
By now it was dawn, but the light was still dim and faint. The buildings round uswere already tottering [swaying]. . . . This finally decided us to leave the town. Oncebeyond the buildings we stopped, and there we had some . . . experiences whichthoroughly [totally] alarmed us. The carriages . . . began to run in different directionsthough the ground was quite level. . . . We also saw the sea sucked away andapparently forced back by the earthquake: at any rate it receded [moved back] fromthe shore so that quantities of sea creatures were left stranded on dry sand. On thelandward side a fearful black cloud was rent [split] by forked and quivering bursts offlame, and parted to reveal great tongues of fire, like flashes of lightning magnified[increased] in size.Pliny the Younger, The Letters of the Younger Pliny_______ 11. Refer to the passage on the previous page. Why did the speaker and his groupdecide to leave town?A. The buildings were swaying.B. The light was dim.C. The lightning was dangerous.D. It was near dawn._______ 12. According to the passage on the previous page, what is the most likely reasonthe carriages started to run in different directions?A. Each was headed to a different town.B. The earth was level.C. The horses were scared.D. The wheels were melting._______ 13. Although the passage on the previous page is really about the eruption ofMount Vesuvius, why do you think much of it describes an earthquake?A. Earthquakes and volcanoes are the same.B. Pliny mistook what he was witnessing.C. Pliny had never seen an earthquake before.D. Earthquakes often occur before or during volcanic eruptions._______ 14. According to the passage on the previous page, why were sea creaturesstranded on the dry sand?A. The sea moved back suddenly from the shore.B. They were dead.C. They were moving away from the volcano.D. They were natural land animals too._______ 15. The great tongues of fire mentioned in the passage on the previous pageprobably refer toA. burning carriages.B. burning mountain grasses.C. spurts of lava.D. the sunrise. Please Answer ASAP