You suspect that a casual friend may have a problem with drugs or alcohol. Explain the process you might use to identify the problem.


Answer 1

Approach an adult such as a high school counselor. Inform them of the situation. Then, after the adult consults with the friend, I would approach him/her and help them out with whatever they are going through. I'd tell them that I'm there for them and try to help to get them to stop.

Related Questions

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form.

1. I (have) dinner when his friend called.

2. Joan (travel) around the world.

3. We (not begin) to study for the test yet.

4. Don’t get on a bus while it (run) .

5. I (invite) them to my birthday party yesterday, however, they (not come) .

6. Look! Somebody (clean) the room.

7. My brother (begin) looking for a job in January.

8. Timson (make) 13 films and I think her latest is the best.

9. She (cook) at the moment. That’s why she can’t answer the phone.

10. She doesn’t mind (go) out in the evening.

11. I (not see) him since we (leave) school.

12. Football (be) my favourite sport. I like (play) it in my free time.

13. Jane (leave) just a few minutes ago.

14. She (be) extremely quiet since her husband died.



hadtravelledI don't know this one sorryrunsinvitedcleanedbeganmadeis cookinggoingdidn't see leftis playingleftbecame

"Ryan rapidly rushed round the corner as he ran the race." What rhetorical device is being used in this sentence?





"Ryan rapidly rushed round the corner as he ran the race." this is a sentence that has words with the same letter they're close in proximity.

write short paragraph using the word gigantic​



From the latter there grew a gigantic gourd. There is also a gigantic lily (Doryanthes excelsa) which grows to a height of 15 feet. A series of disasters frustrated the gigantic scheme. Bushes looked like gigantic trees and level ground like cliffs and slopes.

Exercise 1. Conditional Type 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. If we (recycle) ________ more, we will help the Earth.
2. Factories (not dump) ______________waste into rivers if the government fine them heavily.
3. If people travel to work by bus, there (be) ______________fewer car fumes.
4. We (save) ________________thousands of trees if we don’t waste paper.
5. If we use water carefully, more people (have) ______________fresh water.
6. If the factory (continue) ________________ dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals will die.
7. If I (go)__________ out tonight, I will go to the cinema.
8. If we don’t see each other tomorrow, we (see)__________ each other next week.
9. If we go on holiday this summer, we (go)__________ to Spain.
10. He (not/get) _________a better job if he doesn’t pass that exam



1. If we recycle more, we will help the Earth.

2. Factories will not dump waste into rivers if the government fines them heavily.

3. If people travel to work by bus, there will be fewer car fumes.

4. We will save thousands of trees if we don't waste paper.

5. If we use water carefully, more people will have fresh air.

6. If the factory continues dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals will die.

7. If I go out tonight, I will go to the cinema.

A central idea in The Code Book is the concern that much of the world's information is not secure. Which lines from the
passage best support this central idea? Check all that apply.



The answer is B, D, an E.


my house has only one post Who am I​




                      Newspaper ??

What does Vernacular mean ?


language ................

1.Ramanujan stood first in the primary examination.He was motivated to study further.He got support from---- a) grant of full exemption of fees. B) grant of half exemption of fees. C) scholarship from the government.d) from his fathers office.





mễnhoa nàn ànoanpíh học

pls help meeeee......



This is a very simple question, the first is the future tense(which are things we are going to do in the future) and the last is present tense(which are things we do in the present)

1. A

2. B

last week, we_______ ( have) dinner with a French family





last week:dấu hiệu nhận biết thì quá khứ đơn

a) What is the shopping trend among people nowadays​



flipkart amazon ajio etc.

Ajio ,she-in,Amazon,

Which claim from the speech best supports Warren’s argument that wage inequality negatively affects people other than women?

“ . . . women are tired of hearing that pay inequality isn’t real.”

“In 99.6 percent of occupations, men get paid more than women.”

“For middle-class families today, it usually takes two incomes to get by, . . . ”

“ . . . unequal pay makes it harder for them to pay back student loans.”





I believe that the option of "For middle-class families today, it usually takes two incomes to get by,..." because that does not specifically apply to only the women in the family, but that the male (or anyone else) is responsible for making up the other half of the income to pay for basic necessities.

Hope this helps and good luck!

What is King’s conclusion in this passage?

He is shocked by the tension of protest.

Negotiation is better than protest.

He is not afraid of tension.

Tension is necessary for growth.


King is ready to protest since it would help him grow. King is not afraid of the tension he will receive. However being ready to protest, King thinks that the best solution in the situation is to negotiate.

The inference that can be drawn from King’s conclusion in this passage is that B. Negotiation is better than protest.

What is an inference?

An inference simply means the conclusion that cane be derived from the evidence given.

In this case, inference that can be drawn from King’s conclusion in this passage is that negotiation is better than protest.

Learn more about inference on:

what is that thing the God can't see we can see that ?​


There is nothing god can not see but we can.

Do you agree with June’s interpretation of her mother’s motivation? Why or why not ?



The mother pushes her daughter to take piano lessons. She does this because she wants her daughter to be a famous musical prodigy. The mother has aspirations and dreams for her daughter. She wants her daughter to be somebody important. She desires for her daughter to make something of herself in life. She believes that in America one can become someone important and famous.

Also, the mother is in competition with Waverly's mother. Waverly is a famous chess player. She has won many trophies. Waverly's mother boasts about how she has so much work to do dusting the the trophies. This makes Jing-mei's mother jealous. The two mothers are in competition and this puts pressure on their daughters:

In this story, the narrator, Jing-mei, resists her overbearing mother's desire to make her into a musical prodigy in order to compete with one of her friend's daughters. The narrator recalls these events after a period of more than twenty years and still struggles to understand her mother's motivations.

While one can understand Jing-mei's mother desiring her daughter to be someone important, it is obvious that Jing-mei's mother puts too much pressure on her daughter. She pushes her daughter to play the piano when in fact Jing-mei has come to detest playing the piano. She does not apply herself. She rebels against her mother's wishes. There is a constant battle going on between Jing-mei and her mother. Possibly, Jing-mei's mother should have just given up on the idea of Jing-mei playing the piano. If a child is not interested in playing the piano, it is not worth the battle or struggle that it will take to keep up the piano lessons. Jing-mei's mother should have allowed her daughter to make a decision about finding a hobby that would help shape her own identity.

Even after Jing-mei embarrasses her mother at the piano recital, Jing-mei's mother insists that the piano lessons are continued. Only after Jing-mei hurts her mother by saying she wishes she had been a child left behind in China do the piano lessons stop:

Such a cruel and hurtful statement silences her mother and ends the piano lessons for good.

Finally, Jing-mei can find her own way in life. Often parents put too much pressure on their children. Jing-mei's mother is no exception. She pushes her daughter too far. She actually makes her daughter despise playing the piano. She is an overbearing mother who did not recognize how wonderful her daughter was just being herself. She should have accepted her daughter as she was. Instead, she forced her daughter to be someone she had imagined from the celebrity television shows and magazine articles.:

Please help me ………………….


Syllabus is needed to answer this question.

The farmer felt ___________ when he knew his chicken laid a gold egg. (excite) *
“Don’t put your dirty shoes on the shelf, Betty” said Peter. --> Peter told ............. *

Mr. Khanh said “ You should give your son a dictionary, Ms. Loan.” --> Mr. Khanh asked Ms. Loan ........... *

That young man is very generous. He always helps the poor, the old and the handicapped. (enough) --> That young man.......... *

Our close friend, Tuan Minh usually told us his joke. --> Our close friend, Tuan Minh used ......... *
Without saying anything to us, she left _____________. (sudden ) *
Hard work always brings ______________. (succeed) *
The man behaved foolishly towards his chicken.--> The man had a .......................





The farmer felt excited when he knew his chicken laid a gold egg.

Peter told Betty to not put her dirty shoes on the shelf.

Mr. Khanh asked Mr. Loan to giver her son a dictionary.

Without saying anything to us, she left suddenly.

Hard work always brings success.

For all the years I knew my grandma, she could barely see. Grandma was legally blind, and yet she knew, by feel, the location of every dish in her kitchen and every work of literature on the bookcase in the living room.
I remember especially the bird-like way she peered at things. I'd bring her a copy of my latest school picture, and she'd hold the photo an inch or two from her face, tilt her head to one side, and inspect it before saying, "Very pretty." I used to think she was just being polite, that she really couldn't see me in the picture. But then she'd add, "That pin you're wearing was your mother's." How did she see that little blur on my jacket? The things she could see never failed to amaze me.
Watching television with Grandma, I never failed to learn something. Usually it was the complicated plot twist of one of her favorite soap operas—The Guiding Light or As the World Turns. We grandkids would curl up on the big couch while Grandma pulled up a footstool and planted herself right next to the TV, elbows on her knees, to watch the screen. At the commercial break, she'd explain who was marrying whom and who was in the hospital and who had recently come back from the dead. She seemed to have no trouble identifying the characters whom she could barely see. Whether or not she could bring them into sharp focus, they were as real to her as her giggling grandkids.
For a treat, we'd sometimes pile into our grandparent's black car for a drive around town: my grandfather at the wheel, my long-legged older brother in the front seat, and Grandma sandwiched between me and my little brother in the back—but sitting so far forward she was practically in the front. I'd imagined all she could see was a blur of images rushing past, yet she could always tell when Grandpa had missed a turn or forgotten to turn on his headlights. Returning home, Grandma would wave at the boy who mowed their lawn and point out the new fruit on the plum tree in their yard.
In later years, when I visited from college, Grandma would always be waiting when I pulled up in my old orange car (that's admittedly hard to miss, no matter how bad one's vision). She'd greet me with a bear hug. Then she'd surprise me, every time, with what she could see. Holding my face in her hands, she'd turn my head from side to side and announce, "You got your hair cut!" as if I had won the lottery and forgotten to tell her. I began to wonder if we rely on our eyes too much—if maybe, with our perfect sight, we're actually missing the details my grandma and her poor vision never failed to catch.

This story makes the reader think about what we can and cannot see. What question does the author ask us to think about at the end?
A. Was life just a blur of images racing past our eyes?
B. Could Grandma see the things she said she could see?
C. Do people with perfect vision miss out on the details of life?
D. Do blind people enjoy life more than people who can see?





In the last sentance they say that people with eyes might miss out on the things that people who are blind like the authors grandma can "see."

So it is, "Do people with perfect vision miss out on the details in life?"

Answer:D. Do blind people enjoy life more than people who can see?


Fix any punctuation or capitalization errors below. Click "Submit Answer" if there
are none.
Trent Harrison doesn't like using glue, he always gets
himself stuck to something.



Perfect, No corrections


Awesome! You don't need one.

The most significant event of the Roman period was the birth,life,and death of Jesus Christi


Answer: ok


is this a questionn orrr?

Read the excerpt from "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry.

Only $1.87 to buy a present for Jim. Her Jim. Many a happy hour she had spent planning for something nice for him. Something fine and rare and sterling—something just a little bit near to being worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim.

What inferences about Della can be made based on this excerpt? Select three options.

Della does not have much money to spend on Jim’s gift.
Della wants to buy Jim a watch chain for his watch.
Della loves her husband, Jim, very much.
Della wants to buy Jim a really nice gift.
Della will need to sell her hair to buy Jim a nice gift.


Answer:A,Della does not have much money to spend on Jim’s gift. C, Della loves her husband, Jim, very much. D Della wants to buy Jim a really nice gift.


hope this helps

The inferences about Della can be made based on this excerpt are - Della does not have much money to spend on Jim’s gift, Della loves her husband, Jim, very much and Della wants to buy Jim a really nice gift.

What is an Excerpt?

An excerpt is a short piece of writing or music which is taken from a larger piece.

The term excerpt has been used since the 15th century and originates from a Latin word meaning ''plucked out.''

Synonyms for excerpt include quotation, quote, fragment, and extract.

Writers use excerpts for several reasons. These can be grouped into three categories.

a writer can use an excerpt to support what they feel or think about a subject.a writer can use an excerpt to focus readers' attention on what they want them to understand and remembera writer can incorporate an excerpt when they intend to analyze the excerpt or offer their own commentary on the excerpt.

Therefore, The inferences about Della can be made based on this excerpt are - Della does not have much money to spend on Jim’s gift, Della loves her husband, Jim, very much and Della wants to buy Jim a really nice gift.

Learn more about Excerpt, here:


What is the meaning of the simile in lines 93-96?

And, as a hare, whom hounds and horns pursue,
Pants to the place from whence at first she flew,
I still had hopes, my long vexations passed,
Here to return-and die at home at last


The simile in the lines clearly indicates that the narrator after a long journey from where they left in life, returned very hastily to the same place.

The simile is found in the line that states: "As a hare, whom hounds and horns pursue,..."

A smile is a literary device that uses the comparison of two different objects or subjects in order to strike a deeper meaning in the mind of the reader.

It is usually characterized by the use of "as" or "like".

For example,

She is as brave as a lion;The ice cream melted like butter in a hot frying pan

Learn more about simile here:

Please help me from 1 to 14






Leila stared at the driver of the shiny red convertible stopped in the middle of the intersection, incredulous that he would stop traffic just to yell at another driver behind him. What does the use of incredulous connote?


Answer: d. that Leila is shocked at what the driver of the convertible did


Incredulous in this scenario refers to shock. In this instance, it means that the actions of the driver of the convertible in stopping just to yell at someone else was a shocking sight to Leila.

Other examples of sentences with the word "incredulous" are:

- I stared at him incredulously as he lied to my face

- Haile Selassie was incredulous when the coup against him began.

Help asap thank you!


its awnswer c Explanation:

Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a writer gives a subtle hint of what is to come later in the story. Can you identify an example of foreshadowing from the beginning of “The Monkey’s Paw” that suggests making wishes on the paw will lead to tragedy?



The Sergeant Major who gave Mr. White and his wife the talisman warned them about previous owners who befell bad fates. The first man in possession of the talisman wished for death, though the Sergeant did not say exactly if it came true or not. However, he advised them to throw the paw into an open fire and get rid of it. On page 171, he states he threw it into the fire and that if the couple decides to keep the paw, to not blame him for what may happen.


A novel usually presents
O a protagonist and a few other characters
O no round characters
O several major characters



the first question is right

Flying cars.....more popular in the future. ( be)
The next train ......... at 9 a.m . ( leave)



Will be

Shall leave



flying cars will certainly be more popular in the future , the next train is leaving at 9am

A noun clause is a subordinate clause that is used as a noun. A noun clause may be used as a subject, a direct object, an object of a preposition, or a predicate nominative. A noun clause usually begins with one of these words: how, that, what, Whatever, when. Where. which, whichever, wito, whom, whoever, whose, why. Which sentence contains a noun clause? You may take whichever puppy you want. B] I like to exercise soon after get up each morning, The room became cold quickly after the power went out Since the car was in the shop: we had to ride the train.​


Yeah why do I need you

What excuse does the Nurse give Juliet for not giving Juliet the message from
Romeo in Act 2 scene five of Romeo and Juliet?
A. She is afraid that Juliet will not like the message.
B. She misplaced the message.
C. She does not want Romeo and Juliet to marry.
OD. She is out of breath.


Answer: D


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Luisa is flying from Dallas to New York to visit her cousin. Her carry-on bag weighs 39.4 lbs. However, there is a weight restriction of 18 kg per bag. Will she be permitted to bring her bag on the plane? how much water was retained by soil C WILL MARK BRAINLIEST IF CORRECT From this list of roots, choose good descriptions for the plants and animals you are naming.a seaweed with long, thin leaves (Select 2 words.)canto (to sing)mare (sea)herba (grass)penna (feather)fervo (to glow or burn)brevis (small)solus (alone)magnus (large)flos (flower)Uceler (swift)avis (bird)clarus (loud)curso (to run to and fro)rotundus (ciraqua (water) Find the volume of each figure. Round your answers to the nearest tenth, if necessary Please help ME ASAP!!Please explain the answer !20 Point! Please help me find the surface area! How do I do this?pls help someone i need to understand it for a important test tomorrow What measures should the government implement in order to alleviate the effects of markat failures ? Is the expression \left(5 \times 2\right)^x(52) x always equal to the expression 10^x10 x ? Explain your answer. 36x+3=63 How to do it Determine whether the system of linear equations has one and only one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solution. 5x 6y = 4 10x 12y = 8 one and only one solution infinitely many solutions no solution Correct: Your answer is correct. Find the solution, if one exists. (If there are infinitely many solutions, express x and y in terms of the parameter t. If there is no solution, enter NO SOLUTION.) (x, y) = Question 11(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(04.01 LC)George Washington tried but failed to convince Americans to avoidO getting involved with political partiesisolating the nation from international relationssetting term limits for the presidentusing slaves in farms and in factories The Abolition of Man by CS LewisNEED BY TONIGHT!!! OR BY MORNING!!! The moving bicycle moves for sometime even after stopping the paddling.why explain briefly what a 'disiocated bone" is. help me please. who ever answers gets brainliest HELP ASAP PLEASE!!!!! what is the factorization of the polynomial below -x^2-2x+48 The number of joules required to heat one gram of a substance one degree Celsius is _____.endothermictemperatureexothermicspecific heat capacity Which of these is TRUE of the United States Senate?es )A)filibusters are not allowedB)members serve two year termsC)there are no limits on debateD)the Speaker is chosen by the majorityBranches of GovSaatiodules/questions/qq.php?testid=11698assign..