write about storage
(should be in easy words)​


Answer 1


Answer to the following question is as follows;


The process of storing digital information in a data storage media using computing technology is known as storage. Storage is a technique that allows a computer to keep data indefinitely or intermittently. Computer storage capacity and electronic data management are other terms for storage.

Related Questions

Which of these would you use to connect a mouse to a computer?


USB is the answer because that is the adapter to plug it in

4) Programming a) WAp to find the greatest number among any three numbers.​


def comp_num (num1, num2, num3):


if num1 > num2 and num1 > num3:

print ( "{0} is the biggest".format(num1) )

elif num2 > num1 and num2 > num3:

print ( "{0} is the biggest".format(num2))

elif num3 > num2 and num3 > num1:

print ( "{0} is the biggest".format(num3))

except ValueError:

return "Invalid input"

num_1 = int (input (" Please enter a number: "))

num_2 = int (input (" Please enter a second number: "))

num_3 = int (input (" Please enter a third number: "))

print (comp_num (num_1, num_2, num_3))


this is in qbasic programming

It is used to select specific menu options, drag and drop options and to draw something on screen.



A mouse.


An input device can be defined as any device that is typically used for sending data to a computer system.

Generally, all of the output and input device of a computer are known as peripheral (external) devices and they provide data (informations) to the end users in various formats such as video, audio, texts, images etc.

Since input devices are peripheral (external) devices, they can be connected to the computer system wirelessly or through a wired-connection (cable).

Some examples of peripheral (external) devices are monitor, speakers, keyboard, printer, scanner, projector, mouse, etc.

A mouse is an input device that is designed and used to select specific menu options, drag and drop options and to draw something on screen.

You are the security analyst for your organization. Clients are complaining about being unable to connect to the wireless network. After looking into the issue, you have noticed short bursts of high-intensity RF signals are interfering with your wireless network's signal. Which type of attack are you most likely experiencing



denial of service attacks (dos)

Based on the above, the kind of attack the person is most likely experiencing is known as jamming.

What is Electronic jamming?

This is known to be a kind of  electronic warfare that is the use of jammers that shows interfering signals toward an enemy's system and thus it often blocks the receiver.

Therefore, Based on the above, the kind of attack the person is most likely experiencing is known as jamming.

Learn more about jamming from



Your help desk has informed you that they received an urgent call from the vice president last night requesting his logon ID and password. You discussed about the call with the VP today and you got to know he never made that call. What type of attack is demonstrated in the given scenario



Social Engineering Attack


The exploitation of individuals in order to gain confedential information is a Social Engineering Attack. These attacks typically take advanage of one's emotions or they use inpersonaltion to steal data.

read more here: https://www.webroot.com/us/en/resources/tips-articles/what-is-social-engineering

Lmk if this helps! :)

c) Explain GIGO briefly.​



Is is also a computer science acronym that implies bad input will result in bad output. Requiring valid input also helps programs avoid errors that can cause crashes and other erratic behavior.




If an angry person called and demanded to speak with the executive you support, who is currently unavailable, how would you handle it?


Answer: be nice no matter how mean or rude the person is.

Explanation: because if you’re not you can get in big trouble or fired.


remain  calm during the conversation

The information included in a résumé should always relate to the job objective; if it isn’t related, it shouldn’t be included.





A resume (curriculum vitae) can be defined as a short text-based document that a job applicant use to briefly outline his or her qualifications, abillities and accomplishments, haven completed and obtained an academic certificate. Thus, it is used to briefly outline a person's qualifications, abillities, skills set, and accomplishments, after completing and obtaining an academic certificate such as a bachelor's degree, master's degree, etc.

Generally, all job applicants are required to have a resume (curriculum vitae). This brief and concise document is always requested by human resource managers during the job application process.

Furthermore, the primary way to make a resume persuasive (to convince or inform an action in the minds of the readers - potential employers) is by customizing it to fit each company and position.

Hence, the information included in a résumé should always relate to the job objective; if it isn’t related, it shouldn’t be included.

This ultimately implies that, job applicants are expected to tailor their resume to fit or match the position that is advertised by a company's human resources department.

How to execute python code in command prompt *window*?

Iam using sublime text 3 and want to execute my python code in command prompt.
This is my current build system:

"cmd": ["python", "$file"],
"selector": "source.python",
"file_regex": "^\\s*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)"

But I want my program to open in command prompt window and show the result there. I dont want to see the result in sublime text. Please help.



Open Command Prompt and type “python” and hit enter. You will see a python version and now you can run your program there

A transition is ________.



the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.


"students in transition from one programme to another"

¿Cuál es la ventaja principal de una tabla dinámica?



Ventajas de las tablas dinámicas de Excel:

Hacen que los informes sean flexibles y se adaptan a tus necesidades. Son una forma interactiva de resumir rápidamente grandes volúmenes de datos, haciendo mucho más fácil el proceso de análisis y permitiendo encontrar patrones o tendencias.

How is IT used in entertainment to make cartoon movies



Forensic animation is a branch of forensics in which animated recreation of incidents are created to aid investigators & help solve cases. Examples include the use of computer animation, stills, and other audio visual aids.

hope you will get this answer correct

how do I answer question



To answer a question on brainly, there is a add answer button below the question. Please look at the attached, it shows you the add answer button.


Once you click on add answer, brainly will take you to something that looks like a note and all you have to do is type the answer and explanation. Once you do that, click on the add your answer button on the top right corner, and your answer will be posted.

what is robotic technology



according to britannica :

"Robotics, design, construction, and use of machines (robots) to perform tasks done traditionally by human beings. ... Robots are widely used in such industries as automobile manufacture to perform simple repetitive tasks, and in industries where work must be performed in environments hazardous to humans"


What is the output of the following C++ code? int list[5] = {0, 5, 10, 15, 20}; int j; for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) cout << list[j] << " "; cout << endl; Group of answer choices 0 1 2 3 4 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20





write a program in python to make the figure:-


The first and correct answer will be marked as brainliest......​



Halo mateeeee

look it will be hard to explain the code and steps to you so just refer this video. .

it will help a lott

( *cries* Serena left Ash In pokemon s19 with a k I s s)


What is the Sparklines group for in Excel? to place charts in individual cells working with hyperlinks selecting font styles or themes formatting the appearance of the cells or tables



A sparkline is a tiny chart in an Excel worksheet cell that provides a visual representation of data.

what are the means of hardware security?​



Hardware security is vulnerability protection that comes in the form of a physical device rather than software that is installed on the hardware of a computer system. ... Common examples include hardware firewalls and proxy servers.


Thank you


Hardware security is vulnerability protection that comes in the form of a physical device rather than software that is installed on the hardware of a computer system. ... Common examples include hardware firewalls and proxy servers.

Portable computer, also known as laptop computer, weighing between 4 and 10 pounds is called a. Internet b. Scanner c. Printer d. Notebook computer​



portable computer also known as laptop computer weighting between 4 to 10 pounds is called a Notebook computer.

A java program is composed of data members and functions.​
true or false ?





How can computer be beneficial in agriculture and tourism​


The production capacity in farming and animal husbandry has increase due to use of computer in agriculture field . There are less losses due to work are monitored by computer. By using computer in traditional field like agricultural field we can increase the productivity and minimize the error happen.

16. Which of the following is true about function return statements? A) A function can hold multiple return statements, but only one return statement executes in one function call. B) A function can hold only one return statement. C) A function can hold multiple return statements, and multiple return statements can execute in one function call. D) A function can have maximum of two return statements.



A) A function can hold multiple return statements, but only one return statement executes in one function call


This is because each function can only return one value, whether it be an integer, String, or other object.

However, you can have a series of if-else statements, or case statements, to return a different value depending on information (within parameters, or variables.

Excellent. So, you can have multiple return statements, but the function will only end up executing one of these return statements and return a single value.

Hope this helps!

The statement "When there are multiple return statements but one return statement should execute the 1 function call" is true.

The following information should be considered:

This can be done as every function has only a return i.e. one value. It can be an integer, string, or any other thing. The function can't hold only 1 return statement.The function can't hold many return statements that execute one function call. The function can't have the utmost 2 return statements.

Therefore, we can conclude that option A is correct.

Learn more about the function here: brainly.com/question/12431044

You are a trainer for your company and often teach courses in a classroom located on-campus or in a hotel conference room. In your office, which is separate from the classroom, you have two external monitors connected to your laptop, and you are able to display different content on each monitor. However, when teaching, you only have your laptop and a projection unit. To make teaching easier, you want the same content to show on both the laptop monitor and the projection screen.
Which of the following multiple display options would be BEST to select when teaching?
A. Show only on 1.
B. Extend these displays.
C. Show only on 2.
D. Duplicate these displays.



Duplicate these displays.


A. Show only on 1 displays only the first screen and disconnects the second one

B. Extend these displays displays two different outputs on the same computer

C. Show only on 2. displays only the second screen and disconnects the first one

D. Duplicate these displays. displays the same output for both screen

Answer:d. Duplicate these displays


20 points!!!!! Plz answer quickly



other words are not clear

Are all the computer users known as programmer ​





programmers are diff

With respect to using software to build a project network, the authors contention is that... Multiple choice question. Understanding the calculations used is vital to proper use. Software makes up for the need to understand the forward/backward pass calculations and is not necessary for a person to know the pass calculations.



They should have a common start and end node, numbering activity aides clarity, and no "if-then" statements

When constructing a project network for a project with 25-100 tasks, a common industry practice is to

utilize the "yellow sticky" approach

An online retailer is looking to implement an enterprise platform. Which component of the enterprise platform will help the company capture curate and consumer customer information?



Data and Insights


In an enterprise platform, the data and insights are considered as one of the important aspect of any enterprise. It helps in better understanding of the customer so that the enterprise successfully offers best services to the customers.

Data are basically the information that enterprise can gather from the customers and insights are defined by gaining knowledge by analyzing these data so that the company can provide best customer service and it also helps them to capture curate as well as consumer information.

Thus the answer is 'data and insights'.

What method is used to prevent the random number generator from always starting with the same number?









Since computer random isn't actually random, and is a predetermined sequence of numbers, seed() allows us to create different sequences of numbers, and thus more randomized numbers.

Hope this helps!


the answer is seed()


i took the assignment

Your disaster recovery plan calls for backup media to be stored at a different location. The location is a safe deposit box at the local bank. Because of this, the disaster recovery plan specifies that you choose a method that uses the least amount of backup media, but also allows you to quickly back up and restore files. Which backup strategy would BEST meet the disaster recovery plan



Perform a full backup once per week and a differential backup the other days of the week.

What is the process of planning, designing, and implementing change requests?

_____ is the process of planning, designing, and implementing change requests.



Change Management


The described process is formally known as Change Management

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