Computers and Technology

Book information (overriding member functions) Given main() and a base Book class, define a derived class called Encyclopedia. Within the derived Encyclopedia class, define a PrintInfo() function that overrides the Book class' PrintInfo() function by printing not only the title, author, publisher, and publication date, but also the edition and number of volumes. Ex. If the input is: The Hobbit J. R. R. Tolkien George Allen & Unwin 21 September 1937 The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Universe James W. Guthrie Watson-Guptill 2001 2nd 1 the output is: Book Information: Book Title: The Hobbit Author: J. R. R. Tolkien Publisher: George Allen & Unwin Publication Date: 21 September 1937 Book Information: Book Title: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Universe the output is: Book Information: Book Title: The Hobbit Author: J. R. R. Tolkien Publisher: George Allen & Unwin Publication Date: 21 September 1937 Book Information: Book Title: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Universe Author: James W. Guthrie Publisher: Watson-Guptill Publication Date: 2001 Edition: 2nd Number of Volumes: 1 Note: Indentations use 3 spaces. LAB ACTIVITY 11.14.1: LAB: Book information (overriding member functions) File is marked as read only Current file: main.cpp cin >> numVolumes; main.cpp Book.h 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 myBook. SetTitle(title); myBook. SetAuthor(author); myBook. SetPublisher(publisher); myBook.SetPublicationDate(publicationDate); myBook.PrintInfo(); Book.cpp Encyclopedia.h myEncyclopedia. SetTitle(eTitle); myEncyclopedia. SetAuthor(eAuthor); myEncyclopedia. SetPublisher(ePublisher); myEncyclopedia. SetPublicationDate(ePublicationDate); Encyclopedia.cpp