write a creepy monster essay at least two paragraphs make it at least appropiate enough for babies to read my school strict on them stuf lol


Answer 1


Experiences in School - some good and some not so good - shared for others to learn

Some experiences we hope will happen to others

The best experiences I've had when I was asked to talk to classes. These teachers were really interested in stuttering and wanted to help their students. I received postcards and presents afterwards and brought me back my faith in teachers again.

I also took a class in presentation techniques and everyone in class had to make a presentation. The whole class should then comment and grade the presentations. I was deadly nervous, but had a subject I knew a lot about: our museum at home. I took a lot of things to look at, try, feel and to listen to to make them concentrate on other thing but myself and my speech, walked around a lot using body language, remembered the experience about time and had my watch on the table in front of me. When I was finished I was shaking all over. Can you imagine my surprise when I "won" on all items, including my speech? As Russ is always telling us: it's not your speech that counts, it's what you put into it. (Anita Blom, Sweden, September 9, 1999)

Her Name Was Mrs. Clousson, and She Cared by Lee Reeves


it may help you

Related Questions

Lord snowman had to and had to admit defeat​


uhh okayyyyyyy......?

Please help
write an essay about true friendship​



Friends bind people in a bond of love, mutual trust, understanding and loyalty.

Friendship is a relationship which involves mutual self respect, trust, loyalty and affection. Good friends enjoy each others company, share the same interests and are loyal to each other.

A friend is some one, who stands by our, even during difficult times. It requires honesty and mutual understanding has to be nurtured with devotion and Patience.

Just as it takes patience grow a garden, in friendship, too, first a seed is planted and then it has to le taken care of, nourished and watered, daily. One has to tend it with love and care.

Friendship is Man’s emotional and psychological necessity. You can share your feelings, frustrations and happiness with your friend. You can also depend upon your friend for keeping your trust.

A true friend never lets up down even under most threatening circumstances. He/she will never jet ray you even under pressure.

Friendship requires devoting time and patience. There can bal disagreements and quarrels also, which is natural, but one must have till patience to deal with such frustrations. Being reasonable, a forgiving nature! Willingness to compromise when one can and persistence to rebuild friends are needed for a true and lasting relationship.

True friendship cannot flourish! Without a give and take attitude the more the efforts put into it, the morel will lead towards everlasting happiness and trust. Friendship also helps in molding the kind of person you are.

Never rush to make friends because friendship needs a good foundation. We must accept our friend as he is. The essence of friendship is sincerity and giving one’s self to your friend without thinking of getting anything in return. At times, when we meet new and interesting people,! Our loyalty changes and old friends are forgotten. A lesson to be learnt, “Do not forget old friends while making new ones.”

Complete the excerpt from Jefferson Davis’s Inaugural Address by filling in the correct words based on the context.



gonna need more of the question!

The agile shortstop fielded the ball. Which word is an adjective? agile ball shortstop fielded





An adjective is a word that is used to describe a noun. The adjective tells us more about a noun. in this sentence the adjective is in bold letters agile while the noun it describes is underlined and in italics shortstop.  

The adjective, often times, comes before the noun that is describes, as we can see in this sentence.

Haven`t they reserved the rooms?(Change into passive)


‘Haven’t the rooms been reserved by them?’


Read Josh's draft.
Floating Entertainment
During the mid-19th century, before television or movies existed, people enjoyed forms of entertainment that are no longer common today.
For example, people who lived in areas along the Mississippi River that were far from large cities depended on showboats. Showboats were boats
on which plays were performed
An actor named William Chapman was the first person to build a showboat. He called his showboat the "Floating Theater." Actors lived on
the boat and traveled along the river. The showboat stopped at small towns to perform plays.
Showboats were very popular but were discontinued when the Civil War began in 1861. They became popular again in the late 1870s.
However, by the early 1900s, many settlements along the Mississippi had grown into larger towns with dance halls and movie theaters. As a result,
Mississippi showboats began to lose their appeal. By 1910, people were heading to movie theaters big time.
Josh wants to revise his last sentence.
Is Josh's decision to revise his last sentence correct?
O 1. No, because the information in the sentence provides a strong conclusion,
O 2. No, because the information in the sentence is essential to the topic's main idea.
O 3
Yes, because the sentence includes a factual statement instead of a personal opinion.
4. Yes, because the sentence contains slang and differs in style from the rest of the draft.
Question #4
Language 2-12 CA 2010



Technology has the power to affect not only education but also culture, religion and personal thoughts and beliefs. While the world population is continually growing, our global world seems to be getting smaller as we are able to connect to people in a way that was never imagined. Radio and television were among the early contributors to this new form of mass media and played a role in affecting world political views and religious beliefs as well as changing how we view literacy in an educational setting.

Literary elements of an epic include all of the following except

Group of answer choices


universal theme.


formal speeches.


Hero edge 2021!!!!!!!!!!

The literary elements of fiction include all of the following except humor, which is the first option. While there may be some lighter moments in a novel, humor is generally not a defining characteristic.

What is an epic?

An epic is a long narrative poem that tells the story of a hero or group of heroes. It has often featured larger-than-life characters, beautiful settings and action-packed adventures. Literary elements in fiction include hero or heroine, quest, series of challenges, supernatural beings, divine intervention, formal speeches, universal theme, and a writer who has everything and knows everything.

Thus, the literary elements of fiction include all of the following except humor, which is the first option. While there may be some lighter moments in a novel, humor is generally not a defining characteristic.

Learn more about the epic here.



Look carefully at the picture and describe what you say do not say the name of the person please just describe what you see thanks



a soccer player or a sports player winning or celibratiing becouse they look happy

hope I helped

What would you like to change about yourself if you can?



anything and ajdnissjjd




My reactions


I often find myself becoming very defensive and angry when it comes to people who have thoughts and ideas that oppose mine. It's not that they oppose mine, but when they are being lied to then I get upset. I would like to become someone who is slow to anger

define the 5 plot orders



1. Exposition/introduction- in storytelling the exposition is the additional information, most often provided through narration, that makes readers familiar with the world of your story.

2. Rising action- The rising action of a story is the section of the plot leading up to the climax, in which the tension stemming from the story's central conflict grows through successive plot developments

3. Climax/turning point- the turning point or climax is the point of highest tension in a narrative; it’s the most exciting and revealing part of a story. It leads the rising action into the falling action before a story is resolved and reaches the conclusion

4. Falling action- Falling action occurs right after the climax, when the main problem of the story resolves.

5. Resolution/denouement- is the conclusion of the story's plot. It is when the story begins to slow down and work towards its end, tying up loose ends of the plot.



How i become a good friend. (50words) paragraph​



sitting all alone by the canteen window looking outside, seeing everyone with their best friends. being a fresher of the school and being shy it was kind of difficult for me to socialise with the others. for example if only someone would approach me then i would talk. i can say it that it was my chance that a kid in my class itself approached to talk to me. days went and we became friend. i helped her do her works and she helped me. i supported and was always present in her bad or happy moments. i almost took care of her when she came to school sick. i made her laughed when she was sad. i tried my best to never cheat, lie or break her trust. we promised to stay together. and by our friendship will grow by everyone prayers acting as  a shield for us.


Answer: Everyone has a different perspective and definition of what being a good friend is. What made me a “good friend” was learning how to listen how to put myself in someone else’s shoes. By that I mean we could never know what another person is going through, we could experience the same thing and it could emotionally impact us in different ways. I’ve also learned how to communicate my feelings, if I get frustrated by someone’s actions or words and don‘t speak up about it they might not know it bothered me to begin with, which usually leads to subconsciously being irritated around them, since you haven’t been communicating any of the things that have been bothering you to them. My biggest self-realization has been that a lot of people project their insecurities or their regrets myself including. I tend to get mad at people or frustrated without realizing why I usually conclude that they are making the right choices or the ones I wish I didn’t make in the past. It's either jealousy or my pride that gets the best of me. I call myself out and apologize once I notice the way I acted and why.


(sorry i wrote too much I wanted to write something that you could change if you really couldn’t relate to it i tried to make it more of a general thing.)

Ben was a pig. He was big and pink and very smart. He lived in a barn with a cow and a hen. When the farmer would ring a bell, Ben would
eat his dinner. After dinner, Ben would go to sleep. Then he would walk outside.
When did Ben eat dinner?
O 1. when a bell was rung
O 2. after he slept
3. when he went outside
O 4. in the morning



when the bell was rung


when a bell was rung

Although perhaps not
intended by the brother, what
wisdom might this image
conjure in reference to the
cactus itself for Trysdale in O.
Henry's "The Cactus"?
"Very well. It's a tropical
concern. See hundreds of 'em
around Punta every day.'
A. The desert is no place for a lovers
B. There are many other brides out there
with which to fall in love.
C. They may not give fruit, but they are


Answer: Hi your answer would be

B. There are many other brides out there  with which to fall in love.

(from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by Robert Louis Stevenson)

Read the passage carefully and then answer the question.

Two doors from one corner, on the left hand going east the line was broken by the entry of a court; and just at that point a certain sinister block of building thrust forward its gable on the street. It was two storeys high; showed no window, nothing but a door on the lower storey and a blind forehead of discoloured wall on the upper; and bore in every feature, the marks of prolonged and sordid negligence. The door, which was equipped with neither bell nor knocker, was blistered and distained. Tramps slouched into the recess and struck matches on the panels; children kept shop upon the steps; the schoolboy had tried his knife on the mouldings; and for close on a generation, no one had appeared to drive away these random visitors or to repair their ravages.

Mr. Enfield and the lawyer were on the other side of the by-street; but when they came abreast of the entry, the former lifted up his cane and pointed.

"Did you ever remark that door?" he asked; and when his companion had replied in the affirmative. "It is connected in my mind," added he, "with a very odd story."

"Indeed?" said Mr. Utterson, with a slight change of voice, "and what was that?"

The word in bold is an example of what kind of tone?

A. uninviting.

B. confusing.

C. exciting.

D. thrilling.


Unfortunately, I don't see a word in bold. I'd love to help, but I need the word.

Read the excerpt from act 5, scene 2, of Julius Caesar.

BRUTUS. Ride, ride, Messala, ride, and give these bills
Unto the legions on the other side.

[Loud alarum]

Let them set on at once, for I perceive
But cold demeanour in Octavius’ wing,
And sudden push gives them the overthrow.
Ride, ride, Messala, let them all come down.


How would the meaning of the passage be affected if the phrase "all come down” were changed to "advance”?

The tone would become one of despair and negativity.
The tone would become more angry and vengeful.
The tone would be less urgent as the enemy moves more slowly.
The tone would become one of indifference as both sides act indecisively.





The tone would be less urgent as the enemy moves more slowly. edg 2021

if "all come down" was replaced to "advance" Due to the enemy's slower movement, the tone would be less urgent. Hence, the answer is (C).

Who was julius Caesar?

The First Triumvirate was an informal political coalition that was founded in 60 BC by julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey. It ruled Roman politics for several years. The Optimates, including Cato the Younger, who frequently had Cicero's support, fought their attempts to consolidate power as Populares within the Roman Senate.

By a series of military triumphs in the Gallic Wars, which were finished by 51 BC and significantly increased Roman territory, julius Caesar advanced to become one of the most influential statesmen in the Roman Republic.

He also constructed a bridge over the Rhine when invading Britain around this time. These successes, along with the backing of his seasoned army, posed a challenge to Pompey's standing with the Senate, who had realigned himself with it following Crassus' death in

Learn more about julius Caesar, from :



it is often said the media can make or break a person,especially,sports personalities. Explain how that happen ​



there are "haters" on the internet that will do anything in their power to tear a person down and criticize them for their work no matter what it is.

but there are also many groups, let's say for example running. there are many running groups where you can have accountability partners and many other people that can relate to you and your journey and have the ability to support you throughout.

who is a kpop stand here?



im a kpop stand :D

I stand bts and other groups!



Meeeee I Stan


Consider Hermia's first words when she enters the scene. How do her comments about the setting relate to the action of the scene? In particular, how might Shakespeare intend a double meaning here for her use of the word "sense"?



Hey dear ❤️

Can you tell me in which class do you study?

Read the introductory paragraph from a rhetorical text.

(1) The backyard of a city apartment building is not the first place one might expect to find a chicken coop, but so-called "urban farming” has caught on in recent years as people embrace the benefits of eating local. (2) However, raising backyard chickens can be a significant health risk for the surrounding community. (3) Cities need to relearn the lessons of the early 20th century and ban the raising of chickens in urban settings.

Which sentence should the writer insert after sentence 1 to provide the most relevant and useful background information for readers?

a. The idea of raising chickens and eating fresh eggs every day appeals to some people.
b. Imagine waking up in a busy city to the sound of roosters crowing a “good morning.”
c. In fact, a recent review of urban poultry ordinances in the United States found that 93 percent of the 150 most populous US cities allow backyard poultry.
d. There are many different chicken breeds available for backyard farmers including common Leghorns or Rhode Island Reds as well as more exotic breeds such as the Jersey Giant.



C In fact, a recent review of urban poultry ordinances in the United States found that 93 percent of the 150 most populous US cities allow backyard poultry.

Explanation: I got it right

The sentence should insert " In fact, a recent view of urban poultry ordinances in the United States found that 93 percent of the 150 most populous US cities allow backyard poultry." to provide most relevant and useful information for readers.

What is sentence?

Sentence is a group of words with meaning.

What is poultry?

Poultry means domestic fowls.

What are ordinances?

Ordinance means an order which is authorized.

What is populous?

Populous means densely populated.

What is backyard?

Backyard means a back garden or the area close to one who lives.

What is relevant?

Relevant means which is closely related.

What is information?

Information means knowing about the facts.

What is reader?

Reader is the person who reads.

Hence the option (c) is correct.

To learn more about sentence and poultry here



How does the author illustrate the importance of radio
telescopes to scientific study?



We use radio telescopes to study naturally occurring radio light from stars, galaxies, black holes, and other astronomical objects. We can also use them to transmit and reflect radio light off of planetary bodies in our solar system


Mark brainliest please

What are Radio Telescopes?

Just as optical telescopes collect visible light, bring it to a focus, amplify it and make it available for analysis by various instruments, so do radio telescopes collect weak radio light waves, bring it to a focus, amplify it and make it available for analysis. We use radio telescopes to study naturally occurring radio light from stars, galaxies, black holes, and other astronomical objects. We can also use them to transmit and reflect radio light off of planetary bodies in our solar system. These specially-designed telescopes observe the longest wavelengths of light, ranging from 1 millimeter to over 10 meters long. For comparison, visible light waves are only a few hundred nanometers long, and a nanometer is only 1/10,000th the thickness of a piece of paper! In fact, we don’t usually refer to radio light by its wavelength, but by its frequency.

Naturally occurring radio waves are extremely weak by the time they reach us from space. A cell phone signal is a billion billion times more powerful than the cosmic waves our telescopes detect.

A radio telescope is a form of radio receiver used in astronomy.

In contrast to an "ordinary" telescope, which receives visible light, a radio telescope "sees" radio waves emitted by radio sources, typically by means of a large parabolic ("dish") antenna, or arrays of them.

Many celestial objects, such as pulsars or active galaxies (like quasars), produce radio-frequency radiation and so are best "visible" or even only visible in the radio region of electromagnetic spectrum.

By examining the frequency, power and timing of radio emissions from these objects, astronomers can improve our understanding of the Universe.

Radio telescopes are also the primary means to track space probes, and are used in the SETI project.

Hiii you can help me pliss



The brainly community would love to help but, you would need to give us the work you've done that way we can properly proof-read it.

Read the excerpt from "The Gift of the Magi." In this excerpt, Jim’s character is developed


Hello. You did not submit the excerpt to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

The only way to answer your question is to read the text it refers to. Within a text, characters are developed from the actions they promote within the situations in which they are inserted. They can also be developed through lack of direct action, but through reasoning, thinking, and observing what to do about something or someone. In that case, to answer that question, you must read the text and be able to identify the action Jim took, or lack of action within a situation. What's important is that the behavior Jim takes in this situation is meaningful both to him and to the story.

Alguien sabe inglés puede ayudarme con este pequeño problema? es para mañana. Por favor. Gracias!


The exercise here is about paraphrasing. This means re-writing a sentence using other word while retaining the original meaning of the sentence.

What are the paraphrased sentences?

It is clear that security at airports is very tight nowadays.There are advantages and disadvantages of Living in another country.To sum it up, learning a new language is a useful skill.

learn more about correct sentences at:

Re write: "She never seems to succeed even though she works hard." with However


she never seems to excel in whatever she does although she pours all her time and attention into it.

Please help!!!
hi,can you please help me with this?
thanks ​



Its sea tides.

it's the answer. kajalsjaljalajzjns


Sea tides


The moon affects earthly processes like sea tides. Not only are none of the other three options "earthly processes," but the sea tides are affected because of the moon's gravitational pull on the ocean's water.

Which of the following best describes rulers who govern by tyranny?
A. They guarantee legal equality for all.
B. They encourage input from advisors.
C. They exercise absolute, unchecked power.
D. They make all decisions slowly and carefully.






Select the transition word or phrase that best fills the blank.
Required voting will make more Americans vote.
____ it will force
candidates to appeal to a wider range of voters instead of just
focusing on the ones who are most likely to vote.
A. That said
B. On the other hand,
C. Furthermore,
D. For example





A. That said
Hope this helps!

If you could answer the question I just uploaded, that would be great!

Can someone do this









What part of the body of the essay shows the argument of the writer



The main body of the essay is where you develop your argument in detail and make reference to secondary sources that provide documentation of your argument or that have influenced your thinking.


ok ok ok tq ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok


Brutus' central flaw was:

a. he was too ambitious
b. he was too trusting
c. he only thought about himself.
d. he refused to take action.​


a he was too ambitious
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