You will write a summary of the non-fiction article.

View the grading rubric as you complete your work. This is your guide to a super submission.
Copy and paste the entire text of the Robots on Earth into a document.
Read the article.
Write a summary of the article:
Write a main idea sentence for each paragraph of the article.
Put your main idea sentences together to create the first draft of your summary paragraph and include a topic sentence.
Revise your draft to make it more concise, effective, and objective.
Proofread your paragraph for complete sentences, proper punctuation, and correct spelling.
Remember that the summary should be objective and should not include your opinions or experiences.
Save your work to your computer or drive.
Submit your work in 01.10 Write a Summary.

Explosions. Car chases. A man and woman, drenched in sweat, limping from a building as it crumbles to the ground, muster the last of their strength to rescue humanity from its inevitable extinction at the cold, metal hands of humanoid creatures with artificial intelligence gone awry. For decades, books and movies have dictated how we think of robots. Simply the word "robot" can bring to mind images of evil, mechanical creatures bent on taking over the world and wiping out every glimmer of humanity. And yet, the truth of machines is dramatically different. Today's robots hold little in common with their villainous cousins from action-packed science fiction. Most robots have no interest in harming the human population at all; they exist to aid people in making life safer, healthier, and more productive.

For example, jobs such as welding and painting are important to civilization as we know it, but experience has taught us that these activities can be hazardous to human health. In addition, fumes in automobile and airplane factories can harm organic bodies that become exposed to their toxins in the assembly process. Even when the best precautions are taken, workers may still suffer from lack of adequate ventilation. What is the answer to these difficult dilemmas? Robots. Because machines don't rely on clean air or comfortable temperatures, because they can function even in the midst of deadly gasses, they can take over with ease where humans would suffer greatly. Working together, humans and robots can get the job done.

A robot's job isn't limited to the terrestrial level, either. Even in space, machines such as the R2 humanoid robot at the International Space Station complete dangerous tasks for astronauts, protecting them from potentially deadly situations. And then, when there are mundane but essential tasks to conduct on the space station, R2 takes care of those, as well, freeing up the astronauts' time for more important responsibilities. Thus, in space and on Earth, robots manage to create healthier, happier humans.

In fact, there are robots on Earth that exist specifically to boost human health. Just as contact lenses enhance human sight, robotics can increase human mobility. People with disabilities and various forms of paralysis now have hope that they can achieve better range of motion, when before this wasn't possible. With the help of robots, scientists are working to create an exoskeleton that will attach itself to the outside of the human body, establishing a connection to the human brain. Neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis has a dream. "We are working with the Brazilian government, who is helping fund the project. At the 2014 soccer World Cup celebrations we hope to have a Brazilian teenager with quadriplegia walk out and make the opening kick."

Explosions and car crashes may sell tickets for the summer blockbuster, but robots have so much more to offer, and much of it is positive service to humans. At the heart of the field of robotics is not the creation of people-destroying machines with evil artificial intelligence, but something much more useful. Robots aren't our enemies; instead, they are the valuable result of scientific endeavors to create safer lives for people everywhere.


Answer 1

As per the instructions, we can write a summary for this text concerning robots by writing one main idea sentence about each paragraph, as follows:

Books and movies convey the idea that robots are evil and destructive when, in real life, most robots exist to save an improve people's lives.Robots are, for example, the solution found to keep people from getting hurt or sick while performing hazardous jobs.Even in space, robots such as the R2 perform tasks that could be dangerous or time-consuming to astronauts.Robots can also be attached to our bodies to help people with disabilities or paralysis move.In conclusion, robots are not our enemies, but helpers to a safer life for humans.

How to write a summary

A summary is a short text containing the most important ideas of another longer text. Summaries must not add anything to the original text, such as new information or an opinion. For this question, we must write a summary containing the main idea sentences of each paragraph.

The text has the purpose of persuading or informing people that robots are different in real life than they in movies and books. After reading each paragraph, we came up with the following main idea sentences:

Books and movies convey the idea that robots are evil and destructive when, in real life, most robots exist to save an improve people's lives.Robots are, for example, the solution found to keep people from getting hurt or sick while performing hazardous jobs.Even in space, robots such as the R2 perform tasks that could be dangerous or time-consuming to astronauts.Robots can also be attached to our bodies to help people with disabilities or paralysis move.In conclusion, robots are not our enemies, but helpers to a safer life for humans.

All you have to do is put those sentences together to form a paragraph. Feel free to change anything to fit your own writing style.

With the information above in mind, we can conclude that the answer provided is correct.

Learn more about summaries here:



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C is the answer

hope help

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Seventh grade > F.1 Analyze short stories AVK
You have pins to reveal
Which quote from the story best supports the idea that Aram feels embarrassed when Ms.
Chiarelli does not respond to his suggestion that they bake together?
He pulled out his wallet. "I'll buy the ingredients! See? I have money."
Aram felt his face get hot; why did he have to blurt out his ridiculous ideas?
He slid his wallet back into his pocket and stepped behind the dusty cash



" aram felt his face get hot; why did he have to blurt out his ridiculous ideas? "

Aram's flushed face and lament over his "crazy thoughts" show his shame when Ms. Chiarelli doesn't draw in with his baking idea.

How to analyze the short story

The following quote best illustrates Aram's embarrassment: Aram's face started to get hot; Why did he have to express his absurd ideas out loud? His face turning hot as a sign of embarrassment is highlighted in this quote.

The expression "exclaims his crazy thoughts" infers his consciousness of making a socially off-kilter idea. Due to Ms. Chiarelli's refusal to respond to his proposal of baking together, this event and his subsequent retreat behind the cash register reveal his embarrassment.

The statement catches his unseen conflict and hesitance in the circumstance, giving an unmistakable understanding of Aram's sensations of humiliation.

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A. extreme
B. academic
C. bland
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D) specific

hope this helped




explanation is in the attachment

hope it is helpful to you





i believe marvel comics said back in 2013 that it was reimagining ms. marvel, one of its superheroes, as an american teenager named kamala khan. the first comic about that character was released in 2015 and continued to be published until 2019, i think.

i'm not sure if that's what you wanted to know, but i hope i helped ! (:

2. "We've visited Paris many times." ​



(Formal) = We have visited Paris many times

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In about 150 words. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city



Nowadays, large cities are becoming more and more inhabited. The majority of the population prefer living in a big town mainly because of the great advantages it has compared to living in the countryside. However, what are the benefits of this situation, and what are the drawbacks? In this essay, I will explore the pros and cons of living in a large city and try to draw some conclusions.

Let’s start looking at the advantages. One of the main positives of a big town is the large amount of shops available in every corner of the city. What I mean by this is that whenever you live, there are some useful stores like supermarkets, banks, tobacconists and clothing stores where you can easily buy everything you need without going to the city center. Secondly, living in a big town is a big challenge for evening parties. In London, for example, there are so many things to do in the evenings like going to the cinema, to the pub or to the park during the summer period.

Turning to the other side of the argument, traffic could be one of the major disadvantages of living in a big city. Many people take the car everyday and it has also been proved that the majority of the families have at least two cars. This means that you have to deal with rush-hour traffic on your way to work and on your way back. In addition, in a big town there is consequently a lot of smog and this can really affect people’s health.

To sum up, living in a big city has great advantages but also some significant negatives.You have to weigh up to the pros of enjoying evenings’ nights outside and the availability of many shops and the cons of cope with smog and traffic issues. Personally, I believe that the benefits of enjoying the city-life and the comfort of having shops at every corner, eventually overweigh the negatives.


Hope it Helps


Living in a city can be quite hard as well as convenient. As everything, even living in a big city has its own advantages and disadvantages. Living in a big city can cause a lot of pollution. This is one major disadvantage that is leading so many species of plants and animals to go extinct as well as destroying the ozone. Also, living in a big city leads to a lot of expenses and costs that many people may not be able to afford. Living in a big city also results in a lot of criminal activity. This is another major disadvantage of living in a big city. The last major disadvantage of living in a big city is the lack of greenery. We all know how greenery is important to us, in spite of being concerned we just cut down trees to build more buildings. There are also certain advantages. Living in a big city cuts down the hassle to search for job opportunities, medical health and food. We are provided with everything in a big city. These were a few advantages and disadvantages. Everything is good and bad in its own ways


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Which word could be used to combine the sentences into a compound sentence?
O 1. but
O 2 and
03. because
4. please
Question #8


hmmm I will be my friend unum I will

Because is the right choice

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i think mom is spelled corretly

I is spelled correctly since the other word should be in small caps mom,saint,weekday

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Newspaper editor-in-chief


We dont have the page and we dont know what you talking about

you cant even research this.


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She............ her job every two years.(change,changes,will change)​



Changes.... hope that helps..




mark me brainliest ❤

Gabe's eyes widened when he noticed the return address on the envelope. He fought the temptation to rip it open, opting instead to
carefully peel up the envelope flap. The last thing he wanted to do was risk damaging the tickets inside. He unfolded the paper inside and
caught the tickets that fell from within. His stomach felt like it had been turned inside out when Gabe realized he was only holding two tickets
in his hand. He quickly scanned the letter and found his cousin's explanation.
Gabe slumped against the porch railing when he discovered these were the last two available tickets to the concert. He had planned to
take both Lenny and Tyler, his two best friends, to the concert with him. Now he was faced with the most difficult decision of his year: What do
I do with only two tickets? Gabe thought about the numerous times Lenny had invited him to join him on mountain bike trips. Lenny had even
loaned Gabe his extra bike once when Gabe's bike got a flat. Bringing Lenny to the concert would be a way of thanking him for his generous
nature. Then again, Gabe realized his parents would not have allowed him to ask his cousin for the tickets if Gabe's biology grade hadn't made
a turn for the better. Tyler was definitely responsible for the improvement. He had tutored Gabe after school for weeks; surely, Gabe should
show his appreciation in some way.
Deciding between Lenny and Tyler tormented Gabe all week. Finally, he decided to give both tickets to his friends. He believed he would
have another opportunity to hear his favorite band in concert, but he might never meet anyone else as loyal or helpful as his two best friends.
When Gabe opens the envelope, he discovers only two tickets.
Which plot element does the discovery introduce?
O 1. climax
2. conflict
3. resolution
4. falling action




I think it is the climax because of Gabe's reaction, being that he 'widened his eyes', which led to his internal conflicts of who to give the tickets to.

47. Choose which of the underlined words
are spelled correctly:
A. I cannot go to they're game this
weekend because of my tournament.
B. I cannot go to there game this
weekend because of my tournament.
C. I cannot go to their game this
weekend because of my tournament.


the answer is c
i cannot go to their game this weekend because of my tournament.
I cannot go to their game this weekend because of my tournament.

The police came to my patio. he walked up to my door and gave a knock. I came and opened the door. He said, "your dogs are chasing people on bikes". I said ok just take t my dog's bikes away then.





Oh my gosh. Im about to pee myself

Use context clues to find the definition for the word tributaries as it used in these sentences.

any bodies of water in the United States
small streams of water
smaller rivers that flows into a larger river
the rivers found near the Mississippi



A river or stream flowing into a larger river or lake

I enjoy cooking I like to go out to eat sometimes, too. Which of the revisions corrects the sentence? I enjoy cooking, but I like to go out to eat sometimes, too. I enjoy cooking: I like to go out to eat sometimes, too. I enjoy cooking, I like to go out to eat sometimes, too. I enjoy cooking; and I like to go out to eat sometimes, too.



I enjoy cooking, but I like to go out to eat sometimes too.


This is correct because it is the best answer and it revises “I enjoy cooking I like to go out to eat sometimes, too.”

The revised sentence comes out to be 'I enjoy cooking, but I like to go out to eat sometimes, too.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a combination of various words which are complete in itself. It includes verbs, consonants, conjunctions, adjectives, etc.

A conjunction is a word that makes a connection between two separate sentences. In the provided question, there are two sentences, where the first is the 'I enjoy cooking' and the second is the 'I like to go out to eat sometimes' and by putting a conjunction, the two sentences become one.

Therefore, after putting 'but' in both the sentences, a revised sentence has been created.

Learn more about the conjunctions in the related link:



What part of speech is "however" in the following sentence?
She will finish the project, however long it may take.








What part of speech is "however" in the following sentence?

She will finish the project, however long it may take.







Which one of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
O Don't step into the house with those dirty shoes!
O Don't step into the house with those dirty shoes,
Don't step into the house with those dirty shoes?
O Don't step into the house with those dirty shoes.



O don't step into the house with those dirty shoes!

its the one with this ! sign the first one

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

______ is a rock with a fine, dark texture that makes up the oceanic crust.



answer is:


hope this helps:-)

Which of the following sentences with a parenthetical expression is punctuated correctly?

Of course the girls couldn't wait, to jump in the pool on such a hot day.

Of course, the girls couldn't wait to jump in the pool on such a hot day.

Of course the girls, couldn't wait to jump in the pool, on such a hot day.

Of course the girls couldn't wait to jump in the pool, on such a hot day.



of course, the girls couldn’t wait to jump in the pool on such a hot day.


when you have an introduction to a sentence like ‘of course’, you’ll want to take a pause after saying it. that means that you need a comma. if you read through all of the sentences provided out loud, you’ll notice that some of the pauses are not needed. hope this helps!

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