a circle is increasing at the rate of 0.1 cm/sec. At what rate is the area
increasing at the instance when r=5cm?​




Step-by-step explanation:

A=pi*r^2, differentiate with respect to t both sides



dA/dt=pi=3.1416 cm^2/sec

Step-by-step explanation:

since the user is listed as beginner, I was wondering, if (while correct) the answer should be based on differentiation (rather advanced topic).

I thought originally this would be about sequences.

and I wondered about the start value.

in any case, here a different view.

the area of a circle is

Ac old = pi × r²

now, r is increasing by 0.1

Ac new = pi×(r+0.1)² = pi×(r² + 0.2r + 0.01) =

= pi×r² + pi×0.2r + pi×0.01 =

= Ac old + pi×0.2r + pi×0.01

so, the increase of the area is

pi×0.2r + pi×0.01

for r=5

pi×0.2×5 + pi×0.01

pi×1 + pi×0.01 = pi + p×0.01 = pi×(1 + 0.01) =

= pi×(1 + (radius change)²)

now, it depends on what your teacher wants to see here.

a "digital stair case" 0.1 by 0.1 increase/sequence approach ?

in this case you might also want to calculate the above with r=4.9 (as only with the last 0.1 step r reaches 5).

and either the r=4.9 (result a tiny bit less than pi) or r=5 (result a tiny bit larger than pi) is correct, of simply the value in the middle (practically pi).

or it was meant to be a continuous increase (not step by step).

in which case we need then to calculate the limit with "radius change" going to 0. which delivers pi as rate result (as with the differentiation).

find lub and glb of the following set E={0.2, 0.23, 0.234, 0.2343, 0.23434, 0.234343,.....}​


The lub is 0.23[tex]\mathbf{\overline{43}}[/tex], while the glb is 0.2

The given set is presented as follows;

E = {0.2, 0.23, 0.234, 0.2343, 0.23434, 0.234343,...}

The least upper bound, lub, of a set, E, is known as the supremum of the set which is the number B such that all x ∈ E are of the value x  ≤ B, while there all y ∈ E has a x ∈ E such that t < x


The supremum, lub of the given set is 0.23[tex]\overline{43}[/tex]

The greatest lower bound, glb, b, also known as the infimum, is defined as follows;

b is the greatest lower bound if for all xE then x ≥ b

Given that b < t, then where x ∈ E, there exist a x < t

The glb of the given set is 0.2

Learn more about lub, supremum, glb, infimum, here;


17. A hospital trauma center is going to be built equidistant from three cities. Positioned on a grid, the cities would be located at (1, 5), (2, -2), and (-6, -2). What are the coordinates of the location where the trauma center should be built? A (-2, -1) C (2, -1) B (-2, 1) D (2.1)​


9514 1404 393


  B (-2, 1)

Step-by-step explanation:

The trauma center will be located at the circumcenter of the triangle. That is the point of intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides. Once the points are graphed, it is pretty easy to see where that will be. It is on the line x=-2, above the x-axis. Only one answer choice is appropriate:

  (-2, 1)


Line AC has a slope of 1. Those points are separated by 7 units horizontally and vertically, so the midpoint is 3.5 units horizontally and vertically from either point, at (-2.5, 1.5). The perpendicular line with slope -1 through that point will intersect x=2 at y=1.

Which function has a domain and range that includes all real values?



the third one

the line extends in both ways forever

Use the function below to find f(3).
f(x) = 3.4^x


Step-by-step explanation:

Hey there!

[tex]f(x) = 3. {4}^{x} [/tex]


[tex]f(3) = 3. {4}^{3} [/tex]

[tex]f(3) = 192[/tex]

Therefore, f(3) = 192.

Hope it helps!

Use the Pythagorean theorem to find the missing lengths in the diagram below.



anser b

Step-by-step explanation:

i had it


x = √74

y = √17

Answered by GAUTHMATH

the perimeter of a square is less than or equal to 50 find the range of the value of the length of the square​



12.5  ≥ s >0

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter of a square is given by

P = 4s where s is the side length

50 ≥ 4s

Divide each side by 4

50/4 ≥ 4s/4

25/2  ≥ s

12.5  ≥ s

Does the graph represent a function and if so, why?

A) Yes, there is more than one ordered pair in this list.
B) Yes, no two sets of ordered pairs occupy the same location.
C) No, some of the ordered pairs in this list have the same second element.
D) No, some of the ordered pair in this graph have the same first element.




Step-by-step explanation:

if you draw any vertical line through a function it should have a max of one intersection point so if the graph, reading from left to right doubles back on itself, it is not a function

Complete the remainder


the answer is -14, plug in -3 for x.


-14 is the answer for the second term (?)

26) What is the perimeter of a rectangle whose
lengths are 9x + 5 and widths are 7x + 2?




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]2(9x + 5 + 7x + 2) \\ 18x + 10 + 14x + 4 \\ 32x + 14[/tex]


32x + 14

Step-by-step explanation:

The opposite sides of a rectangle are equal, so

perimeter = 2(9x + 5) + 2(7x + 2) ← distribute parenthesis

                 = 18x + 10 + 14x + 4 ← collect like terms

                 = 32x + 14

An urn contains 5 blue marbles and 4 yellow marbles. One marble is​ removed, its color​ noted, and not replaced. A second marble is removed and its color is noted.
(a) What is the probability that both marbles are blue? yellow​?
​(b) What is the probability that exactly one marble is blue​?



(a)The probability that both marbles are blue=5/18

The probability that both marbles are yellow=1/6

(b)The probability that exactly one marble is blue​=5/9

Step-by-step explanation:

Blue marbles=5

Yellow marbles=4

Total marbles=5+4=9


Probability of drawing first  blue marble=5/9

Probability of drawing second blue marble without replacement=4/8

The probability that both marbles are blue

[tex]=\frac{5}{9}\times \frac{4}{8}=\frac{5}{18}[/tex]

Probability of drawing first  yellow marble=4/9

Probability of drawing second yellow marble without replacement=3/8

The probability that both marbles are yellow

[tex]=\frac{4}{9}\times \frac{3}{8}=\frac{1}{6}[/tex]


The probability that exactly one marble is blue​

=Probability of first blue marble (Probability of second yellow marble)+Probability of first yellow marble (Probability of second blue marble)

The probability that exactly one marble is blue​

=[tex]\frac{5}{9}\times \frac{4}{8}+\frac{4}{9}\times \frac{5}{8}[/tex]



What is the end behavior of the function f(x)=54x2?


9514 1404 393


  as x → ±∞, f(x) → ∞

Step-by-step explanation:

The function is of even degree, so the end behavior is the same for x → ±∞. The leading coefficient is positive, so the end behavior is f(x) → +∞.

Find the numerical value of the area under the normal curve given the following information:

less than z = -0.06

enter your answer as a decimal (NOT percentage) and lead with a zero...for example: 0.1234




I have a feeling that you are not quite getting the concept of these questions

a "Z" table "maps" a value (x-mu/sigma) to a number on a z-table chart

Your calculator has the function but the chart is simple for this questions

the numbers IN the chart represent "the percent UNDER THE NORMAL CURVE"

a z =0 is the MIDDLE so it is 50%

your questions is negative so it is to the left of the "middle"

all you have to do is find the z number on the chart and that is the answer to this question

Step-by-step explanation:

If a house is worth $125,000 and depreciates by 7.5% per year, how much is it worth in two years



Solution given;

principal [P]=$125,000

depreciated rate[R]=7.5%

time[t]=2 years

worth price of house [A]=???

we have

Worth price[A]=[tex]\large \bold P(1-\frac{R}{100})^{t}[/tex]





its worth price is $106953.125

What is the value of |-6|-|6| -(-6)




Step-by-step explanation:

Solve the absolutes: |-6| becomes 6

and |6| doesn't change and still is 6

Substitute: 6-6-(-6)

- * - = +

6-6+6 = 6

If DF =61 and EF = 18 find DE


Answer: DE = 79


Here, we need to know the idea of segment addition postulate.

The Segment Addition Postulate states that given 2 points A and C, a third point B lies on the line segment AC if and only if the distances between the points satisfy the equation AB + BC = AC.

If you are still confused, you may refer to the attachment below for a graphical explanation or tell me.


**Disclaimer** I assume that points D, E, F are collinear, thus they would form a segment and F would be the point between D and E. If it was, you may refer to my answers. If it was not, you may tell me and I will redo it.

Given information

DF = 61

EF = 18

Given expression deducted from the segment addition postulate

DE = DF + EF

Substitute values into the expression

DE = (61) + (18)

Simplify by addition


Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

A Circuit has a 5000 V power supply(AC), A load resistance of 4 ohms and open switch how much Current will flow in a circuit as it is ?



1250 amps

Step-by-step explanation:

V = 5000 V

R = 4 ohms

Use ohms law: V = IR

5000 =I(4)

I = 1250 amps

If one ruler and three pencils cost N120 and two
rulers and one pencil cost N140. Find the cost of
one ruler and one pencil




Step-by-step explanation:

One ruler is N60 and one pencil is N20.

Solve using the addition principle. 3y - 11 ≤ 2y - 2



y  ≤  9

Step-by-step explanation:

3y - 11 ≤ 2y - 2

Subtract 2y from each side

3y-2y - 11 ≤ 2y-2y - 2

y - 11 ≤  - 2

Add 11 to each side

y - 11+11 ≤  - 2+11

y  ≤  9


[tex]y \leqslant 9[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]3y - 11 \leqslant 2y - 2 \\ 3y - 2y \leqslant 11 - 2 \\ y \leqslant 9[/tex]

Amy works 40 hours a week and gets paid 15.50 an hour. Tom works 40 hours a week and gets paid 10 an hour. How much does Amy earn per week? How much does Tom get pay for week?


9514 1404 393


  Amy: $620

  Tom: $400

Step-by-step explanation:

The pay for 40 hours (1 week) is 40 times the pay for 1 hour:

  Amy: 40 × $15.50 = $620 . . . . Amy's pay for 1 week

  Tom: 40 × $10.00 = $400 . . . . Tom's pay for 1 week

Tom and Harry are racing go-carts.Tom takes 2mins 8seconds to complete a lap while Harry takes 2minutes to complete a lap.They both start from the start line at the same time.when will they next cross the start line together? show all the workings.​


9514 1404 393


  after 32 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

They will both cross the start line together after each has completed a number of full laps in the same time that the other has completed an integer number of full laps. That time will be the least common multiple (LCM) of their lap times, 128 seconds and 120 seconds.

The difference of these times (8 seconds) is also a divisor of both times, so that value is the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two lap times. The LCM can be figured as ...

  LCM(120, 128) = 120×128/GCD(120, 128)

  LCM = 120×128/8 = 1920 . . . . . seconds

Converting this to minutes, we get ...

  (1920 s)/(60 s/min) = 32 min

They will next cross the start line together after 32 minutes.

Help me with this question plz


19. 68 because 90seconds 1hr 30 mons

if a stone is dropped from a cliff that is 122.5m high then its height in meters after t seconds is h=122.5-4.9t^2. find its velocity after 2s



Step-by-step explanation:

Let t = 2

h = 122.5 - 4.9·2² = 122.5-19.6 = 102.9

Question 8 of 10
If f(x) = 4x2 and g(x) = x+1, find (f•g)(x).
A. 4X2 + 1
B. 4x2 + 4x2
C. 4(x+1)
D. 4x(x)



option c is the answer for your question

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