write the equation of a circle who’s center is (6,-7) and who’s radius is 4


Answer 1


(x-6) ^2 + (y+7)^2 = 16

Step-by-step explanation:

We know the equation of a circle is given by

(x-h) ^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2  where ( h,k) is the center and r is the radius

(x-6) ^2 + (y- -7)^2 = 4^2

(x-6) ^2 + (y+7)^2 = 16

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5/9+8/9 can someone please help me with this math question? All I know is that you have to add the fractions, Express the sum as a proper fraction or a mixed number.




Step-by-step explanation:


5/9 + 8/9

Both fractions have the same denominator.

Therefore, pick one of the denominator and add the numerators

5/9 + 8/9

= (5+8) / 9

= 13/9

5/9 + 8/9 = 13/9

Find the volume of the water tank shown.
Depth: 1.8 m
Diameter : 2.4m
Volume = ? m3 (nearest m3)



Step-by-step explanation:

r = d/2

r = 2.4 m/2 = 1.2

h = 1.8

pi = 3.14

Volume = pi * r^2 * h

Volume = 3.14 * 1.2^2 * 1.8

Volume = 8.139

Volume = 8 to the nearest m^3

What are the solutions to 3( x + 2)(x – 9) = 0


Mark Brainliest if correct:

x = -2, 9

Step-by-step explanation:

x2: x + 2 = 0

x = -2

x1: x - 9 = 0

x = 9

x = -2, 9

Hi everyone, I’m currently trying to dive into some lessons before school starts and I’m taking algebra 2 this year and the lessons that I am currently studying about is imaginary numbers. I had a few questions so if anyone could help me out that’d be great! Starting off, while watching the video, the guy explaining says that j^4 = 1 because it is like j times j^3 and I’m just confused because I don’t understand where they got the 1 from…


An imaginary number is a complex number that can be written as a real number multiplied by the imaginary unit i, which is defined by its property i² = −1. The square of an imaginary number bi is −b². For example, 5i is an imaginary number, and its square is −25

Someone PLEASE help me.
Solve for the indicated variable in the parentheses.
y= 5x*6 (x)


Step-by-step explanation:

a is the answer if is wrong I'm sorry

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The answer is -51146

Step-by-step explanation:

Just substract simple

If no grouping symbols or exponents are in an expression, then do _____ first.


multiplication or division i believe

Helppppp me plss, I’ll mark u as brainlest


[tex] \large\color{lime}\boxed{\colorbox{black}{Answer : - }}[/tex]

We know that, in ∆ABC,

∠A+∠B+∠C = 180°

But the triangle is right angled at C

ie., ∠C = 90°

Therefore, ∠A+∠B+ 90° = 180°

⇒ ∠A + ∠B = 90°

Therefore, cos(A + B) = cos 90º = 0

A, 3-2x=3(x+4)-x-1
B, 5x(x-1)-4(x-1)=0



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle \Large \boldsymbol{} \tt a) \ 3-2x=3(x+4)-x-1\\\\3-2x=3x+12-x-1 \\\\3-12+1=3x+2x-x \\\\4x=-8 \\\\\boxed{ \tt x=-2} \\\\\\b) \ 5x\underline{(x-1)}-4\underline{(x-1)}=0 \\\\\\(5x-4)(x-1)=0 \Longrightarrow \boxed{ \tt x_1=0.8 \ \ ; \ \ x_2=1}[/tex]

Will Mark Brainlest Help Please ,,,,
find the value of x and y ​


Step-by-step explanation:




MNOP is a trapezoid with median QR. Find x


[tex]\bf \large \rightarrow \: \:2x \: + \: 8 \: = \: 0[/tex]

[tex]\bf \large \rightarrow \: \:x \: = \: \frac{8}{2} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\bf \large \rightarrow \: \:x \: = \: \cancel\frac{ 8}{ 2} \: \: ^{4} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\bf \large \rightarrow \: \:x \: = \: 4[/tex]

Option ( A ) is the correct answer.

help me
its geometry



A = 216.24 km²

Step-by-step explanation:

find the domain and range in the following condition.
b.R={(X,y):y=4x+1}, domain={0,1,2}​



domain : {3,4,6}

range: {1,5,9}

simplify root 32-6 divided by root 2 plus root 2​




Step-by-step explanation:

first make root of 32-6=5•099019514

then make root of 2+root2=1•84--

then divide upper by lower part answer comes



root 2+root 2=2root2




[tex] \frac{ \sqrt{32} - 6 }{ \sqrt{2} + \sqrt{2} } \\ \frac{ \sqrt{16 \times 2} - 6}{2 \sqrt{2} } \\ \frac{4 \sqrt{2} - 6}{2 \sqrt{2} } \\ \frac{2(2 \sqrt{2} - 3) }{2 \sqrt{2} } \\ \frac{2 \sqrt{2} - 3}{ \sqrt{2} } \\ thnk \: you[/tex]

The total number of​ restaurant-purchased meals that the average person will eat in a​ restaurant, in a​ car, or at home in a year is 193 . The total number of these meals eaten in a car or at home exceeds the number eaten in a restaurant by 15 . Thirty more​ restaurant-purchased meals will be eaten in a restaurant than at home. Find the number of​ restaurant-purchased meals eaten in a​ restaurant, the number eaten in a​ car, and the number eaten at home.


9514 1404 393


89 in a restaurant45 in a car59 at home

Step-by-step explanation:

Let r, c, h represent the numbers of meals eaten in a restaurant, car, and at home, respectively. The problem statement tells us of the relations ...

  r + c + h = 193

  -r + c + h = 15

  r + 0c -h = 30

Add the last two equations:

  (-r +c +h) +(r -h) = (15) +(30)

  c = 45

Add the first two equations:

  (r + c + h) +(-r + c + h) = (193) +(15)

  2c +2h = 208

  h = 104 -c = 59 . . . . solve for h, substitute for c

The last equation can be used to find r.

  r = 30 +h = 30 +59 = 89

89 meals are eaten in a restaurant; 45 meals in a car; and 59 at home.

y = –2x2 - 4x – 6 has how many real roots?



Step-by-step explanation:


They are both imaginary or complex. You can check that out by calculating the discriminate. If you get a minus answer, then there are no real roots. Let's try it.

a = - 2

b = - 4

c = - 6

D = sqrt(b^2 - 4*a * c)

D = sqrt( (-4)^2 - 4*(-2)(-6)  )

D = sqrt( 16 - 48)

D = sqrt(-32) which is negative and there are no real roots.

Write the exponential function that passes through (-1, 27), (0, 9), (1, 3).​


Step-by-step explanation:

we see, for x=-1 we get 3³

x=0 we get 3²

x=1 we get 3¹

so the function is definitely a 3 to the power of x version.

but we need to adapt the exponent a bit and correct x, so that at least for these 3 values of x the result is "running backwards".

the easiest way : 2-x as exponent.

it fits.

for x=-1 we get 2 - -1 = 3 as exponent.

for x=0 we get 2-0 = 2 as exponent.

for x=1 we get 2-1 = 1 as exponent.

so, the exponential function passing through these 3 points is

[tex]f(x) = {3}^{2 - x} [/tex]

please help me out, please and thank you​


Well, a bisector is a ray that cuts the angle in half, which means that both of the angles are now the same. So, we get:
8x - 1 = 4x + 3
4x = 4
x = 1




What is the total surface area of the square pyramid below?
14 cm
10 cm
10 cm
O 100 cm
O 200 cm
O 280 cm?
O 380 cm?




Step-by-step explanation:


What is the slope-intercept equation for the line below?


Step-by-step explanation:

given that the coordinate is (0,1)(4,3)

x¹=0, y¹=1, x²=4 y²=3

M=> Gradient => (y²-y¹)/(x²-x¹)

M=(3-1)/(4-0) => 1/2

Therefore the slope-intercept equation


1/2 = (y-1)/(x-0)



y=-x/2 - 1

Classify this triangle

A) Acute scalene triangle
B) Obtuse isosceles triangle
C) Right isosceles triangle
D) Right scalene triangle


Answer C Right Isosceles Triangle

Step-by-step explanation:

Do it

Answer: C

Step-by-step explanation:

It has a 90 degree angle, right triangle, and both legs in the triangle seem to be the same size, so it's also isosceles.

find the value of x in the diagram below




Step-by-step explanation:

In a trapezoid lines are parallel, so corresponding angle sum = 180

X+X+40 = 180

2x + 40 = 180

2x = 180-40

2x = 140

X = 140/2

X = 70

Answered by Gauthmath

Express 2.99 x 108 m/s (the speed of light) in decimal notation (i.e., express the number without using scientific notation).




Step-by-step explanation:

I think you mean 2.99×10^8, not 2.99×108.

2.99×10⁸ meters per second = 299,000,000 meters per second




C. [tex]-x-6>-3.5[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

One is asked to find which inequality has ([tex]x=-3[/tex]) in its solution set. Remember that an inequality is another way to represent a set of solutions. In essence, it states that all numbers less than; less than or equal to; greater than; or greater than or equal to, are a part of the solution. One simplifies an inequality in a similar manner to how one simplifies an equation, by using inverse operations and simplification. Just note that when multiplying or dividing the inequality by a negative number, one has to flip the inequality sign to ensure the expression remains true.

Simplify each of the inequalities, then evaluate to see which one has ([tex]x=-3[/tex]) as a part of its solution set.

A. [tex]-x -6<-3.5[/tex]



B. [tex]-x-6>3.5[/tex]



C. [tex]-x-6>-3.5[/tex]



D. [tex]x-6>-3.5[/tex]


As can be seen, option (C [tex]-x-6>-3.5[/tex]) is the only one that fits this requirement. Since option (C) simplifies down to ([tex]x<-2.5[/tex]) or in words, (x) is less than (-2.5). This option is the only one that fits the solution since (-3) is less than (-2.5).

Зх — 7 = 2х
Show work



x = 7

Step-by-step explanation:

3x - 7 = 2x

- 7 = -1x

x = -7/-1

x = 7

easy algebra question below first correct answer gets brainliest



Y = 27

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the the value of y when x = 4 simply substitute the given value of x

into the equation and solve for y

Equation given: y - 3x = 15

x = 4 * substitute 4 for x in given equation *

y - 3(4) = 15

Now solve for y

simplify multiplication

y - 12 = 15

Add 12 to both sides

y - 12 + 12 = 15 + 12

y = 27

So we can conclude that when x = 4 y = 27


y = 27

Step-by-step explanation:

y - 3x = 15

Let x = 4

y - 3(4) = 15

y - 12 = 15

Add 12 to each side

y -12 +12 =15+12

y = 27

Prime factorization of 797 method also​



Prime factorization: 797 is prime. The exponent of prime number 797 is 1. Adding 1 to that exponent we get (1 + 1) = 2. Therefore 797 has exactly 2 factors

Which of the following is the discriminant of the polynomial below?
X2 +6X+8
A. 8
B. 6
D. 26


X2 + 6X +8
the answer is C. 4

If p and q are remainders when the polynomials



Step-by-step explanation:

Can someone help I don't understand



Step-by-step explanation:

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