Randwick Medical Centre provides wide range of hospital services. The hospitals board of directors has recently authorized the following capital expenditure:TshsNeonatal care equipment900,000CT scanner 800,000X-ray equipment650,000Laboratory equipment1,450,000Total3,800,000The expenditures are planned for 1st October 2018, and board wishes to know the amount of borrowing, if any on that date. Jesusson the management accountant has gathered the following information to be used in preparing an analysis of future cash flows:Billings for the first six months of 2018 made in the month of service are as follows;MonthActual Amount (Tshs)January 4,400,000February 4,400,000March4,500,000April 4,500,000May 5,000,000June 5,000,000July 4,500,000August5,000,000September 5,500,000October5,700,000November 5,800,000December 5,500,00080% of the hospitals billing are made to health insurance fund (NHIF) the remaining 20% of billing are made directly to patients. Historical patterns of billing receipts are presented below:NHIF billing (%)Direct patient billing (%)During month of service 5020During month following service2040During second month following service2030Uncollectable1010The planned purchases for 2018 are presented in the following schedule:Month Amount (Tshs)April 1,100,000May1,200,000June1,200,000July1,250,000August 1,500,000September1,850,000October1,950,000November2,250,000December1,750,000Additional information:All purchases are on credit, and account payable are paid in the month following the purchaseSalaries expected to be Tshs 1,500,000 each month and are paid in the month of service.The hospitals monthly depreciation charges are Tshs 125,000Interest expenses of Tshs 150,000 are incurred on the last day of each quarter ( 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December.Investment income is expected to continue at the rate of Tshs 175,000 per month.The hospital has a cash balance of Tshs 300,000 on 1st July 2018 and has a policy to maintaining a minimum end of month cash balance of 10% of current month purchases.The hospital uses a calendar year reporting period.RequiredPrepare a cash budget for the last two quarter of 2018 (July to December).
I'm so sorry I know this is long but can someone please help me with this?I would be forever gratefulJohn is a 35-year-old male (he/him) administrative assistant who enjoys playing baseball on weekends. During one of their games, John began running from first to second base. As he pushed off to start running, John heard a pop and felt a sharp pain in his right calf as though he had just been kicked in the back of his leg. John fell to the ground and experienced significant pain when putting weight on his right leg. John tried to walk but had to be carried off the field and was taken to the emergency department. At the hospital, it was noted that John had significant swelling at the back of his right leg, had a palpable and visible deformity in the distal calf, and was only able to put small amounts of weight on his right leg. The emergency doctor squeezed the back of Johns right calf and noticed that the ankle would not plantarflex. An x-ray and blood work were ordered which came back without any significant findings.Case Study Questions:1. Explain the possible anatomical structures that were affected by the injury and how each relates to Johns presenting symptoms and test results2. Identify and explain three differential diagnoses (diseases or conditions that present similar signs and symptoms that could possibly account for the patient's symptoms) with appropriate justifications. After describing your three differential diagnoses, indicate the most likely diagnosis based on your analysis and provide rationale and support for your selection. 3. From an anatomy point of view:a) Propose a management plan for the most likely diagnosis. This should include the treatment options you would implement given your patient's presenting symptoms. You should provide short- and long-term goals for the patient and a timeline on when you would implement each treatment. There may be several possible treatments you could prescribe to your patient. Include support, justification, and evidence for your prescribed treatment(s) and management plan. b) Explain the effects of your management plan for your patient's condition. From the management plan you've proposed, what effects will each treatment have on the patient's anatomy? Include any positive and negative effects this plan may have on the patient.