Your friends introduce you to Jane, who they have described as creative, intelligent, and very detail-oriented. After meeting Jane, your friends ask you to guess whether Jane works as an artist or as a cashier. You guess that Jane is an artist. Your response was most likely due to your use of


Answer 1


the availability heuristic

Related Questions

All of the following are characteristics of marble cake federalism EXCEPT Group of answer choices there is greater cooperation between the federal and state governments. the federal government becomes more intrusive in state affairs. there is a greater sharing of responsibilities between federal and state levels. the national government exercised its power independently from the state governments. there are mingled responsibilities and blurred distinctions between the levels of government.



The national government exercises its power independently from state government


Federal Government

This is a type of government commonly known. It is a system that lies between the unitary and Confederate forms of government (simply called hybrid). In this system of government, authority is divided between a central government and regional, or sub-divisional governments (that is federal, State and Local)

Advantages of Federal Government

1. Diversity and Experimentation in policy

2.Provided a more considered and viable policy outcome

3. Consider the different ethnic or cultural groupings

4. Encourages public participation in governance.

Types of federalism models

1. Layer cake (dual federalism): This is known as a separate and distinct areas of authority between national, state, and local government. It is simply known as dual federalism where responsibilities of national government and state government are clearly separated

2. Marble cake (cooperative federalism):

In this type of federalism, governmental responsibilities are, at most times swirled or mixed together and there are no distinct layers of responsibility. That is as a cooperative federalism, it is when national policies, state policies, and local policies are intertwined in many areas.

3. Picket fence (creative federalism): This is a close fiscal relations among different levels of governments

what are the difference between a class rule and a constitution​


class rule are the rule which govern the class while a constitution is a set of rules which aim at govern the country


class rule is the rules that are meant for the class only while

constitution is the rules and regulations,law and principle by which a country is governed

discuss the importance of federalism in nepal
Someone please help me its kinda urgent​


Answer: Federalism is the division of the country into different provinces and States. It's importances in Nepal are;1) It is important to carry out administrative works and public services smoothly and effectively.

2) To maintain close relation between the state and its people.

3) To utilize local means and resources.

4) To increase public participation in government activities.

5) Not to depend upon centre for everything.

6) For the decentralization of power.

7) To maintain balanced population distribution.

Hope this helps you alot.Also mark as brainlist (θ‿θ)

meaning of Dentology​


Deontology is defined as an ethical theory that the morality of an action should be based on whether that action itself is right or wrong under a series of rules, rather than based on the consequences of the action. An example of deontology is the belief that killing someone is wrong, even if it was in self-defense.

Hope that helps! :)

how can picnics can be part of social harmony?​


During a picnic people learn to accept and understand others, by sharing food they promote the concept of "teamwork", that is where each individual contributes towards the overall requirement of the group. This promotes social harmony.


Yes, Picnics can promote social harmony

Jill has been brought into the hospital. She does not speak and remains standing in an awkward stance for hours. When the doctor moved her arm above her head, she remained in that position for over an hour.



Jill broken ?hands


It is not possible to give Jill a particular diagnosis based on the information given. The actions and symptoms listed could be indicators of several illnesses or disorders.

To arrive at an appropriate diagnosis, a complete examination by a medical specialist, such as a psychiatrist or neurologist, is necessary. However, based on the above symptoms, the following are some scenarios that might be taken into account:

The mental disease known as catatonia is marked by atypical motions, inflexible postures, and peculiar behaviors. It's possible that Jill's description of spending hours in an uncomfortable posture and holding herself in one place would be compatible with catatonic symptoms.

Dissociative Disorder: The existence of dissociative symptoms, such as being silent for extended periods and adopting a fixed posture, may point to the presence of a dissociative disorder. Disruptions in consciousness, memory, identity, or perception are symptoms of dissociative disorders.

Psychotic Disorder: The fact that Jill was described as getting angry, talking nonstop, shouting constantly, and acting violently during a previous episode suggests that she may be suffering from a psychotic disorder. Agitation, disordered conduct, and changed reality perception can occur with psychotic diseases like schizophrenia.

To learn more about Dissociative Disorder link is here


The complete question is:

Jill has been brought into the hospital. She does not speak and remains standing in an awkward stance for hours. When the doctor moved her arm above her head, she remained in that position for over an hour. Her family reported to the doctor that she had been hospitalized before for this condition and on one occasion Jill became very agitated, jumped, talked, and shouted continuously. In this state, she was very violent.

What is the diagnosis for Jill?

what is the difference between skilled manpower and unskilled manpower​



The short answer to your question is, if a person does their job well, they are skilled, if they don’t, they are unskilled.

Scotty is furious because the Enterprise warp drive is not working after he
spent all day fixing it. When Captain Kirk calls Scotty to ask when the warp.
drive will be ready, Scotty yells at him. If the Captain assumes that Scotty is
yelling because he's just a cranky mechanic who has problems with authority,
then the Captain is making a _____.



behavioral assumption


The theory of behavioral assumption imply that, In contrast to internal activities such as thinking, behaviorism is primarily concerned with observable behavior. Behavior is the consequence of sensory stimuli interactions (i.e., every behavior, no mind how complicated, can be simplified to a few fundamental stimulus–response characteristics).

how people's power similar to government 'S power? how are they different?​



Both uses large number of people.


The people's power is similar to government's power because both use the power of their large number. People shows their power in the form of crowd whereas the government shows its power through the use of armed forces in large number, while on the other hand, the people's power is different to government's power because the people use power for gaining their rights from the government whereas the government use their power to imposed laws on the people.

Which of the following is true regarding resolutions? A concurrent resolution is the mechanism used to propose amendments to the Texas Constitution. A simple resolution is a formal statement of opinion and does not require the signature of the governor. "A joint resolution requires the signature of the governor, while a simple resolution does not." All of these answers are correct.


Answer: A simple resolution is a formal statement of opinion and does not require the signature of the governor.


Simple Resolutions do not require the signature of the governor and are mostly used to change rules of procedure or expressing congratulations or condolences.

A concurrent resolution is not meant to propose amendments to the Texas Constitution, but to offer a memorial, congratulations, a welcome, or a request for a different governmental body.

A joint resolution does not require the signature of the governor.

is the largest waterfowl sanctuary in South Africa ​



Amazon River, Portuguese Rio Amazonas, Spanish Río Amazonas, also called Río Marañón and Rio Solimões, the greatest river of South America and the largest drainage system in the world in terms of the volume of its flow and the area of its basin.

la economia extractiva enriquece la cultura de colombia?, por qué?


Colombia tiene una próspera economía de mercado basada principalmente en petróleo, minería, agricultura y manufactura. El crecimiento durante la última década ha sido un sólido 4,7 por ciento. Entonces, gracias a estos beneficios, la economía extractiva enriqueció la cultura de Colombia.

name the province of Nepal that does not include the land of the terai region​



province 2


because province no 2 is in southeneast region of nepal

that was formed after the construction of Nepal .


A researcher is conducting a longitudinal study on how age affects the learning of a new language. In this study, age is a factor that differs for each participant. The learning capacity of each participant also differs based on his or her age. In this context, age and learning capacity are both measurable traits that are likely to differ from one time to another. Therefore, age and learning capacity are examples of __________.



This question lacks options, options are:

a. hypotheses

b. variables

c. principles

d. theories.  

The correct answer is b.


The variables in a study are the characteristics and quantitative or qualitative properties of an object or phenomenon that acquire different values, that is, they vary with respect to the observation units. The variables are the concepts that form statements of a particular type called hypothesis. The independent variable is the phenomenon that will be evaluated for its ability to influence, influence or affect other variables. Dependent variables are properties or characteristics that you try to change by manipulating the independent variable. The dependent variables are the ones that are measured.

what are the social economic aspect of hdi?



The Human Development Index (HDI) is a statistical measure (composite index) developed by the United Nations to assess the social and economic development. It of countries around the world. The HDI considers three indicators of human development, namely, life expectancy, education, and per capita income.


how is nitrogen cycle important in human ways



Nitrogen is important in our lives because it contains proteins and nucleic acids that are essential for many forms of life. Nitrogen is a key nutrient for plants that if not managed carefully, can lead to serious environmental problems.


The practice of physiognomy, as well as that of phrenology, have been summarily discredited by modern scientific research. As it turns out, the bumps on a person's head and one's facial characteristics give virtually no information about their personality characteristics. This is an important reminder of the importance of the critical thinking principle of Group of answer choices





Karl Popper came up with the Falsification Principle that focuses on the falsifying a scientific theory. According to this theory, a scientific method when is proven false, it can be considered to be a scientific and logical. No scientific theory can be universally uniform. There needs to be an exception that would turn the theory to be false. Popper was of the opinion that the rule of science is not just inclined to support the theory, but also to disprove certain theory.

Terangkan jenis-jenis hasil cukai kerajaan.​





Huh? Not sure what to do here lol

.Ravi applied a force of 10 N and moved a book 3 m in the direction of the force. How much was the work done by Ravi? *



here's the answer to your question

The term flack ______. Group of answer choices is a derogatory term coined by PR professionals to describe their clients is a derogatory term coined by journalists to describe PR agents None of the options is correct. is a derogatory term coined by PR professionals to describe journalists is a derogatory term coined by journalists to describe the people that PR agents protect



coined by journalists to describe PR agents


Thats is the answer for your questions

dose fiji comes under tropical region​


Comprising over 300 Islands lying wholly within the tropical south west Pacific Ocean,Fiji enjoys a tropical maritime climate without a great extreme of heat or cold.

Édgar quiere escribirle una carta a Cori para expresarle asertivamente lo que siente, piensa y desea. Si tú estuvieras en el lugar de Édgar, ¿qué le dirías a Cori?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Esta sería mi ejemplo de carta.

Hola Cori,

Te he escrito esta pequeña carta porque quiero compartir contigo algunos sentimientos que me cuesta trabajo decirte en persona.

Dirás que soy tímido. Más bien creo que a través de la palabra escrito me puedo mejor expresar mejor.

Déjame decirte, primero que nada, que siento un gran afecto por ti. Cada vez que estanos juntos siento una gran tranquilidad y eso me agrada. Pienso que este sentimiento es recíproco, ya que tu te muestras muy amable y abierta a escucharme y a pasar tiempo juntos platicando de muchas cosas.

Si no me equivoco, y es correcto lo que siento y pienso, quisiera preguntarte si tú sientes lo mismo. No me gustaría que te sintieras incómodo ante mi presencia, cuando yo creo que te agrada que pasemos tiempo juntos.

Deseo, en verdad, seguirte conociendo y formar una bonita amistad. Quiero que tú cuentes conmigo para lo que sea y que yo pueda contar contigo, de igual manera.

Mañana nos volveremos a ver en la escuela, y cuando tengamos un descanso entre clases podemos platicar sobre lo que te estoy comentado.

Mientras tanto, cuídate.

Te mando un abrazo.

Con cariño,


has decided to sign up for a psychology experiment at her college, and she is somewhat nervous about going into the laboratory. But Aislin can rest assured that the study has been approved by a review board, and that the psychologists running the study follow the guidelines of professional organizations, which ensure the _____ of research participants.



wellbeing (or a similar word)


Essentially, these guidelines are there to protect the participants from harm/distress. Therefore, they are safeguarding the wellbeing of the participants.

A thief sold some stolen goods to a dealer. Several weeks later, the police raided the dealer's store and arrested him. In this raid, the police seized the goods the thief sold to the dealer and a record book in which the dealer had recorded this transaction. However, at the dealer's subsequent trial for receiving stolen goods, the charges against him were dismissed when the court ruled that the search warrant had been improperly issued.
The police were able to trace the stolen goods to the thief because of fingerprint identification and the information contained in the dealer's record book.
At his trial, the thief made a motion to suppress the stolen goods and record book.
What should the judge do?


Yes I can get it on ur phone if you don’t wanna see ur pics

Ritual is a part of the identity of a community and needs to be preserved. What should be done to preserve such rituals of the community?​



: The things that should be done to preserve rituals of the community is by knowing the importance of it and respecting our culture and tradition.

write a paragraph about curruption​



There are many scams that are not included in the public eye but have impacted a lot. They are known as Corruption. Corruption is an act of treachery that has rarely left anyone or any place. From Hospitals to corporations and governments, nothing and no one is immune from Corruption. Corruption starts from the higher levels and moves down to the lower levels rapidly, forming an atmosphere of less hard work and cheated results. Corruption cannot prevent the degradation of their morals or values, and it increases the same. None of us can even imagine the amount of money that goes into their accounts for personal accumulations. Corruption is now a bug that is insidious inside every Department and arena of the government. Corruption has now crippled our economy, and our functions have gone haywire due to it.


1. How do JT and JTA help in farming? Write in your own words and present in the class. ​



TA's = Test the soil and advise the farmers what crops they should grow and how . JT's = : Provide door to door technical service to farmers. Monitor, track and report the animal health and status to technical officer regularly.


how does a society provide suitable social environment for all round development of an individual .write in any Four Points​



An individual learns social norms, values and ideology from society

Society teaches an individual social skills and basic knowledge to live

It helps to develop social attitude in an individual to become a good person

It helps in personality development of an individual by accomplishing social obligations

"Fear is the experience of a present state of affairs that the soul does not wish".
What in this sentence is true and what is false? Why?


Answer: What is true in the sentence is that the soul doesn't find fear enjoyable


What is true in the sentence is that the soul doesn't find fear enjoyable. The soul would not want it's fear to become a reality but rather let it not happen, and would do everything possible to avert the event from occuring.

What is false about the statement is that has happened in the present state. If it has happened, then nothing is to be feared, it is feared because it is het to happen and until it happen, it remains fear but afterwards it isn't.

George and Finn have been friends for the past 12 years. They met in college and now live in the same neighborhood. Both regularly share their problems with and seek advice from each other. Both have toddlers and often share their experiences of fatherhood as well. In this scenario, George and Finn form a(n) __________. Group of answer choices



In this scenario, George and Finn form a(n) primary group.


Primary groups are relatively small social groups; where the interaction between members is personal and lasting. Members generally bond emotionally and exchange psycho-affectively. The first group that the person integrates are the primary groups, such as the family group, which is the main primary group, which arises involuntarily. Other important primary groups may include school friends, who transcend the formal and utilitarian bond established in institutions and extend into a closer and more enduring relationship.

George and Finn form a primary group, having been friends for 12 years and sharing their experiences, problems and seeking advice from each other.

What is a primary group?

They are groups of individuals where there is lasting social interaction and are integrated in an affective and emotional sense, such as family groups, groups of friends and religious.

Therefore, primary groups have a relevant impact on the socialization of individuals and are one of the most important that transcend formal integration.

Find out more about socialization here:

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