03.02 Lesson Summary and Assessment
What Do I Have to Do?
An illustration of Moctezuma II, the Aztec ruler at the time of the Spanish conquest of Mesoamerica.
Moctezuma II’s Aztecs were a fierce and powerful culture with many great achievements.
© Palazzo Pitti / Florence / Italy / Bridgeman Art Library / Universal Images Group / Image Quest 2016
The Aztecs were a fierce and powerful culture in ancient times. They made many important strides in art, religion, and medicine as a thriving culture. Their economic tribute system helped to support military operations. The tributes also helped rulers and leaders to stay wealthy. However, the Aztec empire did not last forever. The empire fell in the early part of the 16th century.

Task: You will create a storybook about the origin, growth, and fall of the ancient Aztec culture. The storybook will have five sections and should be written like you are telling a story from start to finish. It is up to you to decide what five aspects of Aztec history you will present in your story. However, it is important that you remember to tell about the origin, growth, and fall of the Aztecs. Each section of the story must also have an image that goes along with it.

Audience: Imagine that you are making this book to read to a group of fourth graders and the goal of the book is to teach them about the rise and the fall of the Aztecs.


Your storybook must have five sections. Each section should explain a unique part of the Aztec story.
Your storybook must specifically tell about their origins, how the civilization expanded, and what factors led to their collapse.
On eac


Answer 1


The life of an Aztec.

Who are the Aztec?

The Aztec were very industrious. Like the Ancient Egyptians, the Aztecs were also great builders. They built pyramids and temples. The temples were where the sacrifices were held. The person was taken to the top of the temple and sacrificed there. It was believed that the height of the temple made them closer to their Gods. Housing varied on your social status. The Emperor lived in a lavished two-story house. While the general public lived in adobe houses. Can you believe that the Aztecs had steam rooms? They had a special room where the walls were heated by fire. When the wall was hot, they would throw water on it which created steam. They thought it was good for their health. The same holds true for today.

The Aztecs were a small and nomadic tribe. They traveled northwestern Mexico. Then in 1116 CE, Huitzilopochtli the God of War and the Sun told the tribe to move south. The God said to look for their new home, it will have a sign. The sign will be a eagle sitting on a cactus eating a snake. 100 years went by, and they still haven't found the sign. Until one day when they were in the Valley of Mexico, the priest found the sign! The sign was in the middle of a shallow lake. The lake is called Texcoco. But it was already inhabited by other tribes. The other tribes were not willing to share the land, the only place left was a swampy area. But the Aztecs were willing to make it their home.

And finally...

There were multiple reasons that led to the down fall of the Aztecs. It is believed that when Hernando Cortes discovered the Aztecs in 1519 CE, he brought disease with him. Because the Aztecs had never been exposed to these diseases they had no immunity. Small pox was thought to wipe out 70% of the population. There was also a slaughter by the spanish soldiers. There are still ancestors living in Mexico and in the surrounding areas. Over all the Aztecs had a quick accession and even quicker down fall.

Spanish explorer

Hernando Cortes.

Making it their home.

The Gods.

The Aztecs practiced polytheism. Polytheism is a belief in many gods. Their main God is Huitzilopochtli. He is the God that helped them find their home. The Aztecs believed in human sacrifices, that it made the Gods happy and it allowed them to stay alive. The sacrifices were done by taking a persons heart out while they were still alive. They would kill women and men, girls and boys. Including members of their own tribe.

The hard working Aztecs made the best of their swampy home. They called their new home Tenochtitlan. They built canoes and other things and other things that could be used for hunting and fishing. They also built Chinampa which are floating gardens. Aztecs used these to grow their food. The Aztecs grew maize, beans, and other food items. It is thought the Chinampas contributed to 50% to 66% of the cities food.


This is Huitzilopochtli.

Taking over.

The Aztec population began to grow, it grew very quickly. They founded their capital city as Tenochtitlan in 1250 CE. As the population grew they spread to the Gulf of Mexico and to the Pacific Ocean. The Aztecs are known for war. They would invade other cities and take it over and whoever survived had to pay tributes. A tribute is a tax. Sometimes, they married into other tribes and got their land that way. Not only would they take their land, but they would take anything else they needed or wanted. Like building materials or any valuables. They also took slaves.


Answer 2



The Aztecs, who probably originated as a nomadic tribe in northern Mexico, arrived in Mesoamerica around the beginning of the 13th century. From their magnificent capital city, Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs emerged as the dominant force in central Mexico, developing an intricate social, political, religious and commercial organization that brought many of the region’s city-states under their control by the 15th century. Invaders led by the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés overthrew the Aztec Empire by force and captured Tenochtitlan in 1521, bringing an end to Mesoamerica’s last great native civilization.

The exact origins of the Aztec people are uncertain, but they are believed to have begun as a northern tribe of hunter-gatherers whose name came from their homeland Aztlan, or “White Land” in the Aztec language of Nahuatl.

The Aztecs were also known as the Tenochca (from which the name for their capital city, Tenochtitlan, was derived) or the Mexica (the origin of the name of the city that would replace Tenochtitlan, as well as the name for the entire country).

The Aztecs appeared in Mesoamerica–as the south-central region of pre-Columbian Mexico is known–in the early 13th century. Their arrival came just after, or perhaps helped bring about, the fall of the previously dominant Mesoamerican civilization, the Toltecs.

When the Aztecs saw an eagle perched on a cactus on the marshy land near the southwest border of Lake Texcoco, they took it as a sign to build their settlement there. They drained the swampy land, constructed artificial islands on which they could plant gardens and established the foundations of their capital city, Tenochtitlán, in 1325 A.D.

(hope this helps)

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the Supreme Court
the Department of Defense
the House of Representatives
the Federal Dire



b) the Department of Defense

Describing You are a historian studying Egyptian religion. Describe the elements of Egyptian religion on the scrolls below.

Gods & Goddesses Afterlife


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Ancient Egypt was a mystical and religious nation. The life of ancient Egypt depended on religion and their relationship with their many deities.

RA was the supreme God. It was the Sun God, and every Egyptian pharaoh was thought to be its representative on Earth. That is why the pharaoh was honored and worshiped.

Every Egyptian pharaoh built monuments, temples, and impressive buildings to tell its deeds on the battlefield and to show the next generation it's accomplishments.

Egyptians had many Gods as was the case of Osiris, Isis, Horus, Seth, Hathor Anubis, among many others.

The concept of the afterlife was very important for Egyptians. In the case of the pharaoh, that is why he was mummified after his death, trying to preserve his body during his trip into the afterlife. The pharaoh ordered to bury him with all his richness and belongings he could need in the afterlife.

Which sentence best completes the diagram?
A central bank increases the
interest rate on reserves.
A. Banks are more likely to loan money to businesses.
B. Banks are more likely to purchase treasury securities.
C. Banks are more likely to hold money in reserve.
D. Banks are more likely to hire new employees.



C. Banks are more likely to hold money in reserve.



Which of the following survived the French Revolution?

Estates System
The Catholic Church
Louis XVI



B the catholic church


Being French effectively meant being Catholic.  Yet, by 1794, France's churches and religious orders were closed down and religious worship suppressed.

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they were allowed to rule for 600 years

A) The chapter revolves around the further development of the idea of republicanism in American society during the early nineteenth century. Explain the origins of this belief and how this idea influenced or revealed itself in TWO of the following areas during this period:

The economy
Social structures

B) Explain how republicanism in one of the above areas caused significant challenges to traditional beliefs or practices, or represented a major change.



A. The idea of republicanism started with the founding fathers in the 18th century. This idea of republicanism was not really just a type of government but also a way of living and a rejection to aristocracy.The first way this could be seen was throughout the social structures. Now there was the idea of Republican Motherhood which placed emphasis on encouraging women to teach republican values to children, since they were the ones that would shape America's moral and intellectual character. Secondly, it could be seen in religion.  State support for religion declined after Independence and there was more demand for freedom of religion. Some Churches adopted Republican systems of control and many Americans joined churches that promoted spiritual equality.

B. The idea of republicanism had a big impact on social structures. Now the rights of women and their role in education increased. They were now valued more since they were raising the next Generations with the Republican point of view. Since women were believed to be the ones that had to teach the children they were permitted to receive more of an education than they had been previously allowed.



A. The idea of republicanism started with the founding fathers in the 18th century. This idea of republicanism was not really just a type of government but also a way of living and a rejection to aristocracy.

B. The idea of republicanism had a big impact on social structures. Now the rights of women and their role in education increased. They were now valued more since they were raising the next Generations with the Republican point of view.

What is republicanism ?

Republicanism is a political philosophy that places a strong emphasis on belonging to a republican state. It emphasizes the concept of self-rule throughout history and encompasses everything from popular sovereignty to the rule of a representative minority or oligarchy.

Depending on the historical setting and methodological approach, it has undergone several definitions and interpretations that greatly vary from one another.

To know more about sovereignty



Who were friars?

Members of the clergy who lead the dioceses

Germanic tribes who conquered parts of Rome

Church members who did not minister or lead

Monks who traveled abroad and preached



monks who traveled abroad and preached


As a result of Union and Confederate casualties during the Battle of Gettysburg,
both armies could no longer wage war effectively.
Lee's army was weakened for the rest of the war.
the Confederate army decided to surrender.
the Union army decided to surrender.


As a result of Union and Confederate casualties during the Battle of Gettysburg, Lee's army was weakened for the rest of the war.

The Battle of Gettysburg is considered to be one of the fiercest wars in American history because of its tremendous casualties on both sides. Confederates suffered about 28,063 dead. The Union won the battle, which created serious damage for Lee's army and the South to gain independence.

Therefore we can conclude that the Battle of Gettysburg weakened Lee's army.

Thus option B. is the correct answer.

Learn more about "the Battle of Gettysburg" here:



the answer is B


im the all knowing edge student. i just know.

Answer please!!! Answer





What is meaning of life



to suffer


From 1500 to 1750, European states incorporated the Americas into their desire for vast empires that
could provide great wealth to the mother country.

Develop an argument that evaluates both similarities and differences in the significance of the trade of
silver and the significance of the trade of furs as facets of the European creation of worldwide, maritime empires from 1500 to 1750.



Silver was more important in the Spanish and Portuguese Americas, where there were several large mines where thousands of tonnes of silver were extracted for over two centuries. Two particular regions to highlight are Potosi, in Bolivia, and the state of Minas Gerais, in Brazil.

Fur trade was more important for the French and English colonists in North America, especially for the first. In fact, most of the first French colonizers, in what is now Quebec, but also in some other areas, where fur traders, and to develop that economic activity, they kept important political and economic relations with the Native Americans.

why did three authors Edward Bellamy, Henery George, and Thorsteun Velblen have in common?​



[tex]they \: all \: said \: that \: economic \: inequality \: was \: decreasing}[/tex]

They were much more fond of the ideas of the socialism, and they thought that the socialism will create a much more equal and fair environment for the development and well being of everyone. What did the three authors edward bellamy, henry george, and thorstein veblen have in common?
a. they all said that economic inequality was decreasing.
b. they all believed that the industrial age was bad for america.
c. they all felt that urban life was an improvement over rural life.
d. they all criticized, but ultimately supported, capitalism.

How did the military innovation shown in this photograph affect the course of
World War 1



It helped transport large numbers of troops to the battlefield. It helped break the stalemate of trench warfare. It made communications with officers on the front lines possible.


Which term means to stay separate or not expand?







hope this answer helps..

Which of these groups was targeted for detainment and execution during the Holocaust? A. Aryans B. Fascists C. Homosexuals D. Imperialists





Fascists were targeted for detainment and execution during the Holocaust. Thus, option B is correct.

What was the Holocaust?

The systematic extermination of Jews in Europe by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War is known as the Holocaust. The Nazis' larger goals to establish a new global order based on their ideology included this strategy of targeted mass murder.

As soon as Hitler assumed power in 1933, the Nazis' campaign of anti-Jewish persecution got under way. They first utilised virulent propaganda, antisemitic laws, and limitations to foster a culture of hate and division. This victimisation strategy was used to separate Jews from the general community and persuade them to depart. In truth, the number of persons departing fluctuated since it was hard to locate someplace to go and it was expensive to do so.

Learn more about the Holocaust here:



Match the people with the definitions.

Question 8 options:

English philosopher endorsed the idea of having strong monarchs to keep peoples’ destructive nature in-check.

English philosopher that believed all men were born equal with inalienable natural rights. He felt the government was responsible for maintaining the right to liberty, property, and protection.

French philosopher that believed man was born free and entered a social contract, exchanging some freedoms for collective protection and safety.

Thomas Hobbes

John Locke

Jean-Jacques Rousseau



John Locke-French philosopher that believed man was born free and entered a social contract, exchanging some freedoms for collective protection and safety.

Thomas Hobbes-English philosopher that believed all men were born equal with inalienable natural rights. He felt the government was responsible for maintaining the right to liberty, property, and protection.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau-English philosopher endorsed the idea of having strong monarchs to keep peoples’ destructive nature in-check.

By winning the Battle of Hastings, William the Conqueror..

introduced the English language to Normandy.
spread the Roman Empire to England.
was crowned as king of England.
introduced democracy to England.



was crowned as king of England.






Give an example of how Catholicism dominated many aspects of life.



in today's society we would consider it to dominate governmental functions, such as law making/enforcement, military leadership, and granting ownership of land.


Please help! Will give Brainliest.


A 1;2;3

in the chinese alphabet / pronunciation to my extent of knowledge these numbers are very simular.

Who was known for large paintings of flowers and skyscrapers?
Ma Rainey
Edith Wharton
Georgia O'Keeffe
Zora Neale Hurston


the answer to your question is georgia o’keeffe


georgia o’keeffe


What were Vladimir Lenin's beliefs.


Answer: Vladimir Lenin wanted to end the Tsar’s Rule

Explanation: He founded the USSR, because he believed in communism. He also was against the suppression of the negative press against the tsars.

Answer: Leninism is a political ideology developed by Russian Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin that proposes the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, led by a revolutionary vanguard party, as the political prelude to the establishment of communism.


What is calligraphy? the art of writing words slowly and carefully in a decorative and creative way the art of using geometric designs of repeated shapes to decorate carpets and tiles an artistic dance style used by Sufis to help them experience Allah’s love an art form that incorporates domes, arches, and minarets into Islamic architecture



decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering.


Calligraphy is the art of using geometric designs of repeated shapes to decorate carpets and tiles. Thus, option (b) is correct.

The craft of creating attractive, stylized, or exquisite handwriting or letters is known as calligraphy. With a pen, ink brush, or other writing instrument, lettering is designed and created.

The definition of calligraphy, a visual writing-related art, is "the art of giving form of signs in an expressive, peaceful, and skillful manner." In the Middle East and East Asia, calligraphy is a significant artistic medium that is compared to sculpture and painting.

Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on calligraphy, here:



Thanksgiving was created in What year?



September 28th, 1789 is when Thanksgiving was created

Answer: the year 1621


Long Response: Please respond in 8-10 sentences.
24) How did the ideas of the Industrial Revolution change Europe during the nineteenth century
and how do those changes still impact our lives today in 2020?





The Industrial Revolution precipitated the world's second great increase in economic productivity. The first occurred 15,000-20,000 years ago during the Neolithic Revolution, when small communities became less nomadic and began to base their existence on animal husbandry and agriculture. The Industrial Revolution, which began in the mid-1700s and lasted into the mid-1800s, was similarly a revolutionary experience. It increased material wealth, extended life, and was a powerful force for social change. It undermined the centuries-old class structure in Europe and reorganized the economic and philosophical worldview of the West.

HOPE I HELPED  ON IG xvxrylol AMOS babyface.ant

What did most frees slaves do during the period ?


Freed people widely expected to legally claim 40 acres of land and a mule after the end of the war. Some freedmen took advantage of the order and took initiatives to acquire land plots along a strip of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida coasts.

If this is what your asking :)

tell whether each of the following is a rational or irrational if it is rational give the principal root.​



1. and 4. are rational

2,3 and 5 are irrational


Missing Part of the question:







Determine whether or not each of the above is rational

Numbers that can be represented as fractions of whole numbers are referred to as rational number. If otherwise, they're referred to as irrational numbers.

Using the above explanation, we'll answer the question as follows:


√1 = 1

This is Rational


√8 = 2.82842712475

The result of √8 is irrational because 2.82..... cannot be represented as fractions of integers.

The principal root of √8 is 2.83 (approximated)


√52 = 7.21110255093

The result of √52 is irrational because 7.211..... cannot be represented as fractions of integers.

The principal root of √52 is 7.21 (approximated)


√256 = 16

This is rational


√15 = 3.87298334621

The result of √15 is irrational because 3.87..... cannot be represented as fractions of integers.

The principal root of √15 is 3.87 (approximated)

Many small city-states developed in ancient Greece largely because __________.


Answer:the Greek peninsula is divided by mountains and inlets that separated people




The map shows the lands William conquered.

What was an effect of the battles fought throughout

England and Normandy?






O The Normans continued to control the area after

William's death.

The English were able to conquer Normandy after

King William's rule.

The English army attacked Normandy in response to

William's attack.

The Normans were unable to hold on to England

after the Battle of Hastings.


Normandy in 1066



Norman conquests, 1066-70 Channel

Under Norman control by 1100 Normandy N

William's invasion, 1066



William's campaigns, 1069-70


Mark this and return

Save and Exit





Claiming his right to the English throne, William, duke of Normandy, invades England at Pevensey on Britain’s southeast coast. His subsequent defeat of King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings marked the beginning of a new era in British history.


Which are two well-known Neolithic communities?


Jericho & Catal Hüyük

what was Andrew Jackson's response to the nullification crisis

A. He withdrew support for the "tariff of abominations" and things quieted down.

B. He came down strongly in favor of the union over state's rights

C. He sent troops to South Carolina to quell riots there



through a compromise achieved by Henry Clay.

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