Write a one-page review of Flowers For Algernon, which includes a story summary, overview of the main characters, your thoughts on the short story, and your recommendation for others to read it.


Answer 1


Flowers for Algernon is anexcellent book. It follows main character Charlie. who has various charcteristics of someone who suffers from dementia or other mental disabilities.

Related Questions

In “Flowers for Algernon,” why do the doctors use Charlie in their experiment?

A. They see that he has bonded with Algernon.
B. They believe that he is motivated to try to learn.
C. They know that he can get a better job if his skills improve.
D. They realize that he is the only person who is willing to participate.


I believe the answer is B :)


Select the correct text in the passage.
Which set of lines best show when the baby starts to win over the speaker's heart?
Sibling Love
by A. Gautam

My mother brought home
a breathing doll.
She rests on the crib—
pink and soft,
like a cake in the oven.
She runs on love,
Her batteries are kisses,
She is rechargeable,
like a toy,
on midnight milk.
She doesn't do any tricks,
except she knows just how
to make Mother give her
Her magic spells
are whiny cries.
She tries,
with her watery eyes,
to win my heart.
Till my mother kisses
me too,
I am not falling
for her baby art.


I read the passage you wrote I think


Her Magic spells are whiny cries.


Refer to Passage 1 to answer this question.

Which word best describes Amy Foster?









Considering how her life has turned out none of the others fit.

What time is on the clock?
What time will it be in 50 minutes?
What time was it 59 minutes ago?
What time will it be in 56 minutes?



1. speeches made by characters in a story = dialogue

Dialogue refers to a speech in which at least two people are talking. In literature, there are different types of speeches: we have monologues (when only one person is talking and others are listening), soliloquys (when one person is alone and speaking), dialogues (when at least two people are speaking to each other), etc.

2. present-day = contemporary

The word contemporary comes from Latin, where con- means together, and tempus means time. So literally, this word means 'together with time,' which can be roughly translated as now, in the present, at the moment, at the moment of speaking.

3. struggle within one person's mind = internal conflict

There are many types of conflict, which refers to some kind of struggle. You can have a conflict within yourself (internal conflict), a conflict with another person (man vs. man), a conflict with a lot of people (man vs. society), or generally with life (man vs. nature).

4. talkative = garrulous

Like many words in English, the word garrulous also comes from Latin. It is derived from Latin verb garrire, which means to chatter, to prattle (which means to talk excessively). So the adjective garrulous in contemporary English refers to someone who is talking a lot about something trivial.

5. all-seeing, all-knowing = omniscient

Like many words mentioned above, the word omniscient also comes from Latin. It is derived from Latin pronoun omnis (meaning everything), and verb scire (meaning to know). So when translated literally, omniscient means to know everything.

6. submissive = obsequious

The word obsequious also comes from Latin; it is derived from the verb obsequi, which means to follow, to comply with. When added the English suffix for adjectives -ous, the word obsequious represents a servile person, someone who is practically grovelling before someone more powerful.

7. a single happening in a story = incident

Incident, also known as event, is a happening within a story. It can refer to something rather small and unimportant, or something crucial that can change the course of the story. When referred to several incidents/events together, we are talking about plot of a story.

8. savage = barbarian

When this word was created, barbarian was used to denote a person who wasn't a part of a great civilization such as Christian, Roman, or Greek. Over time, the meaning changed slightly to denote someone who is very crude, uncultured, or brutish.

9. necklace = riviere

Although the word riviere literally means river in French, it is used in English to refer to a type of a necklace. It is a specific kind of a necklace - usually made of diamonds or other gemstones of same kind and size, connected in order to create a beautiful decoration.

10. weird = eerie

The word eerie comes from Old Germanic languages, and refers to something strange, weird, but also a bit frightening. Today, it is usually used to refer to mysterious and creepy locations (usually in horror and suspense stories, such as in those written by Poe).


In what way does this video of Maurice's toast deepen your understanding of and appreciation for the text?


Answer: that burnt toast is not that good all the time


Which statement best describes credible internet source



1. where are the statements?

2. If i were to find a statement it should have someone who majors in that source (ex: the statement is about archeology; so the statement is from a well known archeologist)

what we learned: when reading a statement about a certain subject if someone who is a major in that subject has made a quote in the statement then it's more credible; when the statement gives evidence or facts that have been proven the statement is much more likely to be credible.

I hope you understand and if not show me the statements and i will re-answer the question for you.

Answer:Websites ending in .gov, .edu., and .org are reliable sources of information, because they are run by the government, universities, and organizations.


The combined lights from all the stars (spreads, spread) out to form a band of light across the sky.


It would be spreads because that would mean it is present tense just like form.




The reason it is spread is because if there is any plural noun, it would have to be spread or like separate for example. But if it would be a singular, then it would be spreads or separates.

(Giving brainliest!!)

Which of the following correctly demonstrates a verb tense shift?

A) Carolina hiked when a dog that had escaped will be crossing her path.
B) Carolina is hiking when a dog that had escaped crossing her path.
C) Carolina was hiking when a dog that had escaped crossed her path.
D) Carolina was hiking when a dog that had escaped will be crossing her path.


i wouls pick (a) , let me know if its wrong. (im really sorry if it is)


Your answer is A


I hope this helps because I took the test and I want you to smile for ME!!!

Read the excerpt from White Fang.

The man who had spoken came over to her. He put his hand upon her head, and she only crouched closer. She did not snap, nor threaten to snap. The other men came up, and surrounded her, and felt her, and pawed her, which actions she made no attempt to resent. They were greatly excited, and made many noises with their mouths. These noises were not indications of danger, the cub decided, as he crouched near his mother, still bristling from time to time but doing his best to submit.

How does the narrator’s point of view help the reader understand the event in the excerpt?

The first-person point of view helps the reader understand the feelings of the man who speaks to White Fang’s mother.
The third-person omniscient point of view helps the reader understand the feelings of both the human and animal characters.
The third-person limited point of view helps the reader understand the feelings of the animal characters only.
The first-person point of view helps the reader understand the feelings of White Fang’s mother.



The third-person omniscient point of view helps the reader understand the feelings of both the human and animal characters.


The novel has both human and animal characters and in this case the third-person omniscient poit of view is helping the readers to understand the both sides because they are both having different feeling.

White Fang is a wolfdog, the novel's protagonist who is facing the humans that were her masters, and there where three of them.


B or C maybe B


im doing the test too

write the word digital in a sentence



Digital tech is all the rage nowadays.


When deciding if two texts disagree, what does it mean to make a judgment about a particular set of facts?(1 point)

draw a conclusion

form an interpretation

do an analysis

create an argument

What does it mean when two authors disagree on matters of fact?(1 point)

The authors present opposing information on the same topic.

The authors share the same opinion on different topics.

The authors share the disadvantages of a topic.

The authors use different sources to support the same argument.

When you are trying to understand a topic and come across conflicting information on a topic, what should you do first? (1 point)

looks for topics on which the same authors agree

look for other topics on which the same authors disagree

decide with which text you agree

identify where exactly the texts disagree

Why might two texts on the same topic disagree? (1 point)

The authors identify the same sources from which they base their arguments.

The authors interpret the facts differently.

The authors present the factual information in different formats.

The authors share a similar judgment about the set of facts.

When applying technology to identify text disagreement, what is a key word? (1 point)

a word that shows sources that offer more information about the point on which the texts differ

a word that provides the facts that are different between texts

a word that provides the answers to different questions that are in the texts

a word that shows the importance of disagreeing on facts



a word that shows sources that offer more information about the point on which the texts differ


Which scientific area has the most influence in shaping modern classification methods? physiology anatomy evolution behavior





Evolution has changed how we categorize different species through looking at physical, social and behavioral changes overtime.

The scientific area that had the greatest influence on the shaping of modern classification methods is evolution.

What is evolution?

The term evolution has to do with those sequence of changes that occur in organism as they metamorphose from their ancient forms to their mordern forms,

The study of evolution has helped a lot in the classification of organisms. Hence, the scientific area that had the greatest influence on the shaping of modern classification methods is evolution.

Learn more about evolution: https://brainly.com/question/2725702


hw: section- C ( Question N0.3)



I think you forgot to attatch the actual question


Attatch it and i'll try to help!

This informational reference usually provides information covering one calendar year.
None of these


D none of these I believe that is the right answer




Read the excerpt from “Albert Schweitzer: A Life of Service and Sacrifice.”

In 1953, when Albert had been serving the world for forty-eight of his seventy-eight years, the world decided to serve him. He was granted the Nobel Peace Prize. Albert traveled to Norway to accept the award. Then, still true to the pledge he had made so many years before, he returned to Africa and used the prize money for a hospital addition. He was still there selflessly serving others when he died in 1965.

What is the big-picture idea in this excerpt?

Albert Schweitzer traveled to Norway to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
Albert Schweitzer was a great man who served humanity until he died.
Albert Schweitzer served the world for forty-eight years.
Albert Schweitzer returned to Africa after he received the Nobel Peace Prize.



It would B.


All of these examples show great deeds that Albert did before he passed. Meaning that it would be Albert Schweitzer was a great man who served humanity until he died.




Pippi wrote a funny dialogue between two roommates for her short story. She's very happy with the draft but wants to add
context to the conversation. What is the BEST way for Pippi to do this?
Add at least one other character into the scene.

Make note of what the characters are doing as they are talking.

Interlace a secondary conversation with the first one.

Break up the discussion with introspective lines.



add another character


Write your Persona Poem below (remember to underline or highlight your use of figurative language):

Directions: Please write a Persona Poem.



My Life Feels Like I Been Locked Up In Prison For A Crime I Didn’t Commit.

So Much Stress And Lost Time, Feeling So Depressed I'm Tired Of It❗

I’m Trying To Do My Best, But My Life Feels Like It Just Gets Worse

When Is It Ever Going To Rest And Feel Blessed But Instead Its Like A Curse

Lost In Words Expressed With Cuffs And Chains I Digest It Hurts

Compressed With Hate And Anger When Is It Enough❗ I’m Going Insane I’m Going To Burst  

It’s Torture And Danger Deep Scars What Makes Me Tough, I Fell I Got Up I Had No Nurse

It’s A Life Of Horror It’s What Makes Me A Warrior, Times Got Rough But I Never Gave Up

I Been Through Real Stuff I Hope It’s Ending Soon Enough, Finally Painless And Greatness  

I Just Want To Blow Up And Be Famous So I Can Tell My Mama I Made It. : )


Question 7 of 25
Which effect can best be achieved using the first person?
A. The reader feels distance between herself and the narrator.
B. The writer must work harder to manipulate shifts in time.
C. The use of specific, vivid detail becomes more important.
O D. The narrator's voice and personality are foregrounded.


Answer: D

The narrators voice and personality are foregrounded  


1st person is when the auther says I, me, or my

Construct a plot outline. Place the presentation of actions to accommodate temporal, special, and dramatic mood changes. Locate scenes and incidents in specific places. Include a sequence of events and communicate their significance to the audience. You may use a storyboard illustration to depict the events or scenes of your story. Storyboards may be used to plan a video or map out the events in a story. The boxes in a storyboard contain drawings as well as text. Your text may appear outside or under the box. Be sure that your plot has a dilemma, at least one complication, a climax, and a resolution.
Example of a story board:

Write a short story using the plot outline and character sketches you have prepared. Use dialogue, narration, and description in developing the four short story elements. Briefly state the theme of your story. Make effective use of descriptions of appearances, images, shifting perspectives and sensory details. Describe scenes with concrete sensory details (sights, sounds, smells). Include specific actions, movements, gestures and feelings by using interior monologues. Your story should be at least 500 words long.
When a story has been completed, it should be reread carefully. Mechanical errors should be corrected and any inconsistencies or shortcomings noted. If you find that the plot does not flow smoothly, recheck your plot outline. Make sure that no steps were left out and that your story has no loose ends. Be sure that the style of your story suits the subject matter. Tone should not clash with atmosphere. Check your characters' diction as carefully as you check your own to be sure that the dialogue is realistic, appropriate to the character, and easy to follow.
Revise your story. Make any needed corrections on your rough draft. When you are certain that it meets all stylistic and technical requirements, copy it and turn it in.



Explanation:I got you message me any more details



Alex sat across from Lily at their favorite café, holding her hand and sipping on a latte. He felt content and happy, grateful for her presence in his life. But then his phone rang, and his mood shifted instantly. He hesitated before answering, sensing that the call was not going to be good news. And he was right."My father passed away," he said, his voice trembling. "I have to go home and deal with the funeral arrangements and the will."Lily took his hand and squeezed it. "I'm so sorry, Alex. Is there anything I can do to help?"He shook his head, feeling overwhelmed. "I don't even know what's in the will yet. But I have a bad feeling about it."When Alex arrived at his childhood home, he found out that his father had left him with a major dilemma. He had to either take over the family construction business or risk losing his inheritance. Alex had never shown much interest in the business, preferring to pursue his passion for art. But now he was faced with a difficult decision.Lily listened patiently as he weighed his options, offering her support and advice. "You don't have to give up on your art, Alex. You can find a way to balance both."And so, Alex decided to take over the business while continuing to work on his art on the side. At first, he found it challenging to juggle both, but he was determined to make it work. He poured himself into the company, learning everything he could about the industry and making strategic decisions.But then, he discovered a major complication. The company had been involved in corrupt practices, and he was faced with the decision of whether to continue with the business and risk tarnishing his reputation or to blow the whistle and risk losing everything.With Lily's help, Alex decided to expose the corruption and start anew. He worked tirelessly to make things right and regain the trust of his clients. And in the end, he succeeded, feeling a newfound respect for the construction industry.Throughout it all, Lily was by his side, supporting him and reminding him to never give up on his art. And with her encouragement, he continued to create beautiful pieces that captured the essence of his experiences.The theme of the story is the importance of balancing one's passions and responsibilities, and the power of love and support in helping

Using your understanding of restrictive and nonrestrictive information, rewrite the paragraph below.
Correct the punctuation errors by adding or removing commas.
Moving to a new place can be tough on anyone especially if the move is to a new state. At the start of a
move you may think that many things will be different in your life, and that nothing will be enjoyable,
ever again. Your surroundings may have to change. Your good friends and favorite activities however
do not. You can still maintain your friendships through a variety of technological ways which may
include talking on a cell phone, writing an email, and seeing a friend on video chat. Technology can
help you stay in contact, and be up to date with everything that your friends are doing. You can even
continue doing your favorite activities which might include sports. Most towns and cities have their
own teams, leagues, or clubs for popular activities. So you really do not have to give up what you love
to do. Knowing, that your friends and activities do not have to change, can help you be more open to
the idea of moving.


Answer: not gonna take credit for this cause it’s from someone else but hereee!!!


Moving to a new place can be tough on anyone especially if the move is to a new state. At the start of the move, you may think that many things will be different in your life and that nothing would be enjoyable ever again. Your surroundings may have to change, your good friends and favorite activities ,however, do not. You can still maintain your friendships through a variety of technological ways which may include talking on a cell phone, writing an email, and seeing a friend on video chat. Technology can help you stay in contact and be up to date with everything that your friends are doing....(this missing part does not need any corrections) Knowing that your friends and activities do not have to change can help you to be more open to the idea of moving.

What is one thing that is so surprising about Antigone's father?
He killed his two sons
He had fourteen sons
He killed his father to marry his mother
He had two wives



The correct answer is C. he killed his father to marry his mother.

Question 1
A general statement about the author's point of view is that manga is significant. Which piece of
evidence from the text best clarifies and supports this point of view?
" is a distinctive
late 19th
entury, as seen
The author believes there is no genre of greater historical importance to the
Japanese society than manga. This is proven in the first paragraph when the
author explains its popularity dating back to the 18th century.
The author believes manga is a complicated form of literature. This is proven
in the third paragraph when the author describes its root. This is reinforced
when the author describes Tezuka as an "expert.
The author believes that few people truly understand the beauty of manga.
This is proven in the fifth paragraph when the author explains the need for
publishers to provide a warning for first-time readers
The author believes manga is a generic genre that deserves little recognition
This is proven by the repeated use of the word "popular." These feelings are
reinforced in the final paragraph where the author makes sure that readers do
not confuse this genre with anime.
Activate Windows
c novels. The



A. The author believes there is no genre of greater historical importance to the Japanese society than manga. This is proven in the first paragraph when the author explains its popularity dating back to the 18th century.


A general statement about the author's point of view is that manga is significant. The piece of evidence from the text that best clarifies and supports this point of view is option A.

This is because, the author believes that the manga is significant and is of great historical importance to Japan and is the most important genre in Japanese history as it dates back to the 18th century.

which sentence contains a pronoun shift?​



i would say B


its the only one that says he or she so

What does inscription mean in this sentence?



words carved on something


The answer is A


Inscription could mean any of the definitions but they way it is used in the sentence, it means words that are carved into wood. Hope I helped!

Read the excerpt from The Land, Part 4.

But I also figured Mitchell needed somebody to speak up for him, the same way Mitchell must have figured I needed somebody to speak up for me on the day we buried my mama. As I'd told my daddy, Mitchell was good with horses. He couldn't sit a horse well, but he could care for them well, and he was reliable.

Based on this passage, how does Paul feel about Mitchell?

A. Paul is worried about Mitchell.
B. Is angry at Mitchell.
C. Paul is envious of Mitchell.
D. Paul is protective of Mitchell.



D- Paul is protective of Mitchell


I did the quiz

Paul is envious of Mitchell.

The correct option is C.

What is The Land?

The land is the story about Cassie and Mitchell.

Cassie was a beautiful girl and Mitchell liked her.

She was not only beautiful but smart and courageous.

Thus, the correct option is C. Paul is envious of Mitchell.

Learn more about The Land, here


Which worker helps students learn and succeed in school without providing direct instruction in the classroom?

Group of answer choices

Spanish Teacher

Career and Technology Teacher

School Counselor

Math Teacher

I will mark brainlest answer just quick



School counselor.


The school counselors do not give direct instructions, not once has a counselor of mine done so. So; a school counselor could change your life with the advice you are given.


School Counsler


WhicH of the following quotations best supports answer to part aMORALITY AS ANTI-NATURE


i just had mcflurry oreos

u should try sum

1. There is a strong correlation between conflict and?
complex characters



triggered by internal deficiencies in development and governance (a lower economic opportunity cost of rebellion in poor areas, unequal distribution in gains from development, political marginalization) or external shocks (economic shocks, calamities, and war).

Anthony is preparing a special soup for his wife. The stock has been simmering for a few hours, along with a mix of egg whites and clear meat.
What is he making?
hot and sour soup
Oc. beef and vegetable soup
egg drop soup


Answer: D I think



I believe it's Egg Drop Soup


It says mix of egg whites and clear meat so i just figured

Read the excerpt from "The Turtle.”

of her patience, her fortitude,
her determination to complete
what she was born to do –
and then you realize a greater thing –
she doesn’t consider
what she was born to do.
She’s only filled
with an old blind wish.

Which main message do these lines express to readers?

Living things are guided by a natural purpose.
Turtles are strong and stubborn creatures.
Most animals are unaware of the natural world.
All parts of nature are connected in amazing ways.



living things are guided by a natural purpose


its A


The correct answer is living things are guided by a natural purpose or in other words A


The excerpt is showing that the author is saying that living things follow the course of nature and its purpose

Other Questions
Which best describes a result of the Columbian exchange The nullification crisis involving South Carolina took place because John C. Calhoun and southern planters strongly disagreed with the a.Appeals process and Judicial Reviewb.Tariff of Abominations (1828)c.Charter for the 2nd US Bank d.Industrial Revolution what is the term to describe the emotion or feeling in your voice How did mercantilist policies create tension between Great Britain and the colonies?A.By requiring colonists to enlist in the militaryB.By limiting the amount of farmland each colonist could haveC.By preventing colonists from trading with most other foreign countriesD.By introducing indentured servitude to the middle colonies PLS HELP ASAP I MIGHT GIVE BRAINLIEST IF IT WORKS The author most likely includes the memory in paragraph 4 to develop the theme of -- a. mental illness b. nagging guilt c. self-indulgence d. self-sabotage Use complete sentences in your response. match the various types of intrusive rock. write the equation of the line through (10, -2) and (2, 14) During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools please answer this question below fast In the scientific method An educated guess or suggested solution to a problem is known as which of the followingQuestion 1 options:guessologydependent variableHypothesisconclusion 4 Identify What are the starting materialsand products of photosynthesis and cellularrespiration? How does the numbered list in Strawberry Banana Yogurt Parfait contribute to the structure of the text?It describes the effects of each step in the sequence.It lists reasons for making the recipe.It suggests solutions for potential problems.It identifies the sequential order of required steps. t(x) = 7x, t(x) = 49 Evaluate 3/4 1/2 . Which of the following is MOST significant about the University of Georgia?It was the first university to enroll womenBIt was the first state-sponsored university ever chartered in the United StatesIts first name, Franklin College, was named after Franklin Delano RooseveltDIts 1784 creation makes it the first state-sponsored university to enroll former slaves Store AStore BWhat is the amount of sales tax charged on therepaired computer at Store A?ComputerRepair$1,200$1,350Sales Tax6%7%Gratuity15%15%ShippingFree2% of totalprice Paul Smith pays $50.00 a month for group health insurance. There is a $300 deductible. His medical bills for the last year were $2,600.00. Pauls insurance company provided payment of 80% of the bills less the deductible. What was Pauls total cost (including the monthly premium)? how did early soninke farmers contribute to the beginning of ghana? 1. What is the primary purpose of informational text?To entertain the reader with a make believe storyTo help the reader imagine the poem they are readingTo tell readers about fictional charactersInform the reader about something by providing information