Write a three-paragraph essay with the title "The Tension Between Traditional Culture and
Modernization in the Contemporary World." Be sure to address these questions: (10 points)


Answer 1

To write a three-paragraph essay with the title "The Tension Between Traditional Culture and  Modernization in the Contemporary World," you should follow these steps:

1.  Define the keywords: Traditional Culture and  Modernization, in one sentence each making a paragraph

2.  State the similarity and differences between Traditional Culture and  Modernization in the Contemporary world in a paragraph

3. Explain the conflict between Traditional Culture and  Modernization in the  contemporary world in the last paragraph

Learn more about this question: https://brainly.com/question/14415260

Alao check here: https://brainly.com/question/2883894

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Easy 10 points if anyone can answer this last one honestly!!!.
Give me 1 thing in a sentence that whats something in life can help me in future …

Help… asap



one thing that something could help youin your future is beleiving in yourself never give up and never let someone tell yu you cant accomplish your goals





Life goes much better if you are just honest in the beginning.

in the prince machiavelli argues that leaders maintain power through



fear and cruelty.


In the book titled THE PRINCE which was written by Niccolo Machiavelli, the author argues that leaders maintain power through FEAR and CRUELTY.

The book which was written 16th century serves as a guide or instructional material for new Princes or Royals in general.

The main idea of the book is that sometimes success and survival can rationalize the use of unethical standards to accomplish those goals.




Week 3 Short Responses – Question 3 The National American Woman Suffrage Association supported the U.S. decision to enter World War I and publicly encouraged women to support the war effort. Was this a necessary or a contributory cause of the success of the woman suffrage movement?


Answer and Explanation:

We can consider that in addition to being a necessary cause for the efforts of war, it was a cause that contributed immensely to the movement for women's suffrage.

When men left their cities to join the armies during the war, a large part of the country's industry and production was paralyzed for lack of workers. However, as war is extremely expensive, it is essential that all productive sectors in a country continue to function and generate money, so that the economy remains active and there is money for the war effort. Therefore, it was essential that countries at war had the efforts of women, who had to take over the work left by men.

This was essential for the economy of the countries, but it was also a great help for the women's suffrage movement, as it showed how women were necessary for citizenship and the functioning of the country and how they were able to contribute to any activity, even the occupied ones. by men.

Jane wants to increase her political participation beyond voting in elections.
Which action would accomplish this?
A. Running for political office
B. Participating in a boycott
C. Volunteering at a soup kitchen
D. Serving on a jury



the only reasonable one I see is running for political office


The Pueblo Revolt of 1680.

A. Occurred because the Pueblos rejected everything Spanish,

B. Resulted from the governors ignoring the Catholic priests' advice.

C. Was a response to the Franciscan missionary demand that the Indians totally reject their traditional culture,

D. Led to Spain's withdrawal from New Mexico for 100 years,​


Answer: New France is best described as

a commercial society based on a cooperative relationship with the Natives.

a society of forced labor using the Natives as workers.

a colony of religious dissidents seeking religious freedom.

an agricultural society of settled residents.

3.The drastic decrease in the Indian population after 1492 was primarily the result of

disease for which the Indians had no immunity.

losses in battle.

the destruction of Indian economies and their food supply.

the collapse of Indian cultures and birthrates.

Expert Answer


Answer: 1. Option a was a response to the Francis

Explanation: hope this helpssss!!!

I think its a good answer
Hope its help for your question

Question 7 of 20
The Supreme Court has recently ruled that a federal law
outlawing the burning of the American flag in protest
violates the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech.
The Court delivered a split decision, with five justices
voting to overturn the law and four voting to uphold it.
How could one of the major organizations within the federal government
most effectively overcome the Supreme Court's ruling to allow the federal
government to outlaw flag burning?
A. Federal district and appellate judges could refuse to follow the
Supreme Court's precedent.
B. The federal bureaucracy could refuse to comply with the Supreme
Court's orders.
C. Congress could propose a constitutional amendment that would
outlaw flag burning.
D. The president could vold the Supreme Court's ruling using her veto


If the congress proposed a constitutional amendment that would outlaw flag burning, then, the major organizations will most effectively overcome the Supreme Court's ruling to allow the federal government to outlaw flag burning.

What is a Flag burning?

Its involves the act of burning the nation flag as a protest against nationalism or deliberate insult to the people of the country represented by the flag.

However, despite that a Flag burning is offensive, the action is legal in the United states according to Supreme Court rulings and it is a covered under the First Amendment.

Therefore, the Option C is correct.

Read more about Flag burning


Features of stratification in Nigeria sociology



Inequality or Higher-lower positions

Social Stratification is a Source of Competition

Every Status has a Particular Prestige Associated with it

Stratification Involves a Stable, Enduring and Hierarchical Division of Society:

Different Statuses are Inter-dependent

Which law or amendment had the greatest impact on expanding voting rights between 1865 to today



Voting Rights Act 1965


The law or amendment that had the greatest impact on expanding voting rights between 1865 to today is "Voting Rights Act 1965."

The Voting Rights Act 1965 enforces the Fifteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Following the adoption of the Voting Rights Act 1965, about a quarter of a million new African American voters had been registered across the country at the end of the year.

The voting rights act 1965 made any form of racial, religious, and financial status, and sex discrimination toward voting rights illegal.

Do home maker get all rights?


Yes, home maker get all rights

what are the hospitals built by the European in Gold Coast​



The Takoradi Hospital


Let's go far from the city
and the screaming lights of neon signs
to find a moment of whispered whimsy
among the forest pines.
Let's press pause on our daily program
and let nature be our guide,
leading us to new adventures
out on the mountainside.
Let's sense the sun on our faces,
feel the dancing breeze,
and say hello to a careful critter
scurrying between the trees.
Let's sleep under the stars
as they sparkle like diamond rings,
and feel at one with the world,
enjoying the simpler things.


Answer: The answer is B

Explanation: The answer is B because this poem is trying to send a message of peace and how we should take a break from this bombarding world in which we have so many problems. Many people go retreats to help them take care of themselves so when it says "To find a moment of whispered whimsy amongst the forest pines" it means to seek wisdom and how to face the world.

Which of the following is NOT true about Charlemagne?
A. He was the first Holy Roman Emperor.
B. He wanted to reunite the former Roman Empire and linked much of the former territory.
C. He was the head of the Merovingian Dynasty.
D. He created a bureaucracy with standardized weights and measures and acted as an imperial ruler.
E. He led over 50 successful military campaigns, including defeating the Lombardâ s, Franks, and Saxons, which allowed
him to spread Christianity.


the answer is b…….

the three scholars of mayhayana buddhism​



It was  China, Korea, and Japan


Hope that helps

pls help don’t know what the answer is


The correct answer is A. It provided most of the water in the region.


The Nile River is the most important river on the African continent due to its extension, being the second-longest in the world after the Amazon River. The Nile River crosses ten countries that are Burundi, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, and Sudan, and in its northernmost part, it forms a delta that empties into the Mediterranean Sea. This river was decisive for the Egyptian civilization that occupied most of northwestern Africa including the Nubian region. The importance of this river for this civilization was that it allowed fertile lands to existing and provided most of the water that was used in the region for different uses such as construction, food, and cultivation. According to the above, the correct answer is A.

Ai là Tồng bí thư đẩu tiên của Đảng? *



tổng bí thư đầu tiên của Đảng là: Trần Phú

Plz help
After the Civil War ended, Yankees and carpetbaggers from the North wasted no time in exploiting the weakened South. What was once a proud society that stood up for traditional values and Christian ethics had been tainted by the influx of amoral entrepreneurs and Republican opportunists that had little business setting foot anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. -Sam Goethals, Ph.D. (1996)

What aspect of the source above most clearly compromises its credibility?

A. Its author lacks qualifications on the subject matter.
B. It is a secondary, rather than primary, source. C. It is biased in favor of a southern point of view.
D. It focuses on a topic that is not historical​



I would say B because the civil war was in the 1860s and this was writtin in 1996


It could be C due to the derogitory terms used for people from the north, but Im still going to say B

Its not A because he has a PHD and Its not D because the civil war obviously happened

The aspect of the source above most clearly compromises its credibility was it is biased in favor of a southern point of view. The correct option is (C).

What do you mean by the Civil War?

War between established parties within the same state is known as an intrastate conflict or civil war (or country).

One side's objective may be to seize power in the nation or a specific area, secure regional independence, or alter governmental practises.

A civil war is a protracted, well-organized, and large-scale conflict of high intensity that frequently involves regular military forces. Civil wars could result in numerous fatalities and the use of a lot of resources.

Therefore, the aspect of the source above most clearly compromises its credibility was it is biased in favor of a southern point of view.

To know more about the civil war, visit:



What is Opossums and wood peckers



a woodpecker is a bird that likes to make holes in trees with their beaks.

An opossum is a weird lookin animal that hangs from a tree by it's tail.


when did world war 2 start?
PLS no copy to google​




On September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland from the west; two days later, France and Britain declared war on Germany, beginning World War II. On September 17, Soviet troops invaded Poland from the east. AFTER THAT WORLD WAR STARTED .


In September 1, 1939


After independence India became a ____________ country where people of different religions and faiths have the freedom to practise and follow their religion without any fear of discrimination. ​



After independence India became a democratic country where people of different religions and faiths have the freedom to practise and follow their religion without any fear of discrimination.




What led to the creation of cattle trails?
A) The trails were used to protect the cattle from severe weather.
B) Men including Charles Goodnight built the trails in order to move the cattle to the stockyards.
C)Tourists used the trails, bringing additional revenue to the ranchers.
D) Ranchers wanted to move their herds to better grazing land in the West.



A) The trails were used to protect the cattle from severe weather.

(Nope! Although some trails did help, this was not a main reason for the creation.)

B) Men including Charles Goodnight built the trails in order to move the cattle to the stockyards.

(This seems like the best option! Charles Goodnight did build trails to move cattle towards the stockyards)

C)Tourists used the trails, bringing additional revenue to the ranchers.

(Nope! These trails were used for cattle, and cattle alone.)

D) Ranchers wanted to move their herds to better grazing land in the West.

(Nope! These trails were used to bring cattle towards the higher-paying markets in the North-East.)

I hope this helps! :)

Which amendment was later repealed?

A. Seventeenth Amendment
B. Eighteenth Amendment
C. Fifteenth Amendment
D. Sixteenth Amendment



B: Eighteenth Amendment


The Eighteenth Amendment was repealed. Originally prohibiting alcohol, the country soon found itself dominated by the mafia and underground markets. It was eventually repealed due to the Twenty-first Amendment.

18th amendment. It was the prohibition amendment which made alcohol illegal.

Who was a follower of the teachings of Charles Darwin?



i`m pretty sure william browne was one

trends in Supreme
Court rulings from the
1960s and 1970s
interpretation of
the Constitution
Election of
Ronald Reagan
Which of the following best completes the diagram above?
O A. Popularity of affirmative action
B. Congressional gridlock over the federal budget
O C. Appointment of Antonin Scalia
D. Revival of the women's rights movement



D.Revival of the women`s rights movement.

The statement best completes the diagram above is the Revival of the women's rights movement. Thus option D is correct.

What was Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court is the highest judiciary body in the country which evaluates whether the laws are practiced properly or not. It helps to check the activities that are unconstitutional in the country and take strict actions against them.

The election refers to the procedure through which an individual participates in the process of voting in order to establish a government with their chosen representatives by supporting them.

Women and women's organizations fought for more than only the ability to vote in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The labor force participation rate is up, and access to higher education is improving.

Therefore, option D is   Appropriate.

Learn more about Supreme Court, here:



Election are chosen by





A democracy allows the citizens to elect a leader of their choice.

Which of the following is NOT true of ancient Greek Culture?

The formative influence of the Homeric epics in shaping Greek culture and as the beginning of the Western canon of literature are widely recognized by scholars.

Socrates was a philosopher and the author of numerous dialogues and letters known for a probing question-and-answer style of examination.

Greek tragedy is an extension of the ancient rites carried out in honor of Dionysus; it heavily influenced the theater of ancient Rome and the Renaissance.

Aristotle was the tutor of Alexander the Great, founder of the Lyceum and the Peripatetic School of philosophy in Athens.

None of the Above


Answer: i think its the last option


đại hội giữa nhiệm kỳ VII đảng đã đề ra những khó khăn và thách thức liên hệ hiện nay



Đất nước ta cũng phải đương đầu với các hoạt động phá hoại của các lực lượng thù địch ở cả trong và ngoài nước. Tình hình kinh tế và đời sóng của nhân dân vẫn còn khó khăn, đất nước vẫn trong tình trạng khủng hoảng kinh tế xã hội. Tuy nhiên, công cuộc đổi mới được Đảng ta đề ra từ Đại hội lần thứ VI (12/1986), bước đầu đã đạt được những thành tựu đáng kể, nhờ đó mà nước ta đã đứng vững và tiếp tục phát triển.


The Grand Council of
Native Americans was
formed to
A. settle disputes
B. decide how to share land
C. decide how to govern people
D. all of the above



D. all of the above


The Grand Council of Native Americans which has 50 chiefs, was formed to serve as the group or council that is responsible for maintaining peace among the members.

The council is also responsible for handling political and military matters including forging treaties with other Indian nations and declaring war.

Hence, the correct answer is option D "All of the above, " as they are responsible for settling disputes, deciding things of economic and political importance like how to share land and how to govern people.

When did the CIA
write this brief? What was going on in the U.S. at
this time?


Answer: Aug 2nd 1981

Explanation: Sorry if it is wrong, good luck.

Due to the side-effects of industrialization, Roosevelt passed many conversation efforts, such as:


Answer:The Sierra Club


bad effects of industrialization

what do you mean by occupation??​



a person's usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living; vocation: Her occupation was dentistry. any activity in which a person is engaged. possession, settlement, or use of land or property. the act of occupying, possessing, or settling.


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